Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 874: Goddess World

The appearance of Gu Jingman surprised Mo Wen, she actually participated in the battle of heaven. [燃 ^ 文 ^ 书库] [www]. [774] [buy]. []. ωχ520.

However, Mo Wen also saw that Gu Jingman was not easy at this time. The breath in her body made him feel a little palpitated, but after careful observation, there was no clue.

Is related to the inheritance of the blood god?

Mo Wen knew that Gu Jingman had the highest inheritance of the blood clan in Fusang Kingdom, which directly made her strengthened to a level comparable to that of the Jindan realm. At that time, the power of the physical body was much stronger than him.

Is only two or three months away now. Does she have reached the terrible point of palpitation by virtue of the inheritance of the blood god?

His feeling for Gu Jingman was far more profound than that of the simple monk. At least he could see some details of the monk, but in Gu Jingman, he could not see any depth.

"Are you ready to participate in the battle of the sky?" Mo asked.

Gu Jingman turned white and asked Mo, why did you also plan to participate? Does anyone stipulate that she can't participate in the Tianbang competition?

"Don't underestimate your sister, I came to the top of the sky list. In the next sky list competition, it is best not to let me meet you, otherwise you will be beaten." Gu Jingman snorted.

Mo asked this bastard, he didn't care about her at all, and she didn't even know her current ability.

"Hehe ..." Mo asked with a smirk. Without knowing Gu Jingman's depth, of course he would not say much. If he is not convinced now, he will be embarrassed if he is really beaten.

"Sister Yinru lives in Baixiu Tower and is with those who live in the ancient secret area. They are all preparing for the martial arts meeting. Do you, your suzerain, want to control your sect?"

The generous faction and the people of Ming Palace merged together before, and she followed them to the Dragon City. Everyone is busy, but only to ask the suzerain where he disappeared all day long.

"Wait for the Tianbang battle to end, I'll go find them. By the way, are there any people in the Ming Palace participating in the battle of the Three Rankings?" The battle of the Three Rankings can be contested by people from all major worlds. People can naturally participate.

"There is a person named Yin Banshuang who has reported a place list. No one else seems to have that ability." Gu Jingman didn't see any particularly outstanding young talents in the Ming Palace. The small inner world.

Next, Mo Wen continued to go through the registration assessment process. Until you get the qualification to participate in the battle of heaven.

With his ability, it is easy to pass the test of strength as soon as possible.


Is located at a high point in Wudou Arena, where two figures stand. Looking down on the fiery scene below.

Is none other than Guo Mengqiao and Qiu Tong.

"Don't Xiao Hanyan still mean to participate in the battle of the heavens?" Guo Mengqiao looked at the crowd below and said indifferently.

"None of them are showing up now, it should not be. The lunatic, I don't know where to practice again, with his character. Perhaps he disdains this kind of competition of the heavenly rankings." Qiu Tong shook his head. Xiao Hanyan, a person, has only cultivation. In order to hone himself, the long haunt appeared in some fiercely dangerous places. Wandering on the verge of life and death every day, has reached the point of madness.

"It's a pity, if he participates. I'm afraid there will be no one on the list that day." Guo Mengqiao sighed softly.

"That is, Xiao Hanyan is the only ten-star deacon in Wu Zongdian's history. It is said that he must be able to break through the shackles and reach the realm of immortality."

Qiu Tong's eyes flashed a hot glow, and he and Guo Mengqiao were nothing. Xiao Hanyan was the real first genius of Tianhua Palace, but there were not many people who knew Xiao Hanyan. Cultivation has almost reached the level of madness, and almost all the time is spent on cultivation.

It is said that in this international superpower contest, he has been tentatively selected as one of the contestants in China and is not more than fifty years old. Compared with those who are just a few hundred years old, he can be said to be young Is not ridiculous.

"Doesn't you have the confidence to take the first place in this day's controversy?"

Qiu Tong frowned and said that if Guo Mengqiao did not have the confidence to win the first place, he would not expect Xiao Hanyan to participate so much. The people of Tianhua Palace rarely participate in the battle of the sky list. Not attractive to Wu Zongdian.

But this time, it is a little special, which involves a secret. As a result, it attracted many young people from Wuzong Temple.

Guo Mengqiao's cultivation practice was only Wuzong's second realm, but he had the ability to fight against Wuzong's three realms. Even so, he still didn't have the confidence to win the top of the list!

"Do you know why the martial arts conference can only participate in the main space, but the major martial arts in the inner world can not register?" Guo Mengqiao looked at Qiu Tong.

"That's not the rule of Tianhua Palace. Perhaps because the warrior Zongmen of the main space lags behind the inner world, so Tianhua Palace intends to support them." Qiu Tong said in surprise, is there anything else he doesn't What do you know? It has been rumored in the outside world that in order to support the martial arts sect gate of the main space, the Tianhua palace only allows the martial arts sect gate of the main space to participate in the martial arts conference and obtain the treasures given by the Tianhua palace.

"You were wrong. A long time ago, when Tianhua Palace set the rules for the martial arts conference, the reason may make you a little unbelievable."

Guo Mengqiao looked far away and said lightly: "In those days, Tianhua Palace stipulated that only the martial sect gate of the main space can participate in the martial arts conference. That is because the martial sect gate of the inner world is too weak to be far inferior to that of the main space. However, in order to save the complicated screening process, Tianhua Palace stipulates that the martial arts gate of the inner world cannot participate in the martial arts conference because at that time, the martial arts gate of the inner world was almost impossible to win. The top ten position. "

"What! How is this possible!"

Qiu Tong's eyes widened sharply. Guo Mengqiao's words were almost unbelievable. Everyone knows that the warrior sect of the main space is not worth mentioning compared to the warrior sect of the inner world. When did this relationship reverse?

"That's a long time ago, so you don't know a lot of things. Later, there were some changes in the martial arts meeting, so the situation now appears."

Guo Mengqiao shook his head, Qiu Tong was a genius from the inner world, naturally it was difficult to believe such a thing.

"Even if you are right, why is the warrior in the main space weakened to this point now? Is it because a large number of warriors in the main space have migrated to the inner world?" Qiu Tong knows that there was a period of time when a large amount of main space The warrior Zongmen moved to the inner world, and this is also the condition of the Tianhua Palace's tacit approval. That migration did indeed reduce the main space of the warrior Zongmen, knowing that today, it is becoming more and more decaying.

"Where are the real powerhouses in the main space rarely moved to the inner world, Qiu Tong, some things you may not know, the main space is the origin of this world, but the most important place in the heavens and the world, even the Tianhua Palace The spirit world behind is also struggling to gain control of this side of the world. Have you never seen the devil, the demon world, and the underworld people fight for the inner world? "

"The preciousness of the main space can't be compared with the inner world, but there are too few people who can really benefit from the preciousness of the main space." Guo Mengqiao sighed. The main space has been lingering, but those people are still there. Do not let go of the competition for the main space, this situation continues, it will be a disaster.

"Although I know a little about what you said, I do n’t know much. This time the martial arts conference has been rumored that there are secret mysterious strongmen involved. Is it related to what you said? You are so confident, I am afraid it is because of this. ? "

Qiu Tong shook his head, he was far inferior to Guo Mengqiao. Because the grandfather of Guo Mengqiao is a veteran of the Yuanshen Realm in the Senate. The person of that level is already a person of two worlds with him.

"There has always been a legendary hidden martial art, you should know it. This time, all those hidden martial arts will probably come out."

"Yinwu Yimai! I always thought that Yinwu Yimai is the main space warrior's statement to the inner world martial arts. Is there any secret in it?" Qiu Tong said in surprise, Yinwu Yimai, not the main space warrior pair The description of the warriors in the inner world? Not to mention him, I am afraid that many warriors of the main space think so.

"How can the warriors in the inner world be called the Yinwu line, which is too far apart." Guo Mengqiao shook his head and said, "The Yinwu line has always existed in the main space. You may not believe that their strength is far away More than the warriors of the inner world. However, I am afraid that for hundreds of years, the people of the hidden martial arts have not appeared. Even if some people appear outside, few people know. "

"How strong are they?" Qiu Tong said with some shock, since Guo Mengqiao said so, there would naturally be no fake.

"The best of them can rely on their own ability without any external force ~ ~ to break into the realm of immortals. The warriors of the realm of immortals among you are enough to defeat some of the realms of primitive gods in the senate. The elders. Even among them there are stronger warriors. "

Guo Mengqiao glanced deeply at Qiu Tong and said faintly: "Those hidden martial arts have the oldest heritage, with a history of at least a thousand years or more, and even tens of thousands of years of ancient sect. They control China. The true meaning of martial arts is the true soul of Chinese martial arts. Or they are the real Chinese martial arts. "

Qiu Tong took a breath, he never thought that Huaxia Guo still has such a secret.

"Did this hidden martial art appear because of the mysterious land in the Dragon City?" Qiu Tong grasped the key to the problem. The previous martial arts conference was far less lively than this one, and even he and Guo Mengqiao The people of this Wuzong Temple are all involved, and the purpose is also for that mysterious place.

"Tianhua Palace decided to open the goddess world, in fact, in order to attract the hidden martial arts. Because the last time, Hua Xiaguo suffered a terrible defeat in the international superpower contest, Tianhua Palace obviously wanted to change this state."

Guo Mengqiao took a deep breath, Tianhua Palace for a face, and Yinwu for a treasure, things are so simple. (To be continued. (LX.))

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