Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 965: ? Hongzong

Dangerous light flashed in the eyes of Fang Guoshi, and the strong murderous intention could not be concealed. A teenager like this could not easily offend, but if he offended, he must cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and never end the future. www / xshuotxt / com

If he is to change to a strong power of Yuanshen Realm, he may still have some scruples in his heart. After all, the strong power of Yuanshen Realm has more or less power behind it. Even if there is no support from a huge power, there are some people who make friends. It ’s generally not good to offend them. Killing them in large numbers will undoubtedly cause trouble for yourself.

But this teenager is different. He has figured it out. This teenager is definitely not a person in Penglai Wonderland. If he is killed, there will be no worries. The Raptors are nothing but the river, this young man was so arrogant to go to Penglai Wonderland, and he deserved it.

Fang Guoshi waved his face expressionlessly, and a dark red flag fluttered out, suspended above Li'an City, and a huge cloud of yin tumbling out of the flag immediately surrounded Li'an City.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the shadowy evil flag that enveloped the entire Li'an city. The breath of threats passed on. The strange evil treasure was obviously not a good thing. He felt the Yuanshen Realm from above. The majesty that we have.

As soon as his thoughts moved, a dazzling thunder light appeared from him. The terrifying thunder power was full of destructiveness. The surrounding space was slightly twisted. A set of bright and luxurious thunder armor appeared on Mo Wen, protecting him, and then the ancient General Thunder came.

The combination of Thunder ’s Prototype and Lei Yao ’s method instantly caused Mo Wen ’s breath to double instantaneously, and the power of terror was contained, but the power alone far exceeded the extreme martial arts force, and only the strongest of Yuanshen Realm could interact with it. compared to.

"Thunder's Profound Truth!"

Fang Guoshi raised his eyebrows. Thunder's Profound Truth belongs to the ultimate power and is not easy to enlighten. Once enlightened, it is quite amazing. Unexpectedly, this young man realized that it was Lei Zhiyi.

However, his Thunder's Profound Truth seems to be only a prototype level. Fang Guoshi was slightly relieved that he had not yet realized the complete mystery. If the teenager realized the complete meaning of Thunder, he might be able to defeat him, but could he kill him. I'm afraid it's hard to tell.

After all, Thunder's Profound Truth is the power of the sun and the sun, the nemesis of all the demonic powers in the world. His corpse flag will face Thunder's Profound Truth, and its power will be greatly reduced.

Generally, only Yuanshenjing monks can master the complete power of profound meaning, but not all Yuanshenjing monks can master the complete profound meaning. For some monks who have just broken through the Yuanshen Realm, most of the mystery levels will stay at the prototype level.

Obviously, even if this young man has the cultivation of Yuanshen Realm, he should have just entered Yuanshen Realm soon, and he is not a particularly difficult character.

"Bold children, guilty of our country's prestige, and the old man will kill you, the evil animal."

Fang Guoshi thought that he had found out the details of Mo Wen's question, and his heart was calm and confident. The corpse flag floating in the air immediately shivered violently. Above the flag seemed to break a large dark hole, and slowly spit out a **** coffin from inside.

The coffin has a simple shape and is engraved with complicated runes. As soon as it appeared, a horrible evil spirit enveloped the entire Li'an city. The ordinary people living in the Li'an city showed a moment of trance, as if they were standing in a moment In the asura hell, there are all the crying of howling and howling, like eighteen layers of hell. Never be superborn.

"Raising coffin!"

Mo Wen looked at the blood-red coffin and recognized at a glance that this coffin is a well-known corpse coffin in the Nether Road, where a zombie can be raised. Judging from the breath emitted by the corpse coffin. It can be known that the zombie inside is the existence of Yuanshen Realm.

"I didn't think there was such a evil in your hand, but it opened my eyes. A person who is an upright practitioner, who learns that evil way, and raises zombies, is not afraid of Tianhua Palace's sin."

Mo asked faintly, feeding zombies. This is a means of evil Dao, and those who are monstrous monks of the ghosts like to dare such things.

"The Prime Minister of the Tianhua Palace, Shanhe, will not care about such small things. Besides, this corpse flag is the treasure of Feng Yuguo's town and country. The way is clear, and it has already been filed in the Tianhua Palace. I am afraid that it is not a person in Penglai Wonderland. Without Tianhua Palace's permission, you can enter Penglai Wonderland without permission. If Tianhua Palace is investigated, you will not have good fruit to eat. "

Fang Guoshi sneered again and again, if he looked at Mo Wen deeply, from the conversation between him and Hu Hong, he knew that this teenager was not a person in Penglai Wonderland. Even he didn't even know that it was Penglai Wonderland. Obviously, he didn't go through the approval of Tianhua Palace, and he didn't know what method he came to without permission.

Although Tianhua Palace strictly controls the entrance of Penglai Wonderland, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to enter Penglai Wonderland without the permission of Tianhua Palace. However, there are exceptions to this. Many secrets are hidden in Penglai Wonderland. From the ancient times to the present, even Tianhua Palace cannot completely master Penglai Wonderland.

According to legend, the three evil paths have mastered the passage to and from Penglai Fairyland, which can bring people into Penglai Fairyland.

If the teenager cannot prove his way, he can even go to Tianhua Palace to report the teenager, collude with evil ways, and sneak into Penglai Fairyland to conspiracy.

"You're smart, but how about that."

Mo asked with a faint smile, this Feng Yu Guoshi can guess that he is not a person in Penglai Wonderland, he is naturally not surprised. But he is a member of the Wuzong Palace in Tianhua Palace. How could he be afraid that he would expose himself in Tianhua Palace.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way to break in. Maybe kill you, and you will get a reward from Tianhua Palace."

Fang Guoshi ’s smile was getting colder and colder. He brought Feng Yuguo ’s two national treasures to kill such a young man who had just entered Yuanshen Realm. It was not easy. More importantly, he did n’t have to worry about what would happen afterwards. trouble.


The blood-red coffin lid suddenly rose into the sky, and a roaring roar exploded over Li'an City, and the whole city seemed to tremble in that roar. Immediately afterwards, pale green corpses came over the sky, and clouds shone and clouded, covering half of the sky.

A weird creature wearing a bright yellow robe came out of the corpse. The creature was two meters tall, with a skin of copper-green and blue-faced fangs. It wore a colorful robe with colorful ornaments, and it was obviously just a piece The corpse refining, but gives people a feeling of noble and compelling.

Mo Wen's eyes flashed in amazement. He had seen the corpse, but he saw it for the first time. Like this kind of corpse refining, there is no independent wisdom. The nature and the beast are undoubtedly controlled by the master at all times, which is equivalent to a cold-blooded puppet.

Putting a dragon robe on the puppet, this master of corpse refining is really very creative.

However, Fang Guoshi looked solemnly and paid a respect to the refining corpse. Mo wondered if this corpse refining was a great emperor in Feng Yu Kingdom. When he practiced to Yuanshen Realm, when the time was coming, he gave up the opportunity of reincarnation and refined himself into a zombie to protect Feng Yu Kingdom for generations. .

So he is wearing a dragon robe, and his identity is also quite special and honorable in Feng Yuguo.


"Demon Lord!"

On the tower, Xiping State generals and officials exclaimed at the zombie. As Xiping State next to Feng Yu State, they naturally knew the origin of the Devil's Lord. The title of the Lord of the Devil was only later, expressing respect for the Lord Feng Yu.

"The Lord of the Devil's Corpse is the murderous creature of Yuanshen Realm, and its power is unmatched. Fang Guoshi is also the power of Yuanshen Realm. He had civilized Donghe Palace a hundred years ago. Can that young senior stop them with one enemy and two?

The generals and officials of Xiping State are worried one by one. The current situation seems to be in a disadvantageous position. The Lord of the Dead Corps and Fang Guoshi have been known for many years, and that young predecessor, after all, is too young to give them much sense of security.

While the generals and officials of Xiping were all uneasy, a gentle voice suddenly appeared without warning.

"Don't panic, Fang Zhengxiang is no less than a national teacher. Even if the boy fails, he won't fight you. The battle of Yuanshen Realm won't spread to ordinary national wars, this one is still valid."

I don't know when an old man appeared on the tower, and the old man appeared so abruptly around the crowd, and no one found it. Until he made a voice, all the people reacted in amazement.

"Senior Huishan!"

When the generals and officials of Xiping saw the old man, they were immediately overjoyed. They seemed to see the spiritual pillars, and their faces glowed red. The previous worries of dissipation suddenly disappeared.

This old man, named Zhang Huishan, the Taishang elder of Xu Hongzong, was also one of the several metaphysical powers standing behind the Xiping Kingdom.

In order to establish a country in Donghe Prefecture, there is generally the Xianmen Sect behind it, and the sect behind Xiping State is the Honghong Sect. Each generation of the Xiping Kingdom's sovereign is the law-protecting elder of the Honghong Sect, second only to the Taishang elder and the suzerain.

As the patron saint of Xiping Kingdom ~ ~ When Huishan Senior appeared, he immediately took a bit of peace of mind to all Xiping people.

"Senior Huishan came to Li'an City, but came to help that senior?" Xiang Yuanjiu stepped forward, sorry for respectfully.

If Senior Huishan is willing to join the battle, then Xipingguo will surely be able to pull back the situation. Na Feng Yu Guoshi was promoted to Yuanshen Realm only a hundred years ago. Senior Huishan became famous hundreds of years ago. It has been said that his realm has reached the middle level of Yuanshen Realm.

"Although I also really want to help the same fellow with justice, but I can't interfere in this battle."

Zhang Huishan sighed softly. At this time, the covenant between the two countries is still there. If he shoots, the existence behind those Feng Yu countries will not sit still. Therefore, he could not shoot, and the appearance of the young man can be said to be just an accident. He was not a person of the two countries. He was tossing about himself. Naturally, it was not considered a violation of the covenant by Xiping.

But in this way, it means that Xi Pingguo cannot help this young man. Once he is helped, the nature will change.

So, if you can stop Feng Yuguo, you can only rely on the power of that young man! To be continued.

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