Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 875: Shakichi

The International Superpower Contest is called the pinnacle of conventional superpowers in the world. [燃 ^ 文 ^ 书库] [www]. [774] [buy]. [] This article is made up. lχ520. Starting

The so-called convention is that cultivation has not yet broken through the realm of mortals. Warriors or immortals below the Yuanshen realm, and superpowers below the masters of the Holy Way in the Western world can participate.

The place where Tianhua Palace is really strong is the Immortal Cultivator above the Yuanshen Realm. The fighting power at the top level trembles the world, but the strength of the warrior level is very common internationally.

Because the hidden martial arts representing the soul of the Chinese martial arts have been hidden for hundreds of years, they have not appeared. With the martial arts of the inner world and the Tianhua Palace, it is difficult for China to do anything in the international superpower contest.

There is no age limit for the International Superpower Contest. Even if you are a thousand years old, as long as you do not break the boundaries, you can participate. In the Western world, there are many kinds of strange races and abilities. Some people can indeed die for thousands of years, but their cultivation practices are under the holy way. Some people can exert some special talents by virtue of their strange bloodlines, and they are almost invincible under the word.

Compared with these terrible creatures, the Huaxia Yinwu does not appear, and Tianhua Palace has no advantage at all.

Fifty years ago, Tianhua Palace's performance in the international superpower contest fell to the bottom. In order to save this situation, Tianhua Palace did not hesitate to open the goddess world and lead out the hidden hidden veins.

"It turns out that China has such secrets."

Qiu Tong looked amazed and said, "Then do you mean that most of the battle between the three rankings and the martial arts meeting is a" show field "with hidden martial arts?"

If the Yinwu line is really so strong, what hope do other warriors have?

"Perhaps it is."

Guo Mengqiao smiled bitterly and shook his head. "You don't need to be discouraged. How many people can come out of Yin Wu Yi Mai is still uncertain. Some too old existence may still not come out. Moreover, Yin Wu Yi Mai is under 50 years old. There will not be many super powerhouses. After all, the martial arts pay attention to the gradual cycle, but the Yinwu pulse is even more so. What they are really scary is the old guys who have cultivated for two or three hundred years. . As for the young warriors, it is rare to see the strong martial arts. "

"Qiu Tong, with your abilities, you may be able to compete for the top ten." Guo Mengqiao looked at the distance. At this time, he could not let Qiu Tong down.

"I hope so."

Qiu Tong smiled bitterly, he was Wu Zong of Wu Zong Temple of Tianhua Palace. Although it was only Wu Zong, the fighting power was far stronger than ordinary Wu Zong. He thought that he must be able to enter the top ten if he participated in the battle of heaven. It is even possible to enter the top three.

But Guo Mengqiao used one maybe at this time ... It can be seen that he did not have enough confidence in himself.


The registration of the three ranking battle is still in full swing. After Mo Wen obtained the qualification of the Tianbang competition, he turned and walked out of the fighting arena.

Mo asked if he was going to live with Gu Jingman, because in the next few days, he needed to refine a large amount of immortality, during this time. He didn't want to be beaten by others.

Just walked out of the fighting arena. He suddenly found a gaze staring at him, and he looked away. The corner of the mouth could not help but evoked a playful smile.

Turns out to be an acquaintance!

A group of people stood outside the martial arts arena. The group of people in uniform uniforms obviously came from the same force. Among them, there is an old guy who is looking at him with a grudge.

Is not someone else. It was the cloth elders of the Taishang elder in the Ming Palace. This person could not kill him in the Douling Tower. Instead, he was humiliated.

"That's that Mo question?"

On the left side of the cloth clothing, a thin young man stood with a long bangs, covering half of his face and the other half of his face, giving a special feeling of coldness and no strangers.

At this time, he was looking at Mo Wen with interest.

"This Mo question is terrible, but it is not a wizard of the world. I am afraid that there will be high achievements in the future." Standing next to the young man was Wang Changhan, the elder of the second temple of the Ming Palace. He looked at Mo Wen deeply. , A flash of fear in his eyes.

In the Douling Tower, Mo Wen left a deep impression on him. It can be said that he alone saved all the warriors.

"I have a chance, but I want to meet him for a while. There are not many people who interested me. He can die in my hands, and it is enough to die without regret."

The mouth of the young man raised a touch of arrogance. He is also a young man. The smell of gunpowder between the two is naturally very strong, and he likes to crush others.

"Jill, don't care, this person feels very simple to me, I can't see his depth."

A man wearing a half-golden mask on his face and wearing a red robe slowly said that this person was no one else, it was Shao Yunyang, the owner of the Ming Palace, and the young man was the true first master of the youth in the Ming Temple. The name Shao Ji is Shao Yunyang's parent-child. Because of his extraordinary talent, he has been secretly cultivated in the Ming Palace.

As for Hou Jingfeng, it was only the characters that Mingdian put on the surface and attracted the attention of others. In fact, in terms of talent, Hou Jingfeng couldn't even enter the top five in Mingdian. In the inner world, there are more than one Ming Temple doing this, and almost all sect gates will have this kind of snow hiding behavior.

"Father, he may have practiced some secret technique that interferes with your perception. I may not believe that his cultivation practice can avoid your detection."

Shao Ji didn't take it seriously, he just broke through to the Wuzong realm not long ago, and he hasn't put the world's young masters in his eyes for a long time.

"Isn't he just coming out of the Tianbang registration area? It's best not to meet me in the battle of the heavens, otherwise I must call him faceless." Shao Ji snorted.

"The young master said, how can Mo Wen compare to you, when you were not in the Douling Pagoda at that time, otherwise you will not be able to ask him to show it, and if you do, he may not be able to take ten moves."

Clothing clothes shouted at the side, sneered at the same time, he could not help Shaoji to find Mo asked, the uglier the boy died, the happier he was.

Wang Changhan frowned and looked at the cloth clothes. This waste had lost his face in the Douling Tower before. Now he actually instigated Shao Ji. Those who have experienced the Douling Tower are aware of the talents of Mo Wen. There is no doubt about the potential, even if he is not sure if Shao Ji can ask.

Shao Yunyang also glanced at Bu Xingyi with a cold look, so scared that Xingyi immediately shut up and said no more, the majesty of the Hall Master, and no one in the Ming Hall dared to violate it.

"Father, Elder Wang, you can rest assured, my ability is not clear to you, this time on the top of the list, I am determined to win, no one asks, what is it."

Shao Ji sneered, his father and Wang Changhan's expressions, he also noticed something, he did not think, even his father and Wang Changhan elders pay so much attention to the question, he did not believe that his peers, can There are stronger people than him, not to mention Mo Wen is smaller than him.

"Shao Ji, this martial arts meeting is said to be unusual, don't care. There has been news in Tianhua Palace that there will be a lot of mysterious strongmen in this martial arts meeting, which may be much more difficult than in previous years."

An old man with white hair and white beard and a kind-eyed old man with a smile on his face said with a smile, Shao Ji talked about talent, but nothing said, Ming Temple has not seen such a genius in the past two hundred years. It's just that everything else is good, that is, his temperament is too good, there is a arrogance that does not take the world's heroes into his eyes.

"Lao Lu rest assured, Shao Ji knows."

Shao Ji nodded his head, and rarely said much. Obviously, the identity of this old man is very unusual in the Ming Palace.

Lu Shenming, the oldest group of people in the Ming Palace, is said to be above Shao Yunyang, and his cultivation is unfathomable, but he is the elder of the Ming Dynasty's No. 1, even though Shao Yunyang respected him very much.

However, Shao Ji said on the surface, but he didn't take it seriously. What secret master shot, this session is more difficult than the previous one, but it is just a gimmick for the propaganda of Tianhua Palace. Secret strong? How strong can it be?

Shao Ji sneered in his heart, for him, in a word, soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, everyone must come down to him, this time the top of the list, it is none other than Shao Ji.

Mr. Naruto Lu is old and mature. Looking at his eyes, he knows that Shao Ji did not listen to his words, so he shook his head and said no more.


Mo asked coldly those who looked at the Ming Palace, then turned away, if met elsewhere, I am afraid that the sky that had been fighting for a long time was dark, but in the Dragon City, no one dared to fight casually.

In the next few days, Mo Wen stayed in the hotel to refine the panacea. The business in the store was in short supply. His price was lower than others. The quality of Lingdan was better than others. There were many rich people in Dragon City. , Naturally can attract a lot of business.

Fortunately, the medicinal materials in the medicine ring are still sufficient, and there are also a continuous supply of medicinal materials from the shops, which barely kept the shops running.

But as time goes by, more and more people know this shop, the popularity is getting higher and higher, and the business is getting better and better. Especially for those who have bought the store's Lingdan, the effect has exceeded their expectations. Their propaganda attracted more people.

Do n’t ask how fast the alchemy can be refined ~ ~ ca n’t keep up with the consumption of shops, and if he goes on like this, he does n’t have to do anything else all day long, alchemy alone ...

To solve this problem, Mo Wen decided to sell in limited quantities. The daily sales of Lingdan in the shops are limited to a certain amount, and if they exceed it, they will not be sold.

During, Gu Jingman had been there several times. Seeing Mo asked so busy, he left without saying anything.

In a secret room, Mo Wen sat cross-legged on the futon, his body suspended a ding furnace, it was Yan Shending.

At this time, an invisible flame is constantly twisting around Yan Shending, which is the pure fire.

After absorbing Linghuo, Mo Wen's Wuling Jinghuo finally achieved little success. Now he refines Lingdan, the efficiency and quality are getting higher and higher, and the level of refining Lingdan has also been raised to a higher level.

Moreover, the most terrifying place of Wuling Jinghuo is not reflected in the alchemy, but in itself. Once this fire comes out, I am afraid that the immortal practitioners of the Yuanshen Realm will not dare to get close, Mo Wen has been hiding in the snow, as a killer , Even after being chased by a vampire before, causing serious injuries, it was not exhibited. (To be continued. (LX.))

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