Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 889: Mysterious swordsman

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Shao Ji had retreated in his mind at this time, and he didn't want to continue. The battle to withdraw from Tianbang was perhaps the best choice for him. His previous ambitions had long been forgotten. Moreover, with the ruthless son, he was uneasy every day, for fear of accidentally infuriating him, and ended in a miserable end.

"Shao Ji, you follow me with loyalty these days. If you want, I can take you through this heart of redstone, and even give you a lot of points, which can give you a good ranking. Of course, you If I insist on quitting, I will not stop, everything is up to you. "

The ruthless son shouldered his hand and said lightly. Shao Ji's thoughts can be seen naturally.

"Relentless lord ... I decided to go with you."

There was a touch of emotion in Shao Ji's eyes. He didn't expect the ruthless son to say so. If there is a ruthless son to take care of, it is definitely not a problem to break through the heart of Redstone. Gong's reward is even more tempting.

When he thought of the generous reward, Shao Ji felt a little worried and anxious in his heart, but immediately put the immediate benefit first.

"Then you follow me, rest assured that you won't lose money."

The merciless nodded his head, and a glint of invisible light flashed in his eyes. I am afraid Shao Ji does not know. If he chose to leave just now, I am afraid he will never be able to leave this redstone forest. The ruthless son especially loves his face. How can Shao Ji let him leave alive when he sees an ugly scene in front of Mo Wen.

He left Shao Ji around. Just want him to see, his ruthless son is not so good to provoke people, waiting in the heart of Redstone, will inevitably kill Mo Wen.


The blue light flashes. When the scene before him was clear again, Mo Wen had already appeared in another environment.

There is no longer a rock wasteland, but a swamp. The green around the swamp is rushing and there is a vitality.

"Is this the heart of Redstone? It is said that there are terrible monsters in it. The contestants want to pass through the heart of Redstone and they will face the hunting of monsters first."

Mo asked looking at the surrounding environment. There are many creatures in this swamp. For example, bugs hiding in the mud, birds flying in the sky ... The animals are all strangely shaped, some are harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but contain terrible poison.

Mo Wen realized that as soon as he arrived here, in the heart of Redstone, ordinary warriors could never survive, at least the warriors of the state of fetal death. Only barely survived. Because here, if accidentally bitten by a bug, it may be fatal. Some other dangers, not to mention.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound sounded, and then a black air flew from not far away, and the sound came from the black air.

It was not black gas, but a cloud of insects, a mass of condensed insects. The insects were black, but they had a scarlet mouthpart. It's a bit like a mosquito, but it's as big as a baby's finger.

Where the cloud of insects passed, the surrounding trees began to corrode a little, and a few birds passed the insects, but they were poisoned to death and fell motionless on the ground.

"Good toxicity."

Mo asked, surprised, that the cloud of worms was obviously not very irritating. Chongyun's goal was obviously him. He went all the way and flew to him clearly.

A cloud of gold flames flew out suddenly, some enveloped the cloud of insects, and in the next moment, all the insects were burned to ashes.

"The activity is in such a place, I'm afraid everything has to be careful."

Mo Wen's heart already has a general understanding of the heart of redstone, but here is just the periphery of the heart of redstone, obviously there is nothing that can threaten him.

The mechanical labyrinth is located in the center of the heart of redstone. Mo Wen ’s location should be on the edge of the redstone heart. Find the right direction and move forward all the way to the mechanical maze.

Mo Wen did not stay where he was and determined the direction of the mechanical labyrinth, so he flew up and rushed there. Redstone still can't fly in the heart, but Xiuwei has reached his level, and it's no problem to vacate in a short time.

After running for a short time, Mo asked that the road ahead was getting harder and harder, the swamp below was getting bigger and bigger, and there was always a suction force, trying to **** the people above into the swamp. Mo Wenxiu's Xiuwei will not be pulled in, but it has greatly affected his progress.

This swamp is obviously unusual, let alone ordinary people, I am afraid that a warrior holding the Dan realm can only fall into a dead end.

Suddenly, Mo Wen's heart tightened, and a sense of crisis appeared in his mind without warning. He didn't think about it. He carried out the method of wind blaze and turned it into a wind, which instantly moved hundreds of meters.


With a loud noise, a black shadow flew out of the swamp, swept across, and everything around was swept away. It was a tail with dark and cold scales on it, each of which had the size of a slap, dense and dense.

It was a snake's tail, and the part that rushed out of the swamp was hundreds of meters, while most of the body was still buried in the swamp.

Mo Wen fell on a dead wood, and he was also afraid for a while, this demon snake was hiding in the swamp, and he flew from above and didn't appear. This swamp can obviously block his detection of consciousness, otherwise he would not be aware of it at all.


A huge snake head slowly emerged from the swamp. The snake head had the size of a grinding disc, a poisonous thorn on the top of the head, and a pair of blue eyes flashed cold light. Snakes are a kind of creatures that are very good at sneak attacks. The attack on Mo Wen just now is just instinct, but it obviously treats Mo Wen as a prey.

"Huh, weird, this monster snake doesn't seem to be an ordinary monster?"

Mo Wen looked at the demon snake drilled from the swamp with surprise in his heart. Judging from the breath of the snake, at least he had the strength of Wuzong's second realm, but it was an intermediate beast king. But the strange thing is that even if the monster and the beast cultivated to the realm of the beast king, even if they could not be transformed into humans, they also had good wisdom and learned the language of humans. This demon snake is different. He only saw the animal nature in his eyes, but did not see any wisdom. To put it simply, the spiritual wisdom is not open.

When you have reached this level of cultivation, you have not turned on spiritual intelligence. What is the situation? Is this monster in the heart of Redstone different from the outside?


The demon snake apparently wouldn't ask Mo the world of too much thinking. His body flew out of the swamp instantly, grew a big basin of blood, and rushed at Mo Wen with lightning.

Mo Wen's figure flickered, escaped the demon snake's blow, and the demon snake couldn't do it, immediately flicked his tail, and another attack came.

Every time the monster snake attacks, the power is quite amazing, even above the ordinary Wuzong two-level martial arts. In terms of power, monsters are obviously much higher than human warriors.

But Mo Wen also found that this demon snake will only fight in the simplest way, hunting like a beast, and fighting is based on instinct.

Compared with the normal Beastmaster, there is still a big gap. After all, the ordinary beast king has not only wisdom, fighting consciousness, fighting plan, but also the skills inherited by the monster and beast family. For example, ancestral demon holy spirit, demonized spirit treasure, talented combat skills ...

Relatively speaking, the monster of Redstone Heart is a little worse than the normal monster, but a mid-level beast king is also quite scary.

After all, as time goes on, the demon snake has cultivated to the present state, and it has lived a terrible life for a long time. Even if there is no mental intelligence, the fighting instinct accumulated over such a long time is terrible.


After the two shots fell into the air, the demon snake seemed to be irritable, and suddenly a mouth, a dazzling blue light was ejected from its mouth, the blue sphere of light was extremely pure, like a blue The sea.

"what is that!"

Mo Wen was shocked, and looked at the blue light ball horrificly. The power contained in the light group was terrible, and it was extremely pure, but a highly pure energy group. The power of this ball of energy is enough to threaten his life.

In an instant, the energy ball flew out, and the speed was almost at its extreme.

Mo Wen didn't want to think about it, he fled to hide, but the ball of energy seemed to have spirituality, and he turned abruptly. At the same time ~ ~ But at this time, he wanted to avoid it again, it was already impossible. In desperation, he can only resist.

A dazzling golden light shone from him, and the next blue ball of energy hit him.

Rumble. With a loud noise, Mo Wen flew out directly, his face was pale, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He chose the smallest area of ​​collision with the blue energy ball, but the power of the explosion was still beyond his range.


Almost at the same time, a white light swept from a distance, the momentum was extremely sharp, almost instantaneously, so Mo Wen was surprised, and his heart was tense.

The white light flashed by, and it instantly submerged into the earth, without bottom. At the next moment, the demon's head fell silently, and a lot of blood was sprayed out, staining the swamp ...

A faint white shadow appeared slowly over the snake demon. It was a straight figure, holding a quaint long sword in his hand. There was a terrifying sharp edge on his body. It seemed like a mountain, he all A sword can be split in half. (To be continued.)

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