Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 211: All test of combat power [3000-word chapter]

(A three-thousand-word chapter! One book coin for every two hundred words, so this chapter costs 15 book coins!)

Early the next morning, under the Ancient Tree of Destiny, 2 million Death Soldiers, Leng Yanfei, Zi Xiao, Death General, and Wudao were all sitting cross-legged.

Using Wu Dao as a guide, you can lead them to their own place.

Soon, everyone's souls were out of body.

The Tianhunxu God Realm is so vast that even chaos cannot explore how big it is. Even the energy of chaos cannot dominate the entire universe like it can in the outside world.

No matter how strong you are, when you come to the Tianhunxu God Realm, you will be suppressed by the realm, this is absolute.

In the vast Heavenly Soul Realm, all the realm areas combined are countless. No one can explore each area to its end, let alone the entire Heavenly Soul Void God Realm.

The current Emperor Tianyu is very uneasy, and people are still talking about the big event of a mysterious man attacking the next SSS-level station with his own strength.

And that's not all, this news is now not only spreading in the Emperor Tianyu, but also being exaggerated in other areas.

Of course, no one would believe it without seeing it with their own eyes. People are curious. Geniuses with five-star combat power entered Tianhun City one after another with curiosity and teleported over to watch.

When the geniuses who came from across the domain saw that an SSS-level station was really attacked, they were shocked.

Even now, outside the SSS-level station captured by Wu Dao, countless people are watching, pointing and talking.

"I wonder who that mysterious man is. He is truly a legend! One man swept through an SSS-level station, creating a feat that has never been done before or since."

"I really want to see his true appearance. Such a legendary figure must be a man of unparalleled magnificence and a godlike appearance."

The crowd here has everything.

In the station, in the square to the east, Wudao and others appeared out of thin air.

After arriving, both Wu Dao and the 2 Million Death Soldiers were all dressed in brown cloth. On the spot, Wu Dao saw his own clothes.

The two million death warriors also revealed their true faces. They were not ugly in appearance. They all looked to be around 25 or 26 years old, but their actual age was unknown.

The Death General has hollow eyes, and there are many lines formed by the death energy flowing on his face, covering his cheeks, and he looks very scary.


They found that all the clothes on their bodies were missing, and everyone looked confused and confused.

Wu Dao didn't explain the situation inside to them when they came in, so now they all looked confused and looked at themselves.

"This is the Tianhunxu God Realm. Nothing from the outside world can be brought in, so..."

Wu Dao briefly explained it to everyone, and then they were relieved.

"Line up and follow me to test your combat prowess." Finally, Wu Dao shouted.

The army rose and fell like a vast ocean, and soon formed a formation.

Then, under the leadership of Wu Dao, they headed straight outside the station.

Outside the station, there were countless people watching. At this moment, the huge station door suddenly opened, which immediately affected everyone's nerves.

Then, a large army wearing brown cloth, led by a handsome man also wearing brown cloth, rushed out from inside in a neat and uniform formation.

People widened their eyes and watched quietly as this large army passed by.

Two million was really too much, and it took a long time for them all to come out. Then the whole army rose into the air, flew straight into the distance at full speed and in an undisturbed formation, and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.

People haven't reacted yet.

"Come out. I finally saw someone come out today, and it was a scary-looking army. Let's chase~"

When he came back to his senses, he found that the army was nowhere to be seen. Many people in the crowd outside the station roared and rushed to the sky, wanting to see where the army was going.

Unfortunately, how could they catch up with the army of death flying at full speed? After chasing for a while, they had no idea where they were going.

"Hiss! It disappeared without a trace all of a sudden. How terrifying was that army?" No trace of the death army was found, and the scattered people in the sky were shocked.


An hour later, Wu Dao led 2 million death warriors to the outside of Tianhun City.

Undoubtedly, there was a large group of people behind him, and everyone's expressions were very shocked.

Wu Dao led the army without stopping outside the city. They entered Tianhun City in a mighty manner. Not a single death warrior was blocked by the pale white light curtain. After a long time, they all entered, and the one behind them was shocked. The jaws of the crowd were all over the place.

There are more than two million people, and they are all at least five-star combat power. The shocked people don't know what to say.

"It's really scary. Two million people are all five-star combatants! Let's go and follow them to see what they are going to do." Those with enough combat power greeted them and followed them to Tianhun City.

Those who did not have enough fighting power were blushing and felt that Tianhun City was discriminating against those with low fighting power.

Soon after, the news that a terrifying army came out of the SSS-level station and entered Tianhun City began to sweep through the Emperor Tianyu.

Soon, countless people came after hearing the news, and those who were not strong enough were still blushing.

Those who reached the battle strength standard rushed into Tianhun City one after another.

Wudao led an army of two million into the city, which naturally triggered the imperial guards in Tianhun City. However, when they saw that this army did not show any murderous intent, they did not come out to stop them.

Wu Dao led his army all the way to the test square. Wherever he passed, the aborigines moved out of the way one after another. They were all shocked to see that so many five-star combat geniuses came in this time.

In the end, Wu Dao led an army of two million people to the outside of the test square.

Many aboriginal people followed with curiosity, watching from a distance, not knowing what this army was going to do.

"I'm here to test how many stars your combat power is. Later, take your strongest stance and deliver the strongest blow to those stone tablets." Wu Dao pointed to the row in the test square. Arrange the test stone tablets and explain to everyone.

On the square, there are fifty stone tablets.

"Leng Yanfei, Zi Xiao, and Death General, you three will go test first." Wu Dao ordered.

"Yes!" The three of them responded, walked out, and landed not far from a stone monument.


At the same time, the three of them all unleashed their peak combat power. None of them had weapons and could only use energy to condense the weapons they used.

The dead general used a giant sword, Zi Xiao used a purple spear, and Leng Yanfei used nothing.

"Desolate Sword!"

At this moment, the dead general roared loudly, and in an instant his state was raised to the peak. The rich aura of death around him was vast and exuded a heart-stopping aura.


The death general's sword flew out across the sky with unparalleled ferocity. The sword with overwhelming death energy hit the test stone tablet with a bang. In an instant, the dark death energy rippled out like light waves.

Then, light burst out from the stone tablet, and a five-pointed star appeared.







Finally stopped at nine.

At this time, the aborigines looked horrified.

"Fulong Purple Thunder Breaking Divine Spear!"

At this time, another shout came to people's ears.

I saw Zixiao at this time, with a majestic purple energy all over his body, and his aura had climbed to its peak, and he stormed out with a loud shout.

The spear with purple brilliance flowed across the sky, and with a bang, it penetrated the test stone tablet, shooting out a series of sparks and crazy energy.

Finally, the five-pointed star on the stone tablet lit up, and when it ended, it stopped at nine stars and could not move any further.

"Hiss" another nine stars, and people gasped.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Leng Yanfei, wondering how many stars this goddess-like existence would achieve.

At this time, Leng Yanfei didn't have any breath coming out of her body. She looked very calm. She looked at the test stone tablet in front of her with cold eyes.

Then, she slowly raised her arms and pinched the test stone tablet in the distance with her five slender and delicate jade fingers.


With the power of a pinch, the stone tablet burst into bright light, and one five-pointed star lit up one after another.

People stared attentively.

Finally stopped at Jiuxing.

However, that's not all. After Nine Stars, there are changes.

Nine stars began to gather, and under people's wide-open eyes, they slowly formed a golden sun.

There was total silence in the field.

This is the fighting power of a young god!

No one is not shocked.

Leng Yanfei's ability surprised Wu Dao. She was very mysterious, and the power in her body made Wu Dao unable to see through it. Just at that moment, he felt a strange energy wave, which was powerful, ethereal, and invisible. Quality, very dangerous.

Even the dead general and Zi Xiao looked at Leng Yanfei with very fearful eyes.

"Oh my god! She is actually a young god." There were also many outsiders in the field. They were shocked by Leng Yanfei's fighting power just now. Now they came to their senses and exclaimed loudly in horror.

"Who are those three people? How could they be so terrifying? Two Nine Stars and one Young God. Oh my god, it's so terrifying."

"That's amazing, goddess, Long Yuxian is no longer my goddess, she is my real goddess!" Looking at Leng Yanfei who was so cold and aloof, she looked very proud.

Many people were shocked.

The three of them returned to Wu Dao and bowed in salute.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell here.

"It's him! The existence of the three-wheeled sun."

After seeing Wu Dao, countless aborigines couldn't help but blurt out.

Because, on that day, Wu Dao's deeds of inspiring the Three-wheeled Sun spread almost throughout the entire Tianhun City. The combat power of the Three-wheeled Sun shocked the whole city, including all the guardians of the Tianhun City.

Now seeing Wu Dao again, people can't help but be surprised.

Because the guardians of Tianhun City are paying great attention to him now. If they know that Invincible has appeared again, then they will definitely come to take a look in person.

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