Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 969: Demon Slayer

Ku Ji happened to be on his duty at this time and had been on standby at the veteran law enforcement department. When he saw the image of Mo Wen, he immediately came over.

"Kumji, do you know this person?"

The veteran holding the crystal beads looked at Kuji in surprise. Kuji is a real person, but he is notoriously uncomfortable. He usually has very few people who have relationships with him, and Kuji is also dedicated to cultivation, indifferent to the world, and rarely interacts with people.

A young kid only, let Kuji take the initiative to stand up and meet him.

"He asked Mo Wen to say that he is also our own. He is now part of Wu Zong Dian. When he first saw him, he was barely able to reach Wu Zong's level. He never thought that he would grow to this point now."

Ku Ji said with emotion, he didn't say, last time I saw Mo asked, it was less than half a year ago, otherwise everyone around would be shocked by his chin.

"People in Wuzong Temple? But his strength has obviously reached the level of Yuanshen Realm, and it is far more than the initial stage of Yuanshen." The veteran had some incomprehensible Tao, and his cultivation practice was so deep, why is he still in Wuzong Palace? , You can enter the Senate. Could it be that he is one of the chiefs in the Wuzong Palace sitting in the seats?

But he knew some of the leaders in charge of Wu Zongdian. He had n’t heard that there was a boy like this one.

"He is a freak and can always be unexpected, but Xiu Realm shouldn't reach Yuanshen Realm." Ku Ji shook his head, and he knew something about Mo. He had always been taken care of by the celestial woman in Tianhua Palace, although He didn't know what Mo Qi had to do with that woman, but the woman would definitely tell him to go to the path of creation before breaking through to Yuanshen Realm.

Tianhua Palace's path to creation, everyone has only one chance, and it is limited to the monks under Yuanshen Realm.

"What. Isn't Yuanshen Realm? Isn't that ... he's a few of them ..." The veteran said in surprise, not that Yuanshen Realm had such a strong combat power, and the teenager was a little bit simple. In Tianhua Palace. The scarcity of this kind of person he knows, that is, the few special identities of Xiao Maniac have this ability.

This young man. Is it also one of those people, but why has he never heard of it? It is too mysterious.

"You don't have to say that he is indeed one of those people. The quota for this World Superpower Contest has been set, and he is among them."

Kumji said with a smile, he did not expect that, at first, he was just a optimistic teenager. Can actually grow to this point.

"However, now that the world is shaking, the dark tide is surging, and the big event is about to start. I am afraid that the world superpower contest will not be held as scheduled. Unexpectedly, after so many years of development, those foreign barbarians also have ambitions and are ready to intervene. In our battle in Kyushu, we really can't control ourselves. "

Kuji sneered. Those savage barbarians thought that now that their wings were stiff, they could participate in the battle for their origin. The situation in the world is now complicated. It also affected the original world, resulting in unprecedented pressure on the Tianhua Palace in this era.

"Those savage barbarians just take their own humiliation, and they want to challenge our spirit world on their own? It's a delusion."

Speaking of those outsiders, the veterans in the law enforcement department are also humbling, and they look down on those outsiders who are not in Kyushu.

"Don't you have a sense of superiority too, those savage savages can carry the day of the celestial beings like us, and they must be inherited to the present day. There must be merit in those savage savages that those of you below said are useless, but the above people But they value the attitude of those savage barbarians. Anyway. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, those savage barbarians quickly lifted up. Several heavenly strong men have been born. "

"They may not be able to turn the storm alone, but if they cooperate with a certain community in our Kyushu. It is likely to affect the victory."

A rather rational old man said that being a person cannot be arrogant, and people in Kyushu want to look down on those who are outsiders, but they can still pass on to the present day, and there must be merit. Times have changed, and if it is still the same mentality as before, it is very likely that it will come to terms.

"With old Zhao, how can we old guys not understand the truth, if the savage barbarians have heaven and the strongest, this is equivalent to having a foothold. However, their situation may not be much better than our Kyushu, internal The battle is fierce. "

"Now it's leisure time to talk and chat, don't be so serious. Since those savage barbarians are ready to participate in the battle of the origin, there is always a chance to try their depth. This world, it is estimated that it will not be too long for us. Keep an eye on those savage barbarians, and don't show any moths.


"Let's talk, I'll go out. Mo asked if this kid didn't pass through the channel of Tianhua Palace, he actually came to Penglai Fairyland, and he could not be tolerated. Maybe he had mastered the outside world's access to Penglai Fairyland, this Not a trivial matter. "

With no involvement in the gossips of the elders, Kuji walked out of the law enforcement department. Just now he checked, Mo asked the boy came to Penglai Wonderland, there was no record in Tianhua Palace, then he asked Mo Qingge, who was the deputy dean of the elders' college, even though she was not secretly He sent in.

What does this mean? Explain that Mo Wen entered Penglai Wonderland from other channels.

All the passages to and from Penglai Fairyland are in the hands of Tianhua Palace, and the number of passages that are not controlled by Tianhua Palace is quite small, even in those evil ways or ancient secret realms. Any channel is of great significance to Penglai Fairyland. When Penglai Fairyland was established, the situation was complicated, all major forces participated in it, and no one knew how many channels were left. But it is certain that there is a story or a secret behind each channel.


Mo Wen quietly cultivated in the inn in Li'an City, and just realized the mystery of thunder, he naturally had to take this opportunity to stabilize it. Although the prototype of Arcane Truth is only one step away from the complete Arcane Truth, it is not as easy to reach this step if you want to take this step. It is not how long you practice and how long you can realize it. The spirituality in the meditation, if you realize it, you will realize it. If you don't realize it, it will be useless to practice for a long time.

Many of the strongest extremes have realized the prototype of the Profound Truth, but they have never stepped into the meta-spirit realm for a lifetime. The reason is that he did not realize the complete Profound Truth.

Only when you realize the complete mystery, you can easily enter the Yuanshen Realm. If you can't realize it at that step, you will not be able to walk out of the ordinary life.

Of course, there are also monks who have just realized the prototype of the mystery, but they have reached the Yuanshen Realm. However, this type of person is not taking the normal path, but is promoted through a special method, which is very expensive and cannot be copied, and is weaker than the normal Yuanshen Realm monk.

Before that, the national teacher of Feng Yuguo suspected that Mo Wen belonged to that kind of monk, so he didn't pay much attention to him.

"In my current situation, I can try to break into Yuanshen Realm and make a reborn change. However, Mo Qingqing has warned not to easily break into Yuanshen Realm. The world superpower contest must have Yuanshen Realm. The following monks can participate. And before breaking through, it is best to go to the road of fortune. "

Mo Wen remembered that participating in the World Superpower Contest was not particularly important for Mo Wen, but he had to go to the path of creation.


"What, that Mo Wen actually came to Penglai Wonderland?"

In a mansion, a young man in a red suit with evil spirits in his eyes took the case.

In front of him, stood a man dressed as a servant, bending down respectfully and saying, "Elder Yang said, let me inform you."

As a servant, naturally I do n’t know who Na Mo asked, why he caused such a strong reaction from his son.

"Okay! Very good! I can't think you blamed me if you ran to death."

The young man in red laughed aloud, his face ugly, his eyes full of murderousness. He was no one else, it was the ruthless son, the son of the Lord of the Blood Fiend Palace.

Coincidentally, the Xuesha Palace is the sect of the Xiaben Palace next to the Donghe Prefecture, not far from the Li'an City where Xiping State is located. The occurrence of the ghost of the Nether Mountain in Xiping State was in full swing. The news happened to arrive In the Hall of Blood Fiend.

Yang Zonglin, then the elder of Xuexian Hall, happened to pay close attention to this matter, and found out that the man was the one who hated him. The insult of the Dragon City was vividly remembered, but he suffered from no chance of revenge.

"Uncle Yang, did Mo really come to Penglai Wonderland?" The ruthless son hurried to the Great Elder Mansion. Outside, he asked Mo that there was no way, but in Penglai Wonderland, this is their place.

"Yes, and there was a lot of movement in Donghe. I didn't think he had a murderous mortal streamer. It would be better if he could convict him of collusion with a demon. When we kill him, he will be justified and he must There is no end to it. "

Yang Zonglin sneered, it was a godsend.

"But ... isn't he a person in Tianhua Palace?" The ruthless son hesitated a bit, and as the young master of the Blood Fiend Palace, how much did he investigate Mo Wen's identity.

"We don't know that he is a person in Tianhua Palace, only that he is an evil door." Yang Zonglin snorted coldly.

"What do you mean?"

"Relentless, learn more. Your brother is bloodless. If it is him, he will definitely know everything. In the future, this hall of blood evil will be the world of your brothers. ~ ~ If you think a lot, you may not take care of it Your brother. "

Yang Zonglin said faintly, he also said that he had a long-term focus, if he wasn't quite filial to him, he wouldn't say it,

"What Uncle Yang taught is."

As the great elder, Yang Zonglin has a high weight, and he is the one who is most likely to break through to Yuanshen Realm in the whole blood evil palace. Maybe he will be the support of the elders and the elders , Too important for him.

On the surface, he is the son of the Lord of the Blood Fiend Palace, but there is only a few of his brothers in the clan fighting openly, how can they sit back and relax.

"Donghe House is just beside our Xiaben House. We rushed over here and arrived within a day. The people of Tianhua Palace, even the nearest Quzhou branch hall, rushed to Donghe House far more than We. We went to Li'an City, not for revenge, but for the demon and the demon, do you understand? "

The light in Yang Zonglin's eyes was extremely cold, with the name of slaying the demon and eliminating the demon. After killing Mo Wen, Tianhua Palace could not take them as well, at most it was a mistaken kill. As long as the people in Tianhua Palace do not arrive in a day, Mo Wenxiemen ’s reputation for misrepresentation cannot be rid of in a day. (To be continued.)

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