Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 934: Protected Pure Land


It turned out that this matter needs to start with the strong people of all walks of life in the Middle Ages in order to compete for the origin of the world.

In the Middle Ages, the main space was still very stable and vast, but it was continuously destroyed and divided due to the battle of ruining the world. Those inner worlds with human life were the spaces that were separated by war in the Middle Ages. Of course, the inner world that remains so far is quite scarce, and more space was destroyed in the war. Even if it was not destroyed at that time, it will gradually collapse due to the corrosion of time.

Compared with the Middle Ages, the inner world that has survived to this day is only nine cattle and one cent.

As for Penglai Fairyland, it is not a space divided by war. It is still part of the main space and has never left the main space.

However, the origin of Penglai Fairyland is related to the last battle that took place in the main space in the Middle Ages. That battle destroyed the world, the powerful came out in large numbers, and the major forces turned their eyes on them, regardless of the consequences, they almost completely eliminated the main space. destroy. Although it was later realized that it was not good, it was too late. The main space became fragile because of the war, and the vitality of the world was leaked. Originally, the world was full of vitality, and the rich resources of the original space became a barren land, almost no longer suitable for the cultivation of immortals.

Faced with this dilemma, those who cultivated immortals from all walks of life had to stop the war and retire to all circles. Penglai Wonderland, however, was the only surviving place in the main space at that time. It was least affected by war, and the vitality and resources of the world were relatively rich. However, problems have arisen in the source space. The entire space is like a funnel. No matter how much water is in it, it will eventually run out. If no measures are taken, the final result can be imagined, and Penglai Wonderland will also become a rough place.

In order to save the last piece of land suitable for cultivation in the original world, all circles of the world finally reached a consensus and jointly worked together to perform the anti-sky secret technique to isolate Penglai Wonderland from the main space, so as not to affect the Penglai Wonderland because of the decline of the main space. Pure land.

Therefore, Penglai Wonderland is not a separated inner world, but a part of the main space. In the Middle Ages, the divided inner world was relatively fragile. Seen as an unusable land, it is natural that no one cares, and even once abandoned by the immortals.

It can also be explained that the martial arts conference held in Tianhua Palace allows the participation of martial artists in the main space. However, people from the inner world were not allowed to participate. At that time, this rule was set only because there were too many inner worlds. In order to simplify the steps of the martial arts conference, a lot of complexity was saved. This can also be seen. The inner world was not taken seriously at the time, and at the same time did not think that the warriors there could have the ability to challenge the warriors in the main space.

Who knows, as time goes by, the warriors in Penglai ’s fairyland are increasingly not paying attention to the martial arts conference. Instead, the warriors living in the barren area of ​​the main space are fighting very lively, and they are all in the world. The forces of the warriors are also involved.

In fact, at the end of the Middle Ages, the Yinwu line refers to those martial arts who moved into Penglai Wonderland, and they have since lived in Penglai Wonderland completely isolated. It loses contact with the people in the barren areas outside, so it will be called a hidden weapon by people outside. At that time, the inner world was only a wild land, and there were not many human beings. It was only after a thousand years of development that it gradually became prosperous.

To this day, the warriors in the main space have always been because the warriors in the inner world are the hidden martial arts, and even the warriors in the inner world feel that they belong to the hidden martial arts. Yinwu.

"So it turns out."

Mo asked with some exclamation, this time the emergence of Yin Wu pulse. He was also very puzzled, and did not understand why such a mighty warrior force that could participate in the martial arts conference emerged, changing times and changing history. Change many of the original things.

"In this way, the most prosperous areas of Chinese martial artists are not the inner world, but the Penglai Wonderland in the main space?"

"That's exactly the case. However, the situation of Penglai Fairyland is a little special, and even Tianhua Palace can't fully control it. At that time, Penglai Fairyland was originally built by the powers of all walks of life. The people living in it are very complicated. There are a lot of people. And the powerful inside are also quite good. Although Tianhua Palace still rules that area, but the right to speak does not want to be so supreme outside. "

"It is said that the headquarters of the three special organizations are all in Penglai Wonderland." Gu Jingman said slowly.

The so-called three special organizations refer to the demons, ghosts, and demons.

These three major organizations have always been called evil forces in the main space, but in their realm, they will naturally not look at a mere apprentice so-called evil forces, but the definition given by Tianhua Palace. As a loser, a defeated king will naturally be suppressed by the Tianhua Palace.

"Yin Wu's origin is actually the famous Penglai Wonderland, which I would like to see."

Mo Wen stood up and walked outside the door: "Sister, it is said that this afternoon we will battle out the eight strong schools of the martial arts conference. Let's go and see together to understand the situation. After the eight quarters have been selected, we can have I didn't care much about the opportunity to challenge them once, but now I have a little interest. "

Gu Jingman followed Mo Mo with some joy: "Waiting for your words, it's boring to sit and practice all day long."

Gu Jingman embraced Mo Wen's arm and walked out of the inn along with his side.

The battle between the Zongmen, also in the Shenlong Nest in the inner city, has been held for about ten days from the very beginning of the primary election. Today, the eight strongest Zongmen will be selected.

The Shenlong Nest is very lively, the audience is no less than one hundred thousand people, and the warriors who can come to the Dragon City are almost the elite of the elite. If Penglai Wonderland is not included, there are absolutely not so many people in the main space who are qualified to come here, but There are many warriors in the inner world. No one knows how many inner worlds are around the main space. Perhaps Tianhua Palace knows, but ordinary people certainly don't know this data.

In the entire Dragon City, almost 90% of the warriors come from the inner world. The rest are the warriors in the main space and the deacon affiliated with the Tianhua Palace. As for the Penglai Wonderland, there are quite few people, except those Zongmen who came to participate in the martial arts meeting, the audience is estimated to be few.

This is also easy to understand. For the warriors of Penglai Wonderland, such martial arts conventions may not be taken into consideration at all, and most of them are too lazy to come over. If it is not the temptation to enter the goddess world, I am afraid that the people in Penglai Wonderland will not be different from the previous martial arts conference.


As soon as he walked into the dragon's nest, Wang Yinru welcomed him. The auditorium of the dragon's nest needed to be paid for. Wang Yinru had already packed an area earlier, so Mo Wen came to the dragon's nest as soon as he entered.

Wang Yinru had some guilt on his face. After all, the generous faction was led by her and was eliminated before entering the semi-finals. I am really sorry to ask.

"Sister Yinru, I have been working hard these days when I am away." Mo Wen smiled a little, he knew clearly, with the generous faction, I am afraid that he and Gu Jingman are here, and may not be able to attend the martial arts meeting. Make a difference, after all, their opponents are warriors from Penglai Wonderland. The situation between the Zongmen and the situation is somewhat different. They are focusing on the overall strength of the Zongmen. Otherwise, they will fight alone, and under the martial cultivation of Yuanshen Realm, Mo Wen is not afraid of anyone.

"Inru is incompetent and cannot lead Zongmen to shine at the martial arts conference like a suzerain." Wang Yinru sighed. Mo asked not only to blame her, but to comfort her and moved her deeply. But this time generously sent to Dragon City, holding great hope, but did not want to hurry up.

At this time, Wang Yinru didn't know yet. Mo Wen, as the top of the list, had the opportunity to challenge the top eight again.

"Ashamed, the old man didn't help much this time." Ling Feng, who was standing next to Wang Yinru, sighed. Mo Wen and Gu Jingman were not there. He was the strongest person in the generosity, even more unusual. Wuzong's three realms are stronger. But he has just recovered from his injuries, and there are not many repairs that can be recovered. It is far from being compared with his peak period, otherwise he may not be afraid of those strong soldiers with a hidden pulse.

Of course, Ling Feng is still strong, after all, it is only a person. The confrontation between Zongmen will consider the overall strength of Zongmen. Even if Ling Feng returns to the peak, I am afraid that it will be difficult to support alone.

Indeed, the entire generous faction, with the exception of Ling Feng, did not have the ability to compete with those of the martial arts of the hidden martial arts. Even Tan Qiyue, facing the powerful men of the imperial martial arts, had almost no resistance.

"Ling Hufa is difficult to support the overall situation, I naturally know, but it does not matter, now I return to Zongmen, but I have a chance to make a comeback."

Mo asked with a smile. Ling Feng served as a generous guardian of law. This is a very special position. Its status is very high among the sect, second only to the master, but it has no real power. After all, Ling Feng just joined the generous faction. Mo Wen only had a trading relationship with him. Naturally, he did not trust him very much. The authority of the sect can only be handed over to a person who can be trusted. Otherwise, if a dragon like him sees the head and ends, it will inevitably go into civil strife.

"A comeback?" Ling Feng was a little stunned, not understanding what Mo asked.

"As the first in the sky list ~ ~ can have a privilege, that is, lead the sect to directly challenge the eight strong sect, if you win the battle, you can replace it."

Mo asked faintly.

"What! There is such a privilege." There was a flash of joy in Wang Yinru's eyes, and the generous faction was eliminated by another sect. That is because Mo Wen and Gu Jingman's two strong men disappeared for no reason. This time Mo Wen will come, if it is There is also a chance to make a comeback, she believes that the generous faction can definitely shine. At least, she absolutely believed Mo asked.

"There are such privileges."

Ling Feng was stunned, but there was not much excitement. Others might not understand it, but how could he not know how terrible these warriors from Penglai Fairyland were, and he even knew that those who came to participate in the martial arts conference Hidden Wuzongmen is not the strongest monk in Penglai's fairyland. Those strongest monks simply disdain to come to this martial arts conference.

"Since I have privileges, I can't waste it in vain. I want to know how strong the Zongmen of the hidden martial arts are." Mo Wen smiled faintly, looking at the following field, and can break into the top eight. Presumably those Zongmen It is not easy in the vein of Yinwu. (To be continued.)

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