Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 967: Chuan Yuxi

"There's a misunderstanding of fart. I'll call it first."

Mo Wenke did n’t want to hear Fang Guoshi ’s blind nonsense. He deliberately made trouble here. Not only was he not accustomed to Feng Yuguo ’s behavior, the most important purpose was to find a monk in Yuanshen Realm to practice his hands.

After fighting with Yaoyu, Mo Qingqing said that the monks in the early Yuanshen Realm were no longer his opponents, and that Yaoyu was obviously a more difficult character than ordinary Yuanshen Realm monks. However, Mo Wen's power, energy, martial arts, mysteries, treasures, realms and other aspects are not ordinary early monks of Yuanshen.

Because of Mo Qingqing's sentence, Mo asked if he wanted to give it a try, whether Fang Guoshiqiang was stronger or he was stronger. Undoubtedly, this Fang Guoshi is the most common type among the early monks of Yuanshen.

The spear turned into a phantom, and once again drawn fiercely to Fang Guoshi. The thunderbolt above the nine days, Thunder's unanimous blessing, made Fang Zhengxiang unable to dodge at all.

Because the speed is too fast, Fang Zhengxiang can only barely block the spear shadow of the sky snake **** spear, which is directly pulled out for hundreds of meters.

"What a terrible power, actually far above me, isn't he a monk of the new Jinyuan God Realm?"

Once again asked by Mo Wen, Fang Zheng was secretly startled, and said that he was not as powerful as the young man, and that the young man ’s power was a little weird, not like ordinary spiritual power. It seemed to have two properties of yin and yang. The strength of his body partially canceled out, so that he could only exert 80% of his strength.

There are two attributes of one yin and one yang, which are interlinked and endless, and this power seems to have been heard somewhere. But I couldn't remember it for a while.

Fang Zhengxiang frowned. Like this kind of special power, Penglai Wonderland is not without it. Some special exercises and mysteries can be based on spiritual power. Cultivate higher and deeper energies. That kind of energy is based on spiritual power, but it is higher than spiritual power in level. However, it is not easy to learn this kind of power. He is not qualified for the other direction. It can be seen that the origin of this young man is quite simple. Most of them are the people of the ghost mountain.

Fang Guoshi secretly complained. I have known that Nether Mountain crosses one hand. He will never come to the front lines of the two countries aggressively, and would rather give up this southward move. Now riding a tiger is difficult, the teenager not only has amazing fighting power, but also no meaning to stop.

After playing two moves with Fang Zhengxiang, Mo Wen probably knew the depth of Fang Zhengxiang, and he was far behind him in terms of overall combat effectiveness. And the battle just now. He didn't even urge the power of the sky snake **** spear, but used it as an ordinary magic weapon. Once the sky snake **** spear was triggered, the Fang Guoshi might have been seriously injured.

"The ordinary monk in the early Yuanshen Realm really fell short."

Mo Wen shook his head. This Fang Guoshi was far worse than the demon heart. Of course, Mo Wen did not underestimate the monks in the early Yuanshen Realm. Some special monks in the early Yuanshen Realm are also strong against the sky. Even the demon heart is not stronger than him in the Yuanshen Realm. What he compares is only the initial stage of the ordinary Yuanshen Realm.

Mo Wen ignored it. The ordinary early monks of Yuanshen Realm are not comparable to ordinary warriors and immortal cultivators. Before they entered Yuanshen Realm, the gap between the two was like a rift, even if it was the limit of ordinary customs. The strong are far from comparable to the early monks of Yuanshen Realm. Mo asked such a pervert, only that he was an exception. Not to mention the current situation, it can't be said that it is an ordinary monk.

He cultivated a complete primordial god, because the supernatural power of hundreds of millions of gods, the primordial **** is more powerful than the ordinary primordial monks, and the primordial **** is stronger, the control power and the attack launched are stronger many. In the same way, the power played by the stronger Yuanshen is naturally stronger.

He cultivated yin and yang qi, which is a force higher than ordinary spiritual power. Compared with ordinary Yuanshen Realm monks, he still crushed them.

What's more, after practicing the body of the sky, the degree of abnormality of the body still reaches an unbelievable level, and there are powers of mountains and seas between hands and feet.

Although he is not a Yuanshen Realm monk yet, his ability is enough to scare ordinary Yuanshen Realm monks.

"Don't be a national teacher, can you be tolerant of this? If you can't come up with other means, then you can lose."

Mo asked faintly that he was disappointed with the Yuanshen Realm monks for the first time. At the same time, he also understood that he should not be afraid of the ordinary early stage of Yuanshen Realm, but he did not know what happened to the monks in the middle of Yuanshen Realm. At the level of Yuanshen Realm, the difference in level will increase when you upgrade. A mid-primary monk can easily defeat five early-primary monks.

Fang Guoshi's face was gloomy and he constantly weighed the pros and cons in his heart. He wanted to withdraw, but the teenager was obviously not ready to let him go.

"You are the evil spirit of Nether Mountain, and the majestic battle with me here, are you not afraid that the strong man of Tianhua Palace will come to destroy you?"

Once a demon of evil Dao comes out to make chaos, the first one in Tianhua Palace will come to slash the demon and eliminate the demon. This world is full of spies and eyes of the Tianhua Palace. When he fights this young boy, I am afraid that some people will The news reached Tianhua Palace.

"Before the people in Tianhua Palace came, it was enough to kill you." Mo asked with a faint smile.

"It seems that you are not going to let go of the old man." Fang Guoshi took a deep breath, although he was on the bar with the people of Nether Mountain, not what he wanted. But if the other party made it clear that he would not let him go, he would not retreat. Although Feng Yuguo is likely to be wiped out by Ningshan Mountain, which must be reported by Jiusi, monks have always cherished their lives, especially the monks at his level, who value their lives more than anything else.

As long as he lives, what will happen to Feng Yuguo. Thinking of this, Fang Zheng was ruthless in his heart, no longer scrupulous, ready to fight with all his strength.

"In this case, don't blame the old man." Fang Guoshi took a deep breath, his original purpose was to kill this young man here.

He looked dignified and reached into his sleeve with one hand, and took out a jade-like thing with a vivid unicorn carved on it. The surface of this object seems to be nothing more than ordinary things, but if you look closely, you will find it inscrutable.

"Kirin jade seal! That is Feng Yuguo's Kirin jade seal."

On the tower, a series of exclamations sounded, all eyes wide, looking at the Qilin jade in the hands of Fang Guoshi.

"I didn't expect Fang Zhengxiang to bring the Qilin jade seals to him. It seems that he had the intention to kill this young man."

Zhang Huishan was secretly shocked that a country's jade seal was the most important thing in the town, but all the countries in Penglai Fairyland regarded the jade seal as the most important thing in the town's state, and gathered a country's luck for thousands of years, and its rise and fall. Unchanged, the national games in the jade seal have become stronger and stronger over the years.

The Qilin jade seal of Feng Yu Kingdom has a history of thousands of years, far longer than their Xiping Kingdom. The condensed national power of this thing, the monks at the beginning of the ordinary Yuan Shenjing can hardly resist. Compared with the demon lord, the Qilin jade is the most important treasure of Feng Yuguo.

Mo Wenxin felt a little, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the Qilin jade in the hands of Fang Guoshi. From above, he felt a quite mysterious and vast power. That kind of power, unimaginable, contained great threats and fears.

"Told the jade seal! The legend that the monk kingdom can transport the seal by air is actually true."

Mo Wen looked dignified, and he luckily nourished the seal. He had heard of such rumors before. Some monks' kingdoms and the wind of spiritual practice prevailed. If those monks have a country in their hearts and a sense of belonging, they will cultivate them in the underworld. The spirits and spirits that escaped from time to time condensed together and merged into the jade seal. As time goes on, the jade seal will spread the luck of a country. The longer the time, the more terrible the evil.

"Originally, I didn't plan to use the jade seal, which you forced me to do."

Fang Guoshi looked at Mo Wen, and his face gradually showed a terrible color. Perhaps after doing so, Feng Yuguo will usher in a catastrophe, but he has not retreated now. Originally, he came with the jade seal, which he passed on, but he was only preparing for it with two hands. Because the power of luck in the traditional jade seal is limited, it will be reduced once used. No country will easily use the national jade seal unless the country is at the forefront of its destruction.

"It is said that this kind of jade seal, which communicates the legendary fate of heaven and earth, is very dangerous and unpredictable. I never expected that I would encounter it."

Mo Wenmo held the sky snake **** spear in his hand, his face was extremely serious, and the fate of heaven was one of the supreme heavens, and was essentially still above the six reincarnation heavens. However, this kind of destiny has never heard of someone who can control it. Even if those heavens exist, their perception of destiny is quite obvious, and no one can really control destiny.

However, since heaven and earth of destiny exist between heaven and earth, they can be enlightened. There are indeed some geeks and wizards in the rumors, who have realized the mystery of destiny and touched some of the power of destiny. This kind of people are quite terrible.

"We passed the jade seal of Feng Yuguo to deal with you as a teenager, you are enough to feel honored ~ ~ Fang Guoshi waved his hand, then the unicorn jade seal flew out, releasing the Dao light, those lights are like silk thread, Shuttle between heaven and earth, the terminal of every silk thread seems to be connected with a creature and his destiny.


On the tower, the generals and officials of Xiping Kingdom changed greatly. Everyone, including Zhang Huishan, withdrew from Li'an City as soon as possible. All of them looked at the glory with a lingering fear, and the power of luck in the jade seal of the country was contaminated, and there was absolutely no good thing.

Perhaps luck has a good side and a bad side. But now that this situation is in trouble, there is absolutely no good. Not to mention ordinary monks, even Zhang Huishan, the power of meta-spiritual realm, dare not let this kind of causal force-like thing entangle himself.

"Good luck for a country, I would like to see if your luck in the country can really affect my luck."

Mo Wenao proudly stood in the air, and did not mean to dodge. Since Fang Guoshi targeted him, this power of luck could not dodge at all. The luck of the state-owned country, and the luck of the human beings, who dare to say that the luck of one person is not the luck of one country. Mo asked today, he has experienced all kinds of bizarre things, this is not a luck!

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