Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 907: Frightened Ming Palace


Under the hood of the golden phoenix flame, the ubiquitous green corrosion power on the ring is constantly evaporating. The fire of Jiuyang, which Mo asked before, can't help but at this moment it seems that the snow has met the blazing sun, and the breath melts. Mostly.

"Phoenix phantom, you ..."

Heng surprised the vast majority, he had never thought that Mo Wen could actually understand such martial arts, involving the power of heaven, earth, and **** beasts, which is far more difficult to enlighten than the mysterious atmosphere of ordinary martial arts.

"The trouble is big!"

Heng Xiangguang was vigilant in his heart, and immediately stood ready to retreat. He knew that it was not appropriate to confront Mo Wen at this time. Like this kind of martial arts containing the power of heaven, earth and beast, once it broke out, the power would be quite scary.

On the power, this martial arts has far exceeded the palm of the giant flame that reached the realm of the mysterious atmosphere.

But as soon as the Fire Phoenix appeared, how could he be allowed to escape? The image of Mo Wen ’s body was a smoke, like a shadow, and at the same time, the phantom of the Phoenix above the sky gave a clear long roar, and then flew down, into the Phoenix of Mo Wen In the flames.


A flaming phoenix carrying endless golden flames flew out of Mo Wen's body, hitting Heng Xiangguang with a thunderbolt, and the power of terror exploded and blasted him out like a cannonball. Directly hit the range of the ring.

"It's so strong! It's a tremendous skill that can arouse the power of the gods and beasts."

"The explosive power at that moment is simply amazing, I am afraid that only the extreme warrior can stop it."


On the square, each warrior secretly shocked. The power erupted at the moment just blasted Heng Xiangguang a thousand or two kilometers. How strong was the explosive force at that moment? However, many people with high eyes also see that although Heng Xiangguang was blown up, he did not suffer much damage. After all, Heng Xiangguang was too strong, and he put the corpse transformation corpse transformation technique to the limit, the body It is absolutely amazing. Although the martial arts containing the power of the Divine Beast are terrible, it is also impossible to kill Heng Xiangguang directly.

But Heng Xiangguang was bombed out of the ring. Throwing for thousands of kilometers, he lost the battle in the ring.


Heng Xiangguang flew more than a thousand meters before he could stabilize his figure. His face was extremely ugly. Mo just now asked if he wasn't blown away with a terrifying impulse. With his ability, he can still have a lot of work. After all, his carrion skills are not vegetarian. His cultivation behavior is much higher than Mo Wen's question. Ke Mo asked not to fight him for life or death, but to skillfully blast him out of the ring. In that battle, he had already lost.

Mo Jin's body slowly shrank and finally dissipated. His complexion was pale. He had a hard time with Heng Xiangguang. He was injured. After all, Heng Xiangguang was very strong, especially when he was desperate. The attack power is incredible, and I am afraid that only the extreme strong can suppress him.

Fortunately, his physical body was strong enough, but he also carried it down hard, otherwise he would not even have the opportunity to exhibit the Fire Phoenix Wave.

Fire Phoenix Wave is one of the two martial arts that you not only master, but it is far more difficult to practice than the giant flame.

Mowen accepted some of Xiang Weiwei's inherited memories, but it was very easy for the giant flame to be cultivated, and even to realize the mysterious atmosphere.

Ke Fengbo, a martial art, but he had no clue, and practiced in Hantan Valley for a few days. I haven't grasped the essence.

Of course, the fire phoenix wave is far more difficult to practice than the giant palm of the flames. After all, this martial art contains the power of the gods and beasts, which can arouse some world power. Although only slightly aroused. But how terrible is the power of heaven and earth, but that is the power that the warrior after the immortal can master. The ordinary warrior can provoke the power of heaven and earth, and the horror can be imagined.

Originally, Mo Wen couldn't show the phoenix wave, but he could fight against Heng Xiangguang. During the battle, he constantly realized that the essence of martial arts passed to him by him. It turned out that the Fire Phoenix wave came out naturally. It should be noted that when Xiang not only got the Fire Phoenix Wave, he also practiced for a long time before he realized this martial art.

It can be said that Huo Fengbo was a tremendous scholar who had not only pressed the bottom of the box at that time. The reason why he was able to cross the entire Huaxia world, so that Tianhua Palace caught him for decades, he was very powerful. One reason.

Moreover, after practicing to a high depth, the Fire Phoenix Wave can be combined with other martial arts to exert a stronger power.

Mo Wen won the ring, and suddenly 30,000 points were automatically transferred to his jade card. His total points soared to more than 80,000, which directly entered the top ten, and ranked fifth, squeezing the sword idiot. Go down.

He didn't challenge anymore, but went directly to the ring. He was not a rash person. He won two games in a row. He knew that if he continued to challenge, he might encounter even more terrible opponents. There is no shortage of strong men among these criminals. Moreover, his current points are already in the top ten. He only needs to stabilize the top ten, and the selection is considered to be over. As for the number of places, it is of little significance.


"Sure enough, you surprised me again." Narcissus shook his head with a smile, this young man named Mo Wen, seems to have endless potential, no matter how squeezing can not be squeezed.

"Interesting, this battle of the heavens is becoming more and more interesting ..." The young man in the shadow slowly raised his head, and a cold smile was raised in the corner of his mouth. He was originally worried that there were not many opponents in the battle of the sky. Now it seems that he wants to be the first. I am afraid he must come up with some means.

"Another great enemy, I am worried about the death of the monk, but I came to the top of the sky list. If it was placed in the hands of a child, it would be ashamed."


Mo Wen won the ring, the warriors in the square had different thoughts, and those criminals had nothing. They only regarded Mo Wen as a terrible opponent. Just pay a little attention, and there was no danger of not confronting him.

But those contestants are different, especially those who have the ability to break into the top ten, there must be a battle between them and Mo Wen, Mo Wen is too strong, and the pressure on them is great.

The top ten of the list can be rewarded, but the rankings are different, and the rewards are different. The top three rewards and the tenth and ninth rewards are not at the same level.

"Damn! Damn it!"

The ruthless young man looks ugly, and his heart is full of anger, how is it possible! It was only a few days since Mo asked, but how could it be so powerful! He had fought with Mo Wen before, but at that time he was barely similar to the ordinary Wuzong three realm warriors. How come he is now so powerful.

Thinking of the look that Mo Wen looked at him when he walked down the ring, he was a little shudder. Mo asked the current strength, it is definitely not that he can match.

"Relentless lord, what to do now ..." Shao Ji was also full of horror. Mo Wen was so powerful. If he was avenged by him in the future, it would be simply ... And he knew that there was no small hatred between Ming Temple and Mo Wen There is such an opponent, which makes people sleepless.

"Are you looking at my jokes?" The ruthless son looked at Shao Ji, and the crazy look in his eyes made Shao Ji tremble. At this point, the ruthless son could not control his emotions. Before that, he lost his face in front of Mo Wen. This Shao Ji was beside him. This time, this Shao Ji was by his side again, which made him feel uncomfortable, and wished to slapp the deadly servant with a slap.

"No ... no ..." Shao Ji felt the horrible murderous intention of the ruthless son, and he took a step back, terrified in his eyes.

"This is not the place where you should stay like this junk, hand over the points, and then get out." Ruthless son said lightly, if it was not in the death arena, he could not start, I am afraid that he would have watched him twice in a row The joke guy killed.

"Yes, thank you for your kindness ..." Shao Ji didn't dare to resist, he quickly handed over his points, all contributed to the ruthless son, and then smashed the jade card, and was sent out of the square in a moment. If a ruthless son wants to kill him, he doesn't even have the ability to resist, so he kills, and the Ming Temple behind him dare not say much.

"Mo asked, you wait for me, I will definitely call you to death, call you to death ...!" A roaring voice roared in the heart of the heartless son.


Shenlong nest.

Wang Yinru let out a sigh of relief, and was powerless in the position. She had just put her whole heart on the ring just now. It seemed that it was not Mo Wen who was fighting but her.

"It's so powerful. I'm afraid that I might not have done a trick in front of the palace lord. It is worthy of being a demon." Tan Qiyue flashed a deep shock in his eyes. This is how long it has passed. Mo Wen was so powerful. Just after coming out of the Douling Tower, Mo Wen may be at most equivalent to him.

It's not the Douling Tower outside. Mo Wen wanted to improve so much in a short period of time, which is simply incredible.

"I was never on the same level as me." Yin Banshuang sighed, with a complex color in her eyes. When she first saw her, she was only able to compare with her if she was a genius. At this time she realized that Mo Wen was not a world with her from beginning to end.

Mo Wen won the battle, the generous faction and the Ming Dynasty martial arts warriors were very happy, the stronger the patriarch, the better for them naturally, especially some warriors of the Five Beast Sect and the Ziqi Pavilion, when they first surrendered to Mo Wen Under yours ~ ~ Many people are not convinced. After all, the ancient secret world has been their territory for thousands of years. How can an outsider ride on their heads.

But at this time, an individual is convinced, and Xinyue is sincerely convinced.

Of course, there are people who are happy, but also people who are angry and unwilling.

The direction of the Ming Palace, all the strong players in the Ming Temple are incredibly looking at the young man on the ring.

"How is it possible! How is he possible ..." The cloth clothing was stiff all over, staring blankly at the ring, and the whole person was stupid. Na Mo asked, how could it be so powerful, simply ... simply ...

A deep sense of fear suddenly enveloped his heart, making him unable to bear a burst of shaking, he felt that even hiding in the Ming Temple, could not stop the young man.

"Horrible, horrible, terrible ..."

The elder of the Second Supreme Master of the Ming Temple said three terrible ones in a row, and his face was pale. But at this time ... (to be continued.)

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