Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 908: Top 10 settled

Mo Wen's horrible strength made all the elders in the Ming Palace air-conditioned, and being enemies with such a teenager can definitely make the bedroom uncomfortable.

"Elder Cloth, it is said that you have deep grievances with this Mo?" Shao Yunyang, the owner of Mingdian Hall, frowned, and glanced at Bu Xingyi.

According to his understanding, the contradiction between Ming Dian and Mo Wen was all caused by cloth clothing.

Of course, he didn't know Mo Wen's identity, otherwise he certainly wouldn't think so. In his eyes, the anchors of Ming Dian and Mo Wen were all on the elder cloth cloth.

"The Lord of the Palace, Na Mowen came close to the Gao family, and his subordinates only targeted him everywhere. In fact, he had a sincere heart towards the Ming Palace, and this was the case."

Clothing clothes quickly said, a little cold in his heart, he knew Shao Yunyang's temperament, according to a fierce and ruthless generation, the look in his eyes made him feel deeply uneasy.

"Huh, you are sincere to Ming Palace. Since you are so loyal to Ming Temple, then you can solve this matter yourself. I don't like this. Do not ask me to find Ming Temple. After all, if it involves Shang Ming Temple, then do n’t blame me for being ruthless. "

Shao Yunyang said coldly that this cloth-clothing elder is also a fool. He usually does not see how much he has grown, so it is very good to cause trouble.

Bu Xingyi was cold in his heart, and his eyes were full of fear. He knew that the master of the palace was about to abandon him to please Mo. He usually dared to be arrogant and arrogant. Not only did he rely on the strength of Wu Zong, but the bigger reason was the Ming Palace behind him. In the world, who doesn't give Mingdian some face.

But now, if Ming Temple abandons him, then he is really ...

"Qing letter, I don't want to ask if you are not an ordinary person. You must have a great future. You can meet him, it is really lucky." The master of Chongyu Gate exclaimed. Na Mo asked the martial arts sect of their common customs. Hardly in a world. It was a blessing that Wang Qinghan could meet him and cure all his terminal illnesses.

Wang Qinghan also has bright eyes. Destiny is sometimes so mysterious, she originally thought she could not live for a few years. Unexpectedly, Mo was asked to get in her car for a while, and everything was such a big turning point. If at that time she did not kindly carry senior Namo, I am afraid her fate will not change.


After asking to overcome Heng Xiangguang, he kept a low profile and hardly participated in the ring battle. He only had to keep his points stable in the top ten, and that was enough. If there are too many battles now. Too much exposed strength is definitely quite unfavorable for the next qualifying battle.

Among the contestants, there are still some good opponents who retain a little strength and are very powerful for the next battle.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. When everything was over, Mo Wen had almost one hundred thousand points in his hand, ranking eighth and one of the top ten.

Gu Jingman didn't participate in a fight from beginning to end, Mo Wen thought she had given up long ago. After all, the battle of the sky list is too fierce, and it is normal for many people with insufficient strength to give up directly. For example, Shao Ji, although he came to the mechanical labyrinth, had little hope of breaking into the top ten.

But what Mo Mo didn't expect was that when he finally announced the top ten, Mo Mo was taken aback.

All suspended platforms above the sky have disappeared, and ten cylinders have been replaced. Each cylinder has a label. From one to ten, contestants can stand on the corresponding cylinders according to different rankings. As for those who cannot enter the top ten. It was eliminated in this round.

But those who are eliminated are not nothing. The top 100 all have generous rewards, and the thousand and five hundred also have symbolic rewards. For ordinary warriors, even the symbolic rewards from Tianhua Palace are absolutely precious. This is the reason why the Tianbang battle drives so many people crazy.

What Mo Wen did not expect was that the person standing on the No. 1 column, the person who Mo Wen had always been curious about, was actually ...

"What, you are the first" good woman ", more than 400,000 points ..." Mo asked, looking at Gu Jingman with a surprised look, he never thought that the extremely mysterious "good woman" It was Gu Jingman, and the name was too ...

A good woman is a mystery for all contestants and even criminals. With more than 400,000 points in her hands, no one knows how she did it.

From the beginning to the end, she has not participated in any battle in the arena, but she ranked first but no one can shake, the second dark hand continued to fight in the death arena, and finally only ten About 50,000 points, but she is several times the number two.

Everyone is curious about who this good woman is. Mo Wen even thought she was Gu Jingman.

"Are you a good woman?" Mo asked, his eyes glaring round.

"Why don't people look like a good woman?" Gu Jingman asked blankly.

"Cough ... I mean, how do you have so many points?" Mo Wen really couldn't understand how Gu Jingman had so many points in his hands.

"Of course I made it myself." Gu Jingman snorted softly, but smiled in the eyes, she liked not to ask this expression.

Mo Wen felt helpless. Although he couldn't figure it out, the facts were right in front of him. The battle of the Tianbang Palace held by Tianhua Palace must not be cheated.

Don't say Mo Wen, for a time, almost everyone looked at Gu Jingman.

"It turns out that she is the mysterious" good woman ", with more than 400,000 points in her hand, God! How did she do it."

"That 'good woman' didn't seem to participate in a battle in the ring, that is to say, before she entered the mechanical maze, she had so many points in her hands, which is simply incredible."


Some contestants and criminals in the Red Rock Forest have been discussing one after another. This fan, who has always been in the hearts of everyone, finally has an answer.

It's just that no one expected that this ‘good woman’ was so charming a big beauty. When Gu Jingman stood on the most eye-catching ring, almost everyone's attention was attracted.

"What a beautiful sister, how can she be so beautiful, is it a fairy?"

In the dragon's nest, Su Wan'er blinked her eyes, she only felt that the sister who stood at the first was so beautiful, there was a beauty that she could not tell. She is also a little beauty in Zongmen, but compared to that pretty sister, she is a clown duck. That kind of extraordinary beauty and temperament is enough to make any woman feel jealous.

"That woman is not ordinary." Tang Zhizhi also secretly marveled. As a deacon of Tianhua Palace, she knew that there is a kind of beauty that cannot be measured by ordinary standards. Ordinary beauty may still be full of flowers, each has its own merits, no heights. Points. But the beauty of vulgarity is not as simple as the appearance. She has seen a fairy-like person in Tianhua Palace, and it is also involuntarily rising from the bottom of her heart.

After selecting the top ten, the next is the top ten qualifying, and all the contestants have one day to rest.

Qualifying is very simple, that is, the top ten contestants play one by one, arranging high and low.

Different rankings will result in different rewards.

Of course, the top ten have one of the biggest benefits, that is, they can enter the legendary goddess world.

Although Mo Wen did n’t know what magic is in that goddess world, he also knew that the hidden warriors appeared in large numbers because of this goddess world. If it were not for the goddess world that attracted them, I ’m afraid they did n’t Will not be born.

The top ten can have a chance to enter, for those who have a hidden martial arts, the purpose has been completed.

Of course, the ranking is also very important. The higher the rank, the more benefits, no one knows what good things Tianhua Palace will come up with, and the higher the ranking, it seems to have some influence on entering the goddess world.

One day later, all the criminals on the death arena withdrew and returned to their redstone forest, but Mo Wen waited for the top ten contestants, but was led away by ten gods of light. When they appeared again, they were already in the dragon's nest In the middle of the open space.

The first place is Gu Jingman.

The second place is still the guy with the left hand, the third place is still a wine monk, and the fourth place is still a narcissus. These positions are almost unshakable, and their strength is far more than other competitors.

As for the fifth place, it was a person whom Mo asked unexpectedly, but if he did not know him, he might not care, but the whole person asked not only that he knew, but it was almost impossible to appear here.

His name is Xin Wuji, Mo asked why he knew him because of Chi Xingzong. The Red Blood Sect is the top five forces of the top ten Sects in the space, and there is naturally a strong Sect support from the inner world. Strong.

But his grandfather was only a strong Wu Zong, and Xin Wuji was only Jin Jin ’s later cultivation practice. He could not grow so much in such a short world even if he turned against the sky. Can be ranked fifth, the ordinary Wuzong three realm can not do it, replaced with his grandfather, I am afraid that even the mechanical maze has improved.

But he actually ranked fifth!

This is indeed a bit weird, so Mo Wen couldn't help but look at Xin Wuji for a few more times.

He was not very good before ~ ​​ ~ Confused Among the contestants, Mo Wen didn't show him. But in the last two days, he burst out with incredible strength, soaring all the way, and finally ranked fifth.

The sixth place is Jianchi Baichen. This person is quite capable. I am afraid that he has hidden a lot of strength before fighting Mo Wen.

The seventh place is a very low-key person named Shen Hao.

No. 8 is Mo Wen. The ninth named Guo Mengqiao, who is also Wu Zongdian, Mo Wen knew a little about him. As for the other Qiong Tong from Wu Zongdian, he still missed the top ten. The battle of Tianbang is too fierce. Some people who must have crossed the top ten were almost missed the top ten, and even the top 20 could not enter.

Is a group of people who are not well-known and who do n’t know where to come out.

The tenth place is a ruthless son. Mo originally thought that he couldn't hold the top ten, but he didn't want him to step into Wuzong three realms in the last two days. (To be continued) [End of this chapter]

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