Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1067: Selection task two

Chapter 1067

"That's the main task. When doing small tasks, look for clues by the way." Tang Yao decided.

She was the chief and the team organizer and made the final decision.

"Then look at the small task now.

Our goal is those ancient sects, but in this way, our mission may be dangerous. After all, the ancient sects have a profound background, and I am afraid there will be more strong men, formations or treasures. "

Tang Yao was talking.

"Don't worry, I know how to form." Qi Xiaosheng smiled.

"Oh? Do you still know the formation?

By the way, you never forget, it is easy to write down a lot of formation maps. "Tang Yao was surprised at first, then suddenly said.

"It would be great if you still know the formation.

We used to go to experience and encounter some relics, we didn't dare to go in, because we all have formations, and none of us understands formations, so we can only give up.

If you join early, we will definitely not miss those ruins. "Hu Miao said excitedly.

Hu Yan curled his lips on the side and said in his heart: I have rarely encountered relics before.

At the same time, Hu Yan also became nervous. He wanted to be generous, but Xingkong's performance was too good.

With strong learning ability, strong mecha technology, and even an understanding of formations, how can this compare?

At this time, Hu Yan, who had always considered himself a genius, was a little inferior.

"Then let's start to choose, since the starry sky understands the formation, so much the better.

After all, there are very few array mages in the investigation legion, and they can only mark them when they encounter ancient sects protected by arrays, and wait to investigate later.

Now we can go one step ahead of the Legion. "Tang Yao said excitedly.

"Not only that, there must be some treasures in those relics, we get them first, and it is our own according to the rules."

Hu Miao also said.

Except for Hu Yan's complicated mind, Hu Miao and Tang Yao are very excited.

While talking, several people began to look for the target.

Although Mithra is a small world, its area is definitely not small.

They have limited mission time and only have two months to perform small missions. After two months, they must go back to participate in large missions. Therefore, they cannot go deep into the Mithra realm, but they cannot be too close. Because they are too close, there will be other colleges competing .

In the end, they chose some sects in the central area of ​​Mithra.

After delineating the location, the three began to choose martial arts.

The terminal is very high-end and has a very convenient search system.

They also limited the number of years of the sect, which should be more than 2000 years.

All of a sudden, there were only three remaining tasks.

"There are actually only three."

Hu Yan was surprised.

In the Xuanwu Continent, there are many sect forces over 2,000 years old, even in the central region, there are no fewer than hundreds.

"The Mithra Realm has just advanced for no more than ten years. It used to be the low martial arts world. It has been passed down for more than 2,000 years. It has been commendable." Tang Yao said while clicking on the information of three schools.

Bofeng Temple, an ancient temple that has been passed down for two thousand years, reached its peak a thousand years ago. The power even reached the level of Mithra Church, but it suddenly declined. Rumors are that it was hit by Mithraism, but it did not completely perish. Tinder. For thousands of years, it has been tepid.

A hundred years ago, Bofeng Temple re-emerged and re-developed, becoming the first-class school of Mithra, but it was still far from the peak, less than 10% of the peak.

After reading the information of Bofeng Temple, everyone showed their eyes.

"This Bofeng Temple is a very good target. The peak period is very powerful, and it has even received a blow from Mithraism. I should have some information about Mithraism." Tang Yao said.

"According to the information of the Investigation Corps, the strongest Bofeng Temple is the first one in Furukawa. It is a martial emperor. We should be able to win him by driving a mecha." Hu Miao also said.

"Then it is set, Bofeng Temple, is our goal."

While talking, Tang Yao looked at Hu Yan and Qi Xiaosheng.

"Do you have any comments."

"I agree, let's go to Bofeng Temple." Hu Yan said immediately.

"I'm fine." Qi Xiaosheng nodded slightly.

"Then everyone will take a closer look at the information of Bofeng Temple and the map. This Bofeng Temple is just the nearest to us, and we are the first to go." Tang Yao downloaded the information of Bofeng Temple from the military terminal, through the terminal, Sent to the dead man terminal of four people.

"Then look at the next one." Tang Yao manipulated the terminal and looked at the next sect information.

Shenlong Sect is a sect that worships Mithra's messenger. Well, according to the information we have seen before, Mithra's messenger is the legendary flying snake.

The time when the Shenlong Sect was established is unknown, but it is certain that more than two thousand years. According to the information of the investigation corps, the Shenlong Sect was established by a warrior who once paid homage to Mithra's envoys, and has nothing to do with Mithra , But because of the relationship of faith, it has become a branch of Mithraism.

In addition, it is worth noting that most of the followers of Shenlong Sect are In addition, although they believe in Mithra messengers, their main belief is still Mithra, so they have not received Mithraism. Blow.

"Shenlong Sect is closely related to Mithraism. We have to go there, and I believe other students will also go." Tang Yao looked at everyone.

"no problem."

"Even if other people go, we have to go. This sect is a branch of Mithraism and should find information."

Hu Yan and Hu Miao all agreed.

Qi Xiaosheng also nodded slightly without saying much.

"Okay, let's look at his information now."

Tang Yao opened the detailed information of Shenlong Sect.

There is not much information, because Shenlong Sect is a branch of Mithraism and participated in the war against the Basalt Continental Army Corps. Therefore, most of the people including the protagonist of Shenlong Sect died on the battlefield. Two or three small fish and shrimp. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

However, Shenlong taught the Houshan forbidden area to be protected by formations, and the investigation corps could not enter.

This is the opportunity for everyone, it is likely that there is some important information hidden.

Of course, there may also be strong people inside, and there may be dangers that need attention.

Subsequently, the third school also opened.

There is no religion, the sect established more than two thousand years ago. It was once a glorious one. It was one of the super sects in the Mithra world.

The same is true for no religion. It declined during the peak period, and it is also suspected of being suppressed by Mithraism. In fact, today, it still has not recovered its vitality, but has become weaker.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

By now, Wuyi Sect has become an influential school, with only six or seven disciples left.

"There is no teaching, let's go there one last time, but don't hold out too much hope."

Tang Yao said.

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