Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 941: Solicit

Yang Zonglin's cultivation practice was abolished, and all the martial artsmen in the Blood Fiend Palace were frightened. How dare they fight Mo Wen again, one after another, withdrew from the battlefield, and directly admit defeat.

Mo asked did not mean to take action against them, let them leave, after all, this is the Dragon City, he is not easy to do too much.

On the audience stand, the ruthless son looked sullenly. He didn't expect this to be the end. The ultimate strong man in the hall of blood and blood was actually invincible, and it was so embarrassing. That Mo asked, when did it become so powerful? Is it related to that goddess world?


The ruthless son thought that he also broke into the top ten of the sky list, but he failed to pass the test of the goddess world, and finally could not enter the goddess world. If the goddess world can really make a person so powerful in a short time, would n’t he miss a chance?

Maybe after he entered the world of goddess, he can also grow by leaps and bounds, like Mo Wen, even stronger than Mo Wen!

Thinking of this, the ruthless son's heart is full of taste, more is jealous, angry and unwilling. Why don't you ask him how lucky he is, but he doesn't! Which is worse than Mo asked? Asked about his talent, appearance, and family background, he surpassed Mo to ask this wild kid. Why is he not as good as to ask, is it just because of a lack of luck?

The ruthless son puts everything to luck, and the more he thinks, the more God feels unfair to him.

"This Mo question must not be left, otherwise it will inevitably be a major scourge and must be reported immediately to the elder Zongmen."

The ruthless son clenched his teeth tightly, and there were unspeakable fears and fears deep in his eyes. Yang Zonglin's strength could be ranked in the top five in Xuesha Palace, except for several ancestors of Yuanshen Realm. His strength is the strongest, and he usually treats him as an elder. Unexpectedly, it was so easy to lose it in Mo Wen's hands. Doesn't it mean that Mo Wen's current strength is comparable to the warriors of Yuan Shenjing?

Thinking of this, the ruthless son felt cold all over. I didn't want to stay in Dragon City again for a moment, and wished to go back to the Palace of Blood Fierce Immediately to discuss strategies to deal with Mo Wen.

The generous faction challenged successfully, and the Blood Fiend Palace was directly famous from the quarterfinals, and even the rankings were gone. It was a hard struggle till now. In the end, the bamboo basket was empty, which is not a tragedy. The generous faction Cheng Chengjin, who had been killed halfway, was already somewhat unfair. Who can oppose the rules set by the Tianhua Palace?

"Great! Brother Mo is powerful." Su Wan'er looked excited. She did not understand what it meant to ask one person to defeat Xueshadian. In her eyes, as long as Brother Mo could win, that would be the best.

But Tang Zhizhi was shocked and speechless at the moment. When he first met, there was nothing special, and his unremarkable Mo Wen was so powerful. I am afraid that few people in Wuzong Hall can compare with him.

And the generous sitting out is even more exciting, no one expected

. His own sovereign can be so strong that he can easily win with one enemy and five, and even scares the enemy. They had no hope. I think that Mo Wen asked a little bit, but now it seems that Mo Wen asked a big one, but people have long been confident.

"Jin'er, I will say that this is not something in the pool, but unfortunately did not pull him into the Golden Dragon Sect." Mother-in-law Jinhua sighed softly. In fact, she also knew that Jin Longzong could not tolerate such a character.

Jinying's eyes are complicated. At the beginning, they went to the animal cave together, and Mo asked at most the same as her. Now it has grown to this point.


The Blood Fiend Palace was eliminated, and the generous faction took its place, becoming one of the eight strong schools.

At this time, the eyes of the other seven sect gates looking at Mo Wen were a little complicated. A young man, with only one person, defeated the camp of the Blood Fiend Palace. What a gift! Whether such a genius in the huge Penglai Wonderland is difficult to say.

Moreover, they are also aware that they will face a more terrible competitor than Xueshadian.

"The afterlife is awesome."

* Teaching a middle-aged beautiful woman with a sigh, looked at Mo Wen's eyes with some dread, she never thought that she would be dread such a little guy one day.

The quarter-finals have been decided, and then naturally the quarter-finals will advance to the quarter-finals battle. The rules are very simple. Such rules test strength, but also test luck, because the opponent drawn is too strong, it is likely to be eliminated directly.

There must be a wound in the two strong fights. Two strong Zongmen have met before. As a result, one side was defeated and missed the top four. Instead, the weaker Zongmen broke into the top four.

Luck has always been a criterion for measuring strength. If luck is not good, it may be destroyed even if it is strong. A sect has no luck and cannot last for a long time, so this rule continues to this day.

The lottery is very simple. Each of the eight ancestors sends a representative, and each person draws a bamboo stick. The eight bamboo sticks are the same, and the ancestors who draw the same bamboo sticks are opponents of each other.

In this draw, Mo Wen's luck was obviously not very good, and Tianhai Zong was drawn.

The Tianhai Sect and the Evil Wind Sect are the two strongest Penglai Sects in Longcheng this time. Even if the * sects are both out of the two Sects, they are placed in the Penglai Wonderland. Exist, it is said that there is a peerless martial arts warrior sitting in the gate.

Of the eight ancestors, if anyone can steadily overtake the side of the Hall of Blood Evil, they must be the two ancestors. The leaders of Evil Wind Sect and Tianhai Sect are both terrifying extreme strongmen, far more than Yang Zonglin.

So, to draw Tianhai Sect, luck is not very good.

Of course, the people of Tianhaizong also felt that they were out of luck. After all, the generous faction had just defeated the Xuesha Palace with ease, and was already regarded as a terrible opponent.

On the contrary, it was another sect, and a slight sigh of relief. When the Tianhai Sect collided with the two strong factions, the other sect naturally reduced the pressure.

After the draw, the battle began below.

The first evil wind sect and Jin Hongzong; the second * religion and the Viper Gate; the third sect of the Red Sun Sect and the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect; the generous faction and the Tianhai Sect ranked in the fourth.

In the first game, there was no suspense. The evil wind Zong Wen Ya Jin Hong Zong ended the battle in a short time.

The second * religion and the scorpion gate, both sect gates are the sect gates of Penglai Wonderland, and there are many similarities. For example, the scorpion gate is also mostly female disciples. The thing is, * teaching is not affected by male disciples, and the Viper Gate will moderately accept some beautiful young people


* The leader of the teaching is also a terrifying extreme strongman. Not only does he understand the prototype of the Profound Truth, but also has a deep understanding of martial arts. The strength is strong, and he should be above Yang Zonglin. The Viper Gate confronted the * teacher, obviously there was no chance of winning, and soon they lost.

As for the third game, it ended with the Golden Buddha Sect defeating Chiri Sect.

Soon, the fourth game was Tianhaizong's battle with the generous faction.

The warriors of Tianhaizong came to power one by one, their expressions were very solemn, but Mo Wen and Gu Jingman were very relaxed. It's not that I feel that I can win Tianhaizong steadily, but I don't care much about the outcome. However, the Tianhai Sect is different. As the first-class sect of Penglai Wonderland, if it is defeated by an unknown and generous faction, I am afraid that it will damage the sect's majesty.

"Mo Xiaoyou, under Xia Muheli, your talents make the old man admire him. The waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves, which is really awesome for later generations."

When the leader of Tianhaizong came to power, he took the initiative to talk to Mo Wen, but there was no hypocrisy in his words. Mo Wen asked the younger age, what can be achieved today is indeed shocking, and the genius of Penglai Wonderland There are many, but young men like this are probably not able to find a few.

"Older seniors praised it." Mo asked.

"Do n’t be humble, I do n’t mean to exaggerate. Everyone sees your strength. I ’m afraid the old man is not your opponent. I heard that you are not a warrior in Penglai Wonderland, nor a warrior in the inner world, just Ordinary warrior in the main space. It is incredible to be able to cultivate a warrior like you in such an environment. "

Mu Heli's novel is that it is reasonable to see such a dragon among people in Penglai Fairyland, but the barren main space outside can cultivate such talents, which is incredible.

"If your talent stays in a barren land, it will be a real tragedy. I wonder if you are willing to join Tianhai. Penglai Wonderland is the stage that really suits you. I believe that under the cultivation of Tianhai Sect, your breakthrough to Yuanshen Realm is not a problem , It is even possible to go one step further and become a powerful person in the fight. "

Mu Heli actually issued an invitation, intending to solicit Mo Wen. But also, Mo Wen ’s talents can indeed attract those large gates. Moreover, Mo Wen is only a small gate of the main space. With a clean background, it is more suitable.

Other Zongmen heard that the look has changed. Young people like Mo Wen ~ ~ They also want to recruit their own Zong Men, but they have no chance to catch up with Mo Wen, Unexpectedly, Tian Haizong took the lead.

"I didn't intend to join any sect. The senior's kind intention was Mo Mouxin's lead." Mo asked faintly, he was free to practice alone, why should he join any sect?

"It would be a pity, but you can think more about it, the door of Tianhai Sect is always open to you at any time." Mu Heli said with regret, he really wanted to recruit Mo Wen to Tianhai Sect, with his talent, I'm afraid it will soon be able to turn immortals into Jin Yuan Realm. The young man has the potential that the older generation does not have. If it is replaced by him, it is impossible for him to enter Yuanshen Realm unless he has a great chance.

In the step of turning immortals, I do n’t know how many people were stumped. If he could step in, he would have already succeeded in breaking through, and he would n’t wander in the realm of extreme warrior for a hundred or two hundred years.

"Mo Xiaoyou just defeated Yang Zonglin. The old man admired it very much. Now he wants to get a good idea. It is not fair to have five enemies and two enemies.

Unable to solicit, Mu Heli was not an indecisive person, immediately entered the state of competition, and his figure disappeared as soon as his figure shook. (To be continued)

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