Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 930: Haizhu

930 The Sea Pearl

The demon demon heart is very famous in the ancient times. After experiencing the day of immortality, he participated in the creation of the demon world;., Visit: .. www / In the Middle Ages, fighting for the world is one of the most terrifying and powerful people in the world. And the demon heart has the blood of the Sacred Heart Lady. Her talent is quite terrible. There is a heart in her name, which is to imitate the Sacred Heart Lady, indicating that she is a descendant of the Sacred Heart Lady, and she can enter the Sacred Heart Lady casually. In the primitive world, she is almost not afraid of any opponent.

If she was not too belligerent, brave and disregarding the consequences, she finally fell into the trap of the enemy, and she would not fall into the original world in the Middle Ages. But even so, there is no way to completely destroy her life. If it were not Mo Wen who had a heaven and earth, the terrible demon demon heart would reappear in the world.

"Taiwan's Top Ten Treasures?" Mo asked ‘touching’ the mysterious gossip tray around his neck, knowing its name for the first time and its origin for the first time. He knew that the demon heart must have recognized the heaven and earth at first, so Gong Biluo also knew some things about the heaven and earth.

"The Archaic period was a period when Heaven and Earth first opened. At that time, Heaven and Earth were born from the" chaos "of chaos, and naturally evolved into a world. The things that can be ranked as the top ten treasures of the Archaic are almost all" chaotic "treasures. "Gong Biluo sighed," Mixed "Chaos Treasure, what a terrible thing it is, it is almost unimaginable nowadays.

"" Mixed "Chaos Treasure? Is the legendary God Treasure?" Mo asked his eyes brightened. Generally speaking, treasures are divided into five equal ranks, spiritual implements, mysterious implements, treasure implements, holy treasures, and fairy treasures.

But in legend, there is a higher kind of **** treasure. But Shenbao is too far away, and it is no longer the imaginable existence of this world of immortal cultivation. Generally speaking, Xianbao is the treasure used by the fairy.

The spear of the celestial snake in his hand is a inferior treasure, also known as Lingbao.

"Shenbao?" Gong Biluo shook his head and said lightly, "Shenbao can still be refined by powerful creatures. It is said that the goddess of the Sacred Heart at that time would make five divine treasures. But the" chaotic "treasure is" mixed " The treasures bred in chaos, their existence is even before the world is opened to the earth, no one can refine the "chaos" chaos treasure. At least the known existence can not be done. "

"No wonder ..." Mo Wen took a deep breath and couldn't think of what he accidentally picked up, which was so big. The "Hang" Treasure of Chaos can be ranked in the top ten during the Taikoo period. . I am afraid that it has surpassed the existence of Shenbao.

"If you can really get the help of the heaven and earth, the future achievements are limitless;" Gong Biluo looked at Mo Wen deeply. Although the earth and earth were on Mo Wen, he was afraid that he would not get the power of the earth and earth, after all Something like this. Mo asked that active ‘manipulation’ is almost impossible. He is far from this ability now, and he still has to rely on chance to make it.

"By the way, since you can stay in the primitive world for a long time, and you have the blood of the Sacred Heart, can you enter this primitive world?" Mo asked his eyes, the primitive world is full of treasures, and the rich heaven and earth vigorous birth , Making this world like a treasure. It is no exaggeration to say that you are on the road. There may be a ‘medicine’ of Holy Order Spirit on the side of the road. When I walk up the mountain and see a piece of ore, it may be a treasure that can be used to refine Xianbao.

If Gong Biluo can enter this primitive world, it is simply ...

Don't even dare to imagine it!


Gong Biluo shook his head and said very calmly, "The primitive world exists endlessly and far away, but outsiders can never enter into it, even if the demon heart could not do that year. If the demon heart could enter here completely, then she The achievements are unimaginable. I am afraid the whole world will be ruled by her. "

Can enter the primitive world of Sacred Heart Lady. Absolutely can cultivate to the legendary fairy realm, and even higher realm. And the broken world outside, but there is no fairy, because of the limitations of the world. So that all immortal practitioners can't break through, but in the primitive world, there is even a stronger existence than immortals.

Of course, people outside cannot enter this world, nor can people in this world run outside.

"At that time, Yaoxin had been looking for a way to enter the primitive world. But after the endless years, she still did not do it. But she has accumulated a lot of experience. If she is given the opportunity to continue to study, maybe she may really enter completely in the future. Into this world ... "

Gong Biluo sighed a bit. At that time, the demon heart wizards, a generation of heroes, if they were not too fond of fighting and fighting, maybe she had already done what others could not do.

"I am ready to inherit the will of the demon heart, continue to practice in the primitive world, and study the method of thorough entry. You also know that our world is a morbid world, almost ill, and it is almost impossible to cure, at least for now No one can do it so far. If this state continues, one day in the future, the whole world will be completely destroyed. It can be said that if there is a line of vitality in our world, if there is a line of vitality in the underworld, then this line of vitality is inevitable In the primitive world of the Sacred Heart Lady. "

Gong Bi's dignified expression of "color", inheriting the inheritance of the demon's heart, she also knows the hidden dangers of her world. If it cannot be saved, that day of great extinction is inevitable; if she can find out to enter the primitive world May be able to save all beings in the world.

"The situation is really serious."

Speaking of this topic, Mo asked his face and his face became serious. Once the world is destroyed, no one can avoid this catastrophe, they all have to die.

"The demon heart has experienced endless years in the primitive world, summed up three ways."

Gong Biluo's faint Tao "The first one, refine this world, the external force" inserts "the hand to force the world's heavenly fate; but this is almost impossible, unless that person's ability far surpasses that year's Sacred Heart Lady; second I found the legendary sea bead and refined it; but the sea bead only appeared in the ancient times, but it is the personal thing of the Sacred Heart Lady. There is nowhere to be found. The third is to find this The heavenly way of the world leaks 'holes' and enters this world through leaking 'holes'. This is the most feasible 'sexual' method. At that time, the demon heart has been studying the endless years, and it has some ideas, but it has not broken through some difficulties. Sacred Heart Niangniang is too powerful, and the world created is perfect. It ’s not easy to find leaks. ”

"Cang Haizhu, what is that?" Mo asked curiously. Both the first and third methods are not easy to do, but the second one, refining the Haizhu, is a bit strange.

"Cang Hai Zhu is the most precious treasure of the Sacred Heart Lady. Like your heaven and earth, it is ranked as the top ten treasures of the ancient times, but it is a" mixed "chaotic treasure. The entire world of" Goddess "gods is actually built in the Hai Zhu. The nine-fold world that we know is one with the primitive world and works together under one heaven. The difference is like our original world and the differentiated spirit world and demon world. "

"However, after Taikoo, the Sacred Heart Lady disappeared, and the sea beads disappeared. After the endless years, she never appeared."

Gong Biluo shook his head. The second one seemed simple, but it was equally impossible, because you couldn't find Canghaizhu at all.

"Since the primitive world and Jiuzhong space are still here, and Canghaizhu is the carrier that carries this world, then Canghaizhu must be here."

Mo Wen ’s eyes flashed with a ‘fine’ light. The Lady of the Sacred Heart was missing and did not know where to go, but it was impossible to take away the sea beads, otherwise the primitive world would definitely be taken away, and they would never be able to come in here.

"Everyone understands this truth, but the problem is that you ca n’t find Canghaizhu at all, and even demon heart guesses that Canghaizhu is in this original space, but no one can find it in the endless years; in fact, the one who got Caishen Stone There are also some powerful people. Many of them enter the primitive world, generation after generation. The purpose is actually very clear. It is to find the legendary sea beads, but no one can find them. "

Gong Biluo inherited the inheritance of the demon heart. No one can compare her with the understanding of the primitive world. Not to mention that Canghaizhu can't be found at all. Even if it can be found, it will be difficult to take Canghaizhu away. After all, it is difficult for them to even enter this world, let alone take away the sea beads from this world.

"Okay." Mo asked with a sigh, something that the powerful people of all generations could not do, without knowing how difficult it is.

"Have you been here? Have you seen anything?" Gong Biluo asked. The reason why she appeared here was because of a terrible shaking of the earth, she felt faintly, guessing that something must have happened here, so hurried immediately Over here.

"What do you see?" Mo asked slightly for a moment, and then realized that "you should be attracted to the vibration of the space before."

Mo Qi asked why he was smart, and immediately thought of the reason why Gong Biluo would appear here. In such a big world, it is not only a coincidence to meet. If it were not for the giant to come out to fight Heaven, it is estimated that he could not see Gong Biluo.

"Before I practiced here ~ ~ Then the world" color "changed, and a huge giant got out of the ground ..."

Mo asked to tell the previous experience again, he believed in Gong Biluo, and there was nothing to hide, if Gong Biluo knew the origin of the giant.

"Sure enough." Gong Biluo nodded.

"Do you know the origin of the giant?" Mo asked curiously, the giant is absolutely unimaginable.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that this giant must have been a peerless strongman imprisoned here by the Sacred Heart Lady during the ancient times. There are no less than ten thousand creatures like this in the primitive world. Know some, but don't know this giant with three heads and six arms. "

Gong Biluo shook his head, like this kind of thing, it might not happen once in a million years, even if the demon heart didn't know this giant, it made Mo Wen bump into it.

"There are ten thousand creatures in the primitive world like this !?" Mo Wenqi took a breath and looked at Gong Biluo incredulously.

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