Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 915: Glacier Miles

?? Originally, the power above Yuanshen Realm contained the power of heaven and earth. Even if Mo Wen cultivated the Jiuyin Divine Skills to the ninth level, he still could not compare with the power above Yuanshen Realm, but his coldness contained The cold vitality bred by the Hantan, but the cold vitality is far more high-end than the spiritual power. After being integrated into the coldness of Mo Wen, it directly brings his coldness to the level of the strong person of Yuanshen Realm. ^^^ Baidu% Search @ 巫 神 纪 + @ 读书 # Latest% chapter ^^^

A terrible cold wind swept the entire ring, Xin Wuji was terrified to find that his ability to move was greatly disturbed, both in speed and strength, and the most terrible thing was that he could not exert all his strength. Nasenhan's coldness attacked, and part of his strength was directly pressed back into his body and could not be released.

This is equivalent to directly pressing his cultivation base down to a new level, what a chill! It can be terrible to this point.

"Damn, how could he master the power of the holy order, and it was just able to restrain my cold power."

Chen Scorpion shouted in the heart, he controlled Xin Wuji's body battle, which was originally inconvenient. In the face of this chill that can affect the control of the body, it is simply his nemesis. He wants to exert his power perfectly. It's almost impossible.

After all, Xin Wuji's body is only Jin Danjing, he is not a genuine Wu Zong, and he is not as strong as Wu Zong's resistance. Jin Danjing's body is facing such coldness, even if he has his protection, the impact is quite large. .

It can be said that with the coldness, Mo Wen weakened Xin Wuji's power by a third, and it became more difficult to fight.

"Sorry, I can't think that the cold has affected you so much."

Mo Wen also discovered Xin Wuji's anomaly, and he suddenly laughed. He had never thought that if an ordinary Wuzong three-world martial artist would be affected by the cold, it would not be so great, not to mention Xin Wuji Fighting power is not ordinary Wuzong three realms.

Originally suspected that Xin Wuji had a problem, now it seems. There is indeed a problem.

"Well, it's more than enough to deal with you."

Xin Wuji snorted coldly, stepped out in one step, and forced Mo to ask. Although the speed has been greatly affected, it is not difficult to defeat Mo Wen under absolute power. After all, he has a scorpion **** in his body.

Even if it is suppressed by the cold, Xin Wuji can exert the power. Still higher than Mo asked.


Punched out, I am afraid the pressure is coming, and the space seems to be twisting.

Mo asked, but he couldn't avoid it, and punched Xin Xinji.


The power of terror erupted between the two, and he was unable to beat him. He stepped back a few steps in a row. The body shook his body a thousand times in an instant to remove that terrible power, but Xin Wuji stepped back step by step and continued to kill him Step by step.


Above the ring. Numerous figures of Mo Wen appeared in an instant, and there were many phantoms. When all the phantoms disappeared, Mo Wen already appeared in another corner. Xin Wuji wanted to take the opportunity to pursue him too late. Coldness affects Xin Wuji's ability to move, but it does not affect Mo Wen at all.

"Secret Order of the Holy Order."

The sound of the Chen Scorpion God sounded in Xin Wuji's mind. He did not expect that a little warrior actually mastered the magic of the holy order body spell, although he could not exert the flying power of the holy order body spell. can. But the skill alone is far beyond ordinary martial arts.

Originally, he was affected by the cold, and his ability to move was limited. Now his opponent has mastered the holy order's body and mystery. For him. It is undoubtedly more troublesome.

"It seems necessary to come up with a little skill, otherwise this kid can't be packed."

Chen Scorpion God snorted coldly. At the next moment, a pattern of scorpions suddenly appeared in Xin Wuji's mind, and the scorpion radiated green light. The body looks like a gem and is quite beautiful, but its head is very vicious and daunting.

At the same time, Xin Wuji's pupils also reflected two green scorpion shadows, a layer of green light rising from him.

The next moment, he turned into a green shadow, the whole person disappeared from the place, and appeared in front of Mo Wen in an instant.


Directly punched, the power of terror exploded, and Mo Wen flew out directly. If it wasn't for him, he would blow out of the ring.


Narcissus and several other geniuses from the Yinwu line suddenly stood up, staring at Xin Wuji very horrificly. What he just showed was actually the escape technique that could be cultivated only by the immortals of Yuanshen Realm! Escape is a large category of magical secrets, and it can also be divided into body secrets, but compared with ordinary body secrets, escape is more terrible. Because escape techniques can only be cultivated by the immortals in Yuanshen Realm or the warriors after the immortals, ordinary warriors can never be cultivated.

Is also because the cultivation conditions of escape technique are quite high, and once the cultivation is done, the power is also quite terrible. Ordinary martial artists may be able to comprehend the secret techniques of body and mind, but it is almost impossible to comprehend the escape technique.

Of course, this is not to say that the escape technique must be stronger than the mysterious body skills of the enlightenment level. In fact, Mo Wen ’s Fengyao is no worse than the escape technique after he has reached the immortal realm. Do n’t ask if you ca n’t exert the power of the wind and shine method, instead of this kind of body spell secret skill difference, there is no difference in level between the two, the only difference is that an ordinary warrior ca n’t practice, and one can make the ordinary warrior practice slightly. From this point of view, perhaps the secret techniques of the Taoist body that can be practiced by ordinary warriors are more precious.

In any case, that Xin Wuji was able to perform the escape technique, and immediately suppressed Mo Wen in the speed.

"How could he cultivate into escape, it's impossible."

"Weird, weird, escape is a magical power tailored for the vulgar and powerful. It has almost no basic skills. It is a pure flying technique that uses the power of heaven and earth to fly, ordinary martial arts. Can't use the power of heaven and earth at all, how to cultivate into escape technique? "


Several geniuses with hidden martial arts are of extraordinary origin and knowledge, and among their ancestors, there are warriors after the immortals, as well as escape techniques. But the escape technique has never been practiced by ordinary martial artists, because it is impossible to succeed in cultivation.

Xin Wuji is just an ordinary martial arts, far from being extraordinary, how can he show his escape skills?

On the ring, Xin Wuji's movement is almost like a teleport. With the green light flashing, he can appear in any corner of the ring. Mo Wen's Fengyao method is subtle and still suppressed by his pure speed. live.


Repeated collision, almost Mo Wen was chased and beaten. Taking up absolute speed and taking advantage of strength, there is almost no suspense in battle.

"He was actually a freak who could perform the escape technique."

Narcissus sighed. Before, she thought that Mo Wen had a chance, but now it seems that there is almost no chance. It is not that Mo Wen can't do it, but Xin Wuji is too evil. If it was Xin Wuji before, he exhibited the escape technique. I'm afraid she can't persist for half an hour at all, and she will be defeated in a short time.

"A monster like me, do you have a heritage of God?"

Gu Jingman frowned, that Xin Wuji's power was invincible, and his speed was invincible. Before he defeated the three strong men of the Yinwu line, he just warmed up ...

She knew that if Xin Wuji had performed the escape technique before, it might be that with absolute power and speed, the three geniuses of the hidden martial arts could not take a few moves at all in his hands.

"Among the young people. There are actually such strong people. I am afraid that among the entire young people of the martial arts, there are only a handful of people who can compare with him, and those who can beat him. I am afraid that only the talent can be fully confident. Right. "

Jianchi Baichen, as a person of Yinwu's pulse, knows quite a bit about Yinwu's pulse. I'm afraid this Xin Wuji is among the young geniuses of Yinwu's pulse, that is all standing on the top of the peak. In addition to Yin Wu, is there anyone else who can cultivate such a demon?


On the stage of the Shenlong Nest audience, the audience exclaimed one by one. The battle on the No. 1 ring can be described as twists and turns, far more exciting than the previous three geniuses.

The young man who controlled the power of ice almost broke through the defense of the ring, damaging the whole dragon nest.

And that Xin Wuji. But it was even more amazing, and an unprecedented terrible speed broke out, teleporting to Mo Wen again and again to fly him.

At the top of this list, there is no more suspense in the terrible, who can overcome such a terrible Xin Wuji?

"Even the escape technique is on display, but the courage is not small. Are you really not afraid of Tianhua Palace sending him?"

Mo Qingge raised his eyebrows, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Mo Wen can force that person to perform an escape technique, which is quite successful."

Mo Qingqing actually laughed. Casting an escape technique would increase the probability of that person's exposure. If it weren't too much for Mo Wen's threat, he would definitely not do so.

A warrior in Yuanshen Realm, if he wants to kill an ordinary warrior, there are too many means, and it is almost crushed by power alone, let alone those magical secrets mastered.

Unless there is a particularly special evildoer, the extreme warrior is almost impossible to match the realm of Huaxian. There are always some extreme strongmen in the world, but those who can compete with the immortal realm can count them with one hand.

"Mo asked if it was defeated, then pull that person out, I would like to see who has such a courage." Mo Qingge said lightly, apparently not interested in continuing to watch the battle. Shi Zhan Dunshu against ordinary martial arts, almost no suspense.



Mo Wen was blasted again, bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, and the successive impacts obviously wounded him.

"After suffering so many times, I was only slightly injured. Your body is strong enough."

Chen Scorpion God is also a little shocked at this time ~ ~ Mo asked that the flesh is too strong, I am afraid it is enough to compare with the warrior in the fairyland, otherwise he will attack so many times, it is impossible to just be Minor injuries.

"Unexpectedly, you can perform the escape technique."

Mo asked to wipe off the blood on the corner of the mouth, Xin Wuji's ability exceeded his expectations, even the retreat will be!

"You admit defeat, you may still be able to compete for a second place, if you are stubborn, I can not guarantee that you will be seriously injured."

Chen Scorpion God said faintly, this Mo question is also a bit difficult for him, although his strength is still stronger than Mo Wen, but Mo Wen ’s physical defense is too strong, it is impossible to defeat him in a short time, he Having been forced to show his escape technique, he didn't want to force him to show other abilities because he didn't ask, so Mo asked himself to admit defeat is the best ending.

"I'm sorry, I'm only interested in the first. Since these cold pressures can't hold you back, then I'll add a little bit more material."

Mo Sensen smiled, and the next moment, his eyes completely turned into ice blue, and the cold voice was like the nine cold winds: "The ice field of glaciers." (To be continued.)

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