Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 956: Go home again

Stepping out of the fighting field, Mo Wen immediately returned to the shop, and no one found along the way. At this time, a large number of people were blocked at the door of the fighting field. Some of them asked to stop Mo, and some blocked the demon language. Such a powerful young strong, who does not admire admiration. The two have already had a considerable star effect in Dragon City.

However, those people did not know that the fighting field had a special passage. The two had long left the fighting field through the special passage, and those people were blocked at the door.

As soon as he entered the shop, Mo Wen's face suddenly paled, and a blood bleed from the corner of his mouth, and the churning qi and blood that had been suppressing finally couldn't suppress anymore.

In fact, Mo Wen had been injured in the fight against Yaoyu, and he continued to expand, and then continued to fight, he must be defeated.

The demon language was so powerful that he didn't look like a human being. He went all out, but he barely managed to tie her. And that demon language, it seems that she has not really gone all out, her hidden means, it is terrible to know without thinking.

So when Yaoyu took the initiative to say a draw, Mo asked and agreed.

"The strength is still not enough. Even among the people under Yuanshen Realm, I may not be invincible."

Mo Wen sighed softly, that demon language, no matter in which way it compares, is not worse than him.


The martial arts conference that has been lively for several months is finally over. This martial arts conference is the most promising one in the past 100 years. Not only did the warriors and sect gates of Penglai Fairyland appear, but the most unexpected is It was a teenager in the main space who took the top spot and defeated all his opponents in a stunning manner.

In two months, whether it was long or short, Mo asked what he wanted, and at the same time, he earned more than four million spirit stones with his own workforce. The store only earned more than two million yuan, but at the final trading meeting, Mo Wen asked to sell all the high-end elixir. Two or three million spirit stones were harvested in one go.

As for the content of the fair, Mo Wen didn't care at all, and even rarely showed up at the fair. It is not that the things that Tianhua Palace brought out for trading are not good enough, and many things are also very attractive to Mo Wen. But the asking price of Tianhua Palace ... When Mo asked to see the price, he stopped the sensation of buying. If a person knew he would be wronged, would he still be? Placed in the Xiuxian Realm, the same spirit stone. You can buy something equivalent to a dozen times.

Wang Yinru still returned to the generous faction. At this time, the generous faction has become the most noticeable sect of the main space. A large number of warriors came to surrender, and the sect affairs became more and more suddenly. Many warriors in the inner world have come to seek refuge. Under the big tree, it ’s so cool to have a cool, the generous faction has such a terrible suzerain, and the future will inevitably be unlimited.

Although Wang Yinru knows, for Mo Wen. The generous faction is optional, but for her, the generous faction is her root. Where she gave birth to her, she must guard all such things, and the generous faction is also her only connection with Mo Wen.

As for Su Wan'er, they and Tan Qiyue returned to the ancient secret area. Relatively speaking, the resources of the ancient secret area are obviously many levels higher than the main space. Don't ask for a little training. Su Wan'er can grow up in a short time.

The storm of the martial arts meeting finally passed. One month later, the campus of Huaxia University was still full of youthful and active atmosphere.

Mo asked to walk on campus. The long-lost familiarity came to mind, although he was not in school for a long time, often an hour was ten days and a half months, or even months. But here, he left many good memories.

The monster dormitory is empty as usual. Even the Oriental Yi, who often appears in the bedroom, rarely visits again. Because the significance of his existence is to supervise special students who practice martial arts. They are very destructive and uncertain. If no one supervises them, let them be in the school and the school will not be at ease.

However, the monster dormitory is now completely empty. Hu Qiongqi has entered the realm of fetal birth with the support of the generous faction, and now the generous faction is developing at a high speed. It is naturally impossible for him to come back to school for leisure. As for the Western drug Ren Liusha, he was wounded by a master with poison and was highly toxic. Later, after being treated by Mo Wen, he disappeared again. There is no news from today.

Nan Gui, long before Mo Wen didn't come, he never appeared again, and he didn't appear until now.

The people in the monster's dormitory only said that they were monsters, because their behavior was out of tune with ordinary people, and the dragons disappeared and disappeared without a trace, and then disappeared without a trace. But the legend about them has always been spread on the campus. After accidental tea and dinner, three or five students gathered together to discuss the monster dormitory.

Of course, there is no question here. Although he lives in the monster bedroom, he has not done anything rumbling in the school so far. In other words, he is very low-key, so low-key that many people do not know him.

When the class bell rang, Mo asked to follow the memory and walked to the teaching building. With a slight sweep of his consciousness, he found some classmates who were in class. In fact, he didn't even know where the classroom was, nor what class he took.

As soon as Mo Wen walked into the classroom, he found that many people looked at him. Those with strange eyes and doubts ... Many people in the class did n’t even know Mo Wen, even if I had seen it before, it was so long, I am afraid that he will also be forgotten.

Of course, there are quite a few people who remember Mo Wen. Those who saw Mo Wen walked into the classroom were all like ghosts. A person who never came to class actually appeared in the classroom!

"Mo asked, Mo hero! Where did your kid go? Gee, ghastly, ghastly, you came back to class."

Wang Yuan was the first to jump out and looked at Mo Wen in surprise. Since Bijiazhuang, he has never seen Mo Wen again. He thought that Mo Wen had already been wandering in the rivers and lakes, and he was ready to envy him. After all, a powerful warrior like Mo Wen would continue to stay in school and it would have no meaning long ago.

In addition to Wang Yuan, the class leader Chen Zhongqing and several people who had some friendship with Mo Wen also gathered around. They were all very strange, Mo Wen actually came to class! It ’s normal for people like this to be expelled from school. Even before they doubted, Mo asked if they were quietly expelled from school.

"How about Xiaoyou?"

Mo Wen glanced at the classroom and didn't see Xiaoyou, so he looked at Wang Yuan and others. It has been a month since the school started. It stands to reason that Qin Xiaoyou should be right at school.

"Qin Xiaoyou? I haven't seen her for a long time. She didn't seem to come at all this semester." Wang Yuan said, as Huahua University's school flower, the pride of their class, Qin Xiaoyou didn't come to school, but Before the big event, the school was in full swing.

The school came forward to find Qin Xiaoyou's family, but her family did not give a specific answer, but said that Qin Xiaoyou was temporarily suspended from school for a while, and then the matter would go away.

"Mo asked, I still ask you, why did Xiaoyou not come to school for such a long time, did you abduct her?"

Wang Xiaofei put his hands on his hips and squeezed several male students to the back, as usual.

Before Wang Xiaofei suspected that Qin Xiaoyou suddenly did not come to class, did Mo ask to take her away. But Mo Wen ran to the school to find Xiaoyou, then it was strange.

Mo asked, frowning. Qin Xiaoyou didn't come to class. Didn't she say that she would come back to class after spending time with her mother at home? Isn't she still there, and she never came back? Thinking of this, Mo asked a little uneasy, Xiaoyou will not have anything wrong. With Xiaoyou's character, the typical three good students will not skip classes casually.

"I'm going to find Xiaoyou."

Mo asked to leave a word, and then walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, you ... you must get Xiaoyou back."

Mo asked to leave, asked to say nothing, and Wang Xiaofei just wanted to get angry, but did he know to respect people! Can he ignore others if he cultivates high? Suddenly thought that Xiaoyou didn't ask Mo, what happened? Suddenly, Wang Xiaofei was also worried.

Mo Wen walked on the school road, and his heart suddenly felt empty. He returned to school, the purpose was to find Xiaoyou, but Xiaoyou was not there. Why didn't she go back to school? Looking at the familiar scenes around him, Mo Wen suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Shen Jing is not here, and Qin Xiaoyou is not here either. This school seems to have nothing to miss. Perhaps the only value of the school is to make your mother happy.

Mo asked with a sigh ~ ~ When I first came to the school, it was just to mix up a diploma. If he said to his mother, he was practicing martial arts, and he was very advanced, and the mother would not know what it meant If he told his mother that he was admitted to the best university in Huaxia, he would be very happy. But he and the school, and those classmates, after all, are not people of the world.

Mo Wen came to Huo's house and found Qin Xiaoyou's mother. To his surprise, Qin Xiaoyou sent a letter to her mother long ago, saying that she has an important matter and must stay at her mother-in-law's house. She didn't say anything about the matter, but the meaning in the letter just told her mother Wang Huiru not to worry.

Stay at Mo Wen's home? Wang Huiru thought that it was also related to Mo Wen, so naturally he would not worry or object.

"Is Xiaoyou still in her own home? Why is she staying?"

Thinking of this, Mo asked a little unbearably, and immediately rushed to his home. But his family was in another space. He didn't understand it before, but now how could he not understand it? God knows what will happen in that environment.

However, when Mo Wen felt at home, something unexpected happened to him again ... (to be continued.)

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