Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 952: Sky Warrior

? When the twelve-wing enchanting form of the demon language appeared, the whole martial arts are boiling, no one expected that such a change would occur in the battle. "≤,

As a warrior, knowledge and knowledge are very broad, but few people know the fallen angels. Unless they have a deep research on Western abilities, it is difficult to recognize that they are fallen angels at a glance.

The demon language is not an ordinary fallen angel, but a royal family among fallen angels. Strictly speaking, how to distinguish the bloodline of fallen angels is the most obvious one. The most obvious point is the eyes. When the fallen angels of the royal family show their fighting status, the eyes are deep purple gold, noble, cold, deep ...

"That's aliens in the Western world. I have known for a long time that there are many aliens in the Western world, but this is the first time I saw that the figure and shape are almost like the legendary female demon goddess!"

"Fallen Angel! That is a fallen angel. I have traveled 34 countries in the West today. I know a little about fallen angels. I ca n’t think of the demon language as a fallen angel family. However, it is said that purebred fallen angels are quite rare in the Devil Alliance, and they are honored. , Rarely appear in front of the world, and most of the fallen angels appear in fact, many of them are mixed blood descendants of impure blood, strictly speaking, they are not pure fallen angels.

"That monster is so powerful, it should be a pure blood fallen angel."

"It's so beautiful, it's just a goddess, and it feels like my soul has been attracted by her."


Mo asked how to look at the tremendous change of the demon language, and he was very speechless in his heart. He knew that there must be hidden unusual means, but he did not expect that she would give herself such a big "surprise", and did not speak the identity of the demon angel fallen, Only her breath at this time was terrible.

It is more than twice as strong, what is the concept, which is equal to the normal situation. A few Mo Wen add up to not be her opponent. No wonder Yaoyu is so confident that he dares to show his way in the Dragon City Hall, not to mention the younger generation of China. I'm afraid that the older generation of Yuanshen Realm is difficult to win her.

"Do not ask, people look bad on you and want to beat you hard, do you say okay?"

The demon language slowly emerged from the vortex. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he seemed to think that he once again occupied the absolute advantage, and then restored the fairy-like style. And once the demon language shows this style, someone will inevitably be unlucky.

"It's love to scold and love, Miss Yuyu so desperately wants to make trouble with me. How can I refuse. Come on, let us fall in love with each other."

Mo Wen opened his hands, a wide sea, a gesture of embracing the sea, seems to be waiting for the demon language to come and "love each other" with him.

"People come here."

A cold light flashed in Yaoyu's eyes, the shameless and cheesy face, she could not help but want to step on her feet hard.

However, as soon as the demon language took a step, it stopped abruptly, looking at Mo in surprise. Seems to encounter some incredible things.

Mo Wen still stood in the same place, still embracing the world, but his breath changed. An ancient, wild, and magnificent atmosphere enveloped the earth. It seemed to come from the oldest era, carrying the ruthlessness and desolation of the years. Seeing with the naked eye, Mo Wen's body grew huge, and within five minutes he had crossed five meters. His muscles protruded one by one. Like the hardest rock.

The most terrible thing is that Mo Wen's body appeared with a head and ghost images of two arms, coupled with Mo Wen's own head and two arms. On the surface, it seems like two heads and four arms. If it changes again, Mo Wen will likely become a monster with two arms and four arms.

But after all, it did not become two heads and four arms. The ghost image of the head and the two arms was only slightly solidified, and it has not really condensed into a solid.

Black lightnings were released from Mo Wen's body, spreading densely like spider webs. Those lightnings contained an unparalleled breath of destruction. It seems that the world will be destroyed by this breath.

The body of the sky!

Mo Wen's method of display is exactly the body of the sky he learned in the original space. Once this secret technique is urged, he can be transformed into a giant of the sky.

Of course, Mo Wen is still far from that level, and even his two arms and four arms are not reflected, only a ghost image appears. But Rao is so, Mo Wen's breath is also several times stronger, not at all under the demon language.

The body of the sky, the cultivation process is very complicated, but the form of the embodiment is very simple. From two heads and four arms, three heads and six arms, four heads and eight arms ... all the way to the highest state of nine heads and eighteen arms, the deeper and stronger the cultivation, the more brains and arms will change.

At that time, the most powerful state of the heavenly giant's battle with the heavenly path of the original space was the nine heads and eighteen arms, tearing the sky and earth, and omnipresent.

Do not ask how to practice this body of the sky, which is slightly different from the giant. The giant is born with three heads and six arms, so there is no difference between the two arms and four arms in the process of cultivation. Fa Nai was created by the deduction of the heavens and earth according to his body, so there is an excessive level of two arms and four arms.

The terrible thing about the body of the sky is that it begins with three heads and six arms. After all, the initial state of the giant is the body with three heads and six arms.

Rao is so, Mo asked in the state of the sky, the breath has also increased several times, it seems that he is not under the demon language, and even the breath is more terrible.

"what is that?"

In the fighting field, Mo Qingge's eyes flashed with surprise, and looked at Mo Wen in surprise. The shape of the three heads and six arms, even she felt very extraordinary, and even contained this repressed feeling of indecision. Even she feels depressed, what is it?

What magical mystery technique is performed by a warrior below the meta-realm, even she will feel depressed? I am afraid that there is no such ability to go against the sky, unless it is the legendary power of Heavenly Dao, which is a terrible magical power that contains the laws of Heavenly Dao.

But to say that Mo Wen can wield the power of the law of heaven, she certainly does not believe it, it is simply nonsense. In his current state, it is impossible to cultivate anything related to the laws of heaven and earth, let alone ask, even if she can't reach the edge and give her a magical power of heaven and earth, she can't cultivate.

But how does Mo Qingge know that the heavens and earth will appear on Mo Wen, and uses Mo Wen as a model to deduce a secret method of Tian Dao refining the body most suitable for Mo Wen's cultivation.

"Sister, Mo Wen ’s breath is many times more powerful. The thing he casts is a bit like a magical power and a bit like a physical power. No matter what, there are two types of supernatural powers that can have this effect. We should not know That's right. "

Mo Qingqing's face became solemn. Mo asked about the magical power that they performed. They were unheard of and unseen. They were very similar to the legendary magical magical powers, but they did not look closely.

"May not ask what adventures there are in the original space."

Mo Qingge frowned, before Mo Wen certainly did not know this magical power, the only explanation was that Mo Wen had great adventures in the original space, and in the world created by the Sacred Heart Lady, anything is possible.

"Mo Wen asked about his current physical strength, I feel that it can barely be compared to the ordinary mystic weapon. The ordinary Yuanshen Realm monk may not even be able to break through his defenses. It ’s a terrible magical power. We might judge his strength. overthrown."

Mo Qingqing smiled bitterly, he and Mo Wen knew each other for so long, every time he was inferring the bottom line of Mo Wen ’s strength, but he would not see it in a few days, he will now, even if the bottom line given before is even higher, he will eventually be The question relentlessly overthrows, and his judgment on Mo Wen's soars in the constant overthrow.

"It's getting more and more interesting. It's hard to say who wins and who loses in a battle."

Mo Qingge said with a smile, after knowing the identity of the demon language, she had no hope for Mo asked, and could not think of such a surprise.

The audience in the fighting field was stunned one by one. First, the demon uttered a surprising change. Now it ’s Mo Mo ’s turn again. The contest between the two is becoming more and more intense and more and more unstoppable.

"What a terrible breath, the black thunderbolt seems to be able to exterminate the world. I feel a sense of discomfort across a large space, and it seems that my body may collapse at any time."

"It's worthy to ask, the most powerful young man in China, that breath may be comparable to the mighty warrior in Yuanshen Realm."

"Yaoyu this woman is really sinister. I was obviously pitting our first young master in China, but fortunately, Mo asked not to disappoint. The final result is still unknown."


"What is your strength?"

The demon language stopped and looked at Mo with dread. Mo's breath on her body made her feel depressed and flustered.

Panic, that was the emotion she hadn't felt for a long time. I couldn't think of a Chinese teenager actually giving her this feeling. She instinctively realized that Mo Wen at this time could threaten her life.

"I call it the body of the sky, you are the first to meet it."

Mo asked faintly, the voice was not loud, but after the exit, it seemed like a thunder between heaven and earth, booming echoed between heaven and earth ~ ~ He had been in the original space for more than ten years, the purpose was to cultivate the body of the sky It took ten years to grind a sword, and after returning from cultivation, the first one to try the sword was demon language, and she did have this qualification.

"The body of the sky! Very good, I would like to learn about it. Is it your body of the sky, or my supreme demon."

Yaoyu snorted coldly, stepped out, came forward, and appeared directly in front of Mo Wen. However, a simple punch, without any fancy, was ordinary, but the whole world seemed to be in this punch In the middle of the solidification, the endless dark magic gathered, the meteor passed through the sun, dragging the long tail and slammed into Mo Wen.

And Mo asked not to be outdone, the black thunder burst out of his body, and it was a simple punch with the demon language.

Without any sound, the whole world seemed to be quiet for a moment. Only the body of the demon shuddered and then retreated silently for several hundred meters.

There was a shock in her heart. For the first time, she fell into a disadvantage with Mo Wen. She feels that Mo Wen is not like a person, but like a mountain, a mountain that is difficult to shake. (To be continued.)

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