Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 914: Frosty moment

Mo Wen stepped out and disappeared directly from the original place. The next moment he landed lightly on the No. 1 ring.

'S appearance made the atmosphere inside the dragon's nest ignited again. Xin Wuji won the three strong men in a row. At first, everyone thought that no one would dare to challenge the first ring. When Mo Wen stood up, he immediately caught everyone's attention.

"That's ... That young man named Mo Wen's ambition is not small. The three strong men in the hidden martial arts are all defeated. Does he think he can win?"

"Don't say, Mo asked about his performance in the death arena, not necessarily worse than those of the top three. Moreover, after three battles, Naxin Wuji definitely consumed a lot of energy, maybe he still had a chance. "

"In the face of absolute power, what opportunities can I have, I don't believe that Mo Wen can win Xin Wuji."


In the dragon's nest, all are voices of discussion. The battle in the No. 1 ring is always the most eye-catching. Almost the majority of people are not optimistic about Mo Wen. Of course, some people who like "Sword Walking" think Mo Wen may win. .

"Wow, Brother Mo actually went to the number one ring, is he ready to grab the first place! He is so powerful."

Su Wan'er's position, Wan'er jumped from the position at once, a pair of eyes stared at the number one ring below, her eyes full of excitement, her small hands clenched, it seemed to cheer Mo Wen.

"Mo asked only to go up and try it out. It would be difficult to say whether he can win that Xin Wuji." Tang Zhizhi said, she is not Su Wan'er, don't you know if Mo asked to win Xin Wuji is too small.

"I believe Brother Mo." Su Waner looked like a firm supporter who Mo asked.

"He is still as unwilling as ever." Wang Yinru sat steadily, her expression very calm, and she knew from the beginning that Mo Wen would definitely come to the ring.

Tan Qiyue and a warrior from the ancient secret realm also looked to the ring one. Mo Wen ruled the ancient ancient secret realm by force, but at this time, looking at the young man standing on the ring of much attention, they not only lacked the mustard, but had a trace of pride.

"Master. The look that Senior Sister asked Mo just now seems to have no meaning. Isn't that ... Senior Sister took the risk of weakening Xin Wuji's inner energy, all for him?"

Lin Qing felt incredible. Sister Narcissus and Mo asked when was it so good? Even if she had asked Sister Narcissus to take care of Mo Wen before, she could rely on her. It is impossible for Sister Narcissus to sacrifice so much.

Mo asked when he walked to the No. 1 ring, a lot of eyes had already come to him. For example, the people in the Ming Temple, the Gao family, the generous faction and the ancient secret world, and those who know the inner world of Mo Wen ...

"This is the hero in my heart." Pei Fengwu has been paying attention to Mo Wen. When he walked to the No. 1 ring, she smiled as if the spring blossomed, and the charm was boundless. Regardless of success or failure, those who dare to climb are heroes.

Looked at Mo Wen in a strange way, and she suddenly felt that she finally had a little interest. Perhaps only the first player in the battle of the heavens could barely qualify to fight her. "Hope you do n’t let me down ..."


"Don't ask." Xin Wuji's pupil shrank and looked at the teenager who came to the stage, somehow. My heart shivered involuntarily. At that time, the almost unmatched teenager who broke into the Red Star Sect and defeated his grandfather did make him feel a fear. Zeng Jin was so afraid of him. Even now, when facing this teenager again. He also subconsciously raised a sense of fear.

"You made me very surprised." Mo Wen looked at Xin Wuji deeply. This Xin Wuji was definitely weird. But he couldn't see where the problem was.

"What's even more surprising is that you are still behind. I am not the same now, because you are not my opponent." Xin Wuji pressed down the fear in his heart. He was no longer his original self. In fact, how many other ordinary warriors in the world will be his opponents?

This Mo question must be the defeat of his men.

"How can you know the result if you haven't done it yet?" Mo asked lightly.

"Since you are so confident in yourself, then come on." Xin Wuji sneered, this Mo asked to know some of his details, but it does not matter, in the absence of evidence, others will not believe what he said.

This man had scared him deeply, but now, he wants to defeat him and step on his feet thoroughly.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, a breath of terror slowly released from him, like a wave of continuous superposition, more and more turbulent, more and more terrifying.

Ten rings, only one ring is fighting, almost all the eyes of the contestants gathered on the one ring.

"This beast, I hope you die in the ring, not overstretched." The heartless son's eyes are full of viciousness. When Mo Wen walked to the ring one, a wave of excitement rose in his heart. The masters were all defeated by Xin Wuji, then Mo asked if he was not looking for his own way. I am afraid that he would end up with an injury, and it would be better to die directly in the ring.

Guo Mengqiao has stood up, his eyes are fixed on the No. 1 ring. Mo Wenruo's victory over Xin Wuji and won the title of the battle in the sky list will not only be the honor of Wuzongdian, but also his reputation in Wuzongdian will be temporary. Nothing else.

Xin Wuji raised his eyebrows and released an equally powerful breath from him. At the same time, the scorpion **** in his body had controlled his body and shot instantly.

Whispered, there was only one residual image left in place, and Xin Wuji's figure had appeared within 100 meters of Mo Wen. Both strength and speed are the pinnacle of the peak, enough to be able to defeat any opponent, and so many battles. The Scorpion God is also a little bored, trying to make a quick decision.

However, things often go against expectations. When Xin Wuji is about a hundred meters away, a terrible cold erupts suddenly on the ring. The terrible cold is like the Nine Nether Cold Water, which can freeze all human souls.


The cold wind roared, covering the earth, and the ten rings were instantly covered with a layer of ice crystals. Those contestants were instantly frozen by the terrible cold.

Like the end of the world, terrifying.

The body of Xin Wuji moved trembling, and the speed was instantly reduced countless times. The figure that could not be caught by the naked eye also appeared in front of everyone.

"What a terrible chill."

Xin Wuji took a breath, he felt his cold body was numb and could not help shaking, even his soul was stiff, and the speed of thinking was instantly reduced to the limit.

Moreover, the terrible cold is still spreading, and even has the tendency to break through the defense of the dragon's nest and sweep to the audience.

Once the protective cover of the Dragon's Nest is breached, the consequences are unbearable ... In the face of this coldness, ordinary warriors can never stop it.


Over the ring, a figure appeared. It was the old man who was the referee. As a peerless powerhouse in the fairyland, he also looked dignified, and the battle on the ring almost broke the limit of the shield. He did not expect that, but the battle between ordinary warriors only caused such terrible energy fluctuations.

The scepter in his hand emitted a blue light, and at the next moment, a radiance descended from the sky, the radiance enveloped the center of the dragon's nest, and then slowly gathered.

Those terrible chills met the blue brilliance, not only did they not break through, but turned back one after another.

In an instant, the blue brilliance shrank to cover only the first ring, and locked all the coldness into the first ring.

After all this, the referee looked at Mo deeply and then disappeared again.


The sound of ice breaking sounded. Those contestants were closest to Mo Wen. When the cold swept, they were frozen in an instant, but they all repaired one by one. Although they were caught by the cold, they were not injured. , Came out one by one. It's just that, just a moment ago, it was uncomfortable. The participants who broke out of the ice were pale and trembling slightly in the cold.

"This guy ... was born to restrain me." Narcissus smiled bitterly. Everyone was frozen in an instant, not because they couldn't stop the cold, but nobody thought that such a thing would happen in an instant. She controls the power of water, combined with water, the cold has a greater impact on her than others.

"Damn Mo, I didn't even remind me. Believe it or not, I beat you so that you can't take care of yourself." Gu Jingman walked out of the ice, and his face was obviously not good-looking. . That chill, it's terrible, how did he do it ...

The participants who walked out of the ice are not looking good. No one expected that such an indiscriminate disaster would happen. The coldness was terrible.

In the terrible cold storm, only Mo Wen was not affected. His body image was a ghost. At the moment when Xin Wuji stopped because of the cold, weirdly appeared in front of Xin Wuji, and a fist wrapped in cold had burst out .


Because of the instantaneous influence of coldness, Xin Wuji, who was very profound, did not block this punch ~ ~ was directly blown out.

Xin Wuji's eyes flashed an unbelievable color, how could this be!

But he has a scorpion-like **** in his body. Under hard circumstances, he has never been afraid of anyone, and will be blasted!

"Damn! How can an ordinary martial arts master such a terrible coldness, but this is the power that the holy order strong can master."

Inside Xin Wuji, a rage sounded, seeming to be a little angry. That coldness was enough to threaten him. The ordinary warrior would never be able to master such power, but that is the power of the Holy Class!

Indeed, Mo Wen's current strength of coldness is almost the same as the direction of the detention in Hantan Valley.

When his Nine Yin Divine Power broke through to the ninth floor and reached the ultimate in the extreme, he never performed it in front of others. Others thought he was good at the power of flames, and even could display the fire of the phoenix, but did not know that his nine-yin qi has far exceeded the nine-yang qi. The ninth and eighth floors are only one layer apart, but they are very different. (To be continued)

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