Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 910: Cai Shen Shi

readx (); In the auditorium of the Shenlong Nest, everyone is paying attention to the movement of the top ten powerhouses in the sky list. It can be said that it is the strongest person in the young generation of China. The battle between them is naturally splendid.

"How did Mo Wen choose to choose the No. 6 ring?" Tan Qiyue's eyes flashed a strange look. Mo Wen's ability should not only choose the sixth. I am afraid that the first three have a competitive power, and the No. 6 ring is already occupied. Now Going up is equal to the previous game in advance, which can be a bit detrimental to the fight behind him.

Some people who know Mo Wen are a bit strange. From the perspective of Mo Wen ’s previous strength, it should be enough to compete for the top three.

"Sister, why don't you ask me to challenge the sixth ring?"

In a corner where no one can see, there are two people standing there, a woman fluttering in white, like a fairy falling from the dust; the other is very enchanting, a very neutral face, which is called the evil in the evil .

The two are not others, it is Mo Qingge and Mo Qingqing.

They were in the dragon's nest, but no one could find them, even if the referee didn't notice it.

"He should have had a holiday with that young man." Mo Qingqing smiled faintly. If it wasn't against each other, Mo Wen shouldn't do this kind of thing. With her understanding of Mo Wen, he shouldn't just fight for one. sixth.

"Sister, did you know that Mo Wen could break into the top ten before, so give him the Cailong Stone in advance? This day's battle for the top list is not so fierce. At first, I didn't have much confidence in him. "Mo Qingqing said curiously, at this time he already knew that his sister's Cailong stone had fallen into Mo Wen's hands.

The colorful dragon stone, although very precious, can only be used to enter the goddess world.

"I didn't predict the ability of the future. I gave Cailong Stone to him, but I just wanted to give him a chance. Even if he didn't break into the top ten of the sky list, I will find a way to let him enter the goddess world." Mo Qingge said faintly, with her status in the Tianhua Palace, she made an exception to ask Mo to enter the goddess world is not difficult.

"Sister. You are too good to ask Mo, Cailong Stone is a rare world, and there are only a few pieces in the whole world, so you gave it to Mo asked?"

Mo Qingtian looked oddly at Mo Qingge. My sister has never been so kind to a man. That color dragon stone, also known as the color **** stone, is only a few pieces in the heavens and the world. According to his knowledge, the entire spirit world is only two pieces. One piece fell into the hands of my sister, who gave it to others!

"Although the color **** stone is rare, it falls in my hand, and it is no different from an ordinary stone. I have been to the goddess world five times before and after, and all of them have gone back without success. It's useless. Give Mo Shen Cai Mo to see if he has that chance. After all, he gave me the Soul Raising Jade before, otherwise I will have a hard time with this killing. "

Mo Qingge said faintly. She asked Mo Shencai, but it was just a surrender to Li, not to mention that it was useless in her hands.

Speaking of the killing, Mo Qingqing remained silent. The disaster on his sister was his everlasting pain. He hated his powerlessness and could only watch his sister suffer the pain. Moreover, maybe when it happened, he was out of control, and the things that scared him most happened.

"Tian'er. It's been so long, don't you still see it? Sister is happy and has no regrets. Besides, with my cultivation. After spending a murder, it shouldn't happen again in five years Now. "

Mo Qingge was carrying his hand, the whole person was filled with a spirit of fairy spirit, detached from the outside, from the appearance, she could not see any negative breath at all.

Mo Qingqing silently glanced at her sister. A wry smile in my heart: Are you really happy?

He looked at Mo above the ring and asked, that the Caishen Stone is far more precious than the Soul Raising Jade, and it is simply not comparable. However, since the sister likes it, what qualifications do he have to refuse, not to mention that the sister paid so much attention to a person at first.


"Mo asked, if you stop here, there is room for peace between you and me, otherwise ... you should know what will happen if you offend me." The ruthless son looked at Mo Wen coldly, he chose the sixth ring He just doesn't want to ask Mo Mo, because he knows that he is no longer Mo Mo's opponent.

"Less nonsense, the young master of the hall of the blood-scarring palace is your virtue? Either fight, or just roll down the ring for me." Mo asked faintly.

"you wanna die!"

The ruthless son is mad. Mo Wen dared to talk to him like this. If it were not restricted by the rules of Tianhua Palace, many of his babies could not be used. He had already shot and killed this little animal. At this point, the arrow had to be sent on the string. If he fled without fighting, he would be more embarrassed.

Bloody sea raging!

Strike first to be strong, and then to suffer. Since it is unavoidable, the ruthless son is also very decisive, and he directly exhibits the strongest martial art he has mastered. A sea of ​​blood surges out, covering the entire ring with waves of blood. The waves really hit Mo Wen as if they were waves, endless, and each wave is stronger than the other.

At this time he has broken through to the three realms of Wuzong, and his strength has grown greatly. He did not believe that Mo Wen could easily defeat him. Even if he can't win Mo Wen, he still has to find a way to hurt Mo Wen.

"Do not limit yourself."

Mo asked with a sneer, even Heng Xiangguang was not his opponent, and a ruthless son who had just broken through the three realms of Wuzong also wanted to threaten him.

A phantom of Phoenix appeared above the ring, under the phantom, Mo Wen exuded unparalleled majesty, and a golden flame of Phoenix swept out. The Phoenix Golden Flame contains a terrifying heat. Under a roll, the blood sea surrounding Mo Wen immediately evaporates, and instantly melts half.

A golden shadow directly hit the sea of ​​blood and appeared in front of the ruthless son.


The huge flame palm came down from the air, the palm carried an unparalleled power, it was the giant flame palm.

However, at this time, the giant flame palm contains a golden flame of phoenix. The flame phoenix transformed by the golden flame flew around the giant palm, making the giant flame palm have a mysterious and wild atmosphere.

The merciless son was directly shot and flew out, how terrible the blaze of the blaze of the phoenix containing the divine power of the phoenix.


The ruthless son's body flew out of the ring and directly hit the ground, and a series of cracks appeared from him, blood was like a pillar, and the ground was scattered. With just a palm, he almost tore his body apart. If it weren't for the ruthless son to be strong enough, he would almost die directly.

"So strong!"

Jianchi Baichen's heart trembles. Mo asked the strength of the palm just now. Even if he couldn't get it, the palm without any skill was clever and unstoppable.

If he met Mo Wen at the beginning, he was so strong, would he dare to **** half of Mo Wen's points, Mo Wen would not be good if he didn't **** him.

Participants looked at Mo in astonishment one by one. Such strength really does have the ability to compete for the top three.

A white light fell from the sky and fell on the ruthless young man. His wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he no longer bleeds for a moment.

"You were seriously injured and your inner organs were badly hit. Will you continue to participate? If you give up, you will automatically be placed in the tenth place."

The referee appeared in the field, looking at the ruthless son. The white light just repaired some skin trauma. Tianhua Palace could not cure all the participants, so the ruthless son is still seriously injured.

"I give up."

The ruthless son said weakly, looking at Mo Wen, his eyes full of resentment. He knew that Mo Wen was deliberately hitting him seriously and ruining his ranking in the sky. In his current state, the station is not stable, let alone against others, those contestants, no matter who they are, can easily beat him.

"In a quarter of an hour, all contestants must choose a ring, otherwise it will be considered as an automatic abstention."

The referee swept the contestants who had not yet made a choice, left a word lightly, and the figure disappeared again.

Participants may not choose a ring immediately, but they cannot always choose not to ring.

The contestants flew up and flew to the various platforms. The first ring was still fighting. The sixth ring was occupied by Mo Wen. At this time, there were eight rings to choose from. Of course, the tenth ring was forced to be helpless. Otherwise, no one will choose the tenth ring.

Almost at the same time, two figures flew to the second ring, not others, it was the wine and meat monk and narcissus.

"Monk, are you going to fight me now?" Narcissus looked at the wine monk who flew to the ring with her at the same time, said coldly. At this time, the two of them are fighting, obviously a little unwise. After all, both of them have the mind to win the first, and naturally will not waste too much energy on the second ring. She is sure that this time the wine and meat monk will not be with She fights.

"Amitabha, since the narcissus donor intends this ring ~ ~ the monk naturally does not win the love of others." The wine monk took a step back, his body flicked slightly, and then retreated to the third ring. As the narcissus expected, he did not Will meet her at this time.

Shen Hao went to the fourth ring, Jianchi Baichen went to the fifth ring, and Guo Mengqiao went to the seventh ring.

It was Gu Jingman, Shi Shiran went to the eighth ring, sat cross-legged, and looked around with interest, not looking worried at all.

At this time, no one is in a hurry to fight, even if they occupy a ring, they can still challenge the higher ring.

It can be said that the current ranking is hardly the ideal ranking in everyone's mind. A battle will surely erupt.

At this time, the battle on the first ring was in full swing, and no one thought that this unknown Xin Wuji could actually fight the dark hands for so long, and, more surprisingly, Over time, Xin Wuji gradually gained the upper hand.

The wine and meat monks and the daffodils suddenly looked dignified, and no one expected that such a powerful competitor would emerge. (To be continued.)

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