Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 957: Ancient snow

When passing through the cave, the scene in front of him asked Mo subconsciously whether he had taken the wrong path, and looked at the scene in front of him inconceivably.

The endless snow peaks never end. The sky is covered with heavy snow, and the plants and rocks on the ground are all covered with heavy snow.

The mountain village in his memory is gone, and no traces can be found. The hometown where he lived for more than ten years seems to be a long dream. When he wakes up, nothing exists.

"how come?"

Mo Wen couldn't believe it, why did such a change happen? This place was supposed to be home to mountains, forests, lakes and rivers, and small bridges and fences. Why is it now like this, his home?

A panic rushed into my heart and could no longer be suppressed. He flew up and flew high into the air in the snow, at this time he hoped that he had gone the wrong way.

"Huh? That is!"

Soaring high into the sky, Mo Wen suddenly discovered that a snow-raising peak rising straight into the sky had a courtyard above it. The courtyard was very old and no different from the house in the small mountain village. Mo asked and recognized at a glance, wasn't that his home? The place where he has lived for more than ten years is just the scene at this time, so strange and strange.

A few flashes, Mo asked, and flew into the courtyard. He was here a month ago. At this time, the courtyard did not change much from a month ago. What ’s strange is that the snow flying all over the sky, no matter how raging, was I can't fly into this small courtyard anyway, it seems to have a special power, blocking everything outside.

"Is this really my home?" Mo asked unbelievably. What about the village where the smoke is burning, and the Xiaoqiao Liushuiren's family, and the simple and kind villagers on the left and right?

Mo Wen suddenly discovered that the family may never come back.

As a monk, although he does not know what is happening here, he can be sure that his home must have something he does not know.

As he walked into his room, he found a letter on the wooden table, and the white envelope contained the words "Wu Er Mo Qin Kai".

Mo asked staring at the letter in his hand. Judging from the writing on the letter, it shouldn't be long. As for the content inside, it has made it difficult for him to recover.

"Mother, she ... a hidden immortal?"

Mo Wen slowly closed his eyes. The shock in his heart is beyond words. His mother was actually a hidden immortal, and for more than twelve years, he had not even noticed it. The home that you are. The village that he did was nothing more than an illusion, an illusion that recorded all his childhood.

"She is an immortal, but she doesn't tell me without telling me, and she never teaches me to cultivate, why?"

Mo Wenling walked out of the room without looking back, looking at everything that was familiar and strange outside, and an unspeakable taste rose in his heart. He has been looking for the fairy road, looking back suddenly, but the one who cultivates the fairy is beside him.

Why did my mother hide him? He didn't know, or even where his mother had gone. The letter only said that because of some changes, she had something to do, and at the same time, she took away Qin Xiaoyou.

At the end of the letter, he was told to take good care of himself, and one day, their mother and son would meet.

Walking out of the courtyard, looking at the endless snow peak, my heart is filled with a deep sense of loss. It turns out that everything is a dream, and everything in Zeng Jin is already a dream bubble.

"Why don't you hide me from me, do you have any secrets?" I couldn't get the consultation I wanted. Mo asked that he couldn't stop the cranky thoughts. After all, what happened to him was too hard, even if he was difficult to adapt.

"I suspected this aura-rich space was not easy before, but I didn't deliberately explore it before. I just didn't want to destroy the peace here. It's just now. Everything is not as simple as I thought."

Mo Wen took a deep breath. Before that, he knew that his hometown was in another space, and the spiritual energy in this space was terrible, which was very suitable for the cultivation of immortals. But at that time, taking into account his hometown, he did not want to destroy the tranquility here, so he did not explore anything.

But now it seems that he is only living in a phantasmagoria. Even if he deliberately explores, it is terrible that he cannot find a reason. The phantasm that his mother arranged, after all, he can't see any flaws at all. Could it be that the legendary fight-transition immortals?

Mo asked to know that it is absolutely impossible for the Immortal Cultivators in Yuanshen Realm to arrange such a terrible illusion.

Mo Wen condenses the emotions in his heart. As a monk, the two generations are human beings, and he is far more able to bear some things than others.

The mother is a fairy cultivator. In the long run, this is a good thing. He used to worry about his mother's passing away, and the old age, but now he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Instead, this world, Mo Wen raised a strong curiosity in his heart. Originally he just thought that this space was a broken space that was split from the main space during the Ten Thousand Worlds War in the Middle Ages. Although the aura was not broken, the area was not large, and the souls living in it would not be cultivated.

Otherwise for such a long time, if the spirits inside know the cultivation, the spirits in this space may have been consumed long ago, and it is impossible to maintain such a rich state all the time. After all, for a broken space, it does not have the ability to recover itself, and Reiki uses less.

But now it seems that his own guess is obviously wrong, and it is certainly not easy for a **** like a mother to hide here.

"Go out of this mountain and see."

Mo asked, looking at the distant world, without end of sight. I don't know if there are many. He could not help raising a wave to explore this world.

A ray of light soared across the sky like lightning, and Mo Wen's current practice was very scary. His flight speed was terrible, almost not worse than that of the ordinary Yuanshen Realm monk.

In addition, Yuanshen Realm cultivators generally practice escape techniques that can fly to the ground. Escape techniques are different from body spells. Escape techniques are a type of supernatural power used purely to rush off the road, only pursuing speed, and body spell secrets. The coincidence is very different. Pursuing the ultimate pure speed, the escape technique can only be used to hurry and escape, but it is not useful for fighting.

Mo Wen has not practiced escape techniques, otherwise his speed must be far higher than the ordinary Yuanshen Realm monk.

In half a quarter of an hour, Mo asked to fly tens of thousands of miles, but the mountain range was too large, and it was endless.

Do n’t ask me if I ’m flying in a hurry, the center ca n’t afford the waves. He knows that some of the inner world split from the main space is much larger than the main space. At present, this space may also be a small inner world.

Of course, at his level, it is clear that the understanding of the main space can no longer stay in the past. In fact, the main space that is really related to the life and death of the world is Penglai Wonderland, not the ordinary world he thought before.

Penglai Fairyland is the foundation of the main space. At that time, the major repairers spent a lot of effort to protect Penglai Fairyland. It has been millions of years ago. As long as Penglai Fairyland is stable, the world will not collapse and destroy.

Mo asked if he flew, he flew for two days and two nights, but he still didn't fly out of the snow mountain range. He didn't know how far he flew. He roughly estimated that there should be millions of miles. Straight-line distance of millions of miles did not actually fly out of the range of the snow-capped mountains. For the hugeness of this world, Mo Wen finally had a new understanding.

I am afraid that the so-called floating secret realm and the real martial secret realm of the four inner worlds are not so large. There is only one mountain here, so it is so huge. Where is this place?

Moreover, along the way, he found a lot of strange creatures. Those creatures seemed very extraordinary. Some of them were so powerful that they were terrified and uneasy. With a distance of hundreds of miles, only a trace of breath let him have The cool feeling of the stock, if he shot at him, I am afraid that he could kill him with one move.

There are quite a lot of such horrible creatures here. Don't ask how many encounters along the way. He just drove up in the sky and encountered so many horrible creatures. God knows how much danger is hidden in this snowy mountain range.

Fortunately, those creatures didn't seem to be interested in him, and watched him fly through the air without any indication, otherwise Mo asked whether he could live to the present. The more flying, the more solemn Mo Wen's face, is this still the main space? There is such a terrible place.

Now even if he meets ordinary Yuanshen Realm monks, he will not have any timidity, that is to say, those living in the snowy mountains are far more terrible than Yuanshen Realm monks.

After flying for another three days, Mo Wen finally came to the end of the snow mountain. The snow faded, and the endless blue appeared in front of Mo Wen ...

The sea! After flying out of the snowy mountains, the endless sea appeared in front of my eyes.

Mo asked a bit of a wry smile in the corner of his mouth. The sea in front of him does n’t know how huge it is ~ ~ And what danger is there, it is quite difficult to fly out of the snow mountain. The sea in front of it is probably bigger than the snow mountain. .


"Old Tu, Young Master flew out of the snow, I don't know where he wants to go?"

In the endless snow, the two figures stood above the sky, they stood so quietly, without any momentum, but the whole world around them seemed to be running around the two people, and it seemed that they could change the world in a single thought.

Of the two, one was slender, with a serious appearance, and a golden coat, with the majesty of self-confidence. The raging snow was still 10,000 meters away, and it automatically dissipated. It seemed that the entire snow mountain land was surrendered to his feet. . The other, with a burly figure and a height of more than 20 meters, is standing still, but his huge body seems to have thunder roaring, and the clouds around him are all dissipated by the faint thunder in his body.

"The young master should want to go and see the outside world. After all, ancient relics like snow can't survive without humans."

The huge giant with a height of more than 20 meters is obviously the old man in the mouth of the Jinyi people. The position of the two people is still a million miles away from the edge of the snow, but they can see through the void at a glance. Things outside. To be continued.

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