Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 322: BAG-like existence

At noon, the sun was blazing in the sky and there was no cloud in the sky.

There are endless crowds of people running wildly on the endless prairie.

The army of death led the way, rolling towards the depths of the prairie, followed by countless people.

Who doesn’t like to see the excitement!

However, the crowd did not dare to follow too closely. Who knows when a terrorist war will break out!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom" After going tens of thousands of miles deep, suddenly, long and huge horns shot out from under the grassland.

Such an unexpected scene caused the frightened crowd to swarm back.

"Baa baa~ baa baa~ baa baa~"

Immediately afterwards, the cry of sheep kept ringing from the front.

Then there was a rumbling sound from the ground.

Then I saw a vast expanse of white sweeping across the endless prairie ahead, undulating like white waves, accompanied by the thunderous bleating of sheep.

Taking a closer look, there is an endless flock of sheep sweeping in front of them. There are so many that people are dazzled by the number of sheep and cannot sense how many there are at all.

And each sheep is very large in size, like a hill, and now it is like a tsunami, rushing towards them.

The aura fluctuations emanating from the sheep are all at the peak of the Great Emperor, and all have nine-star combat power. There are many, many, many more than the army of death.

Wu Dao didn't want to waste time and rushed to the front. He had to pick up Long Yuxian later!


Wu Dao landed and exploded into his current strongest state. A purple galaxy scroll spread out from his body, and the scroll was within a hundred meters of him.

There are many purple and black stars rotating in the scroll, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

"Go!" Wu Dao shouted.

swish swish

In an instant, the nine hundred and ninety-nine purple-black stars floating in the purple galaxy broke through the sky and shot out.

At the same time, the purple galaxy around Wu Dao converged into Wu Dao's body.

Boom boom boom!

The purple-black star exerted its power, rapidly growing in size, and finally turned into huge stars, like nine hundred and ninety moons, crowding the sky above the sheep in front, and then pressed down.

The aura of terror surged and rumbled, the grassland split open and turned into a crack like the Grand Canyon. The aura of terror in the air here soared to the sky.

Such a scene is very scary. 999 purple-black stars that are similar to the moon are all exuding a monstrous aura and falling at the same time. It is very scary.

The grassland below was evaporating, and all the sheep were lying on the ground.

The 2 million dead army was shocked and hurriedly stopped, looking at the scene in the distance in horror.

"Boom boom boom"

999 purple-black planets fell, the sky collapsed, and the earth cracked. There were deafening roars one after another. The entire grassland was shaking. Huge mushroom clouds rose up here, and the rolling cracks spread in all directions like canyons.

Almost all of that endless flock of sheep was crushed to pieces.

When Wu Dao waved, the purple-black stars that flooded the endless grassland in front of him all shrank in size and returned to his body.

The attack just now consumed one-third of Wu Dao's energy.

He killed tens of millions of sheep, all of which were at the peak of the Great Emperor and had nine-star combat power.

All he saw in front of him was that it had turned into a huge pit.

The hearts of the people watching were swaying. It was really terrifying. Each of those stars was so terrifying. 999 of them all appeared. No one in the same realm could resist it and would be crushed to death.

A single one is not something a person can resist.

Looking at Wu Dao's figure, people were a little frightened. Is this a monster? How could he be so powerful in the Great Emperor Realm? It was simply too much to live.

"Kill!" Wudao, who stood proudly in the sky, waved his hand.

"Kill!" The two million death warriors roared and continued to charge forward.

Because there are still many evil sheep ahead, and the 999 stars just now did not cover them all, resulting in many evil sheep not dying.

Wudao was not idle either and disappeared directly on the spot.

He knew that the SS-level restricted area was not that simple, and there would definitely be very tyrannical beings in the depths. After he was going to deal with the tyrannical beings in the depths, he would leave the rest to their army.

However, Wu Dao still underestimated the SS-level restricted area. Not long after he penetrated deep, he actually encountered the fierce sheep of the Emperor Yi Jie Tian, ​​and their combat power was still one Yang. The number was as much as one million. .

The army of death is vulnerable in front of it.

"The restricted area is indeed a restricted area, no matter who is allowed to enter." Wu Dao finally understood why this is called a restricted area. At the peak of the Great Emperor, this is your restricted area.

But for Wu Dao, it is not even a restricted area.

It should be noted that when attacking a restricted area, no matter which force it is, it is to advance slowly, attract monsters to kill, and engage in a war of attrition. After killing some guardian monsters in the restricted area, they retreat, recuperate, and continue to kill monsters.

If you want to attack the next restricted area, it is also very time-consuming. If you want to do it in one go, you need to have incredible combat power.

No one dared to do this.

When Wu Dao waved, 100 purple-black stars floated on the palm of his right hand.

Then, 100 purple-black stars burst out with evil light, and all of them broke through the sky.

Then the sky above the scattered fierce sheep grew larger, and then they all fell down.

Finally, a terrifying explosion occurred in that area. Because the energy flowing from the purple-black star was so terrifying, it hit the ground, causing the entire space to be filled with huge purple-black mushroom clouds.

In front of Wudao, the BAG, this Tianhunxu God Realm was like his back garden. What kind of restricted area was there for him, the BAG? Wudao just smiled and said nothing.

Look; the fierce sheep that killed millions of emperors was solved by him just like this.


Wu Dao continued to go deeper, and soon after, as expected, he encountered the fierce sheep with the power of one hundred thousand emperors, five tribulations, and one yang.

Without any unnecessary words, 100 big stars attacked and drowned them all.

More than half of the energy in Wu Dao's body has been consumed.

But it didn't matter, he continued to go deeper, and finally encountered ten fierce sheep from the Emperor's Nine Tribulations Heaven.

Needless to say, the fate of the fierce sheep was suppressed by Wu Dao.

Finally, I don’t know how far I went, and what I saw was no longer a grassland. A large sparkling lake appeared in front of me. In the large lake, there were actually small trees taking root one after another on the water, and on each small tree , bearing three sheep-shaped fruits, all white with a faint brilliance flowing through them.

There are a total of 12 small trees taking root on the big lake. They seem to be shrouded in a mysterious force and cannot release any spiritual light.

Wu Dao didn't know what kind of fruit it was or what its use was. He looked around and found that there was no fierce sheep guarding this place, which was strange.

If you want to break into this place, almost no one can do it except Wu Dao.

The initial wave of fierce sheep attacks can stop countless people.

Wu Dao didn't believe that it would be that simple here, but he was not afraid and appeared next to the little beard in a flash.

Suddenly, Wu Dao's hair stood on end. Without thinking too much, Evil Emperor Jiuji stepped out and disappeared.

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