Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 971: Demon Guard Road

readx (); Anyway, a monk who can meet a meta-realm is a big customer for her. How can the other party buy things in her shop and turn it into a real performance? the most important thing.

"Oh, there are still treasures collected, then look at it." Mo asked nodded, anyway, nothing happened.

Soon, Yulan took out several jade square boxes from the chamber and placed them in front of Mo Wen.

"Senior, the things in these boxes are the most valuable items in the shop. If you still can't look down, then Yulan can only watch your big customer slip away."

Yulan said half-jokingly. Said to open the first jade box, which placed five crystal beads.

"Inheritance Pearl?"

Mo Wen raised his eyebrows. He still knew a little about this inheritance bead, but it was quite valuable.

Inheritance beads, as the name implies, are used for inheritance, and can record some things passed on to others, such as magical mysteries, array spells, alchemy methods, alchemy methods ... etc. Can be passed on in this way.

The characteristic of this inheritance bead is that it can be accepted in a more comprehensive and profound way. For example, some advanced formations are too esoteric. Ordinary explanations can hardly be explained in one word. Even if you teach by hand, you ca n’t teach them. The heritage of writing books is like a book of heaven.

Inheritance beads can record a magical cultivation process, operation mode, and way of perception. Even the smallest energy fluctuations can be clearly recorded in it. With the help of inheritance beads, it is useful for cultivators to master this secret method.

"May I take a look at it?"

The five inheritance beads in front of him aroused great interest in Mo Wen. The ordinary martial arts secrets are not qualified to be recorded in the inheritance beads. What can be recorded in the inheritance beads is at least at the level of Yuanshen Realm. Supernatural powers.

Although compared to Yuan Shen Zhu, the inheritance beads are far away, and they are not as perfect as Yuan Shen Zhu. However, the appearance of each inheritance bead is also quite difficult, only familiar with this magical power or mystery, and to the point where the fire is perfect. In order to record his learning in the inheritance beads.

An ordinary Yuanshen Realm monk can make Yuanshenzhu, but that is the price of life. But an ordinary Yuanshen Realm monk can never make the same level of inheritance beads. The inheritance beads that are usually suitable for the cultivation of Yuanshen Realm monks can only be made by those who have great Yuanshen Realm completeness and extremely profound attainments, and even some only monks who fight for the transit.

Therefore, inheritance beads are for monks. It is definitely a very precious item. Mo Wen did not think that there are actually five heritage beads in this royal treasure.

"Seniors look at it casually, each inheritance bead has a ban on it, and only get the key to get all the contents inside."

Yulan smiled and said that one inheritance bead can only be used once, and it is completely scrapped after being used, which is only the reason why the inheritance bead is precious. And she was not worried that Mo Wen forcibly obtained the contents, because once the strong heritage beads were used, they would self-destruct, and the key was in her hands, and the key could not be obtained. No one wants to get the inheritance of inheritance beads.

"Three inferior ranks are inferior to supernatural powers, one alchemy secret, and thirty-two formations."

Mo Wen released his consciousness and scanned it, and then he knew the general content of it. The three-level inferior supernatural powers are just the most common supernatural powers. They are at the same level as his ice field and giant flames, and they are not attractive to him now.

The magical power of the Taoist stage is a transitional period of the magical power of the Taoist. It is suitable for the cultivation of the monks of Yuanshen Realm as the first step of entering the room. It is just the beginning of the most seeking heavenly path, and the magical power at this level cannot be called the path.

On top of the supernatural powers of the Taoist class, is the supernatural powers of the Tao. To be precise, the magical power of the Tao is the real magical power.

The magical power of the Tao is divided into three levels: the trail, the middle route and the avenue.

Mo Yin's Yinyang and Qiankun's big move is a supernatural power, and it is not outstanding in the supernatural power. Because the Taoist supernatural power is divided into seven grades, the gap between each grade is quite large.

"But there are seniors satisfied?" Yu Lan smiled. These five inheritance beads can be said to be the treasure in her shop. Ordinary Yuanshen Realm monks may not be able to afford it.

The so-called Yiduo is not crushed, and no one will despise the many magical powers he has mastered. Inheritance beads like magical powers are the most popular commodities and are loved by the powerful people of Yuanshenjing. As for the alchemy, alchemy, formation method ... these are cheaper, but they are also popular products.

As the owner of Yubaozhai, she is not afraid that the treasures here cannot be dismissed, only that he cannot afford it. This is the pride of Mibaozhai, even if she manages at least one very small branch.

"I'm a little bit interested in the thirty-two articles of this formation method, I don't know the price?" Mo asked.

Those three supernatural powers are infatuated with him. How can he be able to see the secret alchemy he has inherited from Ji Wuya. On the contrary, it is the art of formation, and he has always had little knowledge. From Ji Wuya's inheritance, he has a general understanding of the formation, but Ji Wuya is not good at formation, the ordinary formation can be arranged, but a little deeper will be stretched.

Thirty-two articles of this formation are not too deep and mysterious, but you are down to earth. The first article will start from the most basic part and go deeper step by step. It is most suitable for him. Bucket of water monk.

Mo asked to know that in Xianxie Realm, it is necessary to understand the formation method. It is not to say that you must become a master of formation. It is the result of talent and hard work. Mo Wen does not think he can do that step. However, there are always some ordinary levels. Later, if you fall into someone's formation, it will not be a mess.

"Thirty-two formations are written by a famous predecessor. The mystery of formation is not very deep, but it points directly to the essence of formation, but it is the most basic and practical thing ... If seniors are interested in this, I will give you a fair price, 150,000 spirit stones. "

Yulan was a little surprised. The youngster was not interested in the three magical secrets, but was interested in the formation method. However, these thirty-two esoteric spells are indeed extraordinary, from the hands of an expert. It's just that the inheritance bead made by the master is quite simple and basic in his life, and some advanced formations have not been passed down, otherwise this thing will not fall into her hands.

150,000 spirit stones! Putting it in Penglai Wonderland is enough to buy an ordinary Chinese-grade mysterious tool. But those thirty-two articles are inherited pearl records, and this price is reasonable. Generally speaking, as long as the inheritance beads, there is no cheap.

This is why. Ordinary people can only buy books or jade jade to learn, but that kind of learning method generally can not learn the essence, it is difficult to achieve great success.

Mo Wen now has no shortage of spirit stones. He earned more than 3 million in Dragon City, and he is considered a small asset in his hand.

"Senior, I still have a few treasures here. Look again."

Mo asked to pay the bill happily, and hundreds of thousands of spirit stones did not blink. Yu Lan's smile suddenly became brighter and brighter, and he was indeed a big gold master. She is now thinking about the Mo Jing card in Mo Wen's hand, which is the standard of local tyrants.

Among the card types released by Tianhua Palace, there are aquamarine cards and fire crystal cards, and there are also amethyst cards and the highest level gold crystal cards.

The aquamarine card is used by people with a stored value of less than one million spirit stones, while the fire crystal card is used by people with a stored value of more than one million spirit stones. As for the more advanced amethyst cards, only those with a stored value of more than 50 million spirit stones can use them.

The general Yuanshenjing monks are basically blue crystal cards, and there are very few people who have fire crystal cards.

unfortunately. In the remaining few jade boxes, there was nothing to ask about.


Walking out of Yubaozhai, Mo Wen was preparing to return to the inn, and the whole sky suddenly darkened, and then an amazing consciousness swept across, like a plowed field covering the entire city of Li'an.


Mo Wen raised his eyebrows, and he found that the strong consciousness finally locked on him, apparently coming towards him.

"You just don't ask."

Three figures appeared in Mo Wen's eyes. The void paced, the last moment was still far away, and the next moment appeared in front of him.

Among the three, one is middle-aged. Both old men exuded amazing coercion on their bodies, and all were actually monks in Yuanshen Realm.

Especially the middle-aged man headed, the breath of his body is unfathomable, that terrible consciousness should also belong to this person.

After Mo Wenxiu became Yuanshen, his consciousness was much stronger than that of ordinary monks in the early Yuanshen Realm. Because he cultivated hundreds of millions of supernatural beings, this supernatural power was not only an ancient supernatural power, but also a special supernatural power.

Cultivating to high depths, it is said that Yuanshen is comparable to the flesh, and even stronger than the flesh. At that time, you can even abandon the flesh and exist in the way of the primordial spirit, and it is difficult to kill, almost immortal.

In ancient times, some people used this magical power to cultivate Yuanshen to an incredible state. With the power of Yuanshen, it was possible to defeat the general monks of Dadao Realm, and even the strongest of Heavenly Dao was difficult to kill.

However, Mo Wen's cultivation is too shallow now, and the gods are divided into six heavens with hundreds of millions of weights. He didn't even cultivate into the first heaven.

"Who are you?" Mo asked, looking at the three of them lightly, a few people in front of him, and it seemed that some of them were bad.

"I am the blood master of the Hall of Blood Evil." Blood Chu stood in the sky and looked down at Mo Wen from a condescending level. His look was indifferent. It seemed that Mo Wen was just a trivial ant in his eyes.

"Blood Palace! This is the case."

Don't ask to bow your head and think for a moment ~ ~ Suddenly bright, is the sect gate behind the ruthless son not the Hall of Blood Evil? Unexpectedly encountered so soon.

"Aren't you picking things up? I and you are in a blood-scarring palace, but there is no deep hatred, don't you need to be so inspiring?"

Mo asked faintly that the grievance between him and the ruthless son was only a private grievance. He really didn't think about dealing with the sect of the Temple of Blood Evil because of this. However, in the current situation, this Xuesha Palace is clearly directed at him, and even the owner of the hall has personally left.

"You naturally have no enmity with our Blood Fiend Palace, but you are a wicked way. Our Blood Fiend Palace maintains the Tianhua Palace and is loyal, but it comes from the Demon Guard." An old man beside Xueru smiled coldly, As for the Blood Rud himself, he held his arms coldly without saying a word.

"Demon demon Dao, a good excuse!" Mo asked and smiled. He always doesn't commit me, I don't commit anybody. Right now, others want to live with him.

The power of the three elemental **** realms in the Blood Fiend Palace came to Li'an City, with great fanfare, unabashedly, and immediately shocked the people of Li'an City. Zhang Huishan, who was still watching the changes in Li'an City, immediately flew out. Li'an City was the site of the Xiping Kingdom. The power of the three Yuanshen Realm was here, so he naturally had to entertain himself. (To be continued.)

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