Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 913: Don't ask

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The wine and meat monk was defeated, and the atmosphere of the participants in the field was more dignified. Who would have thought that the dark horse killed halfway was so powerful.

Xin Wuji won two games in a row, and they also won the top powers that are likely to win the championship, which made the atmosphere in the dragon's nest reach its peak.

All eyes gathered on the No. 1 ring and gathered on the young man named Xin Wuji.

Could it be him at the top of this year's list?

Xin Wuji held a humble smile and tried to keep himself calm. A peerless strongman should have an immovable temperament, but his heart was already choppy. If it were not in the ring, he would cry out excitedly. .

The battle of the sky list, the most eye-catching stage in the world, he never dreamed that he would have this day.

Although he did not rely on his own strength, even the entire battle process was a master of God controlling his body, and he did not need to worry about everything. But no one knows the Chen Scorpion God, only that he is Xin Wuji.

"That guy is a bit difficult to deal with." Mo Wen looked serious and watched two battles. He also knew a little about Xin Wuji. I'm afraid that the cultivation level is deep. No one of the contestants can compare with him, very close to the extreme warrior. To the point.

Of course, the practice of approaching the extreme warrior does not mean that he has the ability of the extreme warrior.

In fact, the ultimate martial arts strong are not their cultivation behavior, but their perception of the martial arts realm, and the understanding of heaven and earth, and any extreme martial arts must master a mysterious trajectory, which is the minimum condition.

There are some terrifying extreme martial arts. The martial arts realm not only reaches the level of the master, but also realizes the prototype of the arcanes, and even the prototypes of the arcanes of several arcanes. Such extreme warriors can almost be compared to the existence of the fairyland.

The wine and meat monk was defeated. Narcissus knew that it was quite unlikely that he could win, but anyway, since he came here. She must also give it a try, it is not her character to fight for the pinnacle.


The third challenger, narcissus!

"Narcissus, please."

Xin Wuji is a gentleman who makes a please gesture. Although he has played two games in a row, he has little impact on him. Because the power of the Chen Scorpion God is endless, battles of this intensity have little burden for the Chen Scorpion God.

"Enlighten me."

The narcissus arched a hand, and then the figure disappeared from the spot instantly. At the next moment, a hazy layer of water mist shrouded the entire ring, and an illusory figure seemed to shuttle through the water mist.

Those figures are very visually disturbing, and with Narcissus' ability to control water, it is difficult for opponents to judge the true and false.

The strength of Narcissus lies in her skills. She is far behind the monk of wine and meat, but with her exquisite skills, even the monk of wine and meat does not dare to underestimate her.

Among all the contestants, Narcissus is the best at defending, with layers of water shadows and mists. Impervious to air, the real body is hidden in the water mist, and it happens by accident.

Facing such an opponent, Xin Wuji is very difficult to apply all the power to the narcissus.

This battle, the rare glue sticks up, the time is longer than the wine and meat monk and the dark hand combined.

Defensive narcissus makes Xin Wuji very headache. Although he has a scorpion-like possessive body in his body, the power exerted by his body is also limited. He can't do it either.

But as time went by, the narcissus gradually fell into the downwind, after all, there must be a sparse hundred secrets, and there is no unbreakable defense in the world. When the power of Narcissus could not pose a threat to Xin Wuji, then she had lost the possibility of winning, and losing was only a matter of time.

"I surrender."

The battle lasted for half an hour. Narcissus suddenly withdrew from the ring and took the initiative to admit defeat. The figure returned to its third ring in a flash. Such a long battle. Her internal energy almost consumed half, and then continue to fight, it will have a great impact on her.


"Sister, she lost."

An area in the dragon's nest, a woman in a white dress sighed. She was very beautiful and graceful, like a ripe peach. This person is not someone else, it is Lin Qing who has disappeared for a while.

Beside her, there are more than a dozen women who also wear white dresses, all of which have the same style of clothes. At a glance, they can see that they belong to the same martial arts.

This place is where the teaching is.

The girls are all very young in appearance, and each of them has their own characteristics, and they are gathered together.

"Qing'er, that young man is not easy. Your sister is unjustly lost. I'm afraid he will have to spend some means for the teacher to win."

Lin Qing's side is a beautiful woman. On the surface, she is not very big, she looks graceful, she has a dusty air on her body, she is actually Lin Qing's master! Although the woman looked very young, she had a vicissitude in her eyes that young people did not have.

Teaching has a very strange phenomenon, the higher the depth of cultivation, the younger the appearance. It ’s not that they are young, in fact, Lin Qing ’s master is over 100 years old, enough to be Mo Wen ’s grandmother.

Gong, the more you practice to the back, the less likely you are to age. It is said that the strongest ancestor taught seems to be a **** the surface.

"Naxin Wuji is so powerful. Was he the leader of this day's battle?"

Lin Qing did not expect that his master wanted to deal with that Xin Wuji, which was far more shocking than defeating his sister. After all, his own master is close to the existence of the extreme strong.

"It's hard to say, until the end, who knows the result. And, don't you find that your sister knows you can't win Xin Wuji, but fights with Xin Wuji for more than half an hour, apparently deliberately weakening Xin Wuji's inner energy. What is the purpose of her doing this? "

Lin Qing's master Chu Yunli glanced at Lin Qing, his eyes somewhat meaningful.

"Don't ..." Lin Qing was surprised; "Sister Sister is helping others?"

Lin Qing is a powerful business woman. Naturally, she thought of the reason in an instant. Sister knew that she could not win Xin Wuji, and she had to fight with Xin Wuji for such a long time. It was definitely not for herself, but for the future.

But, who deserves to help him so much, how does the sister know that the person will come to the stage to challenge Xin Wuji? After all, the three top geniuses in Xin Wuji's losing streak in a row. If other contestants want to challenge him, they must also weigh their weight.

Half an hour of fighting. Sister Narcissus will definitely consume a lot, which will undoubtedly affect her next competition.


Narcissus returned to his ring and sat silently cross-legged.

Was the most competitive first ring, but it was quiet. For a time, no one came to the challenge.

Xin Wuji stood on the No. 1 ring, with a certain sense of enthusiasm. This kind of invincible feeling was really wonderful. He glanced at all contestants with a slightly provocative look. Some of them said, "Who else dares to fight?"

Three consecutive great geniuses who have lost their lives in a row, he is qualified to say such things.

Mo Qingqing, who was talking to Mo Qingge, suddenly paused, looking down at the ring below, and said lightly: "Are all three little guys defeated, even if there is a variable in it, but that's all it is. No one can win. "Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment. The reason why this martial arts meeting is different from the previous one is to attract those peculiar geniuses with hidden martial arts. However, at present, the effect is not very satisfactory. None of the strongest geniuses of the hidden martial arts actually appeared here.

Otherwise, how could the person who dared to cheat in the battle of the heavens be so rampant.

Yuan is afraid that he never dreamed that the family's carefully planned plan has long been exposed to the eyes of others.

Indeed, the Chen Scorpion God has a very strong hidden means, and he is possessed by Xin Wuji. Ordinary Yuanshen Realm Cultivators can't see it. The referee who turned the fairyland did not find anything unusual.

But they never imagined that there would be Mo Qingge and Mo Qingqing's younger brothers, and the deputy chief of parliament of the elders' courtyard would actually come in person.

Mo Qingtian and Mo Qingge. At a glance, you can see the problems in Xin Wuji, but they did not immediately expose them, but wanted to take these contestants into consideration.

"Since no one can win that Xin Wuji, then there is no need for him to exist. Huh, dare to cheat in the battle of the heavens list, it is really alive."

Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed a cold light. Although disappointed in his heart, it is impossible to really let the cheating person get the top spot in the list.

"Wait again." Mo Qingge shook his head to stop Mo Qingge.

"Huh?" Mo Qingqing looked strangely at his sister.

"Maybe some people challenge the first." Mo Qingge's gaze looked at the No. 6 ring, which is where Mo asked.

"Sister, you wouldn't think Mo asked ..." Mo Qingqing looked at his sister oddly. Although Mo had shown strong power before, it was a little worse than the daffodils and the monks of wine and meat, winning the Xin Wuji The possibility is quite slim.

Mowen can have the performance today ~ ~ has been very good. After all, he is only twenty years old, and of all the contestants, he is the youngest. If you can give him time, it will certainly be far more than others.

"Regardless of whether he can win at the end, I know he will definitely go to the ring." Mo Qingge said lightly.

Mo Qingtian stopped talking a lot, and stared silently below.


After Xin Wuji won the narcissus, the challenge ring calmed down briefly, and some people who had the intention to try the first one also succumbed to the blow. Just because Xin Wuji is too strong, no one wants to take this risk without any hope.

Suddenly, Gu Jingman, who had been bowing his head and playing with his own hair, looked at Mo Wen, with a voluptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Narcissus' eyes also looked at him, but her eyes were calm.

"What are you looking at me for?" Mo asked Gu Jingman a look.

"Brother, aren't you ambitious and aiming for the first? Now why don't you counsel? If you don't, your sister will be welcome."

Gu Jingman blinked his eyes, as if you could n’t.

"Speaking as if you can win if you get on, let's say, when did I say I can't?"

Mowen stood up and looked at Narcissus slightly nodded. When the narcissus looked at him, he understood that the narcissus had deliberately delayed time and consumed Xin Wuji's internal energy. I am afraid that he hoped that he would overcome Xin Wuji.

However, judging from the current situation, the narcissus deliberately consumes Xin Wuji's internal air, which seems to have no effect. That Xin Wuji's internal air is still full and satisfactory. (To be continued.)

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