Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 890: Blood God's Prestige

The figure appeared suddenly, soon, almost immediately, and then the demon snake was already beheaded by him. ∈↗ is small,

Mo asked the pupils contracted, and his face was completely serious.

He can feel that the white figure is quite terrible, and the pressure on him is much higher than the ruthless son. This person's cultivation behavior should be in the three realms of Wuzong, and he is good at fighting. .

"I will kill this demon snake for you, leaving half of the points as a reward."

The white figure slowly fell on a tree crown, his back turned to Mo Wen, the tone was indifferent and affirmative, there was no room for Mo Wen to choose.

"I didn't ask you to help me kill this demon snake, how can I get paid?" Mo asked with a blank expression. He had already seen that this person obviously came for points, but it was more than a ruthless son. The brutal way of grabbing is slightly better.

"I don't kill this snake demon, you might die in the hands of this snake demon, is your life worth half the points?" Bai Yi figure said lightly.

"Joke, how do you know that I will die in this snake demon's hand, and the snake demon just sent me the strongest blow just now, and when the power is weakened, you took the opportunity to kill it, what did you do earlier? , I don't need your help. "

Mo Wen sneered in his heart, this figure in white is indeed very powerful, but he just beheaded the snake demon with a sword, it seems very shocking, but it actually takes advantage of him. If it wasn't for the snake demon to send him the strongest power, and didn't guard against this white man, how could this snake demon be so easily killed.

"You have to give, you don't have to give, you have no choice."

The figure in white suddenly turned around, his eyes looking like two sharp swords, looking at Mo coldly. If it is an ordinary warrior, I am afraid that his legs and feet will be softened by the glance, and it feels like there are two sharp swords on his neck.

Mo Wen could also feel the sharp air like sword gas in his eyes, but he was calm. He has seen many strong men, and he will not be scared.

"Strong buy, strong sell, you have found the wrong person." Mo asked lightly. The strength of this white swordsman is quite amazing, but it doesn't seem to be on the top of the leaderboard. Obviously, this person is a type of latent in the early stage, and plundered out later.

For some strong people, looking for those criminals, it is better to find some stronger competitors and grab the points from the competitors. Certainly more than the criminals. Of course, those who dare to do so are bound to be capable people.

"You are brave, but I said you have to take half of your points and I will take it away."

The white swordsman glanced at Mo, and then the figure disappeared from the place. The next moment, a sword flew from the air, seeming to tear the space.

Don't ask to look dignified. This man in white is too scary, he is certainly not an opponent. and. He was injured by a demon snake just now, and his combat effectiveness has also declined.

A cold wind started, and Mo Wen's figure was blurry. The next moment the whole person disappeared in place, and the sword energy passed over his afterimage.

"Hey! Enter the Taoist way."

White figure was slightly surprised looking at Mo Wen, so young he mastered a way of entering the body. Some are not easy. The method of entering the Taoist body is endless, but it is also quite difficult to enlighten him. There is no enlightenment method. He knows that several young strong men who are good at the technique of body law, although mastering the body method of Taoism, are not as young as this boy.

"There will be a date."

Mo asked coldly and snorted, knowing that he was not an opponent, he would naturally not be able to venture against the white man, and he chose to escape the first time. He couldn't win, but he wanted to escape, and the other party might not be able to leave him.

In his speech, his whole person has been integrated into the wind. Where the wind is, there seems to be his figure. In an instant, the person is outside the hundred feet.

"Want to escape? How could it be so easy. Obediently leave half of the points. I'm kinder. If I change to someone else, I'm afraid all points will be robbed. Even the life of the life is a problem.

The swordsman in white chuckled a little, and took a few steps under his feet. His footwork was mysterious, and his steps were dozens of feet. Although he did not realize the martial arts of Taoism, he also achieved quite a lot in his body and method. What's more, the difference between the two cultivation bases is so great that even if you don't ask how to master the Taoism, it doesn't necessarily have much advantage.

"Hmm, I want to go, but you can't stay."

Mo asked coldly, a sudden thunderbolt suddenly emerged from him, his whole breath suddenly violently, suddenly doubled, and the speed suddenly burst out, and immediately opened the distance from the white swordsman.

"Another secret technique of enlightenment level! You are a little unusual." White swordsman flashed a surprise in his eyes.

After applying Lei Yao's method, Mo Wen's Feng Yao's method became more mysterious. It is said that the method of Fengyao can be realized in the later period of cultivation, but this is the famous magical skill of the immortal world, which comes and goes without a trace. .

The Star Emperor at that time not only mastered the technique of wind escape, but also mastered the technique of thunder escape, the combination of wind-born thunder, the method of Fengyao and the method of Lei Yao, so that you can learn the rarer technique of escape.

Although Mo Wen is far from reaching that level, Lei Yao's law and Feng Yao's law come from the same source, Feng Shenglei, and the two complement each other. When Mo Wen's Lei Yao's law is exhibited, Feng Yao's law also Instantly raised a level.

"I want to see if your body is fast, or my sword is fast."

There was a flash of interest in the eyes of the swordsman in white, and the long sword shook slightly in his hand. At the next moment, countless sword qi appeared between the world and the sky. Those sword qi seemed to be combined with the space, and they were quite flexible. Catch up with Mo asked.

A sword gas is like a rain curtain, and he is surrounded by an instant.

"Fall into my sword sea and see how you escape."

The white swordsman smiled indifferently. He practiced his sword all his life, and he has been turned into a sword fool by others. The young warriors who can escape under his sword are numbered in the whole world.

This sword sea seems simple, but it contains infinite mysteries. It is almost impossible for the boy to escape from the sword sea. Unless he is strong enough, he can break his sword sea instantly.

The swordsman in white stepped forward, ready to capture Mo Wen who was trapped in the sword sea. He never failed in his shot. Since he had to take half of his points, how could he let his prey escape.

However, the swordsman in white has not yet taken two steps. His whole body was suddenly stiff in place.

Because there are countless figures suddenly appearing in the sword sea, each figure is that young man, those figures are extremely flexible and clever, in his sword sea flat, blinking time, actually broke out of his sword sea, all figures combined One, become a teenager, but the next moment. The teenager appeared in the distance, and a few flashes disappeared.

"Another martial art at the entry level, and it is still a very rare skill martial art!"

This time, even though the white swordsmen were a little shocked, a teenager actually mastered three martial arts at the same time. Before his talent, he was simply incredible, at least he was ashamed. The martial arts of skill class is quite difficult to comprehend. There are too many mysteries and techniques involved, which are definitely more difficult to practice than the two previous martial arts.

"I really met a funny guy."

The white swordsman looked at the figure that was going away, and suddenly laughed playfully, he didn't chase. Because I can't catch up now. The young man was the first to escape from his hands, and still at such an age and cultivation.

"My name is Bai Chen, remember. Half of the points you owe me, I will take it sooner or later."

A voice came from far away, and fell in Mo Wen's ear.

"White dust? Huh!" Mo asked coldly. Feng Shui took turns, he did not believe that he was inferior to that person.


In the blink of an eye, Mo Wen fled a hundred miles, the white swordsman was too terrible. Although he escaped from his sword sea, he was still injured by his sword qi, and a sharp sword qi in the body continued to move, suppressing it Not going on, he must quickly find a secluded place to heal.

The heart of redstone is full of dangers. It is not easy to find a safe place for healing. After half an hour, Mo asked to find a relatively satisfactory place. It was a very hidden tree hole. The tree hole was inside a huge tree with a large trunk and hollow inside. The entrance shadow was hidden in the canopy and it was difficult to be found. It was an excellent hidden place.

Mowen hid in the tree hole and immediately meditated to heal ...


A few hundred miles away, between a group of mountains, the sky suddenly became dark. This darkness is not the night or the cloudy sky, but the sun that is blocked by the dense figure.

I saw countless blood-red bats appearing above the sky. Those bats formed a huge cloud of blood, covering the sky and the sun, all the light in the tens of circles was blocked, and the darkness below.

Above a mountain, there is a cottage, the cottage is not small in size, there are thousands of people. But at this time, this large cottage was suffering a disaster. I saw the blood bats above the sky, madly poured into the cottage, and killed when I saw people, and the blood was everywhere.

Individuals of blood bats are not very strong, which is probably equivalent to monsters of order five or six, and there are very few monsters of order seven.

One is not very strong, but if it is ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even one million ...

For anyone, such a huge bat group is a disaster.

The warriors living in the cottage are very strong, almost all above the Jindan realm, there are many Wuzong, but encountering such a bat army, there is only one ending-death! I can't escape if I want to escape.

At the center of the bat army that covers the sky, there is a larger blood bat. The blood bat is as big as three football fields. The bright red skin looks like blood can drip out, and one flap of wings can form a hurricane.

Obviously, it is the ruler of this army of bats-Bat King.

Can be judged from the breath, this Bat King is quite terrible, even more terrible than the peak beast king, almost comparable to the dragon horse in the fire.

However, what is even more surprising is that this ugly and evil Bat King is not easy to provoke at first glance, but stands a figure, a graceful woman figure.

"This cottage where a large number of criminals gather is worth 20,000 points. I have accumulated too many points in my hand. Mo asked the guy that only 20,000 points would rank fifth in the standings. The points will soon exceed 300,000, and then continue to kill, will the criminals here be killed by me? "

The woman who stepped on the bat king stretched lazily lazily ~ ~ charming and voluptuous, like a goblin. She was no one else, it was Mo Jingwen's sister Gu Jingman. However, at this time, Gu Jingman was very different from the past. Her hair was bright red like blood, extending all the way to her feet, and a pair of eyes turned completely blood red, not bottomed out, like two blood seas. Her facial features are more refined and appropriate, just like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven, awe-inspiring, and invincible, and there is a breath of high-ranking superiors invisible.

Gu Jingman as a whole, the evil spirit does not want to be an individual, but her breath does not make people feel evil, but is very dignified and dignified, like a goddess with a glorious inner, rather than the magic of a female devil.

"These little things are really obedient, and there will be no hesitation in letting them die, but the same is true of the most loyal people, but unfortunately I have limited abilities now, and I ca n’t perform the magic of the blood god, otherwise let them evolve into blood clan, but it is also A good choice. "

Gu Jingman stretched out a slender crystal finger and touched a little bat beside him. As the heir to the blood god, all life related to the blood clan would obey her orders.


Three changes are complete, a three-thousand-five-hundred-word chapter. (To be continued ...)

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