Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 940: Drop without a fight

Mo Wen has many mysteries in the original space, including the rare thunder, the wind, and the cloud. These three types of mysteries are related to his practice of the Sanyao Law, which is the most important enlightenment he realized.

As for the mystery of fire and the mystery of water, it is somewhat related to the yin and yang qi he cultivated, and naturally will not let go.

Of course, the mysteries derived from the primitive space energy body are far more than that. Of course, Mo Wenneng's understanding is very limited. In fact, there are endless mysteries, all kinds of various mysteries can appear, and there can be countless kinds of mysteries derived from a rule of law.

Mo Wen tried to enlighten some high-end mysteries, such as time mystery, space mystery, life mystery, death mystery, star mystery, black hole mystery ...

But those mysteries are too mysterious, and the immortal cultivator of Yuanshen Realm may not be able to enlighten them. It is really not something that his realm can touch.

"You realize the two prototypes of water and fire?"

Chu Yunli looked at Mo Wen in amazement, she was thinking that Mo Wen would never be able to create a miracle again this time. However ... where the scene before me is a miracle is simply a miracle. How can a person practice to realize the two prototypes of mystery at the age of twenty? At least in the history of Penglai Wonderland, such wizards are rare.

Mo Wen shouldered his hand. The facts were in front of him. He didn't need to say much at all. The fire and water of a few miles were all under his control. Yang Zonglin wanted to suppress him with the realm. It was almost impossible. On the contrary, his prototype of the Profound Truth of Water was completely suppressed by Mo Wen.

He can understand the prototype of water and fire in the original space, and it is not a matter of controlling the water and fire in a few miles outside.

"So powerful!"

Ling Feng took a breath of air in the camp where the generous faction was, he knew very well. Mastering what it means to have two opposite archetypes, once Mo Jin has entered Yuan Shen Realm, I am afraid that in Yuan Shen Realm, it is also possible to meet opponents. Because the two opposite meanings mean that there is no obvious weakness. Everyone knows that water and fire can overcome each other. If Mo asked to cultivate only the mysteries of fire, those who encounter higher realms of water will definitely suffer. If Mo asked to practice only the mysteries of water, then those who meet the higher mysteries of fire will certainly suffer.

However, the two Upanishads are cultivated at the same time, no matter whether the cultivator who encounters the Upanishad of water or the cultivator of the Upanishad of Fire. Can seize the opportunity while restraining each other.

For example, Yang Zonglin is now in the same situation. He only practiced the water mystery. Mo Wen used the same water mystery to fight for the strength of the earth and the world, which greatly reduced the water vitality he controlled. The meaning of water. Only then will the embarrassing situation of Yang Zonglin appear now.

In fact, Yang Zonglin also cultivated the prototype of the Water Profound Truth, even if it was suppressed by Mo Wen on the prototype of the Water Profound Truth, it was not so miserable. The difference between the two in the prototype of the Water Profound Truth was not so large on the surface. So this happens, of course, the reason for the mystery of fire


Everything in the world has front and back sides. This is true of water, fire, and other mysteries.

It's just that I want to understand the two opposite meanings. Far more difficult than understanding the two types of unrelated mysteries. There are even people who can realize three or even four mysteries, but just cannot understand two opposite mysteries.

"Impossible, I don't believe it." Yang Zonglin seemed as if he was frustrated, and his face was fierce, and he madly asked Mo. This hit him too much and practiced for three hundred years. Regardless of strength or realm, it is actually not as good as a 20-year-old boy. Has he lived on a dog all his life?

"Blood and sea waves."

A flash of blood erupted from Yang Zonglin, instantly. A **** sea rages, a horrible grievance instantly covers the whole square, and murders continue to brew in the **** sea.

Bloody sea and turbulent waves is one of the well-known martial arts of Taoism in Xuesha Temple. The ruthless young man practiced this martial art of martial arts. However, compared with Yang Zonglin, he is naturally a little witch.

The sea of ​​blood was rolling, and it seemed to completely cover the clouds of fire above the sky.

The momentum was amazing, but some martial arts from the Eight Major Sects sighed slightly. Although the blood and sea waves were extraordinary, it was quite an amazing martial art, but this time it was used to deal with Mo questions. I am afraid it is not enough.

As Yang Zonglin said, at their level, the level of the Profound Truth is the key to winning. Now his water connotation is completely suppressed by Mo Wen, and it is of no use at all, but Mo Wen has mastered the power of the two prototypes of Profound Truth. How does he compare with Mo Wen.

With his own strength, how powerful it is is also limited. Mo Wen only needs to mobilize the vitality of the world, I am afraid that he can stop Yang Zonglin's attack.

Originally, Yang Zonglin cultivated the mysteries of water, in order to cooperate with the martial arts of blood sea wrath, and the power of water mystery and blood sea wrath cooperated. That was really **** waves and endless. But at this time, he could not exert the power of the prototype of the mystery of water at all. I am afraid that he could exert less than half of the power.

Sure enough, Mo Wen just raised his eyebrows, and the water marks between heaven and earth gathered to him frantically, and finally formed a layer of water waves, colliding with Yang Zonglin's blood waves.

The two collided and the bang was loud and resounding. But the blood wave is the water without roots, and Mo Wen ’s water wave is formed by the convergence of heaven and earth, endless. When the two collide, they can be comparable at first. It was torn apart by the waves.

Mo Wen's figure appeared from the water waves, like a wind, a pervasive wind, somehow he appeared, then somehow he disappeared, and then somehow appeared in front of Yang Zonglin.

The short thought of the whole process has just appeared in everyone's mind. It has been over before it has been completely digested, almost surpassing the speed of the ordinary warrior's reaction nerve.


Those people didn't react, and Yang Zonglin couldn't react naturally. Mo asked, but he was not polite. He kicked him directly, hitting the shield on the edge of the square like a sandbag, and then rebounded back.

"It's fast!"

Among the warriors of the Eight Great Sects, air-sucking voices appeared one after another, and the cultivation level reached their level. Their understanding of speed was different from that of ordinary people. For ordinary people, the speed of their nerve response is quite fast, similar to teleport

. Any warrior standing here at the Eight Great Sect Gates can exhibit the effect of teleportation relative to ordinary people. Even the warriors under Wuzong's speed are equivalent to teleportation.

However, those are just performances, instantaneous removal does not master the legendary black hole rule, you can directly shuttle through the void, otherwise there is no saying that there is a teleportation at all. Of course, even if you master the black hole law, teleportation will take time, and people who are not in the realm may not be faster than direct movement.

It is naturally impossible for anyone standing here to understand the law of black holes. Everyone moves normally, but relatively speaking, the effect is different. In the eyes of lower-level martial arts, it looks like a teleport, but in the eyes of the same-level martial arts, it is no different from normal movement. The difference is only who moves faster and who moves slower.

But Mo asked the movement just now, but the general effect of teleportation appears. Compared to them, it is just teleportation. What a terrible speed! What does this mean? It means that Mo Wen has exceeded the level they can reach in speed. Not to mention the ordinary extreme warrior, I am afraid that few warriors in Yuanshen Realm can do this step.

Yang Zonglin didn't respond at all, so he was blasted out directly. When he got up, he suddenly found his Dantian Qihai kicked by Mo Wen's kick.

"You ... gangsters, dare to abolish my cultivation, Xueshadian and you will never die, never die ...!"

Yang Zonglin clutched his abdomen, and screamed madly at his exhaustion. His eyes were full of mad killing and resentment. After nearly three hundred years of cultivation, he was directly abolished by Mo Wen, and no one could accept it. And the strongest in the martial arts world is respected, he did not cultivate, and the end will definitely be miserable.

"It seems like when you said that you will let me go."

Mo asked with a sneer. From the point that Xuesha Palace deliberately aimed at the generous faction, he knew that there might be no goodness with Xuesha Palace, and that ruthless young man's status in Xuesha Temple might not be low.

After the abolition of Yang Zonglin, Mo asked his gaze and looked at the other four martial artists in the Palace of Blood Fiend. The four were also extreme martial artists, all of which understood the mysterious trajectory. Of course, Yang Zonglin is the only person who can understand the prototype of Upanishad.

The gap between the prototype of the Profound Truth and the trajectory of the Profound Truth is also incalculable.

"Acknowledge defeat, we admit defeat." The several warriors in Xuesha Temple were pale and scared one by one. They did not dare to face Mo Wen directly. Yang Zonglin ’s lesson is still there. A warrior who has realized the prototype of the Profound Truth will be abolished directly. Anyone will be scared.

"You know the current affairs ~ ~ Mo asked faintly, originally he didn't plan to let these four people go, but since the other party has already conceded defeat, he is not good to do it anymore. After all, this is not a battlefield. Wanton killing.

"Brother, you are so powerful." Gu Jingman stood beside him, clapping his palms with a smile and a greasy voice in his bones, and I looked proud of you.

Mo Wen felt that the fire that was hidden in the body was ignited by Gu Jingman's screams, and he had to run Yin and Yang Qi and converted it into Yin Qi to suppress the evil fire. Leprechaun.

"The mystery of fire appears, the mystery of water appears, and the prototype of the mystery of wind. I wonder if I can still understand other prototypes of mystery ..."

Mo Qingge's mouth is filled with a smile, although she knows that it is easy to understand the laws of heaven and earth in the original space, but she can comprehend so many prototypes of mystery in such a short time. Mo Wen's understanding is not simple.

When Mo asked just now, she did n’t know about it, but she could n’t hide it from her, and it incorporated the power of the prototype of the Wind Profound Truth. Otherwise, simply relying on a method of wind glory, there would be no such amazing speed. (To be continued)

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