Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 959: Save people

Bang Bang Bang!

The officers and soldiers were like rolling gourds, rolling one by one on the ground in embarrassment, the captain's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Mo asked with horror.

"Are you a practitioner?"

Unless a great practitioner is encountered, this is unlikely to happen. Moreover, all of his soldiers have been on the battlefield, and each of them is ingenious and good at fighting. Even ordinary cultivators cannot easily defeat them.

Mo Wen glanced at the officers and men. For him, the officers and men were ordinary, and even if there were more people, there was no threat to him.

But he didn't know why he appeared here, where he was now, and who these officers and men were. Unlike the secular world, such people obviously tend to be more ancient than the outside world. Of course, what is slightly different from the ancient China is that the officers and soldiers here seem to be all practicing, and the armor and weapons in their hands are not mere mortals.

Among the officers and men, the one with the lowest cultivation base also reached the breath realm, and the team leader was the cultivation base of the Qihai realm.

"Who are you? I don't know if this is the place where Xiping and Feng Yu are at war. Do you want to get involved in the struggle between the two countries?"

The captain saw that Mo asked a little unfathomable, and suddenly became serious, but there was no fear or retreat in his eyes. After all, he was an officer of Feng Yuguo, and behind him was Feng Yuguo ’s forward, a young man. Do they dare to fail in front of their entire army?

"I'm just a prodigal son, and I inadvertently broke into this place. Several officials also asked me to be more forgiving. By the way, where is this, does it belong to an inner world?"

Mo asked the archer who smiled and smiled. When he first arrived, it was naturally the most important thing to understand the situation at hand. He can be sure that he is still in the space where his mother was hiding, because the previous movements did not give him the feeling of crossing the barriers of space, obviously still in the same space.

Moreover, the world seems huge. It's so large that it is endless for him, and the humans here are also very peculiar, and ordinary officers and soldiers can also practice. And the captain said that the warring place between Xiping and Feng Yuguo. Does this world have many countries?

"Oh, it turns out that your lord inadvertently broke into this place, but it is not strange for those who don't know."

The captain nodded slightly expressionlessly, but he didn't believe what Mo asked at all, and I don't know why. How did he get here? Xu Cun is located in the hinterland of Xi Pingguo. Isn't this young man still unable to shuttle directly through space? This is obviously nonsense. Although his cultivation base is not high, he also knows that even the mighty person in Yuanshen Realm cannot have the ability to cross space. Even the legendary peerless transitional power may not have this ability.

The person in front of him is just a young man. Even if he has advanced martial arts, he may be very limited.

The captain's eyes rolled around, and he calmly gave a glance to one of his men. Seeing this, the men immediately exited the house quietly and withdrew. Such a young man of unknown origin appeared in the place where the two armies were fighting, so he was prepared to stabilize Mo Wen first, and then asked his subordinates to report the matter to the general above.

In any case, this young man's cultivation is much higher than him, he does not dare to force others, he can only stabilize him first.

"This cheap maid hinders our army from handling official duties and drags her out. For the time being imprisoned." The captain looked at the peasant girl again, with a cold expression, waved and ordered.

Several officers and men were majestic and immediately dragged the girl out. Although the girl struggled, how could she escape the palms of several big men.

"Sir, you have a lot of adults, please let go of my girl, please, please ... please ..."

The girl with her own eyes was dragged away, and the old woman immediately rushed up and hugged the captain's leg. Constant kowtow, a bleak look. Her daughter-in-law fell into the hands of these sergeants, can it be better in the end? I am afraid that most of them will become military prostitutes in Feng Yu's army.

And the end of the military prostitute, it is chilling to think about it.

In any war, military prostitutes will never be lost. Military prostitutes can appease the sergeant's emotions to a certain extent. However, in a large-scale war, the army touched hundreds of thousands of millions. Usually there are so many military prostitutes supplying the army. In order to solve this problem, every time Feng Yujun breaks a city, he will rob the local women as soldiers Prostitutes, for those generals to lewd with soldiers.


The captain kicked the old woman kicklessly, but the attack was quite ruthless, directly kicking the old woman to vomit blood on the spot.

Mo Wen frowned, thinking that when he came here, he encountered such a thing. The army of a country, and the oppression of the people, he was a little bit bored.

"Slow down."

Mo asked faintly. It was strange to say that he had just made a noise, and the two soldiers who dragged the young girl outward seemed to be hit by a set spell, and they immediately stopped at the same place without moving.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean? I respect you as a guest, but you have to interfere in our army's handling of affairs?" The captain asked some unpleasant glance at Mo, who originally wanted to wait for the superior to come over and deal with this young man's thing.

"Handling affairs? Robbing people and damaging the people, and so on, but also you can say so frankly ~ ~ Don't ask coldly. This kind of army is like a locust. Ground.

"The lord means that I am ready to go with Feng Yuguo for me?" The captain of the team gloomed, and now the village woman, because of his beautiful appearance, a chief of his superior, the pioneer Zuojun, personally explained that he would take this The woman brought him in front of him. If he messed things up, most of them would not have good fruit to eat.

Mo Wenwen smiled and played with the taste: "With your small officers and soldiers can also represent a country? Besides, how can you not get along with you Feng Yuguo?"

He was originally a foreigner who had just arrived, and he had no intention of enemies with any forces, but he was not afraid of enemies with any forces. If he was not easy to deal with, he would run away when the big deal came. Anyway, he would leave here sooner or later.

Mo asked that since he had decided to do something, he never sagged with water. He hummed slightly, and all the soldiers holding the girl vomited blood to the end. At the same time, the girl flew up and returned to her parents.

The old couple tears and whirled when they saw the woman coming back to them, and suddenly hugged her in her arms. Whoever doesn't feel distressed about her family's daughter, who has caused the murderous officers and soldiers to be dragged away. And this is the farewell. Very few women in the army have lived for three years. Even if they survived in the end, they are no one, no ghost, no ghost. May return to his hometown.

However, although the daughter returned to her side, the mood of the two young men was still heavy. The young man could not help them for a while, and it was impossible to help them for a lifetime, and the current situation, the young man may not be able to calm down. Qi Qiran.

"The two don't have to be sad. Since I saved you, I will naturally save you." Mo Wendan smiled indifferently. The smile was so refreshing that it seemed to have a strong convincing power. To be continued.

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