Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1046: Super two-stage mecha

Chapter 1046

"It's done."

Qi Xiaosheng was overjoyed and felt that the second power source was formed in the first aircraft.

The power source appeared in the head, but it was not energy in the conventional sense, but a kind of mental power, which could not be detected by the detector of the first unit's system to check energy.

Of course, the first machine is only the most primitive mecha, and the detectors carried by high-end mechas will be more powerful, and they will definitely be able to detect the power of the soul.

However, the No.1 machine is the most basic mecha, and it cannot be detected, which just proves the scarcity of the power of the soul in this world.

"This is just that the mecha has been updated, and the mecha system must also be updated to adapt to the power of the soul.

In addition, there is the battle method of the power of the soul.

The combat methods of the mecha here are all inspired by the true essence, which cannot adapt to the power of the original spirit, and requires a new martial arts. "

Qi Xiaosheng muttered to himself.

Of course, all this is not difficult for him.

After transforming the Primordial God Furnace, the foundation has been laid, and the rest is injected into the system. He can quickly remodel it to adapt to the power of the Primordial God’s martial arts, and he can completely adapt the Primordial God attack of the world of cultivation. .

"However, this is only the most basic Yuanshen furnace, and it is natural to install it on the first machine.

However, if it were installed on a mecha like the Crimson Mechanic God, it would be too bad, and it would not be able to improve combat effectiveness.

I also need to upgrade the soul furnace to make him stronger.

However, this requires more perfect materials. "

Qi Xiaosheng planned.

Of course, all this takes time.

Let alone the subsequent transformation and upgrading of the Yuanshen power furnace, just finding suitable materials requires a lot of time to test.

In this regard, Qi Xiaosheng is not in a hurry.

With ideas, he can return to the original timeline and experiment slowly.

"Now, let's transform Tang 1 first."

A smile appeared on Qi Xiaosheng's face.

"The transformation of Tang 1 is also to prove my ability to Tianhaohao.

This kind of technology will definitely alarm Tianhao Hao and other forces. At that time, using this method to exchange their high-end technology and bring it back, this is the truth. "

Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed with light, which was also one of his goals.

Of course, this is also this era, and patent protection is very strict to ensure that after talents innovate technology, they will not be robbed of technology by clever.

This is one of them. In addition, Qi Xiaosheng's own strength is also very strong, and at the worst, he can return to the future time and space.

During this period of time, he seems to have been living at two points and one line in the library and warehouse 88. In fact, he has quietly released the spore clone, sneaked into the bottom of Zhaoyue Lake, and quietly buried a teleportation disk. .

Once in danger, he can directly teleport to Zhaoyue Lake and return to the era 50,000 years later.

Even if these two points failed, he still has the ability to be reborn from a drop of blood.

He was not afraid of all these kinds of things, and he could show his abilities, and exchange skills with Tianhao after waiting.

Thinking of this, he began to study Tang 1 armor.

Compared with the No. 1 machine, the Tang 1 armor is much stronger, but it is a super-1 armor.

The more powerful the mecha, the more difficult it is to transform it.

Because a powerful mecha requires perfection, it also makes full use of the space of the mecha, and tries to make use of every space without wasting space.

Relatively speaking, the first machine is much simpler. Except for the outer Dantian which can enhance the strength of the warrior, the mecha itself has a strong defense force and can be hung on external weapons. There is a big gap in other places and can be used.

Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng easily remodeled the head of the first machine without worrying about affecting other performance.

However, Tang 1 Mecha is not working.

In order to perfect Tang Yao, in order to improve Tang 1's performance as much as possible, a lot of precious metals were injected into the head, and a large number of formations were designed to improve the functions of the mecha.

These arrays are just like the same power amplifier, and they are linked together. It is not a simple removal of the head design.

"It is necessary to redesign the overall formation, and then inject the Yuanshen furnace into it, and merge it with the new formation.

In addition, the Yuanshen furnace requires special metal, which requires the material of the head to be replaced, which will affect the formation. "

Qi Xiaosheng considered it carefully.

The design is intertwined, moving the whole body in one move.

Therefore, if Qi Xiaosheng revises one place, he needs to revise all of them. What's more, the place he revises is still an extremely important foundation, adding a soul power furnace.

Qi Xiaosheng's daily and nightly revisions have finally perfected the Tang 1 mech, and also created a matching primordial spirit cultivation method and mecha combat skills.

"Dawn Basic View Ideas", D-level martial arts, special cultivation method for the soul, no talent, spiritual roots and other restrictions. When practicing, visualize the mirror image of the rising sun, absorb the air of the dawn, and the sun rises every day The best practice before and after.

"Yuanwu Combat Skills", D-class martial arts, the combination of Cultivation Yuanshen and martial arts techniques, when attacking, can be accompanied by dual attacks of Yuanshen and True Yuan.

"Tian Yuan Guan Thoughts", A. level martial arts, the first light of visualization, without spiritual root restrictions, requires a strong talent for cultivation, poor talent, difficult to get started, and danger of mental breakdown.

"Essence Art" contains secret methods such as the Essence of the Void, the Essence of the Essence, the Essence of the Essence, and the S-level Essence of the Attack.

In a short period of time, Qi Xiaosheng created four exercises.

Among them, "Dawn Basic View Ideas" and "Yuanwu Combat Skills" are naturally basic techniques that can be popularized. This should be very important to Tianhao who opened the academy. At the same time, it should also be extremely important to the Xuanwu Empire. To the military's mech regiment.

"Tian Yuan Guan Thought" and "Yuan Shen Shu", these two martial arts are very high-end, suitable for genius cultivation, this is for Tian Hao use.

Initiating the four exercises, Qi Xiaosheng just raised his hands and completed it within an After all, these four exercises are completely **** to him, and he has many more things. Good exercises.

Instead, it was changed to Tang 1, which took a lot of time.

In the end, Qi Xiaosheng took seven days and finally finished.

He opened the terminal and contacted Tang Yao.


There was a flash of light on the terminal, and Tang Yao's virtual image appeared. He was now lying on the desk, immersed in the design.

Tang Yao saw deep sunken eye sockets, fluffy hair and dull yellow skin. I didn't know that after a few days and nights without sleep, she would become like this.

Her time is getting closer and closer, but she still has no eye on her right now.

Tang Yao's teacher has already begun to urge her to ask her not to be unrealistic, just take the current Tang 1 mecha design and directly produce mechas.

This made her extremely anxious, and hadn't slept for more than ten days, far exceeding the limit of King Wu.

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