Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1066: Selection task

Chapter 1066

After Qi Xiaosheng arrived, the team members looked different and their minds changed.

Qi Xiaosheng coughed lightly and said, "There is only one day, let's take a look at the mission goals that the academy has prepared for us."

After he finished speaking, he called up the mission information for this time.

The first line is the main task, to destroy Mithraism, and find the legendary Mithra god, and destroy them together.

Guo Jingtao's introduction is very simple, just said the name, the introduction here is much more detailed.

As Qi Xiaosheng opened the task information, Tang Yao, Hu Miao, and Hu Yan also reduced their emotions and focused only on the task.

They are elites after all, and their primary goal is to complete their tasks.

Mithra Realm is a medium plane that has just advanced.

Before the advancement, Mithraism was the world's largest religion, the only religion, and the only true god.

In addition, there are many small sects in the Mithra world, but they do not pass on beliefs, but some sects that inherit martial arts and inheritance. The true belief is actually the Mithra god.

Mithra is the only true **** in this world.

The small task of Qi Xiaosheng and others is to eliminate the small sects here. These sects are still very stubborn and full of murderous intent on the people of Xuanwu Continent. They even went out to hunt and kill the residents of Xuanwu Continent.

About Mithra, information is limited.

Because the people of the Mithra world will become extremely pious and fanatical when they mention this true god. They proclaim that Mithra is the only true god, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, and has no fixed form, but will follow what the believer thinks. The form appears.

Because everyone in this world is a believer of the **** Mithra, facing foreign enemies, although they dare not resist, they will not say the true god's message.

However, the Legion still found some information about Mithra from some murals and books.

In the ruins of an ancient church of Mithra, the legion discovered some information about Mithra.

There is a huge white snake spreading across the sky in that mural. The fastest updated novels https://

According to ancient records, it was the messenger of Mithra, and some people said it was Mithra's pet or mount.

According to ancient records, a city lord betrayed the **** Mithra, and the messenger of the **** Mithra came and destroyed the city directly, making it a desert of thousands of miles, where nothing could grow for thousands of years.

"Thousands of miles have been turned into a desert, which cannot be recovered for thousands of years. This must use the power of rules. It seems that this messenger of the Mithra God is at least at the martial arts level."

Tang Yao said.

Tang Yao and others had more contact, and would not believe that Mithra's messenger was a true god, only that he was a powerful monster.

"The demon saint level, this Mithra is very strong, and we are only at the Martial Emperor level when using mechas. It seems that to hunt down Mithra's messengers, everyone in our advanced class must be united.

It's no wonder that the Legion stipulated that our main mission failed, and all of us have lost their jobs. This is forcing us to unite, not fighting separately. "

Hu Miao sighed.

"This is only Mithra's messenger, if it is Mithra, it will definitely be stronger.

It seems that our main task this time is difficult.

Regardless of the more than one hundred people in the advanced class, a martial sage is enough to destroy all of us. There is also a mysterious Mithra God, can we really fight? "Hu Yan doubted.

Tang Yao shook her head and said, "Of course it's not just us.

Didn't Major General Guo Jingtao say it before? We investigated the information of Mithra in a complicated way, and finally, with the Legion, all destroyed Mithra.

Therefore, the major general should be the main force. We are only responsible for investigating and responding. Of course, there will certainly be dangers, otherwise our test is too simple. "

"In addition, the **** Mithra hasn't appeared for a long time, maybe he died early. After all, even the **** of war cannot live forever and has a life limit." Hu Miao smiled.

The three of you say a word to me.

"There is too little information about Mithra. There are only two pieces of information at the moment. Then we want to investigate Mithra. One is to go to the golden desert, which is the place where Mithra's envoys have been, and may leave. Some information. choking 繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

The other one, the old church, should also have some clues. We must visit these two places. "Tang Yao said.

"I don't think it is necessary." Qi Xiaosheng said at this time, and the other three looked at Qi Xiaosheng at the same time.

Hu Yan frowned, and instinctively wanted to laugh at him, but he glanced at Tang Yao on the side and held it back.

He couldn't let Tang Yao feel that he had little belly and chicken intestines, so he had to be more generous.

"What do you think?" Hu Yan said with a smile, but his heart was cursing.

"Both places have been searched by the Legion, and any clues should have been found long ago.

Unless you feel that your own ability to collect information is the investigative corps of the powerful empire. "

Qi Xiaosheng said lightly.

The Investigation Corps is a unique army of the empire. It usually sneaks into the investigation before attacking the world. Another part of its function is to investigate the various anomalies and mysteries of the engulfed world when the world is Some powerful existence escaped, causing huge losses in Xuanwu Continent.

Part of this investigative corps is the existence of successful cheating on the written test, and the other part is the veteran corps of the empire.

These people have very strong insights.

Although Tang Yao and others are geniuses, they also know themselves.

"We can't be stronger than them." Tang Yao said.

"That's it. They didn't find any more clues, and we were wasting time when we went.

In addition, other teams may also go there. Let's go too. Isn't it a waste of time and manpower?

You know, the main task is for everyone to complete. If they go, it means we go. "Qi Xiaosheng continued.

"That's true."

The three of Tang Yao couldn't help nodding their heads and agreed.

"Then let's not go here, where are we going to investigate?

There are only these two clues. If you don't go, will you go wandering the whole continent? This is like finding a needle in a haystack. "Hu Miao frowned.

"No, we still have goals.

Since the ancient churches have information about the **** Mithra, let's go to those ancient schools, and maybe we can find some information.

In this way, we can accomplish small tasks while searching for Mithra's information, achieving two goals with one stone.

In addition, if you drop by, this mysterious place in the world should also be visited. "

Qi Xiaosheng suggested.

"Okay, this method is good." Hu Miao slapped his face, looking at Qi Xiaosheng with a look of admiration, and said, "The starry sky is really a genius, and his head is very flexible. I actually thought of so many."

She admired her face, and her face was flushed.

"This seduction is too obvious." Tang Yao cursed secretly in her heart.

Hu Yan's mouth twitched, wondering whether to praise her sister or say she was too fake.

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