Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 933: Penglai Yinwu


Yunshenye is a sacred product in medicine, which is invaluable to the monks, especially when practicing the second elemental god, or practicing some esoteric techniques that are very demanding on the soul, Yunshenye will be something unfavorable. .

Mo Wen didn't even think about it. The first reward in the sky list was Yun Yunye. Looking at the small bottle in his hand, a flash of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Although it was not a priceless treasure, the value was also quite amazing. He hesitated whether to use it now or to use it later when it was sufficiently high.

After a moment, Mo Wen decided to use this thing immediately. Now that there is wine and he is drunk now, the soul liquid is precious, but Mo Wen believes that he can get better things to nourish the soul in the future, not to mention that he has already developed local consciousness, God With more than 50% literacy, with Yun Soul Liquid, he is likely to condense the Yuanshen directly.

It is so amazing that a warrior who has not yet turned into a fairy possesses Yuanshen.


The next day and night, Mo Wen practiced in the secret room. The power of Soul Containing Soul was incomparably magical. After only a long time, Mo Wen ’s soul power was thoroughly conscious, but this has not stopped, and all consciousness gradually became qualitative. In the change, a wandering primordial spirit appeared in Mo Wen's consciousness, gradually condensing and forming with the passage of time.

A white light illuminated from Mo Wen's head, and then an inch-sized villain appeared on top of Mo Wen's head. The little man exuded white light, as if gathered from the light, but the facial features were already clear and long. Same as Mo Wen.

soul! This is the Yuanshen that Mo Wen cultivated. Once the Yuanshen is cultivated, as long as the Yuanshen is not destroyed, he will not perish, even if the flesh is destroyed. You can also rebirth.

"Is this the Yuanshen? It's amazing!"

Bai Mengmeng's villain murmured to himself. He felt that he had undergone earth-shaking changes, and the knowledge of the sea was even more radiant, some expanded tenfold. At the same time, the land of ten miles is in his perception. The number of people within ten miles was counted in the mind almost instantly.

Although Mo Wen had some local consciousness before, it was not a complete consciousness after all, and there was no Yuanshen as a support, like a rootless water, but now it is different. With Yuanshen, the power of consciousness is endless, and with a foundation, it will be easy to read out the environment around the consciousness detection. Although Mo Wen could do it before, he still consumed soul power. So he rarely does this.

Moreover, the benefits of practicing Yuanshen are more than this. Yuanshen can be more deeply integrated into the heavens and the earth, which is more conducive to the realization of the laws of heaven and earth and the mystery of the road. That's why those warriors or immortals who have become immortals can perceive a complete mystery as long as they have enough time and subtle changes.

"This feeling of control is really wonderful. I am afraid there will be a qualitative leap in my strength."

Mo asked very strong. After coming out of the original space, he couldn't figure out how strong it was. But if that weird Xin Wuji stood in front of him again, he would probably shoot him away with a slap. Now that the Yuanshen is cultivated, the whole person has unparalleled control over the body and inner qi. Before the 10% strength, he can only exert the strength of 10%, but now the strength of 10%. It is also possible that he can exert 20% of his power. Because of the existence of Yuanshen, his use of power is meticulous. No trace of power will be wasted.

"I don't know if I can challenge the warriors after Huaxian, but even if they are not enemies. I'm afraid it's not far away." Mo asked in contemplation.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Mo Wen knew with his eyes closed that the person coming was Gu Jingman. Because as long as Gu Jingman was still 100 meters away, Mo Wen's consciousness discovered her.

After coming out of the goddess world, the two settled in the same inn.

"Mo asked, why do you practice as soon as you come back? It's just too boring not to go to see the martial arts meeting so busy."

Gu Jingman regarded Mo Wen's room as his home, and pushed the door straight in.

After returning from the goddess world, two days have passed. However, in the two days, she did not see Mo Wen coming out of the room. It was originally difficult to meet each other. She wanted to gather together. As a result, he did well and wasted all his time on cultivation. Above.

"What's so beautiful, in our realm, it doesn't make much sense to watch those warriors fight."

Mo Wen smiled and said, he has been busy refining Yun Yun Soul for these two days. How can he have time to see the martial arts conference, not to mention that the generous faction has been eliminated before.

Indeed, Mo asked the current state, the ordinary warrior battle has no attraction for him.

"It doesn't make any sense. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. There are many hidden martial arts participating in this martial arts conference. Those who are part of the hidden martial arts, the strong men sent out are not in the battle of the world. Although there are no warriors in the fairyland, many of them are extreme warriors. "

Gu Jingman gave Mo a blank look, and this Mo was too boring. Even as he said, the martial arts meeting really did not have much to look at, but would it take a little time to accompany her to see it?

What ’s more, some of the strong men sent in the vein of Yinwu are also extraordinary, because of the rules of Tianhua Palace, the warriors after the immortal cannot participate in the martial arts conference, so the old guys in the immortal realm are not, but the immortal Next, there are a lot of extreme warriors sent, some of them are quite remarkable, not to mention the warriors who challenge the fairyland, but the warriors who face the fairyland are not necessarily without a fight back.

The martial arts conference is a contest between martial arts. To some extent, the martial arts after the immortalization, to a certain extent, have been detached from the category of ordinary martial arts, saying that they are immortal cultivaters. In fact, the warriors after the immortalization all claimed to be immortalists and pursued immortal ways. Among the immortalists, they were just a slightly special kind.

The immortal realm is the name of the ordinary martial arts to that kind of martial arts. In fact, this kind of immortal cultivation is placed in the immortal cultivation world, which is no different from the ordinary immortal cultivation. The state is also the same as the immortal cultivation, Yuanshen Realm, Fighting Transit, Tai Xuan Realm, God's Virtual Realm ...

Immortalization is nothing more than a process in which the warrior reborn, and is a process of extraordinary sainthood. Strictly speaking, it is not a realm reads ;. The ordinary warrior in the fairyland, put in the name of Xiuxian Realm, is Yuanshen Realm Wuxiu or Douuanjing Wuxiu ...

"Extreme Warrior?"

Mo Wen has a little interest in his eyes. For him now, ordinary warriors obviously don't take it into consideration, but extreme warriors are another matter. Some terrible extreme warriors, even those who kill Yuanshen Realm Wuxiu ability. He doesn't have any immortals now, but he is only the ultimate warrior.

"Of course, Yin Wu has a very different history. It is said that some of them are powerful sects, and even there are martial arts soldiers who are fighting in transit. There are many hidden sects who came to participate in the martial arts meeting this time. Some people are really powerful." Gu Jingman went to watch some of the battles between the Yinwu Sects in these two days. It can be said that the Eight Strong Sects are almost all the descendants of the Yinwu Sect.

"Fight to turn to martial arts!" Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that there is such an existing martial arts in the main space. You must know that the special circumstances of this world, the real powerful ones are all in the spirit world or the devil world. The space that differentiated is actually the decline of the original world to the extreme.

A Wu Xiu wants to practice in the source world to fight the transition, the difficulty is unimaginable. Legend has it that the palace master and several deputy palace masters all came from the spirit world. After all, the resources of the original world are scarce, and it is almost impossible to cultivate to their realm.

"There are indeed martial arts in the battle of Yinwu, and they are not the same. Do you know where the battle of Yinwu belongs?"

In Gu Jingman's eyes, a dignity flashed in her eyes. During the past two days, she had inquired a lot about Yinwu. It may be difficult for others to hear such news. After all, the hidden martial arts are quite closed and exclusive. In other words, they do n’t look down on the warriors elsewhere, so they do n’t say much to those warriors. Superior.

However, Gu Jingman is different. She does n’t talk about it for the time being. With her peerless beauty and terrible charm, like a goblin, she fascinated some disciples of the hidden martial arts and naturally told everything. Knowing everything is endless.

"Where?" Mo Wen also had some curiosity in his eyes. Yin Wu's vein has always been a mystery. He couldn't figure out why Huaxia had such a terrible warrior power. He asked Mo Qingqing before, but he didn't seem to want to Say more. For many martial arts people, they only know what the hidden martial arts are, but they don't know where they come from.

"Penglai Wonderland." Gu Jingman said lightly: "The origin of Penglai Wonderland, you may not be very clear ~ ~ But that also knows more or less some rumors."

"Penglai Fairyland!" Mo asked and took a breath. How did he not know the famous Penglai Fairyland. This fairyland is said to be different from the ordinary inner world, but it is a holy place that can accommodate the cultivation of immortals, so it is also called the Xiaoling Realm . It has always been said that Penglai Wonderland is a gathering place for immortal practitioners. There are a large number of immortal practitioners living in it. Perhaps it is difficult for other inner world to meet an immortal practitioner, but it is everywhere in Penglai fairyland.

The name of Xiaoling Realm, but it's like Lei Guaner, and even the headquarters of Tianhua Palace is rumored to be in Penglai Wonderland.

"You don't know, Penglai Wonderland has always been regarded as a mysterious inner world by outside warriors, but in fact it is not so. Actually, Penglai Wonderland is not the inner world, but part of the main space, it It is one with the main space. "Gu Jingman said slowly.

"You mean, Penglai Fairyland is the main space!" Mo Wen stared wide eyes, the main space resources are scarce, it is difficult to appear master, so it is well known that the main space is not as good as the major inner world. He never imagined that the so-called first inner world, the most mysterious inner world, was actually not the inner world, but a part of the main space!

"Yes! This matter involves some secrets of ancient times ..." Gu Jingman whispered. (To be continued)

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