Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 955: draw

readx (); The sword of the demon language is too terrible, a sword light shoots, just as terrible as a real meteor impact.

And Mo Wen held the sky snake **** spear, blood clotting claw increased, and the combat power also soared. The battle between the two, it seems that the comet hit the earth, violently erupted under the night sky.

Night, thunder, magic star, blood awn.

Dazzled, the audience in the martial arts are not able to see the specific process of the battle between the two at this time, as if a cataclysmic disaster is happening in front of them.

In order to stop the attack of the demon language, Mo Wen can do everything he can, and his three Yao methods have been raised to the second stage of the first stage. At this time, the power of Sanyao's law was really revealed. When a spear struck out, the thunder and lightning ignited the world, and Leiyao's law combined with the sky snake **** spear was enough to knock back the demon language.

Compared with the first realm, Mo Wen's Fengyao method is no longer limited to body method, but can be turned into an attack. In fact, the seven emperor's laws of Xingdi are all-encompassing. Any Yiyao sums up the essence of martial arts. The application of the mysterious laws of heaven and earth cannot naturally be applied only to body laws.

The same is true of Yunyao's law, which uses the method of Yunyao to attack and change, making the enemy unpredictable, good at breaking the enemy's name, and hurting it by taking its key points.

The three Yao's methods are all good, such as Lei Yao, frontal bombing, and invincible power. Feng Yao, a thousand miles in a blink of an eye, only break fast. Yun Yao, unpredictable, can attack and defend, and can confuse the enemy.

When Mo Wen showed the Sanyao method in full swing, the demon language was also a headache, because Demon King Armor, her strength and defense are stronger than Mo Wen, she is a royal family of fallen angels, she is naturally good at speed, Even faster than the blood race, the absolute speed is also above Mo Wen, and she also mastered some secret techniques and supernatural powers, which are in her own field. However, the result was that she still had no choice but to ask.


The demon whispered, and his eyes were a little angry. She has tried her best, but she still can't beat Mo Wen. This is a big gap from what she thought she could easily beat her. Is it to force her to desperately shoot?

Fight between the two. The demon language always has the upper hand. After all, Mo Wen is still a lot worse than the demon language. But it is not easy for Yaoyu to defeat Mo Wen. What makes the demon language most helpless is Mo Yin's yin and yang qi and the movement of yin and yang.

Yin and Yang's defense is quite amazing. It is an unpredictable and difficult to break through energy, and yin and yang are endless, endless and endowed with each other, endurance and endurance are notoriously strong. , It is difficult to grind him to death.

The Yin and Yang Qiankun movement is the martial art of Taoism. Best at controlling the scene, and invisible and unconscious, unconsciously affected her attack, power, speed, accuracy will always be affected and distorted, making the demon language very powerful, when dealing with Mo questions, most Only seven points can be played, and the depression can be imagined.

The most speechless thing is that Mo Wen ’s treasures and magical secrets are not simple. No matter what the two are, the gap is quite small.

Unconsciously, the night retreated, and the thunder and blood mands also retreated. Snowfield appeared again in front of everyone, but the surrounding was already messy.

Mo Wen stood opposite the demon language, holding a spear in one hand, the body of the sky was shocking, exuding unparalleled strength, holding an ancient sword in one hand. Wearing exquisite armor, noble and elegant.

The two did not continue to fight.

"You are very strong. Although I want to beat you, but to beat you, you have to reveal more cards, which is not worth the loss."

Demon Talk looked at Mo Wen deeply, and the tone was finally no longer so firm. Mo Wen ’s strength was beyond her expectation, insisting on defeating him, I am afraid that it will pay a great price, because this battle, she has exposed a lot Things, I am afraid that the people of Tianhua Palace and the Alliance of Gods have already stared at her. If she exposes all the cards in order to overcome Mo Wen, then she will fall into a very dangerous situation, which is not worth the loss.

After all, her enemy is not Mo Wen, nor Tianhua Palace, but the Alliance of Gods. Only the League of Gods is willing to kill her at all costs, no matter what lineup it sends. The more her life-saving measures let the Alliance of Gods know, the more dangerous she is.

"You are also very strong. Among the people who have dealt with me, you are by far the strongest person." Mo asked calmly. Although he has seen many strong men, even the main palace master of Tianhua Palace he I have seen them, but those people are too far away to fight him.

"How does this battle end with a draw? Of course, it's not that I can't win you, but I don't want to pay that price." Yaoyu said lightly.

"I don't object to a draw, but you don't have any cards, I don't have it. Which one is stronger and weaker, who didn't know it at the end."

Mo Wen knew in his heart that the demon language was stronger than her, and she should be right about what she said. If you continue fighting, he might lose. But if you lose, you do n’t ask.

"I know you still have the bottom cards, such as the kind of flames you showed during the battle of the sky, which is a great threat to me. But I can be sure that at all costs, the only loser in the end is you."

Yaoyu snorted softly, still somewhat dissatisfied in her heart. After all, her original idea was to ruin her question, but reason was obviously better than the dispute of will.

"We are arguing that this is meaningless, maybe we still have the opportunity to meet, with your ability, maybe have the opportunity to participate in the international superpower competition, at that time, we will enjoy another battle, regardless of high or low, and never stop, how ? "

The demon said faintly that she could have left the source space and returned to hell. But because of the international superpower contest, she stalled again. The first place in this year's International Superpower Contest, they are determined to win the Devil Alliance. And when the international superpower contest is over, she will immediately return to hell, and naturally no longer have to worry about the Alliance of Gods murdering her.

"If I can meet, I have no opinion." Mo asked and nodded, Yaoyu wanted to divide the height, did he not want to?


In the end, the battle ended in a draw. Although there was no victory or defeat, the process was wonderful enough. The audience in the martial arts were all unsettled. At the same time, they also had a deeper understanding of the monks in the Western world. It turned out that there are terrible monks in the Western world who are so talented and evil.

Originally, the warriors of the Huaxia world somewhat looked down on the monks of the Western world, thinking that they were all barbaric and not worthy of comparison with the monks of the Huaxia Kingdom.

Many of the warriors of the Chinese nation are also self-confident, unwilling to go out, and the news is blocked. Over time, it is generally believed that the monks in the Western world are not all good, all poor, and all inferior to them.

Overall, the strength of the monks in the Western world is indeed far inferior to that of Huaxia, but the monks in the Western world can continue to this day, and naturally they have their merits. It is not necessarily a good thing to blindly look down on others, not to mention, the main space and the inner world These warriors are the real frogs at the bottom of the well. Many people don't even know about Penglai Wonderland, let alone the situation abroad.

"The quota for the international superpowers, go back and ask Mo to apply for one. Didn't they say that they will compete in the international superpowers competition? I am also very interested in the final result between them."

Mo Qingqing said with a smile, lest the world is not chaotic. In any case, Mo Wen ’s ability is already qualified to participate in the International Superpower Contest.

"That demon language, it's not easy! She's right, so if the battle continues, it may be more than 99% that Mo asked to lose."

Mo Qingge Liu Mei frowned slightly, she didn't say anything too absolute, after all, the future is unknown, and no one will dare to say what the result will be until the end. But with a 99% probability, she is saying that Mo Wen will be defeated.

"Indeed, there are still some gaps between Mo Wen and the demon language. But I said sister, you are worried about what you do, Mo asked whether you won or lost, and what did you do. Besides, are they not a tie now, Mo You also know the growth rate of the question. There are still a few months left in the International Superpower Competition. Can you say that he can make a comeback? "

"I don't believe others, but Mo asked this kid, I believed his evil."

Mo Qingqing rolled his eyes, not to mention a few months, and even after a day, Mo believed that he could improve a lot of competence. By the time of the International Superpowers Competition, this kid might not be as good as the demon language.

What's more, if you lose, you lose. What is your sister worried about?

"Tian'er, look back and protect that demon secretly, at least when she is in the Dragon City, don't let her do anything."

Mo Qingge was too lazy to ignore Mo Qingqing and directly commanded.

That demon language is so extraordinary, she is worried that the people of the League of Gods can't help but shoot in the Dragon City. In order to eradicate a big threat, it is very possible for the League of Gods to break through. As the person in charge of Dragon City, she naturally does not want this to happen. Since you are in Dragon City, you must observe the rules of Dragon City. Whether it is the Alliance of Gods or the Alliance of Demon Gods, there can be no offense. As for leaving the Dragon City, what do they want to do.

"If the Alliance of Gods has that courage, who will come to kill me." Mo Qingqing flashed a cold light in his eyes. The majesty of Tianhua Palace was absolutely not provocative, and there was no reason to say, no matter how big the other party's origin was. That's why foreign monks rarely appear in China. They also act in a low-key manner and never show off.


"The battle just now ~ ~ Have you all recorded it?"

Jingxue hurried back to the restaurant, and as soon as she entered the room, she could not wait to ask.

"Your Highness, the whole process is recorded, there is no omission." Guardian Knight said respectfully. In his hand is a round bead with a holy light, which contains many images, which are precious reflection beads. It is impossible for ordinary cameras to record that kind of battle scene, only Yingyingzhu can.

"That demon language ... Alas, I didn't expect her to be so mysterious. From the bottom of my heart, I admire her excellence. But in different camps, with different duties, I can only do that. You bring Yingyingzhu back to the Holy Temple, the people in the temple will handle this matter themselves, and if there is any action, we ca n’t get it right. ”

Jingxue sighed, such terrible characters appeared in the Demon League, the temple knew that it would take measures, but did not know what the final result was.


It was originally updated yesterday, but I have not been able to log in to the author's background, so I changed it to today and sent two chapters. (To be continued.)

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