Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 953: Demon language and demon language


In the eyes of Yaoyu finally appeared a dignified, pure power, Mo Wen has surpassed her, and his body gave her an impeccable feeling, not to mention breaking his defense, I am afraid that it is quite difficult to scratch his skin.

The defense and strength are impeccable. What ’s more terrifying is that the demon language still does n’t know if Mo Wen also has a profound attainment in speed. If the speed is impeccable, it is too difficult to defeat him.

"The body of the sky, with my body, seems to be able to poke the sky out of a hole."

Mo Wen felt the endless power in his body, as if he could tear a mountain apart, and the blood flowing from his body seemed to be able to disperse the clouds. Fists clenched, fighting intently.

"Demon, don't counsel, just do it."

Mo Wenchang screamed, the figure brought a series of afterimages, and rushed fiercely to the demon language. Wherever he passed, the wind rolled through the clouds, and the world changed.


Three fists in a row, the fist blasted the demon words back, and the snow and ice ground on the ground was split into deep grooves, crisscrossed, and avalanches continued to occur in the snowy mountains in the distance. Pressing tightly, the demon uttered a few hundred miles in a flash.


The demon face was flushed, and Mo Wen's fist was terrible. She was shocked and her blood was unstable, almost hurting her internal organs. She was a little angry, originally thought that a very easy battle, but forced her to this point. I didn't expect to encounter such a terrible young man in China. I really can't underestimate the heroes of the world.

"Miss Yuyu always thought she was holding the winning ticket, and he did not hesitate to bet on personal freedom with me. I am so arrogant, how can you be arrogant." Mo asked lightly.

"You are far beyond my expectations, but if you want to win me, stop dreaming."

The demon snorted coldly, she never thought of losing, even now she never thought, how can she lose the demon language, not to mention that she said that before. Even if there is no restraint on gambling, she can't lose, she can't afford to lose that person.

"Do you have any means to make it out." Mo Wendan smiled.

"Mo asked, you forced me to this point. It can also be said that it is amazing. However, the background is also part of the strength. Don't blame me for bullying you with treasures."

The demon said lightly, while talking, she looked like a dress. It ’s like that the clothes of the Warframe give off a tremendous amount of light, and there is a terrible dark wave from there.

Released from the armor, it merged with the dark magic of the demon language, and the two became one, making the breath of the demon language suddenly rise again in an instant. At the same time, bright brilliances condensed together, forming a translucent shield around the demon language.

At the same time, a quaint long sword slowly emerged from the dark shield. The long sword was black all over, and there was an angel statue at the hilt. But that day, the whole body glowed with blood, quite evil and strange, the magical energy on the sword body was like a smoke, and as soon as it appeared, it released a destructive force, and the surrounding space seemed to shatter under its blade.

"Sword of Fallen Angel and Demon King Armor."

In the fighting field, Jingxue's complexion changed slightly, and she knew both of the treasures in Yaoyu's body. The fallen angel sword is an ancient sword that can only be worn by the royal family of fallen angels. Any handle is quite magical and powerful. As for the Demon King Armor, it is even more remarkable. It is said that it contains the power of Satan, the supreme demon of hell, and was protected by Satan. Anyone who wants to kill someone wearing Devil's Armor is quite difficult. It can be said that the demon language wearing the devil's armor is almost undead in the original space.

"How is it possible! How could she possess the Demon King Armor, who is she?"

Jingxue's eyes were full of horror. Demon King Armor is quite rare even in hell. Satan, the king of hell, can get the rare people he has given to Demon King Armor. Even the royal family of the fallen angels does not have this honor.

As the opposing force of the Demon Alliance, the Alliance of Gods has been investigating the information of the demon language, but the Alliance of Gods only found out that she is a fallen angel family and has an extraordinary status. But there is no record of Demon King Armor, but there is nothing at all.

Unexpectedly, the demon language was actually forced out of the demon king armor by a Chinese teenager.

The atmosphere of the fighting field is particularly lively. They do n’t know the fallen angel sword and the demon king armor, or what the body of the sky is, but they know that the battle in front of them is beyond their imagination, like a mortal is watching a fairy fighting. , More than 999% of people have never seen such a scene.

Mo Wen asked his eyes to stare at the armor on Yaoyu's body, the gorgeous armor gave him a very ominous feeling, and inexplicably raised fear in his heart.

"Don't ask, even if you lose in this battle, you will be proud of yourself."

Yaoyu looked at Mo deeply and asked, the expression was no longer frivolous and enchanting. Once she was serious, she exuded a sacred breath.

Mo asked even wondering if he had spent his eyes or had hallucinations. This fairy-like woman of demon language can actually have a sacred side?

Mo Wennai was the first person to force the demon language to use the demon king armor. In a sense, he was indeed proud.

"Want to defeat me? Just come." Mo asked with a big laugh, spreading a hundred miles, the extraordinarily heroic, victory or defeat is no longer the point, he only asked for a hearty battle.

"Okay! I'll fulfill you."

The demon language is also ardent, and the fierce and Mo Wen collided again, still confrontation head-on, and confrontation in absolute power. However, this time the demon language has the absolute upper hand. The power of the demon king armor is quite strange. Not only has the power of the demon language doubled, but it has also greatly weakened Mo Wen ’s power. When it comes to Yaoyu, the power is weakened by that strange armor by 50%, and the remaining 50% can't break the defense of Yaoyu.

Don't ask about the superiority in absolute strength, because it is completely subverted by a warframe, so magical, in terms of rank, that warframe is at least the treasure of the Lingbao level.


Mo Wen was once again bombarded by a sword of demon language for thousands of kilometers. On the fierce body, there appeared a series of criss-cross wounds. The fallen angel's sword was quite sharp, almost a sword could smash the void, and his body of the sky could hardly bear it.

The demon language is like an elegant general, stepping on the void, and suppressing the opponent with a sword, flowing in the clouds and flowing water.

"You are not my opponent, even struggling is still a beastly struggle." Yaoyu said faintly, as proud as a winner.

"I have to say that your treasure is very powerful. However, the treasure is not as good as the most suitable. With your ability, I am afraid that you still can't play the one-hundredth of that armor."

Mo asked faintly.

"Despite any tricks, don't you want to say that, with ordinary treasures, you want to beat me, don't dream." The demon said faintly, she really can't play the devil's armor and the fallen angel's sword. The power of one, but even one percent of the power is enough to be stronger than the ordinary treasure. Mo asked if there is no baby of the same level, it is almost impossible to win her.

"I don't know what the spirit of Miss Yaoyu is."

Mo Wen no longer had a hard touch with Yaoyu, just now he just wanted to try where is the bottom line of the body of the sky, so he struggled with Yaoyu bare-handed. There is a baby in Yaoyu, does he not?

A flick of the finger, a purple light appeared from his hand, it was a delicate little bell, it was Ming crying bell.

This object is only the first-level treasure of the metaphysical device. It is not very high, but it is a special metaphysical device that can directly attack the soul. And Mo Wen cultivated into Yuanshen because of the soul liquid, and can almost exert all the power of the Ming cry bell. His current energy is also Yin and Yang Qi, comparable to the energy of spiritual power, which can directly urge the Xuanqi.

It can be said that Mo Wen is almost no different from a normal Yuanshen Realm Immortal Cultivator in the use of the Profound Tool, unlike the Warrior, who can only display the power of the Profound Tool. Earlier, he thoroughly refined the crying bell and cultivated it in his body.

"Treasure that attacks the soul?" Yaoyu swept the Ming crying bell, and her mouth evoked a playful smile. With her extraordinary knowledge, she naturally recognized the role of Ming crying bell at a glance.

"Ghost crying and howling."

Mo Ming's crying bell in his hand suddenly turned bright. At the next moment, the sky seemed to be dark, the wind screamed, countless ghosts appeared in the sky, screaming and crying, and an invisible shock wave ferociously roared into the demon language.

Ghost crying is the strongest attacking method contained in Ming crying bell. Mo Wen also thoroughly refines it before it can be exhibited. With the soul of his Yuanshen realm, it almost exerts the power of this trick to the extreme.

"Ban Men get an axe!" The demon smiled, Zhu lips lightly opened, said a word indifferently: "Sure!"

At the next moment, an astonishing scene happened. The wave of the soul that roared the demon's words actually stopped at once, settled in the air, and then slowly collapsed.

"You ..." Mo Wen was shocked in his heart. The demon language not only blocked his ghostly cry, but also blocked it in such an incredible way. Soul attacks cannot be resisted by ordinary methods, usually only through the power of soul to resist, or special mysteries and treasures.

The demon language actually said only one word and defeated his ghostly cry ~ ~ what happened?

"Do you know why my name is Yaoyu? Because when I was born, my speech had a demon nature, so the name was Yaoyu. I once said that a person died, and then he really died ..."

The demon said lightly. When he spoke, his eyes contained an unspeakable demon.

"What stuff!" Mo asked, looking ugly, there are still such evil things in the world.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Yaoyu laughed strangely. Since her battle with Mo Wen, she has been fighting against strength and absolute strength. Of course, whether a cultivator is strong or not, not only depends on the cultivation behavior, but also the attainments of supernatural powers, but she is good at supernatural powers. Any one of them is a great supernatural power.

"Try it, I still don't believe in evil." Mo asked coldly, although the demon language is very strong, but the gap with him is also very limited, and it is not a fairy, what is said is what.

"Hurt!" The demon language is very direct. He said a word directly, and the evil glory in his eyes became stronger and stronger. (~ ^ ~)


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