Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 894: Hantan

In the valley, the voice was astonished, as if encountering a monster, the tone was unbelievable. "『,

The power of divine consciousness, that is the power that only the warriors after the immortal can master. How can an ordinary warrior possess this power?

Mo Wen also wondered, is there a god-cultivator or a warrior after the fairy in the valley?

The power to attack him is quite pure and far stronger than him. Except for the strong man of that level, he can't think of anyone with this power.

Although he blocked the attack of God's consciousness, Mo Wen's heart had already cooled down. An immortal repairer in Yuanshen Realm or a warrior after Huaxian embarrassed him, so he could hardly escape.

"Come here and let me see what is going on."

The voice rang again in the valley, and it seemed that Mo Wen was asked to go deep into the valley.

Mo asked, his face dignified, of course, it was impossible to walk into the valley, but slowly backed away, at this time he had realized that the valley could not be arbitrarily.

"Hum, toast without eating fines."

The people in the valley saw Mo asked uncooperatively and snorted. The next moment, a horrible cold storm exploded from the valley and swept across the valley in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the entire valley was completely frozen, everything around was wrapped in ice, and seemed to live in a world with only ice.

The whole valley is cold to the extreme. This kind of cold is far beyond the limit that ordinary warriors can bear. Even a Wuzong will turn into an ice sculpture in an instant, which is incredible.

Mo asked his body trembling. He couldn't stand this kind of cold. He couldn't describe how terrible this kind of cold was. He only knew the coldness of Jiuyin he practiced. Compared with the coldness here, it was almost nothing. In such a cold, his ability to move is almost limited to more than half.

And this is his own cultivation of the deep Jiuyin cold air, the resistance to cold air is quite large. If you change to the old woman who chased him, I'm afraid it will be frozen by the cold here in an instant.

An invisible force rose from the valley, spanning a distance of thousands of kilometers, and descended far away, covering Mo Wen, seemingly trying to pull him into the valley.

That force is quite powerful. Mo Wen was dragged forward by that force for dozens of meters without paying attention, but the technique of aerial photography can only exert one-tenth of his own strength. Mo Wen struggled hard. Then he broke free of the restraint of that power, and then retreated 3,000 kilometers, all the way out of the valley.

At this time, Mo Wen no longer had any doubts in his heart. The man in the valley must be a martial artist in the fairyland. The power that came to him just now is a very high-quality force, with a very high spirituality, very pure and powerful, but not spiritual power and inner energy.

obviously. That is the power that the warrior after the Huaxian can master. Mo Wen although he has not been in contact with the warrior in the Huaxian Realm, he can guess something.

"Hey, weird?"

Mo asked after escaping the valley. He had thought that the man would chase it out, but for a long time, there was no movement in the valley ...

"Unexpectedly, you are a teenager. Not only did you master the power of the consciousness during the ordinary martial arts period, but also cultivated the power of the ice to such a level, it is hard to see for thousands of years.

for a long time. There was a sigh in the valley.

"You can have this strength, why don't you be afraid of me being a imprisoned person, this valley has something you need."

"Person imprisoned?"

Mo Wen was surprised. Was the warrior in the immortal realm imprisoned in this valley, so he couldn't come out to kill him?

Mo asked the more he wanted to feel this possibility, otherwise he would not be able to escape the valley so easily, or that he would have no chance to escape the valley if he met a warrior in the fairyland.

"There is a bizarre cold lake in this valley, which can make your cold skills go further. Don't miss this chance."

The voice in the valley rang again.

Mo asked frowning, his face changed for a while, the man said for a long time, apparently he wanted to lure him into the valley, what purpose did he have?

Mo asked, hesitated, and decided to go into that valley and try it out. The man might be right. There is something in the valley that will allow him to improve and cultivate. Because when he first entered the valley, he discovered that the Qi of Yin Yin had changed in his body, and he seemed quite excited and active.

He turned into a golden light and broke into the valley again, but this time he was very cautious and went deep into the valley a little bit to ensure that he could withdraw at any time if something changed, if the strong man in the immortal realm was really imprisoned, then he Still confident to escape again.

After walking about two thousand miles, Mo Wen found that the further he went in, the more terrible the cold was. The cold was not the cold released by the person, but the cold that was born naturally in the world. Mo asked to feel that the cold air drifted into him. Inside, the nine-yin qi of his whole body was excited.

Sure enough, there are extraordinary things in the valley.

Mowen did not dare to venture into the depths of the valley, but released the power of consciousness, to explore the environment, and at the same time guarded against the terrorist attack.

Walked a distance, and a strange picture appeared in front of him. There was a water hole in the center of the valley. The water hole was like a pool of dead water. The ancient wells were not waved.

Above the waterhole, there is a person, to be precise, a person imprisoned by an iron chain.

An iron chain extends deep from the surrounding mountains, and the end of the extension is the person. A total of eight iron chains with thick arms trap the person like a dumpling. The iron chain is obviously not an ordinary thing, there is a rune flashing on it, and even occasionally lightning flashes.

Mo Wen was surprised in his heart. He did not expect that in such a valley, a warrior who turned into a fairyland was imprisoned. Obviously, Tianhua Palace must have imprisoned him.

As soon as he saw the man's situation, Mo Wen felt relieved suddenly, and boldly walked towards the waterhole. No matter how strong the warrior in the fairy land is, this situation can not cause any harm to him. He is different from the ordinary warrior. Some means of turning the fairy land are not useful to him at all.

The man was dishevelled and ragged, and the clothes on his body were no longer clothes, but a piece of cloth hanging on his body. In the messy long hair, a pair of extremely cold eyes stared at Mo Wen.

'S eyes were nothing like human eyes. Mo Wen was stared at him, and he felt cold all over his body, and he felt uncomfortable for a while.

This person is definitely not a kind, how can ordinary people have such eyes.

"It really is very young, there is such a wizard in the world."

The man stared at Mo Wenliang for a long time, and a demon smile smiled on the corner of his mouth. His eyesight can naturally see things that others cannot see. This young man's cultivation may not be enough to surprise him, but his body and soul really shocked him.

A warrior had mastered the power of Yuanshen before he turned into a fairyland. He had never seen it before, even if he had n’t heard it. And he can see that this young man's body is quite strong, almost as strong as he can be. The ordinary Wuzong three-state martial arts warrior cannot be so strong.

This young man is not like a person who specializes in body training, but has such a terrible flesh, it is simply incredible.

The thing that surprised him most was not this, but the spirituality of this young man. The kind of spiritual ordinary warrior may not feel it, but the warrior after the immortal must be able to feel it, because the warrior after the immortal comes It is said that one's own spirituality is very important and almost determines everything.

A young man like this, once he enters the realm of immortality, his own advantages will be completely exploded. It can be called the world's talent and is almost unstoppable.

A young man, why can he be so evil, this is a problem he can't figure out anyway.

"Have you seen enough?" Mo asked faintly. He always felt that this person's gaze was uncomfortable, and what purpose he seemed to have.

"This cold lake is a singular thing in the heart of redstone. The cold attribute strength you cultivated through the cold lake may be able to go further."

The man said faintly that he could see that this young man's cold skill is an extraordinary skill. The more this kind of cold skill gets to the back, the more difficult it is to improve. , Quite difficult.

Moreover, he can also see that although Mo Wen's cold attribute strength is amazing, it is not satisfactory, and he should not have been cultivated to the state of great success.

Different exercises have different Dacheng realms. It is not so difficult to practice to the Dacheng realm, but this kind of practice, even if you reach the peak, will have no achievements. The exercise method is like a mountain. The mountain you climbed may reach the top of the mountain a few hundred meters, but other people's mountains are so high that they climb into the sky.

Is also a mountain climbing, but the experience and process of the two are very different, and the results are naturally very different.

This boy's cold attribute power is quite amazing ~ ~ Even if he releases the ice field, he can't help but the height is beyond imagination.

But even so, this cold power is not yet in a state of perfection, which surprised him as a martial artist who stepped into the realm of immortality. To know that this young man has not yet stepped out of the realm of immortality, the power of the cold attribute he masters is so amazing. The exercises he cultivates are bound to be the best cold exercises in the world.

Mowen's Jiuyin Divine Skills did not reach perfection. The Jiuyin Divine Skills originally had only seven layers, but after the transformation of the 34th generation of Mingjiao, they evolved into nine layers.

He has only practiced to the eighth floor now, indeed there is still some distance from the perfection of the ninth floor.

In fact, the original Jiuyin Divine Skills were the first-class exercises in the world. Later, it evolved into nine layers, almost reaching the peak of conventional exercises, and even contained some shadows of enlightenment exercises. But the Jiuyin Divine Skills and the Jiuyang Divine Skills are the exercises left by the 34th generation of the Mingjiao leader to the secular disciples, and naturally cannot rise to the point of enlightenment.

Mowen can practice the Jiuyin Divine Skill to the ninth floor, which is almost close to the Tao. (To be continued ...) u

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