Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 895: Dzogchen


"Your practice is close to Tao, but it is not yet complete, only the last step. If I help you, and help you in this cold pool, it may not be difficult to break through to the Great Consummation."

The man could naturally see that Mo asked the current state, and the tone was full of temptations.

The approach to Taoism, once cultivated to perfection, will explode with a terrible power. That power is the power close to the realm of Huaxian, even though the total amount is not much, but in quality, it can crush almost all the martial arts under Huaxian.

The ninth floor of the Jiuyin Divine Skill is the ultimate performance of the world to the Yin Chilling Cultivation Technique.

However, he would n’t believe that this person hung on the iron chain would be worthy of diligence or thievery. Besides, in this case, this person is obviously not a good person. Cultivation is a very dangerous thing. How can he believe him? .

"You still take care of yourself. With the power of this cold lake, I can break through myself."

Mo asked with a sneer, and still so far away, the water of the cold lake can faintly draw the nine yin qi in his body. If he is in the cold lake, there is definitely hope to break through to the ninth floor of the Jiuyin Divine Skill.

Mo questioned the man, stepped forward to the cold lake step by step, knowing that the warrior of the immortal realm was imprisoned, Mo asked not to worry about him much.

He was imprisoned on the cold lake, and the power he could exert was nothing more than the power of the consciousness and the power of the ice.

If another warrior meets him, I am afraid that there is no resistance at all, but Mo Wen is different, these two forces have little effect on him.

The man wanted to ask, but it was almost impossible.

When Mo Wen stepped on the water of Hantan, an amazing cold air poured into his body from the bottom of his feet, and the cold air had a very amazing spirituality.

It was only a moment, Mo Jiu's Qi of Nine Yin whirls wildly, like a hungry man encountering food. The gobble swallowed the cold that poured into the body.

Mowen went to the center of Hantan. The more the center, the stronger the coldness of Hantan. The coldness in the central area, the cold Mo Wen shivered.

But he resisted the chill. He knew that it was not easy to break through the ninth floor, and it would be difficult to succeed without using the coldness at the center of Hantan.

The imprisoned person looked at Mo Wen quietly, Mo Wen refused him, and within his expectation, Mo Mo agreed without any hesitation without any precautions. Instead, he will feel weird.

"This cold lake is a miracle that can breed tri-color cold energy. You can meet this cold lake, but it is a blessing."

There was a sigh in the tone of the man. If he was not imprisoned, he could practice for hundreds of years in this cold lake, and there must be a breakthrough in cultivation. It is a pity that the chain not only imprisoned his body, imprisoned his strength, even his primordial spirit was imprisoned.

The time is five hundred years later, and his cultivation has not only made no progress. Instead, he retreated a lot, and now the lamp is exhausted and is about to reach the end of life.

"Three-color cold energy!"

Mo Wen was surprised in his eyes. That's a legendary thing. The vitality is the purest energy bred between heaven and earth. At that time, the group of vitality he absorbed in the ancient secret realm was only one color of vitality. The more the color of the vitality, the higher the grade. It is nine colors of vitality.

In addition to the rank of vitality, some special vitalities have their own attributes, but this kind of vitality is quite rare, and most of the vitality has no attributes. The tri-color cold vitality is for monks who cultivate the power of cold attributes. On the value is almost inferior to the five-color vitality.

"Unfortunately, the moment of tri-color cold energy was conceived. If there is no special way to collect, it will be integrated into the cold lake in the next moment. The collector only has a moment of time. Three-color cold energy, but in recent thousands of years, the three-color cold energy born in Hantan must be incorporated into the cold lake. Therefore, the cold energy you absorb is the energy diluted by the three-color cold energy. "

The man looked enviously at Mo Wen's eyes. His body was restricted. Although he was imprisoned here for five hundred years, he couldn't get any benefits other than suffering the cold.

This teenager is different, he is not restricted, he can freely absorb the energy here.

"No wonder this Hantan is so magical."

Mo Wen's eyes flashed in a glance, and the things that can breed tri-color cold vitality are almost all wonders in the world, not to mention that the tri-color cold vitality is also integrated into the pool water, which in turn nourishes the cold pool.

Knowing that this Hantan is precious, Mo Wen no longer distracted, absorbed the power of this Hantan wholeheartedly.

However, it hadn't been absorbed for a long time, and suddenly felt a terrible breath released from the man, which covered the whole valley.

He opened his eyes the first time and looked at the man with vigilance.

Although the man couldn't help him, if he wanted to destroy his cultivation, then he could do nothing.

What he did not expect was that the force was not directed at him, but ...

Mo Wen discovered that the energy around Hantan actually kept gathering towards the center under the impetus of a force. At his location, the coldness became more and more concentrated and pure, as if filtered by people.

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. The man was obviously helping him, making him more easily absorb the power of this cold lake.

"Thank you seniors for your help."

Mo asked clenched a fist at the man. Anyway, the man was helping him by doing so. Of course, he still has doubts in his heart and does not know the purpose of the other party. But for now, it should be a good thing.

"I am a dying person, and it is fate to meet you. You can practice with peace of mind."

The man closed his eyes after speaking, it seemed that it was really pure help.

Mo asked how many times the light flashed in his eyes and found that there was no movement from the man, so he sat down altogether and fell into cultivation.

The time passed a little bit, and the day and night passed in the blink of an eye.

Mo Wen always sits cross-legged in the middle of the cold lake, practicing wholeheartedly. Around him, there are layers of cold fog. If you look closely, you can find that the cold fog is very extraordinary, and it actually releases a wave of spiritual fluctuation.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes opened when I didn't know when, and kept looking at Mo Wen. The light in his eyes was complicated and exciting, and there were some amazing colors.

"Sure enough, it is not a wizard of the world. I may have underestimated him before. His inner energy actually contains a lot of spirituality. Spiritual power is a high-end embodiment of the power of heaven and earth. It is an extraordinary power, only A monk of Yuanshen Realm and above can master it. His inner energy actually contains more than 50% of spiritual power. What is the situation? "

"I'm afraid that those who are born with spirits have no evil spirits! Doesn't it mean that he can mobilize some magic weapons and formations by virtue of internal energy? It's just a monster."

The more he observed Mo asked, the more surprised he was. This young man may not be very outstanding, but his potential is simply inestimable.

Originally thought that even if there was a cold lake catalysis, Mo Wen wanted to break through to the state of perfection, it would take at least ten days or more. But the inner qi in his body contains a very high spirituality, and it takes less effort to absorb the cold, and it is almost no less than him.

I am afraid that when it is dawn, he will be able to break through to the Great Consummation. He has seen a lot of evil geniuses in the world, but he is the first time he has encountered such a unique gift.

The sky was getting brighter, there was a hint of white in the sky, and a round of red sun slowly stretched out its head from the clouds.

Located in the center of Hantan, Mo Wen, who has always closed his eyes, suddenly opened, and at the next moment, an amazing cold power burst from him, like a storm, swept across the valley in an instant.

The cold lake actually condensed into ice in an instant, which is a strange thing that hasn't happened in a thousand years, even the mysterious person who turns into a fairyland can't do it. However, the moment Mo Wen broke through, he faintly pulled out the most original power in the world, instantly freezing the cold lake.

Over the Hantan, the figure imprisoned by the chain couldn't help but tremble.

"What a terrible chill."

The man's eyelids shuddered, and the shock in his eyes was beyond description. The last time the cold lake was frozen, or three hundred years ago, when the three-color cold energy merged into the cold lake, he saw that the extremely cold cold lake was frozen, and it took a year to melt. This is the second time he has seen Hantan being frozen. With the power of the boy, it is almost impossible to achieve it. It must be the moment of his breakthrough, which ignited the power of the three-color cold energy in Hantan. Such a spectacle appeared.

Mo Wen slowly stood up from the center of Hantan, standing on the lake surface after freezing, he felt that the Qiuyin Qi in his body had turned upside down.

That is a qualitative change, a completely reborn change.

"The cold attribute power you have now is no less than me in quality."

The man's gaze to Mo Wen was a bit complicated. He was a meta-spiritual warrior who cultivated the cold attribute. The young man actually mastered the power of his attributes during the ordinary warrior period.

Although the quantity cannot be compared with him, but the quality is not bad. How many ordinary warriors can resist this cold power? This young man's current cultivation may not be high, but in terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid that the warriors below the fairy land ~ ~ can beat his few.

"Unexpectedly, the ninth floor of the Jiuyin Divine Achievement is actually like this. If it were not for the help of this cold lake, I am afraid that I would not be able to break through the ninth floor for another hundred years of practice."

Mo Wen raised a sigh in his heart, that the 34th generation of the Mingjiao leader is worthy of being a peerless genius, and he can perfect a secular method to this point. I am afraid that after his immortality, his achievements will be absolutely extraordinary.

However, although his Jiuyin Divine Skills reached the Great Consummation, new problems also came. His Jiuyang Divine Skill is still at the eighth level. Although there is only one level difference, the gap between them is a huge difference. The balance he has always maintained has been broken because of this breakthrough. For cultivation, it is a big influence.

Because of the imbalance in the body, he wants to break through to the Wuzong realm, it will become more difficult, even impossible.

But if you can also practice the Nine Yang Divine Skills to the ninth level and establish balance again, I am afraid that breaking through to the Wuzong realm is a matter of course.

However, the ninth floor of the Jiuyang Divine Skill was consummated, which is probably not an easy task. (To be continued)

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