Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 911: Possessive

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The battle on the first ring has reached an intense stage, and no one expected that the unknown youth actually had such terrible strength. He was only fifth in the previous ranking, and he is now ranked The second dark hand was undermined.

The power of the dark hand, the narcissus and the wine monk know the best, but it is a very terrible young master who is proficient in assassination, one-on-one on the ring, who wins or loses five points between them and the dark hand, but if there is no In case of precautions, they will almost lose in the event of assassination, and there is even a great possibility of death. This is still the case where the elders of the Shimen gave them some protective treasures. If there are no protective treasures, it is even more dangerous.

Even if the daffodils and the monk of wine and meat did not think that the man named Xin Wuji could actually push the dark hand to this point, although the battle in the ring is not a battle that the dark hand is good at, ordinary people cannot win him.

"That young man is a bit strong. I feel like he is a huge beast with infinite power, and his martial arts are also very strange."

The wine and meat monk said solemnly. The reason why the young man was able to overwhelm the secret hand was because he had a terrible power in his body, which made him feel palpitations. It stands to reason that even the Ultimate Warrior may not have such a terrible power. The young man seems unable to control this power, otherwise the dark hand can't take a few moves in his hand.

The extreme warriors are very strong, much stronger than these warriors, but the strength is not the strength, but the martial arts realm and the understanding of the heaven and earth. They are infinitely close to the existence of the immortal warrior, and even some peerless existence. They are not worse than some immortal warriors, which is quite scary.

The young man named Xin Wuji was definitely not a limit martial artist, because he didn't even understand the breath of unanimous spirit, and could not even completely control the power in his body. However, with his strength advantage, it is difficult for the dark hand to get cheap in his hands.

"The martial arts performed by Xin Wuji is also very special, unlike any kind of Chinese martial arts that I know of."

Narcissus frowned slightly, she is a person who teaches and has a long tradition of teaching. The background is also natural and rich. From the ancient heritage to the present, the core disciples of any teacher are very insightful and insightful, but she can't see the origin of the martial arts that Xin Wuji performed.

Mo asked to look towards the No. 1 ring. His face became more and more weird. He felt that Xin Wuji was abnormal and very abnormal.

Number one ring.

The two figures are sometimes intertwined, sometimes collided, and the battle is getting more and more intense.

The dark hand looks pale. A pair of deep eyes stared closely at the opponent in front, trying to find an opportunity to defeat the enemy. As an assassin master, he likes to find out the flaws of the enemy, and then kill in one blow.

But at this time, the young man had no flaws in his eyes ...

Or, not without flaws, but with flaws everywhere, but he was helpless.

Because that young man's power is too strong. Moreover, the moves are strange and the defense is impenetrable. What is terrible is that he seems to be able to predict his attack intention in advance, which has repeatedly failed his calculations. In terms of martial arts realm and combat skills, that person is naturally far from comparable to him. If the two are similar in strength, he can definitely kill in one blow.

"You are not my opponent. If you fight me again, you will definitely be seriously injured. With your ability. Even if the first place is not achieved, but the second place is definitely not a problem. However, if you are in this battle It ’s hard to tell if you are seriously injured. "

Xin Wuji exudes a terrible aura, the power has exceeded the limit of Wuzong Realm. Infinitely close to the realm of immortality,

"Three moves will determine the outcome."

Secretly said lightly, and when he was done, he shot again.

He knew that what Xin Wuji said was a plan of mind, but it did mean that he had paid too much in this battle. Then the next battle will inevitably suffer a lot. Do n’t say that the first battle will not be reached. I am afraid that even the first three will not be guaranteed.

Similarly, Xin Wuji also knows this reason. If the dark hands are too hard, and he is also injured in this game, then he wants to keep the first one, which is probably not easy. I do n’t know how many people are staring at his first position.

The figure of the dark hand disappeared quietly on the spot. In an instant, the entire ring seemed to be without his figure, and only Xin Wuji was standing alone on the ring.

Then, Xin Wuji's complexion was extremely dignified.

Everyone knows that the secret hand has not left the ring. Everyone knows that his best is the technique of assassination, and the ordinary people who can't hide whereabouts can compare.


A blade of light appeared silently from behind Xin Wuji, instantly approaching his neck, and seemed to be able to cut off his head at the next moment.

"You cannot escape my perception no matter how strong your hiding technique is."

Almost at the same time, a strange light flashed in Xin Wuji's eyes, just like an alarm signal. He, who was originally afraid to act rashly, gave a backhand without hesitation, a terrible force leaned out, and the shadow of the dark hand Crash together.


Just touched a little bit, and the dark hand flew out. On the strength, he was far less than Xin Wuji. When the most proficient assassination techniques were useless, he had little confidence in winning.

Master tricks, electro-optical flint, you can win or lose in an instant. Three tricks in a blink of an eye, secretly holding a knife standing at the corner of the ring, a red blood stain came out of his mouth.

He still lost, to a young man who had never heard of it before.

His body shook, and the whole person flew out, directly landed on the ninth ring, sitting cross-legged, trying to restore his inner energy and injury. He could not compete for the first one, and he had to fight for the first three, which is why he took the initiative to quit and did not fight hard with Xin Wuji.

"He won."

The monk of wine and meat sighed, but could not imagine that the famous dark hand in Yin Wu's vein was actually defeated by a warrior in the main space.

"Maybe I am not his opponent." Narcissus looked dignified. Originally she thought there were only a few threats to her, but now there is another person who makes her unsure.

Gu Jingman played with his supple hair, but his eyes turned to Mo Wen. If her younger brother could not get the first place, then the first one would have no one else to sit.

The contestants had their own thoughts. The audience on the Shenlong Nest also caused a lot of movement. No one thought that the unknown young man could have such strength. The secret hand is one of the most likely to get the first in the previous comments, but actually lost in this Xin Wuji, the battle of the heavens list is really lying tiger and hiding dragon.

"Haha, after today, my grandson Xin Wuji will surely be able to move the entire Martial World."

As a representative of Chi Xingzong, Xin Yichuan laughed, and could not stand out like this in the battle of heaven, his grandfather could not do it.

Xin Yichuan is the Wu Zong strongman who sheltered Chi Xingzong. Because Mo Wen forced to go to Chi Xingzong Mountain Gate, he had to compromise and hand over the Huo family.

And the person standing next to Xin Yichuan is a black warrior. This person is Mo Wen's second Wu Zong sensed in Chi Xingzong, but he has never been seen from beginning to end.

And between the two stood a handsome young man with narrow eyes, high nose bridge, and a hint of evil smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Yuan is too big, Wuji has lived up to expectations, and winning the first place should not be a problem."

Xin Yichuan looked at the young man very respectfully. He knew that if it weren't for the great Yuan Yuan and the forces behind him, his grandchildren could not stand on the ring. Although in some inner world, his grandchildren can be said to be a genius, but placed on the battlefield of the battle of the heavens list, then nothing.

"I hope so." The young man named Yuantai said lightly.

"Adult, you don't have to worry about it. The gods help each other, and those people are opponents. That legendary goddess world is bound to be the best hunting ground for adults."

The warrior in black is also a respectful flatterer, but he knows that there is a powerful possessor of God-style God in Naxin Wuji. Although he can only exert the strength of Master-style God in his possessive state, but also It is not comparable to ordinary people.

Yuan Tairen is likely to become the next patriarch of the Yokoo family, and the family can do everything at all costs to cultivate Yuan Tairen. If an adult can enter the goddess world of China, he will surely be able to rise step by step, and his future achievements will be extraordinary.

"Goddess World! Unexpectedly, originally thought that the reward was just to enter the road of creation, Goddess World! Haha, this is really an unexpected surprise."

Yuan Tai's face also showed a smile, that the goddess world is far more mysterious than the path of creation. If you can get a creation in the goddess world, it may be enough to make him the pinnacle of the world. Although the emergence of the Yinwu pulse has made the battle of the sky list more difficult, it has not exceeded his control.


"Did you find that? The person occupying the first ring, UU reading seems to be a bit abnormal." Yaoyu is wearing a voluptuous sable fur, watery eyes with a hint of natural charm, a natural is Leprechaun woman.

"Miss, do you think there is something wrong with that man?" An old man in black and gray dress stood respectfully behind the demon whisper. He had kept his head down. At this time, he was curious and looked at the first ring.

"Collier, although you are a saint, you are far inferior to me in the perception of the soul." Yao Yu said with a smile.

"What does Miss say?" Collier did not find anything unusual.

"There are two souls in that person's body, but that person hides it perfectly. If it weren't for the cultivation of special magical powers to detect the soul, even those Yuanshen cultivators of the Chinese nation would not find it." Yaoyu is special Ability, so she discovered things that others could not find.


Collier nodded and then lowered his head again. He would not care about all the people and things that had nothing to do with the young lady. His only duty was to protect the safety of the young lady.

"Although the kid was a little beyond my expectations, would he dare to fight against me with that skill?"

Yiyu looked at the sixth ring, where there was a young man, it was Mo Wen.


There are more than two dozen chapters in the front that have not been revised, and they have been blocked. If you read it from the beginning, you can go to the starting client, there is no shield. (To be continued.)

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