Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 931: return

The powerful and terrible giant is unimaginable. Like this kind of creature, there are more than 10,000 prisoners in the goddess world! Mo Wen felt that his breathing was a little quick.

"You know, the Ninefold World connected to the primitive world is the Ninefold Prison established by the Sacred Heart Lady. During the ancient times, the Sacred Heart Lady couldn't bear to kill, so the endless creatures were imprisoned in the Ninefold Space. But there are some very powerful existence That is, the ninth weight of the nine-fold space cannot be held, it can only be held in the original space of the most origin, and it is suppressed by the power of heaven and the sea beads. "

Nine heavy space can not suppress the strong, no one can imagine the strong.

"There are more than 10,000 horrors, can't you break out of this goddess world?" Mo asked, horrified, originally thought that creatures like giants, one or two are very unusual, who can think of more than 10,000? !

"Goddess World is a world built on the basis of the sea beads, and even if the Sacred Heart Lady itself may not be able to force it out, not to mention that the repressors are scattered all over the Goddess World, all of them are imprisoned by the Sacred Heart Lady in one area. , They have no possibility of joining forces at all. "

Gong Biluo knows the goddess world very well. If the lady of the Sacred Heart does not rely on the power of the sea beads, she cannot build such a perfect and powerful world.

"But your luck is not bad. Many of the horrors that have been suppressed here have already been fate. Few people have come out to fight Heavenly Dao. Usually, one may not appear for millions of years. Yaoxin lived here for endless years. There were no more than ten such things, but every time, she learned a lot from the strong, so she could be so strong. "

When those terrors exist against heaven. The power of Heavenly Dao that has ignited the entire goddess world attacks. Fortunately, those who watched can gain some gains in Heavenly Dao, and they can even learn a lot from the powerful terrorists.

Next time, Mo Wen and Gong Biluo lived together, and they wandered together in this mysterious world. They are originally outsiders, and they can go anywhere without worrying about danger. Gong Biluo apparently knows quite a lot about this world, and took Mo to go to many places with plenty of vitality, and even they can find the nine-colored vitality, but they cultivate too low. They can't absorb the nine-color vitality at all. It's okay for them to look at that level of strength, but if they want to get in touch, I'm afraid they will crush their bones immediately.

Outsiders can not get anything substantial in the goddess world. However, the abundant vitality of the world can be absorbed casually, and both of them are growing at a high speed.

Another year, Mo Wenxiu's cultivation successfully broke through to the three realms of Wuzong. He did not deliberately cultivate inner Qi. Almost all the world is comprehending the nature of heaven and earth, above the realm of martial arts. . Inner air is also growing uncontrollably at a high speed, silently, and the breakthrough from water to water has reached the three realms of Wuzong.

Within a year. Mo Wen put almost all his energy on the cultivation of the body of the sky. This cultivation method is derived from the giant. The power is so powerful that I do n’t need to say much. In theory, cultivation ends. Mo Wenneng has a terrible body comparable to that giant.

Mo Wen had thought about teaching the body of the firmament to Gong Biluo, but found that it could not be taught at all. Because the body of the sky is an exercise that evolves automatically, based on him. In the end, it was only suitable for him to practice, and gave the cultivation method to Gong Biluo, she could not practice. However, Gong Biluo inherited the inheritance of the demon heart, and could remain in the primitive world, and there was no lack of a sky.

"The three-year period is getting closer and closer, and I will leave this world soon."

On top of a snowy mountain, Mo Wen stood at the cliff and looked at the distant snow scene, with some emotion. Unconsciously, he has lived in this world for almost three years and experienced a lot, but outside, maybe only a few days later.

Anyone who enters the goddess world by virtue of Caishen Stone can only stay here for three years. After the three-year period, they will be immediately rejected by the heaven of the world. He is very nostalgic for the uncontested world here. If he can stay here for a long time, if he can stay here for a long time, it will not be a matter of time.

"Your body of the sky has not yet been cultivated, go out now, I am afraid that it is difficult for you to cultivate this method of body cultivation." Gong Biluo in a white dress like a fairy appeared beside Mo Wen and lived with Mo Wen for a year Mostly, she is also very clear about Mo Wen's cultivation situation.

The body of the sky that Mo Wen asked is indeed the supreme body training method. Even in all the conjoined secrets known by the demon **** demon heart, there is no one can compare with the body of the sky. However, the requirements for the cultivation of the body of the sky are also high, and you must absorb the vital energy to practice. Any ordinary energy, even the aura, cannot meet the cultivation of the body of the sky.

Cultivate with vitality, I am afraid that the main palace of Tianhua Palace does not have such luxury, Mo Wen once I leave the goddess world, I am afraid that it will be difficult to practice the body of the sky.

"There is no way, I can only think of ways to practice later."

Don't ask faintly, he practiced the body of the sky for more than a year, but he hasn't cultivated until Xiaocheng, everything is difficult at first, the original body of the sky can only be cultivated by absorbing vitality. However, after more than a year of cultivation, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although he has not trained the body of the sky, he is already very satisfied. You can't be too greedy as a man. He has seen too many peerless treasures in the goddess world. They are not the same. They are used to it, and his mood is becoming more and more calm and comfortable.

"I have a way to make you spend more time here, but if you stay here, the martial arts meeting outside may be delayed."

Gong Biluo looked at Mo and asked calmly.

"Can you stay? I'm afraid you have to pay a great price?" Mo Wen looked at Gong Biluo in surprise. She didn't say this before, but at this time, I'm afraid it's not so easy.

"For you to be worth everything, not to mention the unbearable price, I can stay here for a long time, it has little effect on me." Gong Biluo smiled and smiled like a flower.

"How long can I stay, if it is only one or two years, then it is not necessary." Mo Wen shook his head, the body of the sky was not so easy to practice, and even if he stayed for another year or two, he might not be able to practice. As for the vitality here, all aspects of his cultivation have reached the limit, and he is in shackles. If you can't break through the shackles of the realm, absorbing no amount of vitality will have no effect.

"I think ten years shouldn't be a problem, your talent is enough." Gong Biluo whispered, didn't help Mo asked, and she wouldn't say it.

"Ten years! Enough." Mo Wen grabbed Gong Biluo's hand. Feeling the warmth in his hand, he didn't want to leave without leaving. He knew that once he left here, he wanted to see Gong Biluo again. I am afraid it is not an easy task.

Autumn comes to winter, cold comes to summer. Unknowingly, ten years passed by, when people lived in a paradise, in an indisputable environment. Time always passes so fast. For ten years, Gong Biluo has been with Mo to ask, she did not practice much, and it is no different from an ordinary housewife, she has too much time in the future

To practice, but not much time to accompany Mo Wen.

As for Mo Wen, as long as five years ago, he became a body of the sky, and cultivated this supernatural power to the beginning. And the moment when the body of the sky was successfully cultivated. His own situation has also undergone amazing changes. The body of the sky has devoured vitality and practiced for ten years. Mo wondered how much energy he had devoured, which was far more than 100,000 times the energy required for his own cultivation.

After the refining of the vitality, it gradually transformed into a vitality, full of amazing vitality. The vitality spread to Mo Wen's whole body, which actually completely disappeared the sun and moon Huitian Jing he cultivated. All turned into a vitality, and the inner qi that the nine-yin gods and nine-yang gods cultivated. But it was completely fused together and turned into a special inner spirit.

The three inner qi that Mo asked before can also be fused together. But that was only a superficial fusion, and in fact it was still three internal qi. But at this time, there was only one breath inside him, and the rest was full of unimaginable vitality.

Yin Yang Yang!

Mo Wen knew that the power in his body became the legendary yin and yang qi. Regarding yin and yang qi, there is a relevant record in the jade Buddha left by the 34th generation of the Mingjiao leader. Cultivation is a brand new realm in martial arts. At this time, the concepts of Jiuyin Divine Skills and Jiuyang Divine Skills were even gone, or Mo Wen has broken through the limits of the two Divine Skills of Jiuyin and Jiuyang.

There are many mysterious magical powers left in the jade Buddha that nourish the soul, but Mo Wen has no way to practice, just because he has not cultivated yin and yang qi. Even with the deepening of his cultivation, he even uses yin and yang fusion more and more. Less, because the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to use Yin and Yang to integrate. Previously, he used the breath of life cultivated by the Sun, Moon, and Heaven to neutralize the two qi and the sun, and he could barely merge, but with the intervention of foreign objects, it was always not enough. thorough.

Yin and yang qi are different. It is the product of thorough yin and yang fusion. Mo Wen no longer has three internal qi in his body, but only one. The air of Taiyin and the air of the sun don't need to be artificially merged again, because they have become one forever.

According to the 34th generation of Mingjiao, the yin and yang qi is a force that the martial arts master can only master after immortalization. Even among the martial arts after the immortalization, the yin and yang qi are quite high-end types of power. There are not many people, but every martial arts practitioner of Yin and Yang Qi is quite powerful.

Mo asked that there was no concept of yin and yang qi before, but now he has this power, and he fully understands what the leader said is true. Yin and yang qi can directly absorb the growth of spiritual energy, which is still a power above spiritual power.

Mo asked if he didn't absorb a lot of vitality in the goddess world, and there was the catalysis of the body of the sky, he couldn't cultivate yin and yang qi now.

Mo asked that he had no sense of accomplishment. He knew that the road ahead was still far away. He had seen too many strong men in the goddess world. He was only here at the lowest level. Even Gong Biluo far exceeded him. As early as before, Gong Biluo has turned into an immortal and gradually embarked on the road of cultivation of immortals.

However, Mo asked was not at ease. Everyone has his own personal experience. Even if he lags behind, he will go up step by step in the future. He has never been a person who is at ease with the status quo. Moreover, his goal in life is to cultivate immortals. Avenue.

Finally left the goddess world. Gong Biluo didn't send him. He left alone one day in advance. He walked very free and easy. He went to this mysterious goddess world and explored the heavenly heaven. Mo asked to know that she just didn't want to face the sadness of the parting.

A white light descended from the sky, Mo Wen felt a force pulling him, and instantly pulled him into the endless void ...


"It's been half a month, don't you ask why it hasn't come out yet, will it happen?"

Under the stars, Mo Qingge and Mo Qingqing stood side by side. Both of them frowned. Mo Wen had been in the original space for half a month. At least ten years had passed. Why didn't Mo Wen come out? According to normal circumstances, anyone can only stay in the goddess world for three days. Although some particularly immediate mighty people can interfere with the goddess world's sense of heaven and heaven and stay longer, Mo Wen does not have that ability.

"It shouldn't happen, he has Caishen stone in hand, no one in the original space can cause harm to him." Mo Qingge shook his head.

"Then will he have any adventures, so he can stay longer in the goddess world, or even stay forever?" Mo Qingqing's eyes lit up, and anything could happen in the goddess world, who would dare to say no if asked. This adventure.

"Perhaps, he didn't come out on time, there must have been some opportunities. But I hope he can get the legend of the Sacred Heart Lady, and even the legendary sea beads ~ ~ Mo Qingge narrowed his eyes and blinked in his eyes With a strange light, she always feels that Mo Wen is not an ordinary person and can do things that ordinary people cannot.

"Inheritance of the Sacred Heart Lady, how could that be possible!"

Mo Qingge rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "Sister, you know you value Mo Wen, but you are too worthy of him. If you want to get the inheritance of the Sacred Heart, you can only get the Haizhu, but what is that treasure? , Even if it appeared before Mo Wen, I am afraid he would not get it. "

"I just said that, why should you be more true." Mo Qingge was undecided.

"What's more real, I'm just talking about a fact." Mo Qingqing is so angry and funny, and the affectionate sister really thinks it's possible to ask Mo.

"Inheritance of the Sacred Heart Lady? I don't have that blessing. I don't even know what the sea beads look like, but it's already a great luck to enter the world of goddesses. Why not ask for too much."

The voice of Mo Wen suddenly sounded in the starry sky, and his figure appeared in nothingness. Obviously, the heavenly path of the original space directly sent him here, and wherever he went, he would go back. (To be continued)

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