Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System

Chapter 623: Offend me, just don't leave

Feng Yu Yaoji's face was "sulky", and there was nowhere to vent her anger.

The kid fell into that horror space, I'm afraid he's dead.

"Touching" her **** is just fine, just because she is in a bad mood, these people still hit the gun.

Su Yulong thought that Feng Yu Yao Ji had a great relationship with Ye Fan.

After all, before he blew himself up, he used all his life-saving armor on this woman.

No matter why the boy blew himself up, he didn't die. As long as the woman was under control, he would have a chance to get the Xuantian star map.

After all, he has gone to the realm of deified gods. Some evil strong men can even refine the existence of avatars.

Perhaps the last time he blew himself up was just a copy of that kid.

Feng Yu demon Ji sneered and said, "I'm afraid your abacus is wrong. I have nothing to do with Ye Fan!"

"Besides, you offended me today and don't even think about going out!"


She stepped out on one foot, and the squares of a hundred squares rose suddenly out of nowhere and surrounded the three at the same time.

Caught in the realm of the gods, as if all of his strength was suppressed. In this way, even if they are three deities, they can only exert half of their power.

Su Yulong's face "colored" changed slightly, and Leng Hu said, "I have three people waiting. How can you overcome?"

Feng Yu demon Ji's mouth twitched slightly and said, "You are afraid you don't know, the owner of the cabinet has never been afraid of crowds."

In the face of this level of evil, Su Yulong shot the biggest killing move, raising his hand and throwing up the sky.

The surface of the Tongtian pestle was as dark as ink, and it widened by hundreds of meters in a blink, stabbing at Fengyu Demon Ji severely.

Demon Ji's eyes were cold, and he rose into the sky with one hand.

Om ~ in the void, a flame giant flashed out, and for a while resisted the whereabouts of Tongtian pestle.

On the other hand, the existence of the two deified levels is also a quick shot.

One person held a green "color" gong and knocked it fiercely.

Alas, a layer of blue "color" phantom light "swayed" from the gong, and rushed towards the Fengyu demon Ji.

The other is good at some strange body method, Ge Ran transformed into dozens of phantoms and killed the past at the same time.

In the void, Daoguangquan flashed out and blasted towards her.

Changing the divine realm to one enemy and three is impossible unless there is a great magical power.

As it happens, Feng Yu Yao Ji is a powerful demon evil.

"A group of ants dared to arrogantly stand in front of the owner of the cabinet, so they are not qualified!"

Feng Yu demon Ji Jiao sang, Ge Ran opened his mouth and sprayed two blue "color" round plants, and bounced in the direction of those two people.

When numerous attacks struck, her Cambrian Warframe took the initiative to protect her master, approaching tens of thousands of Linjias and spinning at high speed outside Zhang Xukai.

Formed a "touch" impervious golden ball.

Bang bang bang ~

The numerous attacks landed on it, and they "swayed" from the ripples of gold.

Only the blue "color" phantom of the gong rushed in, and heavy bombarded on the demon Ji, the body couldn't help it.

Uh ~

Two green beads burst out and "shot", and the strong man holding the gong felt the amazing energy inside, and was immediately shocked.

He quickly threw the gong and turned into a blue "color" iron shield in front of him.

The other person had no such good luck. He bullied him and ran into Qingzhu for a while.

Bang ~

Qing Zhu burst into pieces, a hot red "color" flame instantly engulfed him, and the layers of illusion on the body's surface disappeared.

The same is true on the other side. Qingzhu Geran exploded on the surface of the gong, and the flames of the sky swallowed the gong instantly.

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