Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 958: From the sky

Mo Wen didn't know that two miles away, there were two strange people who had been watching him.

"The human world outside? That could be hundreds of millions of miles away. With the young master's ability to fly away, I'm afraid I won't be able to fly out in ten years."

The majestic middle-aged man in golden clothes frowned slightly and said that this is the land of the ancients. Although it was nothing in the ancient times, it is too large for the young master now, giving him ten It may not be possible to fly out in two decades.

The snow field is just one of them, and the place where the young master lives is already on the edge of the snow field, so it is easy to fly out. However, according to his current route, the waters and sands to be passed are different. According to the current speed of the young master, even if he is sleeping, he will need at least fifty years to fly out.

"What should I do? It's impossible to watch the young master flying so stupidly?" The huge giant Lao Tu murmured, and his voice was thunderous. The snow peak below immediately experienced a large-scale avalanche and collapse.

"Moreover, the waters and sands are so huge, no one knows what will happen. In the snow, we can absolutely guarantee the safety of the young master, but in addition to the snow, we ca n’t control it too far away, in case. There are some idiots in the waters and sands that do n’t have long eyes, they ca n’t recognize the young master, and they ca n’t do anything irreparable, then it ’s over. ”

The giant giant was worried, and now they manage the snow. There is a king in the snow, but the waters and sands farther away, and other rulers, they can't manage.

Although the entire ancient relics are under the master's rule, among the huge relics, no one knows what will happen.

"Lao Tu, what you worry about, the master may have thought of it for a long time, if I expected it well. The young master should have the soul blood mark of the master. Once the young master is in danger, the soul blood mark will be automatically excited. Otherwise. You think the master Could it be assured that we will protect the safety of the young master? "

The middle-aged man in Jinyi said lightly, the master ordered. Tell them not to take care of anything about the young master. The reason why they are here is to worry about any accidents. But how noble is the young master, how could the master not leave behind him.

"Although Young Master's safety does not need us to worry about, we don't have to watch Young Master fly through the relics for decades. Since we know he wants to go out, let's send him a ride."

Jin Yi middle-aged people suddenly released two dazzling golden lights, the next moment. The golden light penetrated the world, across the void, and appeared a million miles away in a flash.

Millions of miles away, Mo asked that he was looking at the vast sea, and his heart was so anxious, he was also a little uncertain. How big is the sea in front of him, with his ability to break into this area. Unknowingly, he already had some retreat in his mind with his ability. It seems that he has not yet qualified to explore this world.

When he was undecided, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, with few signs. It was so fast that he didn't react at all, and then his eyes turned black, and the next moment turned ...

"Oh, okay, you are an old thing, and I helped the young master privately."

The giant giant standing next to the middle-aged man in gold clothes jumped up at once, pointing at the middle-aged man in gold clothes. He wasn't because the middle-aged man in Jinyi helped Mo Wen, but because he had an obvious chance to please the future master. He didn't grasp it.

Although the master told them not to intervene in the matter of the young master. But this sentence is not absolute, just like the difficulties encountered by the young master now. They can help. Anyway, although the young master is still small. But it must be their master in the future. A chance to please the future master is not seized. The giant giant feels that the whole person is a little bit anxious.

"So what do you mean, don't let me help the young master?" The middle-aged man in Jinyi looked at the giant giant with a smile, but the smile made the giant giant shudder.

"You old guy ... you remember to me ..."

The huge giant couldn't say a word. Isn't this old thing provoke alienation, and it still provokes his relationship with the young master.


Xu Village, a small village living in Xiping, slash and burn, small peasant economy, very little contact with the outside world.

However, on this day, a group of heavily armed soldiers broke the calm of this small village. The men in the entire village were escorted from the village by officers and soldiers, and went to the front line hundreds of miles away to repair the city walls.

It turned out that Xiping had weakened its national strength over the years, and the war with Feng Yuguo had repeatedly failed and retreated all the way. It had lost more than a thousand miles. Xu Village, located in the central region of Xiping Kingdom, was also affected by the fighting.

The people of Feng Yuguo will not have any kindness to the people of Xiping. Once they occupy this place, they will be burned and looted. If they are slightly disobedient, they will be killed in public.

At this time, the soldiers and soldiers of Feng Yuguo approached the village, just like a robber crossing the border, and there was a continuous wailing sound from the village. All males will be captured as coolies, but all young girls will be captured as military prostitutes, and only those old and children who are worthless can be spared and ignored.

"Let me go, you let me go ..."

"What are you doing, put my girl down, I fight with you ..."

Among a farmer in Xucun, several soldiers wearing gleaming armor were blocked at the door. The two soldiers dragged a young girl's house and dragged outside. The girl was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was handsome and dressed in plain clothes. , But has a temperament of Xiaojiabiyu.

It was precisely because of her beauty that it attracted the attention of the group of officers and soldiers who broke into the village.

A fifty-year-old man looked mournful and threw himself forward to save his daughter-in-law, but where he was the opponent of those strong officers and soldiers, he was kicked on the ground and could not climb for a long time.

"Dead old man, you are tired of living."

The soldiers of Feng Yuguo went all the way, broke into the hinterland of Xiping Kingdom, burned and looted, and had long been accustomed to domineering, no one in sight. At this time, an old man from the lower ribs dared to come out to stop them. Immediately, an officer holding a large knife was irritated. After kicking down the old man with one foot, he stepped forward and raised the knife to cut off the old man's head.

"No, dad ..."

"Old man ..."

Two shouting shouts suddenly sounded in the room. An old lady flew to the ground and hugged the soldier's thigh. Her eyes were full of prayers, hoping that this fierce officer could kill her wife.

The young girl, who was carried by two officers and soldiers, also struggled desperately, but how could a weak woman get rid of the palms of two big men.

"Dare to disobey Uncle Ben, let me die."

But the officer holding the knife showed no mercy, still holding the knife and slashing hard. As a soldier on the battlefield, killing is easier than eating and drinking.

However, a golden light appeared quietly in the sky above the house. There was no sign at all. At the next moment, when the ground hit, the roof was smashed with a big hole, as if something heavy fell into the house.


A screaming sounded in the room, the soldier holding the knife, the menacing soldier just now was lying on the ground, his face was covered with blood, and his body was pressing a person, that was a teenager, not very young , Looks pretty, but not as handsome.

At this moment, the teenager seemed to have not figured out the situation in front of him. He was shaking his head faintly, and did not even find himself sitting on the soldier.


The sudden change made several other soldiers startled, and a good man fell from the sky. No one thought that such a thing would happen.

Mo asked that he got up from the ground indistinctly, and it was also an inexplicable look on his face, let alone others, he didn't understand what was going on. Originally, he was still standing by the sea, arguing whether to break into the sea or return the same way.

As a result, a golden light fell from the sky, and the next moment he felt as if he had traveled through time and space, and came here inexplicably.

"What's going on? Is it the legendary space shift, otherwise such a reaction would not be possible."

Mo asked his eccentric face. Although he didn't know what was going on, he could guess that the golden light should have helped him to move a space. Space movement is the ultra-long-distance movement within the same space. To some extent, the difficulty is much higher than the difficulty of shuttle between two spaces.

From one space to another, you only need to break through the barriers of the two spaces, but the space moves, but it is a real long-distance crossing.

Mo asked to feel that he had moved hundreds of millions of miles in an instant. With his physical strength, he almost moved his body apart.

"What the **** are you, sign up."

A team leader's officers and men frowned slightly and looked at Mo Wen coldly. If it weren't for Mo Wen's appearance, he would be a little bit unsure. I'm afraid he would have ordered people to go up and catch him up ~ www ~ Are you talking to me? "

Mo Wen shook his head and looked at the squad leader. At this time, he carefully looked at the surrounding environment, humans, villagers, officers and soldiers ... This is obviously different from the rare Jedi. At least there have been human groups. Jin Guang, he should be moved very far.

The captain of the team asked Mo that he was confused and dumbfounded and could not help but sneer. How could such a person have any threats and immediately shouted: "Catch this kid who dares to disturb the official, Turning back to torture, it might be the spy sent by the enemy. "

As soon as the captain's voice fell, several soldiers rushed up like a wolf. They had watched this fall from the sky, and they scared the jumping boy. He caught him and tortured him.

However, these people hadn't approached Mo asked five meters before they all flew out ...


This time, because there are too many things, the interruption is too long, and there is no unexpected situation. The next update will be stable and normal. (To be continued.)

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