Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 888: Heart of Redstone

?? readx (); The woman who made the ruthless son in a rage and had to pressurize his spleen was no one else but the mysterious woman who was shrouded in mist at that moment.

Seemed to meet him, and arrogance like a ruthless son also had to converge his temper.

"Everything you just saw?" Ruthless young man's face was ugly. The war just now was a shame in his life. He didn't expect someone to peep beside him, and the peeping person was her.

This woman is no one else, it is the daffodil in the third place in the rankings, and the strength is still above the ruthless son.

Narcissus is best at hiding, and the ruthless young man knows that if she wants to hide, he will never find it 100 meters away.

"I should have seen everything I saw, but I didn't expect that the ruthless young man would actually be disgraced in the hands of a teenager. You should indeed converge your temperament, otherwise the shameful thing will not only happen once or twice."

Narcissus' voice is still gentle, but it is hard to hide the irony in the tone.

"Are you showing up to mock me?" The ruthless son's face is even uglier, forcing a anger that rages in his heart. Narcissus is above him, and Xiuwei is above him. It is said that he broke through to Wuzong three realms a few years ago. His fame is quite large. Among the young strong men with hidden martial arts, Narcissus may rank in the top ten.

Knows in his heart that he is not an opponent, and the ruthless son is not stupid, and he dare not attack easily.

"I wouldn't laugh at you, I just remind you that the man just had some contact with me. You'd better give up some thoughts on him." Narcissus said lightly.

Such a blatant threat made the ruthless son almost run away. When did his ruthless son suffer such a anger, first a Mo asked him to lose his face, and now a daffodil appeared, threatening him by name.

"You don't agree? That's a battle." Narcissus' voice didn't fluctuate. It was still very gentle, but it fell in the eyes of others, but he could feel a sharp edge.

Fight if you don't accept it. The daffodils seem to be gentle like a ball of water all over your body. But it is definitely not a good person to provoke.

"Narcissus, I don't want to say more about his affairs. You still can't change my will. One thing I'm curious about is that he is a man. What does it have to do with your teaching? You seem to accept no men."

Although the merciless son is arrogant and arrogant, he is not stupid. He just fought Mo Wen for a fight, and the consumption is not small. Now playing against the narcissus, he almost has only the abused part, he would rather pressurize the fire, it is impossible to ask for humiliation.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you? The words have come to this point, you can take care of yourself. If you turn your face, don't blame me for not reminding you."

The narcissus obviously had no interest in answering the question of the ruthless son. When he took the next sentence, the whole person turned into a mist of water and slowly disappeared. Come and go without a trace.

"Narcissus, you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will retrieve all the shame of today!"

The merciless son clenched his fists tightly, his teeth biting loudly, and it was almost too deceiving.

In fact, religion is also a sect of the hidden martial arts, and its status is quite high, and its heritage is quite ancient. Even the Xuesha Temple is much worse than the teaching.

Mingjiao is known to be inherited for thousands of years, but it has a history of thousands of years. It's just that teaching has defined itself as a hidden martial art a long time ago, and has not been born for almost a few hundred years, so there is only teaching legend in the martial arts.


"That kid is amazing, but at this age, he mastered four martial arts. The talent is a bit scary."

On a mountain peak, there was a mist of water. There was a graceful figure in the mist. The violent mountain wind couldn't blow away the layer of water mist, but only distorted the water mist. Instead, it has a natural beauty.

"Just now I secretly left a watermark on him. Originally I was able to track it all the way, but I didn't want to chase it. He is a teenager. Even if his talent is amazing, his soul cultivation should not be too high. How to find my watermark of?"

Narcissus was a little surprised. The watermark she secretly left on Mo Wen was actually cracked.

In fact, just when Mo Wen was fighting the ruthless son, she secretly cast a secret method, leaving a watermark on Mo Wen's body, she could use this to find Mo Wen's position. But I didn't want to. I tracked for less than a hundred miles, and completely lost the sense.

"Sister Lin Qing ’s information is lagging too far. If this person did n’t encounter the famous monsters of the world, where would I need to take care. But also, Sister Lin Qing was young and just broke through the sixth level of merit, With limited eyesight, it is normal to see the depth of this kid. Sister Lin Qing said that this kid was less than 20 years old, and placed in the Yinwu line as a child, how could it be so evil?

Narcissus really can't figure it out, Mo asked the age, how he practiced to the present state, and also mastered four martial arts. She had the cultivation of her ancestors, but now she has only mastered three martial arts.

"Well, since this kid doesn't want me to find him, then I won't find it. With his ability, it should be no problem to break into the heart of redstone, and maybe you will still be able to meet it at that time. Just don't know where he can go, this The top ten in the top list of the first term is a bit difficult. "

Narcissus turned into a light and shadow, and disappeared again.


I don't know how long after that, a figure came out from behind a rock wall. It was none other than Mo Wen.

"What did the woman do with me?"

Mo Wen stood at the position where the narcissus was standing just now, a flash of contemplation flashed in his eyes. The woman did not appear for the first time. When he met Bao Xun, he found her trace.

In fact, Mo Wen cultivated consciousness. Although this woman's concealment technique is powerful, it can't conceal his consciousness of consciousness.

But he could feel that this woman is very powerful, he deliberately pretended not to know, so as not to hit the grass and startle the snake.

"This woman's practice is very deep, I am afraid that it is a lot higher than that ruthless son, I hope she will not be malicious to me, otherwise it is really a bit tricky."

Mo Wen shook his head, the world is so big, it really is not as simple as he saw it. This battle of the heavens can be described as a master, and some of the top geniuses are probably here.

"Time has passed five days, the heart of redstone should have been opened, and there is no value in the periphery. In order not to slow down others, go to the heart of redstone now."

The heart of the redstone is the center of the redstone forest. It is said to be a very strange place. It is enveloped by the large array of Tianhua Palace. It ca n’t enter at ordinary times. Only after the battle of the heavens is opened for five days can it be entered one after another. .

Participants have a threshold to enter Redstone Heart. Points must be higher than 500 to enter Redstone Heart.

Only by entering the heart of redstone can you qualify for the final victory. If you can't enter the heart of redstone, it will be completely eliminated.

There are quite a few 500 points. It is difficult for contestants with insufficient strength to gather so many points, so I am afraid that many people will not be able to pass this first level.

It is said that in the previous year's battle of the heavens, as long as two hundred points can enter the heart of Redstone, this session has increased the difficulty.

Moreover, in the previous battles of the Tianbang, criminals like Wuzong Second Realm and Third Realm would not appear at all. They were all restricted by Tianhua Palace, and only the warriors of Wuzong First Realm could come out. But this time, there is a high probability that criminals from Wuzong's second and third realms will appear, which will be a great test for the contestants.

Of course, those criminals from Wuzong's second and third realms will not appear outside, but can only move in the heart of Redstone. The strongest people in the periphery are only the criminals of Wuzong's first realm.

Tianhua Palace stipulates that only after breaking through the heart of redstone and walking to a place called the mechanical labyrinth can you compete for the last ten.

If you can't break through the heart of Redstone, you can't enter the mechanical labyrinth, no matter how many points you have.

This is also the Tianhua Palace in order to prevent some people from getting points by special means, or the character is bursting, and the luck is so good that they can pick up points, set a test for them, so as to ensure the fairness of the competition.

Only by their own strength, can they have a good ranking in the battle of heaven.

One thousand miles deep into the redstone forest is the range of the heart of the redstone. The further you go inside, the more desolate, all surrounded by dark red rocks, with a trace of wind and sand corrosion on the surface.

When Mo Wen came here, a huge blue mask appeared in front of him. The mask was connected to the earth like a sky, blocking all the roads in front of him.

"This is the heart of redstone?"

Don't ask a smile at the corner of your mouth. The most powerful criminal gangs and the strongest criminal strongmen are all in the heart of Redstone. For contestants, the biggest test is also in the heart of Redstone.

Mo Wen walked to the blue sky curtain, took out the jade card, and put it on the sky curtain. Suddenly, the jade card flashed and formed a connection with the blue sky curtain. The next moment, the blue sky curtain waved out a circle The ripples like water ripples sucked Mo Wen's body and pulled him into the sky a little bit.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Wen completely disappeared in place.

The blue sky screen will automatically recognize the points in the jade brand, and if the points exceed 500, they will be allowed to enter.


"Relentless Lord ~ ​​ ~ In this heart of Redstone, I am afraid that there are many dangers, and small studies are not good ..."

On the other side, the ruthless son and Shao Ji also stood in front of a blue sky curtain. Shao Ji looked at the huge sky curtain with some worried eyes,

He was with the merciless boy for a few days, and he saw the difference in the battle of the top list with his own eyes. Many contestants are stronger than him, and some are more terrible. At this time, Shao Ji had lost his previous arrogance and self-confidence. He had realized that an ordinary Wu Zong one-faced warrior, put in this battle of the heavens list, was nothing.

If he is alone, he has no confidence to break through the heart of redstone, because the heart of redstone is already dangerous, and there are those criminals of Wuzong's second and third realms who use them as prey, ready to hunt them at any time.

In the past, the strongest person in the heart of Redstone was only Wu Zong, but this one was different.


There are two chapters in the first chapter. (To be continued.)

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