Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 964: City Wall Killer

Because of a decision by Mo Wen, the war between the two countries became variable. For a time, the dark tide was turbulent and the storm was coming.

Xu Village, where Mo Wen is located, is a mountain village under the jurisdiction of Li'anxing Province in the central region of Xiping State. In order not to disturb this peaceful mountain village and bring bad factors to this village, Mo asked not to stay here, but went to the main city of Li'an Province, Li'an City.

One day, the sun was shining brightly, and Jin Cancan's sunshine fell on the city of Li'an. However, a dark cloud seemed to float from the sky. At the next moment, a large amount of dark clouds gathered from all directions to Li'an City, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the whole sky was dark.

With such weird weather changes, the people of Li'an City have obviously never encountered them, and walked out of the house one by one, looking at the sky with a surprised look. It was midday, but the sky seemed to feel like evening, and it was about to darken completely.

"It's so cold! Why has it suddenly changed, it's so cold."

"It's so cold."


The people living in Li'an City felt a chill coming, and they seemed to be standing on the ice-cold iceberg in a flash, and they were shivering coldly as if they were not wearing clothes. Go home immediately and put on thick clothes, but the cold is still gone.

Mo Wen was meditating cross-legged in an inn in Li'an City. He seemed to feel something. He stood up, walked to the window and looked at the weather outside, and said lightly: "Come here."

At the same time, the city's main palace.

Shao Wenming is the highest chief executive of Li'anxing Province in Xiping, and the owner of Li'an City. The Xiping Kingdom governs the country with martial arts, or the entire Penglai Wonderland, whether it is the Xianmen sect or the national court, advocates military force and follows the rules of the jungle. Therefore, if you want to hold an important position in a country, you must be a high enough martial artist or an immortal.

Shao Wenming. It is a martial arts training, and it is a martial arts warrior in the same territory. He is placed in the entire Li'anhang province, and his training behavior is at the forefront.

but. At this time, the city's main palace, or the entire province of Li'an, was no longer Shao Wenming's ruler, but the commander-in-chief of Xiping, shaking General Xiang Yuanjiu with hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

General Xiang Yuanjiu was originally responsible for all fortifications along the front line. It is not in the Li'an city that he is thinking about resisting Feng Yuguo's army.

But five days ago, the predecessor who was in Yuanshen Realm blocked the hundreds of thousands of troops in Feng Yu Kingdom, and retired for more than a thousand miles. The tension on the front line was also slightly calm, giving Feng Yu Guo the opportunity to learn that the senior arrived. After Li'an City, Xiang Yuanjiu immediately rushed to Li'an City.

Therefore, Xiang Yuanjiu is the highest military and chief executive of Li'anhang province, and the entire Li'anhang province is under military control.

Inside the main palace. Sitting on the throne, Xiang Yuanjiu was expressionless, and there was a deep sense of majesty in his body. The generals who sat down and the officials in Li'an province did not dare to gasp out loud.

"Report the general, there are strange weather changes in the city of Li'an, and it seems that something has happened."

A sergeant broke in from the outside, looking panicked. As a cultivator, he naturally knew that the situation in Li'an City was somewhat abnormal.

"I know." Xiang Yuanjiu nodded. But did not express any views.

"Great general, the entire Li'an city is shrouded in a huge yin qi. By this means, ordinary cultivators can't do it at all. Most of the powerful people with Yuanshen Realm come to this city."

Shao Wenming's voice is a little panic. Officials at his level usually have no contact with Yuanshenjing Mighty. For Yuanshenjing Mighty, a Rian city can be slaughtered by turning over. They are simply not qualified to put them in their eyes.

"There is no need to panic. The person who came must be Feng Yuguo's state division. He was restricted by the war covenant. He could not shoot our ordinary officials. This must be for the senior."

Xiang Yuanjiu was still very calm, but his beating eyelids betrayed his heart. The power of Yuanshen Realm in Donghefu is only a few, and the power of Yuanshen Realm who can come to Li'an City at this time must be the Fengyu Kingdom Master. He was not worried about the direct harm that Feng Yu Guoshi had to them, but worried that the predecessor Yuan Yuanjing who sheltered Xiping could not stop Feng Yu Guoshi.

It can be said that this matter is related to the life and death of Xiping Kingdom. If the predecessor of Yuanshen Realm was defeated by the Fengyu State Division, or if he took the initiative to retreat, the army of Feng Yuguo will still drive in, giving Xiping State such a chance to recuperate. The final result.

Destroy the country! It may not have much impact on those cultivators who are high above, but for these imperial officials, it is almost a devastating blow. If this battle is defeated, as the commander-in-chief general, he can only thank for death.

Originally, Xiang Yuanjiu was desperate, but the appearance of the predecessor Yuan Yuanjing Realm gave him the opportunity to seize the last straw.

"Yin Qi is so important, then Feng Yu Guoshi may have used Feng Yuguo's national treasure corpse flag."

A lieutenant general next to Xiang Yuanjiu looked nervous. Feng Yuguo's corpse flag was one of Xiping's most feared treasures. Under normal circumstances, the flag of the corpse, as the national treasure of Feng Yu State, will not appear easily. Once the flag of the corpse appears, the situation will inevitably be more serious than their phenomenon.

According to legend, another generation of Feng Yu Kingdom is not only a ruler, but not only governs the state, but also achieves the level of Yuanshen Realm, and has become the highest person in history in Feng Yu Kingdom. In order to protect Feng Yu Kingdom's eternal prosperity, this country's master actually practiced the corpse-making method of the Nether Road at the end of his old age, and finally refined himself into a zombie with a meta-realm, sealed in the flag of the corpse. .

"Mostly it's the corpse flag, but you don't have to panic. Since the senior dared to ignore the threat of Feng Yuguo, there must be something to rely on. Since the Fengyu Guoshi teacher has arrived, the senior will probably also show up. Let's go out together Look at the style of the two powerful seniors. "

Xiang Yuanjiu got up and walked out. At this time, the entire Li'an city was in a panic due to the sudden changes. A team of heavily armed soldiers patrolled the streets of Li'an city to maintain the local law and order. Violence in the law and order was strictly prohibited.

Xiang Yuanjiu has never seen the powerful predecessor who dares to provoke the entire Feng Yu Kingdom. He only knows that he currently lives in Li'an City, and he knows nothing else. After all, no one dares to disturb him easily, even the place where he lives, he dare not investigate in detail.

In the dim sky, a figure slowly descended from the sky and landed on the walls of Li'an City.

Because of the war, the walls of Li'an City were damaged, and there were still traces of dried blood in many places, and the desolation contained a slight killing air.

It was a man in purple clothes, wearing a loose purple robe, the whole person released a noble spirit.

"The old man Naifeng Yu Guoguo is in the right direction, and he has the same plan to prevent me from Feng Yuguo's grand plan five days ago.

The indifferent and frantic voice spread throughout the city of Li'an for a long time. Fang Zhengxiang came to Li'an City to make such a big noise, how could anyone not know that he was coming, and to say this, of course, was a sign of standing upright.

"What are you doing, do you think you can make me change my mind if you come?"

A very young voice sounded, and listening to the voice knew that it was a teenager. I don't know when, on the desolate city wall, there was another figure quietly.

It was a teenager, not someone else, it was Mo asked.

"This boy is the legendary predecessor? Sure enough, he is young, and seems to be younger than my son."

On the observation deck on the other side of the city wall, a group of generals and officials of Xiping Kingdom gathered here, looking at two powerful practitioners from afar. After seeing Mo Wen, a general in armor suddenly couldn't help but marvel at it. He knew the power of Yuanshen Realm, which was an old man who had practiced for hundreds of years. When had he seen such a young boy. Do n’t say I ’ve seen it, but I have n’t heard it. After all, Donghe is also a remote place in Quzhou, not to mention the whole Penglai Wonderland.

"Be careful!"

As soon as the general had finished speaking, a slap in the face swept his face and fanned him directly to the ground, which was quite spicy.

The person who shot was not someone else. It was the commander-in-chief General Yuanjiu, who could be a powerful person in Yuanshen Realm. How could he easily discuss it? If the predecessor killed them in a rage, they would have nowhere to go.

"Yes! Yes! The subordinate knows wrong."

The general also realized that he had lost his word and quickly bowed his head, daring not to say another word.

Above the city wall, the two are far apart, one old and one young.

"Guo Shi, this person is the one who blocks me."

Beside Fang Guoshi, there is a middle-aged man who does not know anyone else. It is Feng Yuguo's pioneer general Hong Hu. At this time, he had no fears, after all, his national teacher was standing beside him, and he stood in front of Mo Wen without any scrutiny to testify against him.

"Your Excellency is really young, and the future is bound to have a great future, but what do you mean to stop me from planning for Feng Yuguo?"

Fang Guoshi looked at Mo Wen ~ ~ There was something strange in his eyes. On the surface, this teenager was about 20 years old and his voice was very young. This is the case if you practiced a practice that has the effect of staying in the face.

"Can't be used to you Feng Yuguo, nothing more."

Mo asked faintly. In the calm eyes, there is a hint of hot fighting intent. He has never played with the practitioners of Yuanshen Realm, although he guessed that ordinary Yuanshen Realm was not his opponent in the early days, but he did not fight after all.

"A good one is nothing more than that. You might have taken my Feng Yuguo too seriously. Since that is the case, the old man can only be polite. Don't blame me for bullying."

Fang Guoshi laughed angrily. This young man was so arrogant. He stood here so that he didn't put him in his eyes, and expected him to take the initiative?

"You are welcome to bully the small." Mo Wen asked with a faint smile, and when he saw a cultivator in the early days of Yuanshen, he already had some itchy hands. If he was replaced by a practitioner who was in the late Yuanshen or Great Consummation, then he would be somewhat worried. (To be continued.)

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