Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 622: I want to run away

Uh ~

The blades of space across the surface of Ye Fan's body can't stop it.

"Space is distorted! How could you have mastered it so fast!"

Bai Man was shocked.

The blade of space seems to pass across Ye Fan's body surface, but in fact it has made a very small bend in the void, which can only be achieved by space distortion.

What it doesn't know is that in the dozens of times when he was hacked, Ye Fan was already studying the use of this space power.

Ye Fanru, the same phantom, flashed in front of Bai Mang and grabbed it lightly.

"Huh! Do you think this seat is so easy to yield?"

Bai Mang snorted, and Ge Ran blew aside and fled.

However, as soon as the light burst, it slammed against a transparent wall.

"Space barriers!"

Bai Mang slammed "forcing" on the spot and immediately fled in other directions, but was banged back.

Around, it turned out to be like a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Break me!" Bai Mang blasted up with a space power, and the barrier collapsed instantly.

But the next moment, it coagulated again.


Ye Fan: "Want to escape? It doesn't exist!"

He plunged into Bai Mang with one hand, and drew it into his mouth fiercely.

I wiped ~ Bai Mang was desperate on the spot, and the avatar of the divine king of the space was swallowed up.


Along the veins, several white lights rushed into the realm of God. That group of magical powers went up a bit.

"Space power, another power!"

Ye Fan's emptiness was empty, his eyes were deep and unpredictable, and his ambition was huge again. Divine power, the power of laws, is a new and stronger system of power.

Three great powers: flame, space, universe.

Had he been in control, wouldn't he have achieved better than the great emperor in the mouth of Xiao Bailong?

Supreme God!

But having said that, the last time I met Feng Yu Yao Ji, the flames on this woman were extremely unique.

And at that time, his life was a little shocked, but he didn't take it seriously.

It now seems that this woman must also have the breath of divine power, which is likely to be the fire divine power.

After thinking about it, he blasted away.

However, there seemed to be no shadow of the two golden **** in that passage.


Thousands of tentacles have receded on the ground.

Those strong men were completely unknown.

Bang ~

Two golden **** burst out of a cave, "shot", and burst into the air, turning them into pieces of gold armor and pasting them.

Feng Yu demon Ji calmed down and stared fiercely at Xiao Bailong, angrily: "Are you knocking the Lord of the House?"

Little Bailong had been seriously injured for a long time, and he swayed twice, and the bang fell down.

Feng Yu froze, Shen "groaned" for a moment, or drew down.

After all, the boy saved her twice, one time to cancel the grievances in the front, and the other time, just to leave this little white dragon for life!

However, when she got close to Xiao Bailong, she found that the goods were no longer available, and the fairy Luo Luo was weak.

"The veins are broken, Dan's vitality can't be delivered, and the gods can't save you!"

Little Bailong heard this, his heart sank, and he stared blankly into the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hmm! I didn't expect that the Fengyu demon girl in the magnificent Fengyu Pavilion would also work with such people."

"But just right, I killed you in this wild purgatory, I am afraid that kid will have a long heartache!"

With a sneer, Su Yulong quietly surrounded them with two masters of the level of transformation.

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