Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 891: Blood Witch

Just after entering the Red Rock Forest, Gu Jingman sensed this group of blood bats. She was surprised to find that she could not only communicate with these blood bats, but also issue any commands unconditionally, such as the empress, where the order was, and everything was there. From.

With her alone, no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible to collect 300,000 points, but with these blood bats who are destined to obey, it is different.

Slaughtered these criminals without even using her own actions. With a simple command, an endless army of bats worked for her.

I am afraid of the power of the millions of bat troops. A large cottage was full of vocals and lively half a quarter of an hour ago. At this time, there was silence, and the air was filled with an inseparable blood.

Gu Jingman is not a good boy or a girl. The criminals here are all insidious and cunning, and they do nothing but sympathize with them. They are irresponsible for themselves.

A stream of light rushed from the cottage, and the dense army of bats died out of a large cave, and then stepped out of the sky and quickly fled out. I can step out of the sky in the heart of Redstone. Although I can't persist for a long time, I can also imagine how strong this person's cultivation behavior is, at least all of Wuzong's three realms.

"Want to run? Don't try your best."

Gu Jingman smiled coldly, a thought came out, the blood bat king under his feet spread his wings, two hurricanes appeared in the sky, the next moment, the bat king has turned into a streamer, and it is instantly blocked by the escaped person In front, the speed is incredible.


Took a breath of air, stopped the movement instantly, and looked at the sky above the head. The huge shadow raised an uncontrollable panic in my heart.

Bat King's power, only those who live in the heart of redstone can understand that ordinary Wuzong three realm warriors, I am afraid that one move will be torn by it.

Everyone who lives in the heart of Redstone all the year round knows. The bloodthirsty bat king is one of the scariest creatures in the Redstone Forest. Not only is it powerful and unmatched, but the blood bat army he masters is enough to sweep everything in the heart of Redstone.

"How can you master the bloodthirsty bat king, how is it possible!"

The person who escaped from the cottage looked at the beautiful shadow standing on the bloodthirsty bat king, a warrior, how could he control such a terrible bloodthirsty bat king!

"Guess what." Gu Jingman's mouth smiled enchantingly. She doesn't just control the bloodthirsty bat king. The entire blood bat group is under her control, and even with her single command, all blood bats can betray the bloodthirsty bat king.

"You are not a contestant! It is Tianhua Palace who deliberately arranged you in to clean me up."

The man suddenly thought of a terrible possibility. How could ordinary contestants have the ability to control the bloodthirsty bat king. Even if she could control it, Tianhua Palace could not make her wantonly slaughter so brazenly. Is Tianhua Palace ready to clean up again?

The cleanup is quite a terrible thing for criminals in Redstone Forest. In history, Tianhua Palace has cleaned up criminals in the Redstone Forest several times. Could it be that cleanup has come again.

"Your imagination is very rich, but unfortunately you are not a book writer, but a prisoner of death." Gu Jingman snorted and Tianhua Palace asked her to clean up the criminals? Thanks to what he came up with.

But she is also strange, she did so, obviously there is a big cheating component. Tianhua Palace did not intervene. Has it been acquiesced that she cannot do so in the Red Rock Forest?

"Relying on the ability of the bat army, if you have the ability to fight me personally, I guarantee that three moves will take you to the first level."

The man said angrily that he was the master of the cottage, the strong man of the three realms of Wuzong, even in the heart of Redstone. Obviously, she was forced to a desperate situation by a woman. Nowhere to go, how could he be reconciled.

If there is no army of bats, a woman like this, I am afraid that even his three strokes can not take it.

"You are quite confident. Since you said so, then I will play with you. Is Wuzong Sanjing really amazing?"

Gu Jingman chuckled, and the **** eyes had a glorious look in the world. It was not the momentum she deliberately pretended, but a temperament that naturally came into her blood and bones.

"Dare you dare to fight me?" The man's eyelids jumped, his heart was filled with joy, but he tried not to show it. The woman actually gave up her greatest advantage and was ready to fight him personally.

If he can take the opportunity to kill her, maybe there is a silver lining.

Gu Jingman smiled, not much to say, stepped out, and quickly walked out of the bloodthirsty bat king's body, but she did not fall from the air, but stood so quietly in the sky.

There was a look of surprise in the man ’s eyes, but soon he calmed down and stood tall in the sky. Although it was extraordinary, he could do it if he only stood in the air for a short time. He can only say that this woman is not low, at least Wu Zong The cultivation of the second realm.

The bloodthirsty bat king looked at the man coldly with a pair of golden eyes, and then spread his wings, flying up to the sky in an instant, then stretched its huge wings, wrapped the surrounding space, and all the **** bats covered with sky All gathered together, covering the sky and covering the sun, with Gu Jingman as the center, forming a huge round ball, which sealed off the surrounding space.

Inside the sphere, no trace of light could penetrate. For mortals, they could not reach their fingers, and it was dark. But for their martial arts practitioners, it is not a big deal.

The man's face was a little ugly, the bloodthirsty bat king swept through the array, and the blood bat army blocked the space. Even if he won this woman, it would be difficult for him to escape alive.

"Do you think your careful thought can hide me?" Gu Jingman said faintly, is she a person who can fool casually? Promising him to take action personally, not because she was hit by a radical method, but to let this person understand that she was not relying on these bat army.

"You don't give me a way to live?" The man took a deep breath and looked at Gu Jingman's eyes extremely cold.

"Living way? Yes, I want to give you life way, but it depends on whether you have the strength to fight for. Three strokes ..."

Gu Jingman stretched out three long jade fingers, and said lazily.

"Defeat you within three strokes?" The man's pupils shrank and his face became serious. The woman's cultivation was obviously not low. For those who don't know the depth, whether the three strokes could beat each other, he did not have too much confidence. But this is his only way to live, and now, he has no choice.

"You think too much, my condition is that if you don't die within three strokes, I will let you go." Gu Jingman sneered. This person is interesting. I've seen self-confidence, never seen such self-confidence.

"Undead within three strokes!"

The man's face twitched, but he never dreamed that it would be such a condition! He is in the heart of Redstone, although he is not the topmost person, but for many years, he is also famous. He had never seen anyone dare to say that he was killed within three strokes.

"What is that nonsense, come on, I want to see if you can kill me in three strokes."

He smiled angrily and dared to say that he would kill him within three strokes. Except for the legendary Huaxian Realm, among the warriors who were also Wuzong Three Realms, there were absolutely few. He has rich fighting experience and has practiced very powerful martial arts. He does not believe that this woman can kill him in three strokes.

Gu Jingman smiled indifferently, without saying a word, a gleam of blood emerged from her hands, slowly condensing into an antique blood sword, the next moment, her figure had disappeared in place.

When she appeared again, she had appeared behind the man, only three meters away from the man, with her back to him. She didn't look back, but the blood sword in her hand dropped blood drop by drop.

The man's stiff place, maintaining his previous movements, was filled with fear and disbelief, and he was deeply unwilling.

Fast! too fast!

Quickly made him unable to react. If he knew her speed was so scary, he would never be so careless.

But there is no regret medicine in this world ...


The man closed his eyes and sighed. His body began to show a blood mark from the center of his eyebrows, and then extended to the soles of his feet. The whole person split in half and fell down from the air.

He knew that this woman's terrible has exceeded his imagination. Even if he knew she had such a terrible speed before, I am afraid that he can only stop him from making a move. The second and third moves will still die in her hands.

"The first move is to die, just be patient." Gu Jingman shook his head gently.

This person is probably not as good as those geniuses who are slightly more amazing among the contestants. She has seen a few extraordinary young people, far more powerful than this one.

"It's really boring to chase down these criminals. It's almost time to go to the mechanical maze. It is said that it is a very mysterious and interesting place. Don't ask the guy that he is also on the way to the mechanical maze. I don't know if he can fight. No. 1 in the sky list. If he ca n’t, it ’s none other than me. ”


What happened outside, no matter how wonderful, Mo asked not knowing about it and not paying attention, he was hiding in the tree hole at the time to heal his wounds.

Fortunately, he is a healer himself, and the practice of the Sun, Moon, and Heaven is a great help to the recovery of the injury. Only one hour ~ ~ His injury was almost healed.

Mo Wen slowly opened his eyes from the retreat. The breath on his body reached its peak again. He glanced around. At this time, the sky outside should be dark.


Mo Wen raised his eyebrows suddenly, he suddenly found that there were a lot of breaths around the tree hole, and those breaths were coming to his place, and more and more.

Apparently, a large number of people surrounded him.

"Actually was found, strange, how did they find me?"

Mo asked a doubt flashed in his eyes. He was very confident in his concealment technique. Others wanted to find him definitely not an easy task.

In this redstone heart, there are really many capable people.

Mo asked, sighing in his heart, since he was found, he was not hiding anything, the breath of his body burst out instantly, the tree hole burst, and he also drilled the tree hole in an instant. (To be continued.)

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