Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 968: Heart is higher than sky

cpa300_4 (); Wan Dao Huaguang is like a firework, falling down, Mo Wen stood quietly in the air, bearing the impact of the force of fate.

The power of fate cannot be avoided, but it can resist and resist. The practitioners are fighting against the sky and walking against the sky. Do not ask the solitude, why fear this destiny? If you succumb in front of the power of fate, how can you walk slowly?

Fang Guoshi has a serious look. Once the power of the national movement in the jade seal is released, some things will change. For example, due to the influence of luck, he was not the opponent of Mo Wen, but because of the luck, he could defeat Mo asked.

Of course, the power of fate is mysterious and unpredictable, unlike other forces. Some people are hard-working by nature, and their luck will not only threaten them, but will help them grow.

Fang Guoshi stared closely at Mo and asked, he was curious, what would happen to the young man in the face of Feng Yuguo's repression of the Millennium National Games.

In front of Mo Wen's eyes, the whole sky seemed to be pressed down, the wind and the clouds rolled, a vast sky of prestige crashed down from the underworld, it seemed to bear the weight of a country, the accumulation of beliefs of hundreds of millions of people.


Mo Wen seemed to be struck by a heavy hammer, snorted, blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, his mind continued to roar, his mind was unstable, and his soul was trembling. The huge Guowei exerted pressure on him, causing pressure like Tianwei.

"I am a practitioner, if I want to compare with Tiangong, how can I be suppressed by the so-called luck."

Mo Wen wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were like the cold lake under the Nine Serenities, faced with the terrifying luck of Heaven, his body was still standing straight, a terror force from the inside out surging out of the body, he The body is unreasonably huge three or four meters.

The body of the sky!

Under extreme pressure, the body of the sky automatically released and appeared again between heaven and earth, exuding the heaven and earth, like a terrible giant that can break through the sky. Although Mo Wen's body is not as huge as a giant, it feels like a human being. But it is like a giant standing between heaven and earth.

Two heads and four arms, the first change of the body of the sky, the original modification of Mo Wen's body is that the extra two arms of the body of the sky are only a dim phantom. But at this time under the oppression of Qiyun Tianwei, it seems to be solidified a lot!

At the same time, terrifying coercion swept out, and Mo Tian's spear burst into a blazing light, and the thunder and lightning flashed in an instant. It's like a sun shining on the world.


The sky roared, the air rushed to the sky, and the sky was shaken. The power that bound Mo Wen invisible collapsed instantly, like the river of the embankment, the fierce beast out of the cage, and a great shore figure stepped out. The unicorn jade in Zhenzhen flew.


"How can it be!"

Fang Guoshi's face was white, and he looked like gold paper in an instant, as if he had suffered a terrible blow. He looked incredible. It's like seeing a ghost.

Chuanyu jade! The weight of the country carrying Fengyu's national luck was actually bounced!

"What a terrible boy, who is he? The Feng Yuguo's master jade, I am afraid that the ordinary masters in the late Yuanshen Realm will not dare to provoke it, but they can't suppress him?"

Xiang Yuanjiu, who is far away from the city, and other people are unbelievable and can fly the jade seal of a country.

"Heart is higher than the sky, Changhong is a gas, a terrible boy." Zhang Huishan murmured. Actually suppressed the national games of Fengyu Kingdom, who was that boy?

Mo Wen stepped in the void step by step, ignoring the power of the national games, and looked blankly at Fang Guoshi. Tao: "I am lacking in my own strength, I think of external forces to help, I have already weakened the momentum, and even the Guowei did not come to the National Games?"

When the spear shadow flashed, the Fang Guoshi was evacuated for hundreds of miles, and the Chuan Yuxi also flew out of Li'an City with him. It's just that the jade seal is not complete, and there are cracks on it.

At the same time, the flag of the corpse and the Lord of the Demon Corpse were also thrown away by Mo Wen, and fell out of Li'an City. The yin and evil spirits between heaven and earth suddenly took hold, and the Wanshen stream flew back to the medicine spirit ring automatically.

"Come on, you and I don't have a life and death feud, I won't kill you. However, you and Feng Yuguo's army dare to step into Xiping Kingdom again within a year, killing without amnesty!"

Mo asked with a blank expression, he was not a good person, but he was not killing innocent people indiscriminately. The Fang Guoshi sacrificed the national jade seal, and the National Games crushed him. Instead, he made him communicate with the sky snake **** spear, and realized the complete meaning of the thunder. He had to say that it was wrong.

At the moment when he realized the complete meaning of the thunder, he was finally able to exert some of the power of the sky snake **** spear, so that he could fly the jade seal of the passing kingdom with one spear.

Fang Guoshi's face was gray, he didn't expect it would be such an ending, looking at the hand-painted jade seal with cracks in his hands. Needless to say, this Feng Yuguo inherited the treasure for thousands of years, fearing that it would be scrapped.

Do n’t say if he can go back to the business, if the young man is a ghost in the mountains, the consequences are simply unimaginable. He does n’t believe that the ghost will openly intervene in the war between Feng Yu and Xi Ping, and he will not kill him now. Maybe there is another conspiracy.

In short, things that involve Nether Mountain are not good things.


Mo asked to go back to the inn, and plan to live in Li'an for a while. Of course, when he returned to the inn, he used some blindfolding methods. At least most people didn't even know where he lived.

"Senior Huishan, what now?"

Xiang Yuanjiu looked at Zhang Huishan, his voice was a little trembling, and no one could think that the boy was so strong. Originally for Xiping, it was a good thing. But the point is, that young man has a relationship with Ghost Mountain, then things are complicated! Xi Pingguo is implicated in it, I am afraid that it will never end.

"Do n’t worry, Xiping Kingdom has never colluded with the Nether Mountain, and the world can learn from it. The appearance of the boy has nothing to do with our Xiping Kingdom. The intelligence of the Tianhua Palace is pervasive, and we will definitely be able to investigate this matter without wrong. We Xiping. "

Zhang Huishan comforted quietly, but his face was dignified as always, no matter what, it is not a good thing to connect with Youmingshan.

"Let's all go back, do their duties, appease the citizens, and maintain order in the city. I'll go and visit the strong young man."

Zhang Huishan left a word, the figure disappeared quietly, and disappeared in a flash.

Perhaps because of the great war just now, which crushed the tranquility and angered the sky, a cloud of clouds enveloped the city of Li'an, and the rain was pouring down.

"Are you from Xiping?"

Mo Wen stood in front of the window, looking at the rain on the street and said faintly.

Behind him, stood an old man in a green robe with some old clothes, and suddenly appeared in the room just now.

"Old husband Zhang Huishan, the elder of the Hongzong Emperor of Honghong, is also the guardian of the country."

Zhang Huishan clenched his fists in a polite way. Among the Penglai fairyland, the Zongmen school is the largest, followed by the country. Without strong sectarian support behind some countries, it is difficult to establish a country in Penglai Wonderland. Therefore, people in Penglai Fairyland generally introduce their ancestry first, and then speak of their country.

"Why are you looking for me? Dealing with Feng Yuguo is just a personal preference, but not to help you Xiping." Mo asked lightly.

Naturally, he did not fight against Feng Yuguo not because of Xiping. He did not want to have any relationship with anyone in Xiping.

"Anyway, Shaoxia has great favors in our Xiping state. You can care, but Xiping can't care." Zhang Huishan said. If this young man is not in the evil way, it is indeed a great grace for Xiping.

"If you have anything, just say it. You came to me, not just to say this." Mo asked the old man in Tsing Yi who turned and looked behind him. The person in front of him was obviously stronger than the former Guo Yu teacher There are a lot of them, I do n’t know if they are monks in the midst of Yuanshen.

"Since the young man is outspoken, the old man is not hypocritical."

Zhang Huishan brewed for a while, and then said: "I wonder if Shaoxia is a master in Ghost Mountain? If it is related to Ghost Mountain, then Shaoxia must pay attention. Today you are fighting in Li'an City, the news will surely reach the Tianhua Palace , If you stay in Li'an City, you may be in great trouble. "

Zhang Huishan weighed his words. Even if they did not report today ’s affairs to Tianhua Palace, some people would poke the news into Tianhua Palace. What's more, the intelligence agencies of Tianhua Palace are pervasive, and there will be no news when a big murderer like Wanhun stream appears in Li'an City.

"Are you afraid of having a relationship with a wicked way like Youmingshan, and being criticized?" Mo Wendan smiled.

"This ..." Zhang Huishan smiled bitterly, not expecting the other party to be so direct.

"Relax, Ghost Mountain has nothing to do with me."

Mo asked and shook his head, said lightly: "I also just want to find people in Tianhua Palace, then wait for them here."

When he first came to Penglai Wonderland, he also wanted to get in touch with people in Tianhua Palace. He came here just by accident. Now he does n’t know what to do if he wants to go back. There are many things outside waiting for him to do, he can not stay in Penglai Wonderland for too long.

"In this case, the old man is at ease."

Zhang Huishan let out a sigh of relief. Since the teenager said that he was not a person from Nether Mountain, and was preparing to come to the people of Tianhua Palace in Li'an City, there should be no problem.


Tianhua Palace Headquarters!

It has always been said that the headquarters of Tianhua Palace is in Penglai Fairyland, which is actually the case.

Tianhua Palace has a history of 100,000 years ~ ~ After undergoing several changes in Penglai Fairyland, how long is the history of the outer space? Five thousand years up and down is nothing more than a civilization that was regenerated because of a change 10,000 years ago.

Senate, Law Enforcement Department!

"What? There are ten soul streamers at the level of the Ten Soul streamers in Donghe Prefecture, Quzhou? After lurking for decades, will the demons of Ghost Mountain have to come out and make trouble?"

A veteran in charge of gathering intelligence frowned as he looked at the intelligence file just handed in.

The people of Ghost Mountain came out blatantly and messed up, but it was not a good thing.

"It's so young. In the young generation of Nether Mountain, it seems that I have never heard of such a person."

There was a crystal ball in the hands of the veteran, which recorded some pictures of battles over Li'an City, and the influence of Mo Wen was awesome.

"It turned out to be this kid. He wasn't from the Ghost Mountain. I know him."

A voice rang from the side, the person speaking was not someone else, it was the dry and real person who had a relationship with Mo Wen. (To be continued.)

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