Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 970: Imperial treasure

"In order to eliminate monsters and demons? Elder Yang deserves to be Elder Yang, the kid has served."

The ruthless son sincerely admires that, no matter what, Mo Wennai is a man of Tianhua Palace. If he kills him bravely because of private enmity, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. But if it is to eliminate the demon and remove the demon, it is another matter, that is, justice, Tianhua Palace, and maintenance of Tianhua Palace. Even if it is finally known that the wrong person was killed, can Tianhua Palace blame them for not being able to do so.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be cold, so maintain the heart of the sect of Tianhua Palace.

Elder Yang's move is not high.

"The law enforcement ambassadors in Tianhua Palace must be rushed to kill Mo Wen before he arrives." The ruthless son shook his fist fiercely.

"Relentless, Na Mo Xiu has reached an incredible level. Nao Yuguo's state teacher said that he was also a monk in the early Yuanshen Realm. He was defeated easily by him, and it was useless to even send out the jade seal. Kill him, We are helpless, we can only ask the master and several elders of the Taishang to personally take action. But do n’t ask this person, since the enmity with our blood evil palace, it will inevitably be a big disaster in the future, and the master will definitely not keep him. "

Yang Zonglin said slowly, a young boy, but so powerful, does cause unreasonable fear. If you can't get rid of him, you'll be worried in the future, you won't be able to sleep at night.

"Elder Yang rest assured that I personally asked my father for this matter." The ruthless son turned and walked out of the Great Elder Mansion. The expression on his face was terrible, and the shame of the Dragon City. He returned more than one hundred times.


Don't ask for a leisurely life in Li'an City, to experience the style of this ancient city. He found that in addition to the ordinary people, there are a large number of practitioners living in the city. The folk customs are almost universal, and almost everyone is practicing. Various cultivation resources are also very rich. Many shops are aimed at the practitioners. Items.

Moreover, in Penglai Wonderland. There are quite a few well-known chambers of commerce, such as Yubaozhai, which is a chamber of commerce in Penglai Fairyland. It is said that business is spread all over the world. Placed in the Penglai fairyland can be ranked in the top three, and even those in the inner world, are full of Yubaozhai's business.

While in the Dragon City, Mo Wen saw the wealth of Yubaozhai in the treasure hall, the inner armor with a price of more than two million spirit stones. He still has a fresh memory now, but unfortunately he couldn't afford it at the time and could only look at it.

No one else can have their own storefront in the treasure hall. Even the elders of Tianhua Palace do not have this privilege, but Yubaozhai has this privilege, which shows the power of Yubaozhai.

It is said that most of the practitioners in Yubaozhai are proficient in a variety of cultivation sideline activities, such as refining, alchemy, formation, puppetry, runes, and divination. Each of these practitioners has considerable productivity. . So the treasures of Jubaozhai can be said to be everything, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

Moreover, it has always been said that there is a share of Tianhua Palace behind Yubaozhai. On the surface, it is just a chamber of commerce, but the background is very amazing. There was a senior who had a fight and transited. The treasure. The result was less than three days, and the power of the bucket's transition was dead. The corpse hung on the tower to show the public.

Li'an City is a provincial city, and there is a shop in Yubaozhai, and this place in the whole province is within a thousand miles. The place where the highest level of treasure is sold.

On this day, Mo Wen was hanging out in Jubaozhai. The six-story loft, carved beams and paintings were magnificent, and each level of treasures had different levels. The higher the treasure, the more precious.

However, the upper floors cannot be accessed by the average person, and only the gold owner can get to the higher floors.

Mo Wen strolled around the five floors in front of Jubaozhai. There are indeed many cultivation items in it, and there are quite a variety of types. From solid to extreme strongmen, the cultivation treasures required by the warriors are almost sold here. The rare and precious Guyuandan, Peiyuandan and other solid medicines of Guben Peiyuan can be seen everywhere here.

It is worthy of Penglai Fairyland. No wonder the people who walked out from here are far stronger than the warriors in the inner world.

The warrior or sect of the inner world, if you want to get these things, you must redeem them from the Tianhua Palace, or buy them from a mysterious chamber of commerce such as Yubaozhai. Not only is the process complicated, the options are few, but the price is several times that of Penglai Wonderland, or even ten. Many times ...

"The backward places really only get more and more backward."

Mo Wen shook his head with some exclamation. The warrior outside was indeed incomparable with the warrior in Penglai Wonderland. The inner armor that he had seen in the Dragon City was placed in Penglai Wonderland. Can get it done.

Of course, at this moment, for the current Mo Wen, the inner armor of the black weapon has no much value. His own body of the sky is the strongest armor, and the inner armor of the ordinary black weapon cannot compare with it. .

Just when Mo Wen was hanging around aimlessly, a woman in a palace dress came and walked to Mo Wen to salute a little and said with a smile: "Presumably your Excellency is the hot young predecessor in Li'an City, concubine. Yulan is the owner of Yubaozhai here. "

The woman behaved decently, smiled beautifully, and had a friendly temperament, but she was neither humble nor decent in her words and deeds. It seemed that she did n’t have much awe for the young man of Yuanshen Realm. .

Junior senior? Don't ask Wan Er, the practitioners of the spiritual world are always the teachers, the strong are the most respected, and the people who cultivate higher than a big realm are the predecessors, in order to show respect and awe to the high realm. Moreover, Mo Wen seems to be a teenager on the surface, but the practice of cultivating beauty has always been popular in the practice world. No matter what the true age is, no one can say anything about it unless the bone age is checked on the spot.

"No wonder people who do business are the most" sighted "people, I don't know how the owner of Yulan recognizes me?" Mo asked, looking at this woman slightly unexpectedly, this woman is outstanding in appearance, dignified and dignified. Not bad, that is the realm of Wuzong.

However, the ordinary Wu Zong can't see his appearance in the battle of the previous days, let alone her, the ordinary extreme warrior can't do it. After all, it was too far away at the time, and his power hindered the sight of others. Without the consciousness that only the monk of Yuanshen Realm had, it would be almost impossible to see him clearly from a distance.

"Seniors are sober, unique, and their temperament is different from ordinary people. At first glance, they are extraordinary masters, and naturally they can be recognized at a glance." Yu Lan said with a smile.

"The owner of Magnolia really laughs."

This Yulan is obviously not ready to tell the truth, but it doesn't matter, Mo asked didn't mean to break the casserole and ask.

"Jubaozhai in Li'an City is just a branch in a small place. I'm afraid that the contents in it will not be able to enter the eyes of the senior. If the senior is interested, you can go to the sixth floor to see. Chongbao we do not have here, but there may be some gadgets Somewhat useful. "

Yu Lan said with a smile, businessmen, the most important thing is to do business. The reason why she came forward to find this boy was naturally because of his purchasing power. Any monk in Yuanshen Realm would not be cheap.

"I'm a rumored evil door spreading in the city. When you are doing my business, are you not afraid of getting into trouble?" Mo asked playfully.

Yulan smiled calmly: "Where is the senior, according to Yulan's eyes, the senior does not look like an evil Taoist, and those vulgar people like to pass on falsehood. Moreover, even if the senior is an evil Taoist, as long as it is a business, we at Yubaozhai , There is no business that we dare not do in Yubaozhai. "

Mo Wenwen was shocked in his heart. This royal treasure is really not simple. The business with evil ways dare to do it. It seems that there is no scruples about Tianhua Palace. Is there any mysterious power behind it? There is an arrogant arrogance in Yulan's words, and this arrogance just shows the special and status of Yubaozhai.

"Then go up and see."

Mo asked quite interested. The sixth floor of Jubaozhai is the place where the most valuable goods are placed. The name of Yubaozhai is so big that the contents inside should not be bad.

On the sixth floor, as Yu Lan said, there are indeed a lot of treasures in it, and even many treasures are very attractive to the monks of Yuanshen Realm. For example, the elixir that can increase the cultivation of the Yuanshen Realm monk, such as the magic circle that can siege and kill the Yuanshen Realm monk, such as the magic rune equivalent to the strength of the Yuanshen Realm monk ’s blow ...

However, for Mo Wen, these things are not very attractive to him. He never lacks the Elixir. As for the magic weapon plate, this kind of thing is suitable for guarding the spot, or protecting the Zongmen stronghold, normal The monks fight, almost useless. Unless it is the mysterious ancient array, but what kind of things will be sold in a small shop.

As for the ordinary mystery, he naturally does not look down on him. He has such spiritual treasures as the sky snake **** spear. The ordinary mystery is not very useful to him, unless it is a very special kind, and the grade is close to Lingbao's treasure.

It's a magical symbol. It can instantly burst out the power of a monk of Yuanshen Realm, but it is a good product for lifesaving and contingency. But most of the charms here are Yipin charms ~ ~ It is not as powerful as he is now, and the number is limited, and it is hardly useful.

There are nine grades of spirit symbols. The first four grades are the powers of the level of Yuanshen Realm, which correspond to the early stage of Yuanshen, the middle stage of Yuanshen, the later stage of Yuanshen, and the perfection with Yuanshen. The last five grades correspond to the power of the fight to transit. The five-character amulet is equivalent to the power of a strong blow in the early stages of the battle. However, there are not many five-character amulet in the whole Penglai fairyland.

In the Jubaozhai of Li'an City, there is only a first-level spirit charm, not even a second-level charm. For Mo Wen, it is also optional.

"Senior, I still have a few treasures that I have stored here. I don't want to show them outside. I don't know if you are interested in seeing them."

Yulan has been the shopkeeper for so many years, and naturally he can see at a glance that Mo Wen is not interested in the treasures on the sixth floor, and said with a smile. Encountered by the power of Yuanshen Realm, she was also very helpless. It is not that Yubaozhai has a fake name, but that Yubaozhai here generally only entertains buyers at the level below Yuanshen Realm. After all, for Yubaozhai, a small country like Xiping is like a grain of sand in the desert. It is too insignificant, and good things are almost impossible to ship here. The entire Xiping Kingdom, Yubaozhai suitable for the patronage of Yuanshen Realm, is the only branch of Xiping Kingdom. (To be continued.)

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