Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 916: Peerless

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Ice field of glaciers!

An even more amazing cold erupted from Mo Wen, and the cold air contained a profound mysterious atmosphere, and there seemed to be a slight shock between heaven and earth. ^^% Search @ 巫 神 纪 + www. @ 读书 #Latest% Chapter ^ \ '\'

Can actually attract the power of the world! That's what happens at least when martial arts are cultivated to the realm of unanimous breath.

Mo asked what kind of martial arts was performed, which could actually spur the power of the world.

Obviously, Mo asked this time that it wasn't the giant palm of the flames, but a secret skill of the cold attribute, and he also practiced to the realm of the mysterious atmosphere.

Because of the influx of the power of heaven and earth, the coldness became more and more terrible. Finally, a large iceberg was formed above the ring, covering a square kilometer, covering almost every corner of the shield, if not Blocked by the shield, the terrible coverage will be wider.

Miles of glacier! The scene in front of me is indeed like a small glacier, which is hundreds of meters high and tens of meters short.

"What a terrible chill."

Narcissus took a breath of air, she was a warrior who cultivated the power of water attributes, and was particularly sensitive to the cold. Because of the shield, the cold passed through the shield and there was no feeling for them, but at this moment, she suddenly found that her body was cold again. Stiffened, like standing naked in the Arctic glacier.

Participants closer to the No. 1 ring are all feeling the cold air of the forest, and they can't help but resist their luck with their own luck. At the same time, they are shocked abnormally in their eyes, with the ring shield blocking, the cold is so strong, that shield What is the scene inside?

"Ice field!"

On the audience stand, Wang Yinru stood up suddenly, looking at the glacier scene on the ring with shock, is that not the ice field she has been practicing! She knew early on that her ice field was flawed, but it was an incomplete martial art. But the ice field that Mo Wenshi exhibited at this time definitely belongs to the complete ice field. It is a terrible martial art.


"Domain Department Saint Order Mystery! How can you master this mystery!"

Xin Wuji, who had been flying shields, paused suddenly, looking at Mo Wen with incredible expression. Of course, it is not Xin Wuji who speaks at this time, but the Chen Scorpion God in his body.

The domain is the holy order secret technique. It is far more difficult to practice than the ordinary sacred spells. It can even be said that it is far more difficult to cultivate than the escape technique, even if some sage strong men may not be able to practice successfully. Escape is just an ordinary martial arts that cannot be cultivated, but the holy order strong can generally be cultivated.

However, the field secrets are different. The strong sages must also have a deep understanding of this type of field in order to understand it. Although Mo Wen ’s field secrets rely on the power of ice, it is easier to practice than other field secrets, but it is not a single one. Ordinary warriors can practice!

In the field of glaciers, the scorpion-like **** felt like he was pressing a glacier on his body, and the terrible pressure directly penetrated from above his head. He even doubted that under such an environment, he could not exhibit his escape. The realm's interference with the enemy's environment is too strong, even if he hasn't cultivated such magical magic.

Mo Wenruo relies on his own ability. Of course, he could n’t practice it, but he completely inherited Xiang Wuwei ’s martial arts perception. He was trapped in the Hantan Valley for 500 years and was affected by the Hantan. Xiang Wei had eaten the ice field for a long time, which is why Mo Wen immediately asked Can display the field of ice, and even reached the realm of the mysterious atmosphere, because there is more than 500 centuries of contributory credit.

Snow fluttered from the sky, making a beautiful scene in the whole shield.

On the audience stand, all the audience stood up. The glacier is so beautiful. Although there are no tens of thousands of glaciers, the glaciers within a kilometer are extremely real, and the ice is crystal clear. Shining like a gem.

"That Xin Wuji was actually restrained by Mo Wen again. This ice field's restraint effect on the enemy is not small. I can't think of Mo Wen actually realizing such field secrets."

Mo Qingqing's mouth twitched a smile, and no one thought that Mo asked if he still had this hand. Now it seems that perhaps the outcome is still unpredictable.

"If he can overcome Xin Wuji, he will not lose Tianhua Palace's face." Mo Qingge nodded slightly. Although he knew that Xin Wuji was cheating, Tianhua Palace did not immediately arrest him, but wanted to see See if anyone beats him, and tell the cheater that even if you cheat, do n’t think of being the first.

On the ring, Mo Wen's cold air seemed to be endless, covering the entire field.

Xin Wuji did not act rashly again. He knew that at this time, the escape technique would no longer work. In this environment, the speed is reduced to a few points. Since the speed can not be threatened, it is meaningless to perform the escape technique. If the Chen Scorpion God performed his escape technique, such a field naturally did not threaten him, but he now controls Xin Wuji's body, and at most exerts one-tenth the power of escape technique, and Xin Wuji's physical resistance is too poor Under the influence of ice, I am afraid that in fact it will not have the power.

The Chen Scorpion God is also ugly at this time. Before Mo Wen forced him to exhibit his escape technique, that was already his limit. If he used other means to deal with Mo Wen, the probability of exposure would be quite large. He could Knowing that Tianhua Palace is not a vegetarian, the ability to constantly erupt out of ordinary martial arts is bound to be suspected.

"You have been arrogant for so long, now it's my turn to be arrogant."

Mo asked Sen Ran with a smile, the whole in the frost field is not affected at all, and even the speed and power are still increasing in the field.

He exhibited the method of Fengyao, and appeared in front of Xin Wuji during the shining. Although it was not as fast as the escape technique, he was superior to dexterity, and Xin Wuji's body was rigid because of the cold, and his action was more difficult.

This trade-off, the scene just now almost reversed, Mo Wen, with absolute speed and dexterity, made Xin Wuji unavoidable and kept beating.


Just one punch, the force of the ice crushed, and Xin Wuji directly flew out. Before waiting for him to stand firm, Mo Wen again appeared beside him strangely, and he was blown away with a punch.

Xin Wuji has a very amazing gang gas shield on his body. That gang gas shield is a very deep cultivation ability to condense out. Even if the wine and meat monks can't do it, they haven't broken through before fighting with Xin Wuji His gangster shield.

Mo asked that he even attacked ten punches, and the punches were all in one position. Actually, he didn't break Xin Wuji's gang gas shield. With such a powerful shield, he was the first time he met him on an ordinary warrior.

But after all, the Gang shield is dead, people are alive, and no matter how strong the defense is, it can sometimes be broken. Since Xin Wuji can't help asking, then let Mo ask the knife. The body shook, a large number of figures covered the ring, countless fist shadows gathered together, one after another attacked Xin Wuji.

Because the speed is too fast, the images of the fists are swayed at the same time and hit the same place at the same time.


Finally, Xin Wou-ki's gang gas shield could no longer be stopped and bang broke. At the same time, Xin Wuji flew upside down, blood spattering, seemingly seriously injured.

Mo Wen was slightly shocked. He just broke through Xin Wuji's gangster defense. His strength was almost exhausted. The strength attacking Xin Wuji's body was just the aftermath of the power, but it was only the aftermath, and it seemed that Xin Wuji would be blasted. Seriously injured?

How is this going……

It stands to reason that Xin Wuji has such an amazing cultivation practice, and his body strength is extraordinary. Those aftermath, at most, caused him to be slightly injured, and it was impossible for him to be seriously injured.

Xin Wuji's physical strength at this time is quite consistent with the time when he first met him, at most it was Jindan's mid-term physical strength.


Chen Scorpion God roared unwillingly, why did such a monster appear in a good way, not only cultivated into a field-like mystery, but also just restrained his ice power, but also reached the realm of aura. If it was not for reaching the realm of the Profound Truth, it could arouse the power of heaven and earth, and I am afraid that he could not help him.

Xin Wuji's body is too weak. Once he breaks through his defensive gang, in such a battle, a little rubbing may be seriously injured.

"Naxin Wuji was seriously injured!"

The generous faction and the warriors in the ancient secret realm stood up one by one, looking at the No. 1 ring with a shocked face ~ ~ None of them thought that their own suzerain was so strong that it was a heavenly ranking. On the first stage, Xin Wuji was the strong man who defeated the three major hidden martial arts in a row.

"It's a terrible life, I'm afraid the old man can't take a punch with him in front of him."

Tan Qiyue was shocked in his heart. Mo Wen asked how long it took to get out of the Douling Tower. How did he feel that Mo Wen's current cultivation approach was getting closer and closer to his cultivation behavior in the Douling Tower. There is no doubt that Mo Wen's cultivation behavior in the Dou Ling Tower is the limit of the extreme warriors, and even enough to fight against the powerful in the fairy land. But those cultivation practices are all imaginary, but the power given to him by the tower spirit, and Mo Wen on the ring at this time is actually his own strength.

And Yi Mo asked about the current growth rate, I am afraid that one day he will not lose to his power in the Dou Ling Tower, if that time, I am afraid that the Peerless Realm of the Immortal Realm will not be willing to fight him.

The scene that Zeng Jin happened in the Douling Tower seems to be right in front of him. At that time, the peerless young man appeared again.

"Long live Brother Mo!"

Su Wan'er was holding her hands in front of her, with a look of excitement. At this time, in her eyes, Mo Wen was a big hero, a big hero who was invincible.

Tang Zhizhi was shocked inexplicably. He knew that Mo Wen could join Wu Zongdian, and cultivation was inevitable, but he never thought that it would not be so simple. There were too many peerless youths in this Battle of Heavenly List. Even if Guo Mengqiao, who is notoriously famous in Wuzong Hall, was drowned in the light of those geniuses, Mo Wen, who belonged to Wuzong Hall, had no fame, but broke out. The brightest light. (To be continued.)

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