Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 887: Bloody Sea Storm

Episode 887

Understand the three types of young martial arts young men who can be enlightened martial arts, absolutely no more than five, and he can see that this Mo question is quite young, and the young makes him feel incredible. +,

In the hidden martial arts, people under the age of 50 are regarded as young people, and between the ages of 50 and 100, they are regarded as strong men, and between 100 and 150 are middle-aged people.

More than 150 talents are called old age.

The martial arts of the hidden martial arts are all cultivated to be profound. Even if the worst are placed outside, they are very unusual. Naturally, they cannot be confused with ordinary people.

On the surface, the ruthless son looks like a young man in his twenties among ordinary people. In fact, he is already in his forties, close to his fifties.

And people in their twenties are in the same vein as Yinwu, and they are no different from children who are new to martial arts.

Is such a child who actually mastered three martial arts of Taoism. This kind of thing is almost unheard of in the vein of Yinwu.

"Your talents surprised me a lot, but it was also exciting to kill a genius with my own hands. I just blamed you for being too sharp and not knowing how to converge."

The ruthless son looked at Mo Wen deeply. Like this kind of genius, since he had built Liangzi, he must be strangled in the cradle, otherwise raising tigers would be a serious problem.

"You say you want to kill me, I'm surprised, so far, have you done it?" Mo asked lightly. The unforgiving gesture of a ruthless son is a bit ridiculous, too self-righteous, just a joke in the eyes of others.

Mo Wen ’s master of martial arts is Xingdi. Although only Xingdi remnants taught him a trick and a half, the level is far from ordinary warriors. Even the warriors who turn into immortals are compared with Xingdi. Fireflies and Haoyue. He can understand the three Yaos in the Seven Yao's Law. In addition to his own understanding, the guidance of the Star Emperor is the most important.

"You are too worthy of yourself, let me die."

There was a flicker of anger in the eyes of the ruthless young man. At the same time, a blood halo lights up, and the blood halo looks like a sea of ​​blood, covering a thousand kilometers in a flash.

The speed is too fast, Mo asked too late to flash, and was instantly enveloped by the sea of ​​blood.

A **** smell came, and the whole body sank involuntarily, as if it had fallen into a quagmire.

"Bloody Sea of ​​Blood! The legendary top secret martial arts of the Blood Fiend Palace."

Kilometers away, Shao Ji took a breath, and looked at the sea of ​​blood with fear. He is the young master of the Ming Temple. Naturally has arrogance, but the reason why he is so servile in front of the ruthless son, because he knows the identity of the ruthless son.

In the world of Chinese martial arts, there are very few ancestral gates that can't be offended by Ming Palace, and this one is the Hall of Blood Evil. As the young hall master of the Ming Temple, he knew some secrets about the Yinwu line, and this Xuesha Palace, even in the Yinwu line, was the most top-notch existence.

Back then Ming Dynasty. Under the leadership of the 34th generation of the leader, when he was strong to the extreme, he was also afraid of these hidden martial arts. Fortunately, Yin Wu's vein is almost hidden in the world, and he rarely walks in rivers and lakes. Unless something big happens, Mingjiao can easily dominate the martial arts world.

"Mo Wen asked this time is dead."

Shao Ji's eyes flashed a terrible glare, forcing the ruthless son to cast the blood and sea waves, who would die if he didn't die?

The ruthless son is in the sea of ​​blood. The blood waves rolled, and he was stained with blood like a demon in hell. He walked slowly. Come comfortably on the waves. Since Mo Wen fell into his sea of ​​blood, there would naturally be only one way to die.

"It turned out to be martial arts."

Mo Wen's eyes flashed, his face dignified. The sea of ​​blood in front of him contained endless evil spirits, not only restraining him like a cage, but also constantly corroding his inner qi, killing him a little.

"Do you think that only you in this world have mastered the martial arts of Taoism? After all, your Taoism is too shallow, compared with me, it is too far behind."

The ruthless young man sneered. Although Mo Wen also mastered martial arts in Taoism, and there are more than one kind, he is almost too shallow to cultivate. Compared with him, there is a little distance. Moreover, his blood and sea waves are martial arts that match his own cultivation skills. They come from the same source and are naturally more powerful. Mo Wen ’s Qi Yao ’s method was inherited by Xingdi, but he had not yet received Xingdi ’s inheritance except for these martial arts. Therefore, the Sanyao method he used was not particularly handy.

"Give me death."

When this sentence was spoken again, the ruthless son was full of confidence. He did not believe Mo Wen who was trapped in the blood, and he could escape again.

Bloody waves, a horrible blood was released on the ruthless young man, a huge blood hand appeared above Mo Wen's head, and he grabbed Mo Wen fiercely.

'S surrounding sea of ​​blood also boiled up in a flash, all centered on Mo Wen, and trapped him.


A hundred miles away, when the two were fighting, a dream-like, dream-like bubble emerged quietly, the man was hazy, surrounded by colorful blisters, dazzling, but also obscured her real body With looks.

She stood on a rock, her eyes looked toward the direction where the ruthless son and Mo Wen battled, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes.

"Heavy grievances, that red light should be the blood sea rage of the blood mortal palace. Someone is fighting with the ruthless son, and actually forced him to show the blood sea rage."

"Interesting, maybe it's hilarious to watch."

The mysterious figure spoke, and the whole person disappeared quietly, leaving no trace at all. The technique of concealment was superbly outrageous.


The huge palm of blood shrouded overhead, like a cloud of blood. The terrible pressure seemed to crush a mountain. Even Shao Ji, who was thousands of kilometers away, felt a breathless depression.

"It's worthy of martial arts. It's terrible. It is said that this ruthless son once fought against the martial arts warriors of the three realms of Wuzong. Not only was he undefeated, but he seriously wounded the other side. Even his father was probably not his opponent. Only the ancestors who can't get out can crush him. "

Shao Ji took a breath, and the ruthless young man was just a young strong man in the Palace of Blood Evil, so he was terrified to this point. No wonder when his father talked about the Palace of Blood Evil, there was panic in his expression.

"You are really strong."

Mo asked with a sigh. The ruthless son is so young that he can master the martial arts of Taoism. Naturally, he doesn't need to say much about talent. Relentless young man who practiced martial arts. I am afraid that he is better than the peak earl of the blood, he is probably not an opponent.

"Are you finally willing to face reality now?" Ruthless son sneered again and again, standing on the tip of the blood wave, the blood coat was windless and automatic, and his momentum was unparalleled.

Can kill such a genius genius, for him, even for the Temple of Blood, is not a bad thing. Even those who are in the same line of secret martial arts have a lot of competition in it, and Xueshadian is not without competitors. Such a young man has such a terrible genius. If he is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that there will be no limit in the future, especially if he doubts that this Mo Wen is likely to belong to the hostile group of Xuesha Palace. It is impossible for ordinary sect to cultivate such talents.

"Are you the eighth move?" Mo asked, ignoring the arrogance of the ruthless son, but asked suddenly without any thoughts.

The ruthless son stunned for a moment, and then chuckled: "Is still thinking about the first move, really stupid, do you think it still makes sense?"

"No. I was just thinking, after this trick, do you have any other tricks to complete the ninth and tenth tricks, I think you are also poor."

Mo asked and shook his head. The ruthless son even showed his way into the martial arts. Even if there are other tricks, I am afraid that it is the last resort. However, in the redstone forest where the crisis is widespread, the ruthless son obviously will not easily struggle with others. That amounts to putting yourself in danger.

"Joke, do you think that you need any other tricks? You are dead ducks now. I will let you fly away in a moment." The ruthless son looked at Mo Wen's eyes like he was looking at a dead man, and the dead man was just doing nothing. It's just a struggle. He likes to watch the prey's performance in despair, but Mo Wen's performance is obviously not the type he likes.

"Young people, being too confident is not a good thing. You won today, but come to Japan for a long time, your ninth and tenth moves, I will come to discuss later, I only hope that you can continue to be confident."

Mo Wen shook his head, the tone was very old-fashioned, that look, it seems that the ruthless son is only a younger generation.

Shao Ji rolled his eyes. Pretend! You continue to install! This Mo asked to die, but the duck's mouth was still dead, but he also admired it. This man was so embarrassed. With his ability, he may run away from the beginning, or he may be able to run away. But now trapped in the blood of the ruthless son, there is only one way to die.

The ruthless son is also angry with eyes, he has not seen such a person, he must pretend before he dies, as if he is the winner, do you say you are angry or not?

"I changed my mind, I'm not going to kill you, I want to catch you alive, tortured a hundred times a day, so that you can't survive or die ..."

The voice of a ruthless young man is like a yin wind under the Nine Serenities, but he hasn't finished his words. One black, one gold and two rays of light will rise up into the sky, and they are two very different forces. One cold and one hot, but there is a wonderful fusion.

A yin and yang gossip figure appeared quietly on the sea of ​​blood, with Mo Wen as the center, slowly rotating.

The sea of ​​blood seemed to be pulled by a strange force, and gave up the oppression of Mo Wen, but turned irregularly.

Mo asked that the golden light flashed on his body, and the next moment he rushed out of the sea of ​​blood, and he moved a thousand kilometers across it, and appeared on the other side of the mountain.

"What it is?"

Shao Ji in the distance looked at the gossip map in surprise. He could not feel any breath of the gossip map, but his heart could not help rising a mysterious and great feeling.

"Another martial art to enter the Tao, what do you think about martial art to enter the Tao! How is it possible!"

The ruthless young man's complexion instantly gloomed to the extreme, and it is another martial art of martial arts, and this martial art of martial arts is very peculiar. It seems to be formed by the fusion of two martial arts of martial arts. One level.

Moreover, Mo Wen ’s cultivation skills are consistent with this martial art of Taoism, and they complement each other. Their power is quite extraordinary. This is very different from the three martial arts of Taoism that he exhibited before. His own blood and sea waves are instantly taken by the mysterious gossip. Figure restraint.

The appearance of the gossip chart only appeared in a moment, and slowly disappeared in the next moment. After all, Mo Wen ’s cultivation is limited, far less than a ruthless son, and he ca n’t really resist the power of a ruthless son.

"You don't have to do that. When you go out later, if you close your mouth and say who will kill someone, it will only make you a joke. You want to kill me. It's a little bit worse. Your ninth and tenth moves, I will come back to ask for advice in the future, there will be a period in the future. "

Mo Wen coldly glanced at the ruthless young man, and then turned into a golden light, disappeared in the blink of an eye, seemed to merge into the wind, and disappeared instantly.

The ruthless son's face was ugly to the extreme, and a red guilty pour from his body, suddenly and suddenly, the mountain breeze seemed to feel his anger, quieted down, and did not dare to anger the angry person.

He did not chase, because he knew that Mo Wen mastered a martial arts method of Taoism, and he could not help chasing, Mo Wen wanted to run, he really couldn't stop him.

Shao Ji was far away, and he dared not show his head, and his body shivered slightly. At this time, if he appeared in front of a ruthless son, he would definitely be killed by the violent him to vent his anger. Others he did not know, but the ruthless son would definitely do so.

"Yo, this is not a ruthless son, so angry, who angered you like this?"

A playful voice suddenly sounded in the air, the voice is very gentle and soft, like water, warm people's hearts, anyone who hears this voice will be in a good mood, very enjoyable. But the voice fell in the ears of the ruthless young man, but it seemed like there was a thorn hidden in the voice, and the whole body was hurt.

Around, there are actually others hidden!

Obviously, the scene just now all fell into this person's eyes ~ ~ in the tone of ridicule, so that the ruthless son who was on the verge of the outbreak completely broke out.

"Who! You are going to die!"

There was a loud bang, and immense momentum erupted from the ruthless young man. The rocks on both sides of him were unbearably impacted by the terrifying momentum, and they instantly shattered into powder. A pair of red **** eyes instantly looked at the source of the sound.

"Yo, such a big temper, you are incompetent, you can't blame others."

The sound is as fun as ever, as always as soft, without being affected by the ruthlessness of the ruthless son.

It was a dreamlike halo, with blisters continually appearing, hazy, and the figure in the mist could not be seen clearly, but from the graceful figure and gentle voice, it can be judged that this is a woman.

"It's you!"

When the ruthless son saw this woman, he breathed a suffocation, the temper of the whole person subsided unexpectedly, seemed to have to endure. (To be continued ...)

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