Lei Tianwang watched and watched the first Xiaomi 1 smartphone sold.

Saw the second Xiaomi 1 smartphone sold!

Saw the third Xiaomi 1 smartphone sold!


Saw the 100th Xiaomi 1 smartphone sold! ! !

Saw the thousandth Xiaomi 1 smartphone sold! ! !


Thunder King is excited! ! !

The whole person was cheered up.

Because the background data shows that it only took half an hour to sell a thousand Xiaomi 1 smartphones! ! !

Within half an hour, a thousand Xiaomi 1 smartphones were sold, so the final sales of this Xiaomi 1 smartphone should not be bad! ! !

It's definitely not bad!

Lei Tian Wang continued to look forward to it.


Next, the sales of Xiaomi 1 smartphones slowed down.

All morning, that is, until 12 o'clock at noon, only two thousand Xiaomi 1 smartphones were sold in total.

However, this data is also pretty good.

It's pretty good.

After all, the Xiaomi 1 smartphone did not hold an external press conference at all, and even just made some small advertisements, and it has such data. It is very good. Compared with most domestic smartphones, it is too good. Too much! ! !


Lei Tianwang continued to pay attention. On the first day of June 1, the sales of Xiaomi 1 smartphones reached 3000 units!

On June 2, the single-day sales of Xiaomi 1 smartphones also remained at around 3,000 units.

Every day thereafter, the sales volume of this Xiaomi 1 smartphone in a single day was around two to three thousand, so that this Xiaomi 1 smartphone took about 20 days to stock up to the 50,000 units. All Xiaomi 1 smartphones are sold out! ! !

It is equivalent to that in the first month of the release of the Xiaomi 1 smartphone, that is, in June, sales reached 50,000 units! ! !

50,000 units!

This sales made Lei Tian Wang ecstatic!

Although it cannot be compared with the mobile phone companies that have become representatives of Daxiaguo mobile phones, such as Huaxing, Gaogao, Huaxing, etc., it is definitely the best among domestic mobile phones.

It can be said,

With sales of 50,000 units a month, looking at the entire Daxia country, in addition to Huaxing, Huaxing, Petals, Ginger, and Charm, the first-echelon smartphone company, the Xiaomi 1 smartphone released by Xiaomi has become The leader in the second echelon! ! !

With this very satisfactory report card, Lei Tian Wang found Chen Ye.

To Chen Ye, hand over this glorious achievement! ! !

"Mr. Chen, are you satisfied with the sales of Xiaomi 1 smartphone?"

King Lei Tian took some pride, some self-belief.

"Very satisfied." Chen Ye also smiled.

I am really satisfied with the sales of this Xiaomi 1 smartphone. Regardless of only 50,000 units, looking at the entire country of Xia, this type of sales can be achieved without a press conference, especially if there is not much innovation. It can be said to be good.

Lei Tianwang smiled and became proud of the spring breeze.

"Then, Mr. Chen, please help urge the foundries to make them make 100,000 Xiaomi 1 smartphones next month. I am very confident that the sales of this Xiaomi 1 smartphone in July, It can reach 100,000 units!!!"

Thunder King is full of confidence.

This request was made to Chen Ye.

In fact, the foundry of their Xiaomi Company is temporarily linked to Huaxing Company. This is an important means for them to reduce the composition. Of course, it is also a task that Huaxing needs to complete after taking a share.

And Chen Ye...

With a faint smile: "100,000 units? Haha, Lei Tianwang, I think your estimate of the sales of this Xiaomi 1 smartphone is very inaccurate."


King Thunder frowned slightly.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, I know that I am far inferior to you in terms of smartphones, but I, Lei Tianwang, have been in this circle for a long time. I have some vision of business judgment."

"I personally think that this Xiaomi 1 smartphone will have a very good reputation when it is sold, but now consumers are getting smarter and value the word-of-mouth effect."

"So, I think that in the second month, that is, in July, its sales reached 100,000 units, which is not a particularly difficult thing."

Chen Ye laughed loudly and said: "Lei Tian Wang, I didn't say that Xiao Mi 1 smart phone sold less than 100,000 units."

"Ao? What do you mean, President Chen?" Lei Tianwang asked in confusion.

"What I mean is very simple. In the second month, I have already discussed with the foundry to stock the Xiaomi 1 smartphone..."

"One million units!!!"

"1 million units?" Lei Tianwang was stunned!

The meaning of these 1 million units is...

Chen Ye believes that the second month is July, this Xiaomi 1 smartphone can sell 1 million units?

This f*ck is too exaggerated!

If the Xiaomi 1 smartphone can sell for 1 million in the second month, then the sales of the Xiaomi 1 smartphone will be enough to squeeze into the first echelon of the entire Daxia country! ! !

Chen Ye, are so optimistic about Xiaomi?

"Mr. Chen, is it too much?"

"Too much? I'm afraid it is not enough." Chen Ye said: "If it weren't for Xiaomi, we had to create an image of a start-up company with insufficient cash flow. I would even dare to stock up to 5 million units!"

5 million units! ! !

Chen Ye burst out another shocking data!

The shocked Lei Tian (well) Wang Wai Jiao Lin Nen.

They Xiaomi, can sell 5 million units a month?

Are you kidding me?

Had it not been for Lei Tianwang, Chen Ye was a very pragmatic person, and even wanted to slap Chen Ye.

Stop joking, okay?

Xiaomi 1 smartphone, 5 million units a month!

How big is this brain hole?


During this period of time, as many mobile phone enthusiasts bought the Xiaomi 1 smartphone and got the goods, the word-of-mouth of the Xiaomi 1 smartphone suddenly exploded after a period of fermentation!

In special mobile forums, on Zhalang Weibo, Mojing’s circle of friends, and even in the Penguin instant messaging chat group... countless voices are discussing this Xiaomi 1 smartphone! ! !

Moreover, the wind reviews are very good! ! !


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