Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 886: Battle of 10 strokes

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The ruthless son's complexion is extremely gloomy. No one has dared to disobey him for a long time. Are the young people now afraid of dying one by one?

Shao Ji was a little excited in his heart. This Mo question was simply a fool. The more he angered the ruthless son, the greater the probability of death, and even the ruthless son would try to kill him.

A genius who did n’t look good was killed in front of him, and he was naturally very happy. Mo asked not to be arrogant, wasn't he stronger than him, and now he wasn't going to be killed.

"Ten strokes! Within ten strokes, I will kill you."

The ruthless son sullenly, and slowly extended a finger, said coldly.

"Ten strokes can't kill me, can you call me grandpa?" Mo asked coldly.

"The first move."

The ruthless son does not argue with Mo Wen, but speaks directly with action. He disappeared in place instantly, as if evaporated, and disappeared out of thin air.

Mo Wen's face was slightly condensed, this person's body is obviously very deep, even if it is not as good as his wind and shine, I am afraid it will not be too far away.

Is worthy of being a strong player of the hidden martial arts, and has the essence of Chinese martial arts.


A breeze rang from behind, and the figure of the ruthless son appeared silently, less than one meter from Mo Wen.

At this time, even if I feel a movement behind me, I am afraid it is too late to stop.

However, Mo Wen had already pre-judged, and the ruthless son's body technique was mysterious, and he could not hide his consciousness.

A golden light suddenly lighted up, Mo Wen's body was like a sun, and at the same time, a lot of thunder and lightning came out of his body, and his breath was more than doubled in an instant, directly crossing a level.

Turned his fist backwards and walked through the clouds and water, all at once.


The two fists collided, and the terrifying air wave rolled.

The unrelenting son's punch met Mo Wen who had been prepared for a long time, and did not establish any effect. Both were shocked by a strong reaction force.

Mo's power is naturally not as good as a ruthless son. But after the outbreak of Lei Yao's law, the gap between the two was not too large to make up for. What's more, the ruthless son chooses strange tricks to raid, and naturally it is impossible to explode all the power.

The tradeoff between them, the first move of the two is equally divided.

"This powerful force erupted in an instant. What is your secret?"

The ruthless son's always flat eyes finally fluctuated, and Mo Wen's breath was more than twice as powerful as before. Even if some secret methods can increase the strength of the warrior, it can't improve so much. Moreover, this secret method is more troublesome to perform, and it is almost impossible to complete in an instant.

The ruthless young man has seen many secret magic tricks that stimulate potential. But none of them wondered about the magic of this mysterious technique.

"Transform the power of thunder and lightning into your own strength, are you a martial art?" The ruthless young man's face slightly condensed. He had guessed, Mo asked what kind of martial arts the secret technique he just cast was.

This young martial artist actually mastered the martial arts of enlightenment, and it was really extraordinary.

"It's a person who comes out of the hidden martial arts, but has some vision." Mo asked faintly, even those Wuzong in the inner world may not recognize the martial arts of Taoism, but this ruthless son can see the depth at a glance.

"You can practice martial arts. Compared to people who came from the hidden martial arts, which force do you belong to, how have I never heard of you?"

The ruthless son frowned, and this young man was probably a genius of the hidden martial arts. He was so young that he could learn from the martial arts of Taoism. Except for some geniuses of the hidden martial arts, he could n’t think of any such evildoers. people.

"Guess what." Mo asked with a smile.

"Huh, don't think you are also a person of the hidden martial arts, I will be merciful, and your behavior is a little lighter. Since you are from the same vein, you have heard the reputation of my ruthless son. , Few are still alive. "

The ruthless son sneered. Mo asked this attitude which made him very uncomfortable. He didn't like the person who spoke like this in front of him. You can't live alive without tearing such people apart.

"Second stroke."

The ruthless son has already shot again. He thinks that killing Mo warriors like this, five strokes are enough, and ten strokes are just insurance.

The ten tricks to kill the enemy, the ruthless son is not just to humiliate the enemy. There are provocations and aggressive enemies.

Lest the opponent is a little low, he immediately ran away, so if you want to kill him, it will be more difficult.

Now there is a limit of ten moves, which can arouse people's sense of vigor inadvertently, opponents often choose to survive ten moves and then escape, or try to boil as many as possible.

At that time, is there any chance to escape?

The heartless young man sneers again and again, this trick is very useful for the young man who is not convinced to lose.

No treasures can be used in the Redstone Forest, and ordinary weapons are useless to them, so most of the battles here are melee.

The two figures collided wildly on the top of the mountain. Wherever they passed, the avalanche cracked, and large pieces of rock rolled down from the mountain, making a rumbling noise.

Shao Ji hid in the distance, staring at the battle of the two with horror. What he said was also a Wu Zong. Compared with the two fighting, the gap between them was unavoidably too great.

Looking at the fight with the ruthless son, Mo asked a little bit down, Shao Ji finally understood at this time how big the gap between him and Mo asked.

No wonder Elder Wang Changhan has been emphasizing the danger of asking, but he has never thought that it is any more. Now that I want to come, Elder Wang said that not only is there anything wrong, but the situation is more serious than expected.

The two strong men fought against each other, and the momentum was naturally not small.

The two figures on top of the mountain collided again, and then separated again. The two stood on each side and confronted each other briefly.

"I really did not expect that you can stick to the seventh move."

The ruthless son's somber face can freeze the water. This Mo Wen can actually block him seven moves ~ ~ He is sure to kill Mo Wen before every move, but every time he is resolved by Mo Wen . Mo asked clearly inferior to him, but made him so difficult to start.

"What's so strange here is that you take yourself too seriously." Mo asked sneer, ten strokes to kill him? This ruthless son is not worthy.

"I am very surprised that you should have no less than three types of martial arts. How can you realize three types of martial arts at your age?"

The ruthless young man looked at Mo Wen deeply. What his eyesight could naturally see that Mo Wen mastered more than one martial art. In addition to the mystery that instantly doubles the strength, there is also a body magic and a martial arts secret.

If not, Mo asked how it was possible to stop him from killing again and again, and he couldn't help him even with seven moves.

The genius martial arts of the hidden martial arts do have the conditions to practice martial arts because some of the martial arts of the hidden martial arts have seniors of the Huaxian level sitting in the town. The most talented young man in the door.

There are many sect gates with strong immortals at the level of the hidden martial arts, so the young martial arts of the hidden martial arts will not have poor cultivation conditions.

However, there are very few young people who can understand martial arts at such a young age.

Can enlighten and enter the Taoist martial arts when he is young. All of them are geniuses among geniuses, and each one is very extraordinary.

Even if the ruthless son himself, so far, he has only realized a kind of martial arts, and this is enough to make him proud. (To be continued.) H211

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