Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 310: The Death Warriors come out and prepare to fight against the Heavenly Soul

Wu Dao's body was undergoing very astonishing changes, and the purple-black blood in his body was rapidly becoming purer, richer, and more violent.

Wu Dao now felt like he was in a fairyland, his whole body felt so comfortable and his whole body was on fire.

I don't know how long this state lasted before it ended.

Ding... the system prompts; "Ultimate Bloodline" is ready to be merged with "Nine Ultimate Purple Star Battle Body", please host be prepared.

Just after integrating the second stage of the Evil Emperor's blood, before Wu Dao could sense himself carefully, the system's beep sounded immediately.


It said it was asking Wu Dao to prepare, but it didn't let him prepare. There was an ear-splitting roar inside Wu Dao's body. The impact was so overwhelming that Wu Dao couldn't stand it. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale. Like a blank piece of paper.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..." Immediately afterwards, a very terrifying scene happened. A dull thunderous roar erupted from Wu Dao's body in an instant, and it was very violent.

"Puff puff"

Accompanied by the roar, Wudao spurted out mouthfuls of old blood. His body was trembling, and there was no trace of blood on his face, which was almost transparent.

"F*ck!" Wu Dao yelled. His whole body was trembling now. The shocking changes in his body were too terrifying. The two genes of the ultimate bloodline and the nine-pole purple star battle body were colliding violently, and they both wanted to take the initiative. , after merging, let yourself be the leader.


In the end, Wu Dao really couldn't stand it any longer. He fell to the ground and his body was shaking. Even though his body was stronger than his, he couldn't withstand the collision of the two powerful genes. Small cracks appeared in the bones in his body. He just felt that his whole body was... They will all be cut into pieces.

Wu Dao's trembling body lay on the floor, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth to prevent himself from making a sound.

In this state, I don't know how long it lasted, and then it slowly calmed down.

Wu Dao, now covered in sweat, was lying on the ground without any strength, panting heavily, and his chest was rising and falling violently.

This torture is simply not something that humans can bear, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as worse than life.

After the endless pain, there will be new life. Suddenly, a powerful and gentle energy filled every place in Wu Dao's body. The damage caused by the two genes just now disappeared quickly under the baptism of this energy.

Wu Dao sensed it and found that the ultimate bloodline won, because the energy in the Dantian space was still purple and black, but it had changed.

In the ocean-like dantian space, there are purple stars floating one after another. They are rotating slowly, exuding unparalleled aura fluctuations.

The purple-black evil energy is different from the past. It is filled with little purple starlight, and it is mixed with an energy factor, so it becomes more violent and domineering.

Wu Dao can clearly sense that he is several times stronger now than before. As for how much more powerful he is, Wu Dao is not sure.

He stood up and walked into the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, he tidied up and looked at the Dantian space again. He always felt that something was missing, and he couldn't figure out the reason after thinking about it.

"Oh! By the way, Chaos Golden Lotus!" Just as Wu Dao was about to push the door open, he suddenly remembered.

He vaguely remembered that the Chaos Golden Lotus he had placed in the dantian space to nourish it, but now it was nowhere to be found, which surprised him and hurriedly explored every corner of his body.

Finally, he checked every corner of his body and found that there was no Chaos Golden Lotus anywhere else! There wasn't even a hair in sight.

"What happened?" Wu Dao was a little confused now. It was absolutely impossible for it to run away and get out of its body. Even if it didn't notice it, the system would remind it.

So now the question becomes, where did the Chaos Golden Company go?

"System, now it's time for you to show off. Where is the Chaos Golden Lotus in my body?!" Since I can't find it myself, I might as well let the system look for it.

Ding...the system is being scanned...

Ding...uh! That Chaos Golden Lotus seems unusual. It is actually bound to the soul of the host. It is now deep in your soul. Also, the fact that you were able to activate your combat body so frequently just now seems to be due to it.

After a while, the system prompt sound came.

"Bound to my soul?" Wu Dao was surprised when he heard this.

Ding... Yes, this Chaos Golden Lotus seems not that simple, so don't worry about it for now!

Wu Dao asked if there was any threat to him. After hearing the system say there was no threat, he ignored it for the time being and pushed the door open.

At the same time, he was thinking that if Ling Feng did not provoke him, then with this golden lotus and his accumulation in previous lives, he would be brilliant in this life.

It's a pity that Wu Dao was offended.

After a while, Wu Dao descended on a huge and endless square.

In the center of the square stands a nine-story tower covering an area of ​​100 acres.

The giant tower is majestic and majestic, thousands of feet high, with a purple-black color all over its body, and a faint brilliance flowing on its surface.

Wu Dao took out the Evil Dragon Token and then teleported everyone inside.

Without any warning, an army filled with death energy appeared out of thin air in this vast square.

Among them, Leng Yanfei, Zi Xiao, and Dead General were also there.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!" The two million death warriors knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully.

"Get up!" Wu Dao raised his hand, carefully sensed their current state, and was immediately startled.

Lower saint!

Two million death warriors, all low-level saints.

The realms of Death General, Leng Yanfei and Zi Xiao have reached the level of Saint.

"Okay! Not bad." Wu Dao smiled very satisfied.

"Your Majesty summoned us, it must be something big," the dead general said.

Wu Dao nodded and said: "You have been born for so long, but you have not experienced a single battle. This is the time to show your edge."

"Roar! We are willing to remove all obstacles for Your Majesty, level the world, and wipe out all the wastes!" 2 million death warriors roared in unison.

"This is inevitable!" Wu Dao nodded with satisfaction, and then said loudly: "Today you go back to rest for a day, and tomorrow you will join me in the battle against the Heavenly Soul Void God Realm."

"Yes! I'm resigning!"

The two million death warriors responded and then left in an orderly manner. Practicing in the God Refining Tower consumes a lot of energy, so it is necessary to take a day off.

They are people too, not machines.

"You guys should go back and rest for a while!" Seeing that Leng Yanfei, Zi Xiao, and Dead General were still there, Wu Dao asked them to go down too.

"Yes!" The three of them responded and left one after another.

Looking at the vast land ahead, Wu Dao said to himself: "The weak eat the strong, the king of the city defeats the bandits, and he builds his reputation through killing!"

PS: Thanks to book friends: Black Heart. Zhang Jiajun turned around. ten years. ………………. blank. Girl love doctor. No immortal sword. Start with invincibility. Frozen, Tianjuan’s reward

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