Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 963: State Division

The emperor was always overwhelmed with anger and anger, but he just received an expedited letter, but it made the emperor angry in front of the mighty official, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

"I came here early today and retreated."

The emperor did not say a word, no longer thought about it as soon as possible, got up and went out. Regarding the matter of Yuanshen Realm who hindered the empire's southern expedition, what he said in Chao Tang was useless. Those civil and military officials might be resourceful and talented to govern the world. It is impossible to discuss with them how to deal with the mighty person of Yuanshen Realm. After all, cultivation to achieve Yuanshen Realm is a **** among the gods. No matter how high the rank of civil and military officials is, and how powerful they are, it will not help.

Above the hall, a group of officials looked at each other, and no one knew what had happened.


"Guo Shi, the mighty person in Yuanshen Realm should not have participated in the struggle between the countries, but that person does not seem to be a person in Penglai's fairyland. "

In a palace, the Emperor Feng Yuguo frowned, worried. Opposite him, he sat with a gray-haired old man, the old man with a black hair, and sat there casually, but it was the Emperor Feng Yuguo. When facing this old man, he was quite restrained, and there was a lot of respect in the look. .

This old man is the national teacher of Feng Yuguo. His name is quite unknown. Other people usually call him Fang Guoshi or Fang Xianshi. What is a fairy master? Cultivators can only be called fairy masters if they enter the fairy road and enter the room.

The old man in front of him is an immortal cultivator in the metaphysical realm. He is placed in the entire East Hefu and is a famous figure. It was precisely because he served as the national teacher of Feng Yuguo that Fengyu Guo could rise and grow in such a short time.

"A young man can cultivate to the level of Yuanshen Realm. It is not that he has the skills to stay in the face, but he has some skills that can stay in the face. It is because he has a talent like a demon and has considerable potential. The former is easier to handle, There is an old man. He may not be able to make waves, but if it is the latter, I am afraid it will be a lot of trouble. "

Fang Guoshi touched the white beard and said lightly.

"Guo Shi. I understand what you mean. However, I can annex Xiping and see my country grow up, and how can I be willing to watch this opportunity pay off. And, according to the letter, The young man should not be a person in Penglai Wonderland. He should accidentally enter Penglai Wonderland. Even if he has any background, he will not affect here. "

The Emperor Feng Yuguo was a little reluctant to say that most of the person was an outsider, and the people in the magnificent Penglai Wonderland would not be afraid of what background an outsider has?

"Your Majesty made this statement, and the old man had plans in mind. Since the man was so mad, as a national teacher of Feng Yuguo, I would naturally go to meet him for a while. But here I go. I also asked His Majesty two treasures, There are those two treasures in hand, even if the man is killed, it is not a word. "

Fang Guoshi smiled faintly, when talking about the two treasures, his eyes were extremely bright.

"Guo Shi, do you mean to invite the implement of Zhenguo?" The emperor Feng Yuguo's face became solemn. The implement of Zhenguo is the treasure of Fengyu Guo's inheritance. The inner strength and foundation are easily unusable.

"Your Majesty, although the old man has entered Yuanshen Realm for more than a hundred years. But his qualifications are dull, he still stays in the early stage of Yuanshen. If there is no national weapon in hand, even if he is stronger than the young man, I am afraid that it will be very limited. After all, he is just a person, and we are a big country, if we are on the bar, we still lose.

Fang Guoshi sighed, the powerful person in Yuanshen Realm should not easily offend, once offended. Either he can be killed and the future will never end; or he will be able to scare him and prevent revenge behind him.

"Well, since that person dared not take Feng Yuguo in my eyes, then I told him what the prestige of a country is not to be bullied. Master, you go with the weight of the country, and if possible, you must kill that person. "

In the eyes of Emperor Feng Yuguo, a killing intention flashed in his eyes. He raised a strong murderous opportunity for those who dared to block his ambitious career.


In the palace where the emperor lived, Xiping Kingdom, a spy-looking person was kneeling halfway on the ground, reporting to the emperor Xiping Kingdom a major event that had just been passed back.

"What! The powerful person with Yuanshen Realm shot to help our country block Feng Yu's army?"

The Emperor Xiping was stunned for the first time. He never dreamed that such a thing would happen. Then he was overjoyed: "Is this true?"

"Your Majesty, after learning of this incident, his subordinates were also quite surprised, but based on the news sent from all over the place, this matter should not be false. Feng Yuguo ’s vanguard was indeed retreating, and this matter should have been withdrawn for five hundred miles. In addition, regarding the powerful person in such a meta-spiritual realm, many people in Xu Village have their own eyes, and they are eloquent, comprehensive analysis, and the intelligence is as high as 80%. "

The intelligence officer in black said respectfully that he never doubted that this was Feng Yuguo's conspiracy, and deliberately misled Xiping Guo, because there was no such need at all. Feng Yuguo had already penetrated into the hinterland of Xiping Guo, with long winds and waves, and strong momentum, With a rush, the entire Xiping Kingdom can be wiped out.

At this time, why spend more time playing conspiracies and tricks, instead giving Xiping time.

Regarding this point, the emperor of Xiping Kingdom is also very clear.

In this battle with Feng Yuguo, Xiping lost successively, several defense lines collapsed, and border guards lost one after another. As soon as they entered the hinterland, they were able to stop Pingchuan, and they could no longer block the wolf-like Fengyu team.

As the emperor of Xiping Kingdom, he has almost sorrowed his head these days. He has no taste for food and can't sleep at night. The fear of panic is rising day by day. He is about to become a prince of the country.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with this matter?" Said the black detective.

"This is a good opportunity to recuperate and strengthen defense. Order it. Take this opportunity to integrate our army's strength as much as possible and arrange frontline fortifications. At the same time, send masters to monitor the movement of Feng Yujun and those of Yuanshenjing seniors day and night ..."

The Emperor Xiping issued a series of orders one after another ~ ~ Although he is not a big man, he is not a stupid person. At this time, he naturally knew how to do it.


At night, in the secret room of the Emperor Xiping, a guest was ushered in. This person was an old man. As the emperor of Xiping, he was very respectful in the face of this old man. If anyone is here, they will surely recognize that this old man is one of the few powerful powers of Yuanhejing in Donghe.

Xiping State can establish a country, and there is also a cultivation sect support behind it. The powerful person with Yuanshen Realm sits in the town. This old man is the Taishang elder in that sect. In the war between Feng Yu State and Xi Ping State, both sides stipulated that the practitioners at the level of the Yuanshen Realm cannot participate in the war, so even if Xi Ping State has state support behind it, it will not play any role at this time.

"In this case, the old man went to the front line to see that the young man was on the road of Feng Yuguo. With the character of the emperor Feng Yuguo, he would never easily compromise, and most of them would send masters to deal with the youngster. Although I was hindered by the rules I ca n’t do it, but in the past there was always no problem. ”The old man said softly. (To be continued.)

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