Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1047: Tang Yao with no image

Chapter 1047

Tang Yao raised her head, looking at Qi Xiaosheng with bloodshot eyes.

"How? Are you thinking again?"

Tang Yao raised her head and asked, but she had no hope anymore.

She thought that she was a little ridiculous before, and she actually pinned her hopes on someone who had just come into contact with mecha design.

Even if this person has terrible talent, it should not be possible to design a super 2-stage mecha.

"I was really ill and went to the doctor."

Tang Yao thought bitterly.

"Well, it's designed."

Qi Xiaoshengdao.

"Yeah. I know, don't worry too much. I know the difficulty of designing a super 2-stage mecha. This is not something we can design.

I'm already ready to give up, so I just used the current Tang 1 design drawings to make mechas, and the super-1 mechas are also very good. "

Tang Yao lowered her head and muttered to herself, seeming to be talking to Xiaosheng, but in fact, she was comforting herself.

But the next moment, she lifted up suddenly.

"What did you just say?" Tang Yao felt that she had heard it wrong.

Yes, I must have heard it wrong. I haven't rested for ten days, and all have auditory hallucinations. Tang Yao wisely analyzed.

"I said, I have designed it."

"What do you mean!" Tang Yao opened her eyes and still couldn't believe it.

"You are in a bad state, or you should take a break first, and I will contact you tomorrow." Qi Xiaosheng frowned.

"No." Tang Yao slapped the table with a slap, only to hear a loud bang, and the communication following Qi Xiaosheng was cut off.

"Is this girl driven crazy?" Qi Xiaosheng was speechless.

Ding Ding Ding.

Soon, Qi Xiaosheng's terminal rang again, and it was Tang Yao who was applying for a video communication.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I accidentally photographed the terminal just now."

Tang Yao first apologized, and then couldn't wait to ask: "What did you just say? It was designed. If I didn't understand the mistake, I designed the mecha of Tang 2nd stage?"

"Of course, you got rid of what I did, isn't that this?" Qi Xiaosheng said.

"Really, is this true?" Tang Yao felt that she was dreaming.

Before, she had already prepared to give up, but she did not expect Liu Anhuaming to have hope again at this moment.

"Why? Don't believe me?

Then I will pass the design drawing to you now, you can take a closer look. "

Qi Xiaosheng said with a smile.

"Okay, pass it to me." Tang Yao exclaimed excitedly, but the next moment, she said again: "No, I'd better go to you, this kind of technology needs to be discussed in person."

She yelled and rushed out.


From the terminal, Qi Xiaosheng heard the loud noise of hitting the door.

He was a little doubtful whether King Tang Yao Wu's strength would directly knock the door down.

"By the way, where are you now? The library or the dormitory?"

Tang Yao asked.

"I'm at the mecha training ground, warehouse 88, come here directly."

"it is good."

Tang Yao hung up the communication phone and ran all the way.

As a result, in the small courtyard, many people saw an unkempt woman running wild in pink slippers.

"What the hell? I actually saw a crazy woman running over."

"Hey, the school must be too heavy and stressful, and some students have been driven crazy."

"Poor, it's so pathetic."


The students all expressed their regrets looking at the figure of Tang Yao going away.

Tang Yao turned a deaf ear and rushed to the training ground.

"Open the door, I'm going to the training ground."

Tang Yao took out the badge and signaled the instructor to open the door.

"A madman wants to enter the training ground too?" the instructor exclaimed.

"Mad? Teacher, what are you talking about, I'm Tang Yao."

"No." The instructor rushed out, physically blocking the door, stopping Tang Yao, "Tang Yao, is that Tang Yao classmate? I suspect that you are in poor mental state and cannot enter the training ground."

Tang Yao is the head of the advanced class, and his reputation is far-reaching. Of course the instructor at the training ground knows her.

Tang Yao was mad, if it weren't for her failure, she might have knocked her teacher to the ground and broke in.

However, she can only choose to explain.

"Teacher, I'm fine, I'm in good spirits and excited." Tang Yao said excitedly.

"I can see that you are very excited. The teacher suspects that you have taken some medicine. You must not enter the training ground until the examination is completed." The instructor is worried that Tang Yao will enter in this state and will drive the mecha to make trouble.

Tang Yao was anxious and angry, and simply threw out the key to Warehouse 109.

"Teacher, I went in to find someone. You should lock up my warehouse first so that I can't drive the mech. Don't worry." Tang Yao said anxiously.

With the help of the 109 warehouse key, the teacher nodded slightly and said, "In this case, you can."

If Tang Yao didn't pilot the mech, then he wouldn't be able to cause trouble.

"The key is here for you first, I'll get it later."

Tang Yao's voice fell, but people had already gone.

She was very familiar with the training ground and quickly rushed to warehouse 88.

"Student Star Sky, if you have guests visiting, do you let it go?"

When Tang Yao arrived at the door, in warehouse 88, Qi Xiaosheng knew about it.

"It's my guest, let it go."

Qi Xiaosheng's voice fell, and the warehouse door opened ‘squeaky’.

Tang Yao yelled excitedly, and before the warehouse door opened, a donkey rolled in directly under the door.

"Where is the design drawing, where is the design drawing?"

She stood up and yelled to Qi Xiaosheng.


Qi Xiaosheng had already seen Tang Yao's appearance in the video, but at the moment when she saw her coming over, he still underestimated Tang Yao's state.

Tang Yao was unkempt, wearing pajamas. I don't know how many days the pajamas have not been changed. There are some traces of grease. It should be that instant noodles or other things dripped on the clothes.

At the same time, she ran over wearing pink cotton slippers.

"Senior sister, did you come here like this?"

Qi Xiaosheng said in amazement.

"What?" Tang Yao looked down, only to realize that she had come here wearing pajamas and slippers. Moreover, the pajamas and slippers hadn't been changed for ten days, and they had some smell.

This made her face flushed and embarrassed.

"It's The image is gone. I was ready to show myself before and let him chase me.

By the way, I ran all the way just now.

It's over, not only the image in front of the stars is gone, my image in the college is ruined. "

Tang Yao was sluggish for an instant, as if struck by lightning.

"Senior Sister?" Qi Xiaosheng called twice before awakening Tang Yao.

Tang Yao sighed deeply and said in his heart: Since the image is gone, let's break the jar.

Tang Yao had given up on her image, and said, "Where is the design? Show me."

"I have passed it to you, you can open it and view it."

Qi Xiaoshengdao.

"Let me see." Tang Yao quickly opened the terminal, and she saw the file sent by Tang Yao.

After he opened it, there was a brand new mecha design.

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