Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 892: Flee

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Mo Wen hiding in the tree hole for healing, can be found by others, Mo Wen is also strange in his heart, is that the person named Bai Chen chased down?

But it doesn't seem to be the case, that there is only one person called Bai Chen, and at this time there are a lot of people outside, there are hundreds of them.


Mo Wen As soon as he broke out of the tree hole, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and at the next moment, an arrow burst through the air, and it was instantly dense, like a locust crossing.

The arrows seem not to be affected by the air resistance, and the speed is extremely fast, like lightning, just before the blink of an eye.

"Breaking the gas bow."

Mo Wen asked, his eyes narrowed. The arrows were all broken air arrows shot by the broken air bow. The number was quite large, more than one hundred. Compared with the battles here, the Tiger's Head Gang was almost nothing.

At this time, it was already dark outside, a cold moon hung in the sky, the sky was full of stars, Mo asked why he could see the stars and the moon here.

The broken arrow turned into a shadow, and the killing was pervasive. From Mo Wen bursting out of the tree hole to the arrow attack, everything happened in a flash. Ordinary contestants encounter such a scene, I am afraid that they will be killed in an instant, and it is too late to urge the jade card to escape.

When a thousand shots, a golden light suddenly enveloped Mo Wen, next moment, Ding Ding Ding ......

A series of metal impact sounds, Mo asked to turn into a golden body Luohan, those arrows hit him, and all were bounced back.

The man who controls the broken bow is all a warrior in Jindan Realm, and it is almost impossible to break through his golden body.

Of course, there are also a few arrows shot by the martial arts warriors in the same territory, but the number is small, and he cannot be threatened at all.

"The body of King Kong."

A soft whisper sounded, it was an old woman with white hair, quite old. Her hair was gray, her skin was like bark, and she had a wooden stick in her hand. Standing under a big tree, wearing strange clothes. Under the moonlight, it looks like a witch.

Near the old lady, there were many martial artists standing. They held a broken gas bow and surrounded Mo Wen. These people are in ragged clothes, not many of them are neatly dressed, and many of them are undressed, and some are even dressed in animal skins.

obviously. These people are all criminals detained here.

"It is not easy to cultivate a Vajra body with such a strong defense force at such a young age."

The old woman's turbid eyes looked at Mo Wen. She found that after Mo Wen asked, she didn't hit the grass and start the snake.

But in the end, he was still discovered.

The first round of breaking the gas arrow did not shoot this young man, then this hunt mission basically means failure, because the competitors have jade cards in their hands to defend themselves. Falling into such a desperate situation, I will certainly not be stubborn, and I will choose to crush the jade brand the first time. Exit the battlefield.

Therefore, it is very difficult for criminals to hunt contestants. There is often only one chance. If one blow is unsuccessful, there is no second chance.

Generally speaking, it is quite difficult for criminals to collect five jade cards, often for one term. Few criminals can do it.

"I'm curious, how did you find me?" Mo asked was indeed strange. What he hid was secret and sensitive. Anyone approaching him, he can feel, unless that person's cultivation has turned into immortality.

"This is our territory. You entrants broke in here, don't you try to avoid our eyes?"

The old lady sneered. They have been here for so many years. How could these outsiders understand?

"Why, haven't you escaped yet?"

The old lady looked at Mo strangely, she was obviously the leader of this group of people, she did not issue an order, and no one dared to act lightly.

"Thank you for reminding me that I really should have escaped."

Mo Wen first blinked blankly, and then suddenly made a look of sudden enlightenment, flicked a criminal in front of him, and flew out.

The strength of this criminal gang is very strong, the old woman's cultivation is even more unfathomable, at least Wuzong three realms, in addition, there are three strong Wuzong second realm, more than a dozen Wuzong one warrior.

Faced with such a battle, Mo Wen really had to run away.

"Why doesn't it matter!"

The old lady saw Mo Wen ran away and fled, and she was a little angry ... The meaning of her sentence just now was that Mo Wen squeezed the jade card and withdrew directly from the heart of Redstone.

But this kid is still not stubborn, he is not ready to quit Redstone Hearts, and he wants to slip away from them. When so many of them are decoration?

"It's okay, maybe you such an unwilling person, I still have a chance."

The old woman raised a sneer in the corner of her mouth, and suddenly jumped up, stepped on a branch, a bounce spanned a distance of more than ten feet, and quickly chased to Mo Wen.

This old lady is obviously good at body method, and her cultivation position is Wuzong three realms. The speed is quite fast. A few blinks of time will catch up with a large amount.

"I met another difficult one."

Mo Wen sighed in his heart that this old lady was obviously not easy to deal with. The one-handed body technique may still be above the white dust. Although she did not master the enlightened body method, the technique of the one-handed body method was also perfected.

A beam of thunder lit from Mo Wen's body, the next moment the wind screamed, the sound of wind and thunder traversed the night sky, Mo Wen's figure instantly turned into a ray of light, and escaped into the distance at a terrible speed.

"Good boy, enter the Taoist way! After so many years of practice, there is no chance to contact the Taoist martial arts. You are uniquely gifted."

Old woman's eyesight is obviously extraordinary, and at a glance, it can be seen that it is the martial arts that Dao asked to show.

"It doesn't seem to go all out, I can't catch up with you."

The old lady's heart moved, and a bright whistle suddenly came out of her mouth. At the next moment, a long whistling sounded from above the sky, as if responding to the whistle.

Call ...

A huge figure roared. It was a big strange bird. Its huge body covered the moonlight and cast a large shadow in the woods.

The old lady jumped up and landed on the strange bird. The strange bird whistled and carried the old lady forward at a terrifying speed. The speed was amazing.


Mo asked the strange bird chasing behind his buttocks. He was also a little dumbfounded. The criminals here were able to cooperate with the evil birds of the heart of Redstone. It was incredible.

Vicious birds can fly in the sky, and the speed is quite amazing. Facing such violent birds, Mo Wen felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Mysterious approach is no longer mysterious, but if you ca n’t fly, you ca n’t be faster than such a fierce bird.

Since entering the Redstone Forest, Mo Wen felt troubled for the first time ...

After chasing a set, the two of them crossed the hundreds of miles of tea time, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer, Mo Wen almost got caught up a few times.

"If you have the ability, you can continue to escape."

The old lady stood on the rooster and sneered on her face, but she was shocked in her heart. She didn't catch up with her for a quarter of an hour. The rogue at her feet was a kind of rooster that was good at speed, and she also cultivated. The first-level beast king is equivalent to Wu Zong in human beings.

"Old man, you are a lot of old people chasing me a young man, is it suitable?"

Mo Wen stopped very helplessly, standing on a tree crown, he simply did not escape, and it did not make sense to continue to escape.

"You young man is a bit extraordinary. With your strength, I am afraid that you can break into the top ten of the list. How about we discuss it?"

The old lady also stopped not far from Mo Wen's body, but she didn't rush out, but spoke.

"What to discuss?" Mo asked with a smile, but he knew the result without asking.

"My goal is the jade brand. You have no value to me. You give me the jade brand and I promise not to embarrass you. How? You can think clearly, with your strength, even for a short time There is no jade card in it, you can also find a way to get another one, and you can still compete in the top ten of the list. But if you continue to resist with me, even if you do n’t die in my hands, I will probably be forced to withdraw from the contest. Without the jade card, you ca n’t break into the top ten of the list, which is not good for both of us. "

The old lady tried to persuade Mo Wen. Through some chasing, she had seen that it was almost impossible to kill Mo Wen to seize the jade card. The ability of this young man was very low.

"Old things, it's wrong to grab other people's things. Didn't your elementary school teacher teach you?"

Mo asked rolled his eyes, this old lady wanted to succumb to the soldiers without fighting, how could such a good thing.

"Then you don't cooperate?" The old woman's eyes gloomed down ~ ~ A great breath erupted from her.

"This animal is so annoying, then I will kill you animal, and then see what you use to chase me."

Mo Wen raised a golden light in his eyes, and at the next moment, a strange ripple spread around him as a center, instantly covering a radius of a thousand kilometers.

At the foot of the old lady, who kept chasing Mo Wen's eyes, he looked like he had lost his soul. He made a free fall motion directly from the air and fell to the ground.

And Mo Wen's figure, now appeared under the fierce bird, waiting for it to fall.

"Soul Attack!"

The old woman's eyes flickered, but she soon came to awake and looked at Mo in horror. The soul attack just now was mainly aimed at the fierce birds, but she was also affected, but she cultivated high and deep, and did not withstand the strongest power, so she woke up in an instant.

However, although it was only a moment, the fierce bird already wanted a rock and fell more than ten meters.

A dazzling golden light illuminates in the dark night, Mo Wen's body is surrounded by the power of thunder and lightning, and the breath erupts to the extreme instantly.

"you wanna die."

The old woman's eyes were splitting, her anger was loud, she rushed down, ready to save the fierce birds.

However ...

Obviously, Mo Wen will not give her this opportunity, everything is late.


Mowen banged a punch on the head of the violent bird, and instantly killed the violent bird who had fallen into a vertigo and had no resistance. The head burst like a watermelon. (To be continued)

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